• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 5,755 Views, 144 Comments

SCP-1946 "The Stable Door" - BetaGravGear

Just another day in the Foundation, another SCP found, but what lies within is diffent than usaul

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A/N- I would like to thank DJ Leftwing for becoming a pre-reader for this story to help out with the grammar problems that have been pointed out


Specialized Experimental Task Force Omega-8: “Armored Souls”

Lead by Omega-8-1: “Templar”

Overseer: “Havoc”

Operation: “New Bloom”

Objective: Protect Foundation resources as they investigate a new possible SCP that could provide a solution to a recent problem. Radio link will be established via new routines based off recent developments in SCP research. Proceed with caution as it is believed that the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) has been more active in the area. It is also believed that the Unusual Incident Unit of the FBI is investigating the area as well. Once location of SCP is found set up a defense perimeter to ensure no unauthorized personnel gets through.

Deadly Force is authorized against all hostiles and unknowns

“This is Nu-1 Lead, how copy?” Pulse stated into the radio he held in his hands.

“Nu-1 Lead, this is Control, call sign “Big Shield” reporting,” stated an intelligent sounding female voice from the radio. “Updates to your orders have been processed and are as follows: find out exactly what new SCP-1946 is, and its capabilities. Omega-8 will provide additional security to perimeter as ordered by Overseer “Havoc”. Hostiles have been sited within three klicks of your last broadcasted position, so caution is advised. Additional resources should arrive within a few hours. Over.”

“Roger. New objective is to research new subject until additional resources arrive. Exactly what kind of hostiles are we looking at? Over,” Pulse asked.

“That information is only needed to be known by Omega-8 personnel,” stated Big Shield. “Your only worry should be researching SCP-1946. Big Shield reporting out.” After finishing the radio conversation, Pulse handed the radio back to Omega Lead.

“We will make sure nothing gets anywhere close to this chamber,” Omega Lead stated solemnly as he started to make his way towards his task force that was situated outside of the main chamber.

“Well, at least now we know why they’re here. Though why would we need extra security if we already have our own personnel?” asked a now confused Trench as he looked towards the only entrance to the chamber. Outside of that exit were two visible units, both heavily armored personnel that were part of Omega-8. Their armor looked like it could withstand a blast from a tank. They both carried large shields and a large menacing looking weapon that appeared as if it could take on an entire battalion.

“Something tells me they’re hiding a big part of exactly what’s happening,” began a now concerned Pulse. “Those two look like they are made to take on an entire army.” Pulse glanced at the subject of their research. “Something tells me this arch is more important than we think,” he stated with a hint curiosity.

“And something tells me that these hostiles are more than just treasure hunters,” said a now thoughtful Trench. “The question is who are these people and exactly how many will there be?”

“I think we shouldn’t worry about all that, it seems that Omega will take care of that problem when it comes,” said Pulse as he looked at his men working on their current task. “I think all we should do right now is focus on the task at hand and figure out exactly what this thing is.” As Pulse finished his sentence he started towards the mysterious obsidian arch so he could help out in the research.

“I guess you’re right,” stated a now downed Trench, who was hoping to actually see some combat for once. He started to make his was towards the statues to see if he could figure out what their exact purpose was. As he neared the statues he snatched the phone away from Hole and kicked Grave-Digger awake. Sandy looked towards her lead so she could hear what he was going to say.

“All right, listen up,” Trench started with a commanding edge to his voice. “No more lounging around or sleeping. We are all to research the statues and arch to figure out exactly what they do. I do not care if you are security or research personal, we are all going to look over these strange artifacts so we can try to get this done quicker,” He finished as he scanned the three people who were surrounding him.

“So I guess that means no combat for us then,” Grave-Digger stated flatly, taking off his helmet and placing it on the pedestal of the human statue. “Well, at least we get to live another day, though why do we all have to work towards it now? Isn’t that usually a main forces job?”

“We were ordered to by a higher command,” Trench said, looking at the tired security unit. “All we do know now though is that this arch is more important than we originally thought, and we have to figure it out A.S.A.P.”

