• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 5,756 Views, 144 Comments

SCP-1946 "The Stable Door" - BetaGravGear

Just another day in the Foundation, another SCP found, but what lies within is diffent than usaul

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Symbols of Contact

Memorandum # [Redacted]

For: New Bloom Initiative Overseers and Directors

Subject: Recent Findings from NewBloom and Actions Being Taken

As you all know, the New Bloom Initiative has been in the works for a few years. You all have put in a lot of hard work and effort up till now ensuring everything went as planned. It has all finally paid off. Recent surveying of a rock formation in [Redacted] has shown a rather unusual, but familiar energy. This energy has been given off of several SCPs in our inventory, such as; 173, 035, 111, 152, and [Redacted]. This type of energy is only found on these SCPs and now this one single location, which means we might have just found a big part of the puzzle. We want to act on this information as quick as possible so we will start preparing immediately and set out by the end of the week. The Task Forces that are suggested to be on this operation shall be Rho-8, Nu-1, Zeta-9, and Omega-8. This shall be the TFs to go for now, though could change at any instance. This is the break that we have been searching for, let us use it to our full advantage and make sure we do not lose it to anyone.

PS to Overseer ‘Havoc’: Your TF shall deploy even though they still have four months of training chalked up. Consider this an extra challenge to your abilities and your men’s skills.

“Finally, a small break” Templar stated as he looked toward the entrance to the chamber, bodies littering the floor in-between. Not long after the small group had disappeared into the portal, the waves of GOC seemed to get bigger and bigger. Though oddly enough, it seemed that the body count did not match. Templar saw this break as a perfect chance to tell the other TF leaders about his findings about their enemies. He quietly signaled for Trench and Pulse to come toward him. Both walked up to him and started to listen.

“I think we might be fighting something different than the GOC” Templar started, pausing for the question he knew one of the leaders would ask. Pulse spoke it word by word.

“I think we both agree, the numbers are too high to be a group like the GOC, but then that leaves the question as to who this really is and why are they impersonating the GOC” He stated as he studied the bodies littering the floor of the cavern. Templar let a little chuckle out as he grabbed the head he got from before and showed it to both leaders. They both recoiled a bit, but then noticed the same thing he did. On the back of the neck were two words which made them both of their hearts skip a beat, The Factory. Following the trademark of one of the most elusive organizations the Foundation knew was a symbol that looked like tomahawk comprised of two triangles and a crescent shape. After a few moments of silence between the leaders, Trench was the next to speak about the current situation.

“So they are all robots made by The Factory... makes sense, but still leaves some holes in this” He started as Pulse took over.

“How could they build such advanced robotics,” Pulse started as he took the head from Templar and examined it closely, “and make it so lifelike that we actually thought we were fighting the GOC” he finished his question as Templar took the head back and pointed to the unknown symbol.

“The answer lies in this strange symbol” Templar stated as he looked toward the downed robot, each of them extremely lifelike and containing an AI that he guessed surpassed anything that even the Foundation could develop. “Whatever this symbol means,” Templars face showed nothing but thought and concentration as he looked back to the other two leads, “has a power that is more advanced anything we have ever seen.” Templar handed the head to Pulse, telling them both to show the symbol to their men to see if any of them recognized it. Both leaders left Templar to show the symbol to their teams as Templar rounded up his own men to do their own analysis. Centurion was the first to point out what was gained from the conversation they just listened in on.

“So we are actually fighting intelligent robots that seem to have been developed by The Factory and some unknown group using AI that has most likely only been seen in certain SCPS” He asked his leader who gave a quick nod to his observations. “Of course, so does this mean a new SCP or something… could be like 1713 which just produces them and…” Centurion was quickly cut off.

“Except 1713 automatons stay in 1713 and are usually non-hostile” Gaesatae stated as he stared coldly at Centurion. “Plus these show advanced tactics and verbal skills while still being completely organic. Not a single bit of electrical energy readings apart from regular equipment and regular human thermal levels. Whatever these things are, they are neither robots nor regular humans.” He concluded as he looked toward Templar. “Has The Factory ever developed something sentient or organic before?” he asked, to which Templar could only shake his head.

“As far as I know, there hasn’t been.” Templar responded as he looked toward Samurai. “I need you to search though the databases to see if there has ever been such an SCP” He told him, to which Samurai gave a quick nod and moved away so he could research in some peace. Templar then turned back to Gaesatae. “I need you to look over these bodies to see just what the hell we are dealing with here, and maybe also shed some light on some weaknesses.”

“Searching the dead, always a fun task.” He responded coldly as he moved toward a mass of bodies to analyze them. Templar then turned to Centurion and Paladin.

“I need you two to try and find a living subject so we can do a more through analysis of what these things are. Also keep an eye out for them coming towards us, something tells me they are getting ready for another assault.” Both men gave an acknowledgement then started toward the entrance of the cavern to scout. Templar finally turned toward both of his Behemoths. “Lastly, I need you two to watch the other TFs. Orders might come down from Havoc and I don’t want them catching wind of anything before I do.” Templar received a ‘yes sir’ from both of them and watched as they took a good spot for observing the other TFs discretely. Now with a moment to himself, Templar couldn’t help but think about something. What exactly was the Foundation accomplishing with this whole ‘NewBloom’ thing, and why were so many details being kept from him and his men. Whatever it was, he knew he had to get to the bottom of it, and it all started with the portal and what lay beyond it.

The portal spit the mixed TF members out in a jumbled up mess before quickly reverting back to its stable state. The assorted members slowly started to get untangled and back on their feet before taking in their new surroundings. They saw statues similar to the ones back at the Cavern, Jewels covering the entire area, more strange symbols, multicolored ponies that were staring at them, a black SCP 173, ano… Picks eyes widened at the all too familiar figure as he stuttered to warn the others in the group as he raised his gun, only to be stopped by Magnets who walked right up to the statue and knocked right on its head.

“No need to worry Picks,” He said as he kicked the statue to the ground which caused the strange