“And you think that these statues have something to do with the arch and what it does then?” asked Mirage, who was now standing in front of Trench with a thoughtful look on his face.

“Yes, I do think that these statues hold some importance to the task at hand, so we better start studying them,” Trench stated. “If we split the task force in half, we would have someone for each statue. So Picks and Ore get over here and help us now!” he yelled at the two who were doing almost nothing. They both started to jog over to Trench and his now complete statue research team.

“All right, now let’s start with the statues,” Trench said to his team as he walked over to the Alicorn statue, “and someone wake up the lazy ass sleeping by that griffon statue. Now!” He yelled, irritated by the fact someone slept through his short briefing. Mirage quickly shook Black Hole awake and informed him of the current task to be done.

As each person took their respective statue, Pulse got his group together so he could inform them of what needed to be done.

“Listen up, we need to research and find out what that arch is for A.S.A.P.,” Pulse said with authority in his voice. “Have any of you found anything useful yet?” he asked his group.

“The carvings on and around the arch seem to be of an unknown origin,” Spectrum stated with curiosity in his voice, “and how that got carved into it is a mystery as well. Some of the symbols do represent magical glyphs, and that could explain how the carvings got there. Considering the age of the arch, that seems like the most likely answer.”

“The structure of the arch suggests that it is made to be some kind of portal,” Quantum began with a look of thought on his face. “It is constructed in a rather unique way though. It seems that the inner edges are coated with some kind of special mineral, similar to the ones that were found in the jewel that was imbedded on the arch. I think there might actually be a way to activate it, but I have yet to find that part out,” he finished with a small nod of the head.

“The jewel seems to be a catalyst of some sort,” Stasis started his report as he eyed the jewel. “It has some rather strange abnormal properties; some that we have seen and others that we have yet to experience. It could be the key to activating the portal, but first we need to find out what is needed to start the chain reaction that will open it up.”

“So we actually do have an idea of what it does then!” exclaimed an astounded Pulse. “But we have to make sure before reporting it to command. And then we also have to figure out exactly where it goes.” Pulse started to think for a second then came up with an idea, “Portal, come over here now!” he yelled excitedly.

As the two task forces were researching their subjects, Omega-8 was preparing for a now confirmed assault on the cave. Omega-1, “Templar”, was making sure all his units were placed in the right spot and ready for the attack.

“Templar to Omega, are all of you in position and ready?” Templar called in on his integrated mic.

“Centurion here, me and Paladin in position at entrance and ready to tear ‘em up sir,” Omega-8-2 stated proudly through his mic as he looked at Omega-8-4, “Paladin”, on the other side of the cave entrance. Both of them had their shield raised and submachine gun pointed at the opening of the cave.

“Assassinio reporting, poised and ready for attack,” Omega-8-3 keyed in as he waited in a very small area near the entrance to the main chamber. He quickly checked his special armguards with built in blades and pistol, making sure both were in working order.

“Samurai in position and holding to support,” Omega-8-5 called in while he checked his Katana for any chinks. Satisfied with its condition he sheathed it and pulled out his F2000 assault rifle, training it on the entrance to the passageway that led to the main chamber.

“Gaesatae is here and ready to blow them away,” Omega-8-6 stated in a cold whisper, his sniper zeroed in on the entrance to the cave. His nest was above Centurion and Paladin’s current position. Gaesatae checked his calculations one last time before returning to his sights and awaiting the enemy.

“Spartan and Guardian in final hold position sir,” came the deep resonating voice of Omega-8-7, as he and Omega-8-8 stood in their specialized exo-suit armor in front of the entrance to the main chamber. Both stood ready to defend the entrance at all costs. One finial system check of the suit systems produced an all green status and both then waited to see if they would be needed.

“Roger, all units are green and ready to defend,” Templar stated into the com system. “Enemy is about three and a half klicks away. Size is believed to be in the hundreds. Remember, nothing gets in that main chamber. For the Foundation!” yelled a pumped up Templar as he took his position in the main chamber, checking his integrated systems and latest intel.

Meanwhile, in the other dimension:

As the six mares went into the gold mist they started to feel strange; Twilight being one of the first ones to notice the feeling. She felt as if all her good magic was being drained away and replaced with some kind of dark energy. Applejack started to feel paranoid about everything around her. Rarity felt like smearing mud all over her. Fluttershy started to become more loud and assertive. Pinkie started to feel depressed and sad, and Rainbow Dash started to feel like she was the lowest form of life in Equestira.

“Ah dunno 'bout you, but this place is makin' me feel a might strange,” said Applejack as her eyes darted from side to side rapidly.

“Me? Feel off? Never!” stated Fluttershy with pride. “As a matter of fact, I’m ready to go up to that castle and show whatever is in there a piece of my mind!” she yelled out as she thrust one hoof up into the air.

“Could you please stop talking so loud?” Pinkie asked sadly as she watched the ground go by as she walked.

“At least she has something to talk about,” Rainbow Dash solemnly added, looking hopelessly through the gold mist.

“Would you all stop your bellyaching and just keep moving toward the castle?” hissed Twilight as she glared at her friends. As the six advanced deeper into the mist and into the aura, the effect became even more pronounced.

“I swear this castle could use more black instead of all those pesky gems,” said Rarity as she looked at the ever approaching castle with thought.

“I believe the jewels are much better because of the fact that their crystalized structure would allow it to survive more harsh attacks,” stated a now very thoughtful Rainbow Dash.

As they went into the entrance of the castle they noticed that neither the aura, nor the mist were present inside. The strange feelings that they had developed slowly started to go away.

“What just happened?” asked a now bewildered Twilight as she looked around for any trace of the aura.

“Ah think we all just went nuttier than a fruitcake,” responded Applejack as she shook her head rapidly to get the last of the strange feeling out.

“I’m more interested in all these gems. I’ve never seen so many in one place, let alone making up a building!” exclaimed an amazed Rarity as she eyed the surrounding jewels with a look of hunger in her eyes.

“Now let’s focus. We have to find out where that aura is coming from,” Twilight reminded them as she tried to summon her magic to help track the strange glow, but as soon as her horn was lit it began to flicker. Soon after, the light disappeared altogether. “Now this is strange, I can’t even do simple magic,” Twilight stated, now even more determined to find out what was going on.

“Um Twilight, I think I might’ve found it,” Rainbow Dash said with a small quiver in her voice.

“Really? Where?” responded the lavender unicorn, now excited to know that the search would not take near as long as she thought it would.

“Over there,” said the Rainbow Dash as she pointed behind Twilight. Twilight followed the pointing hoof and suddenly felt herself grow cold at what she saw. Behind her on the wall was what appeared to be an archway that led to a staircase, and coming from the archway was the strange aura, mixed with a deep crimson mist. As the six approached it, they were hit with a strong odor, similar to that of rusty iron.

“I really don’t think this is a good idea Twilight,” Fluttershy whimpered as she hid behind Rainbow Dash.

“Come on, we’ve made it this far,” Twilight began, albeit with fear apparent in her voice. “We have to keep going so we can find out exactly what this aura is.”

“I agree with Fluttershy on this one dear. That arch just looks absolutely horrifying,” stated a semi-frightened Rarity as she looked at the strange vapor coming from the stairwell.

“Yeah, and my Pinkie Sense is going even crazier than, well… me,” Pinkie nervously added.

“Ah say we wait here for the princesses. Better safe than sorry ya' know,” Applejack said as she looked worriedly toward Twilight.

“But what if it’s too late then?” Twilight questioned, her own voice starting to betray her bravery, “It is our job as the Elements of Harmony to investigate disturbances that could endanger the balance of Equestria. Now are we going to let some strange looking mist stop us from finding out what’s happening?” Twilight finished, her voice now having a little bit of hope in it.

“I’ll go with Twilight on this one,” Rainbow Dash stated with confidence as she looked toward the strange stairwell. “We might even find something awesome down there.” She then went through the arch and down the stairs, with Twilight following soon after. And then one by one, they all went down.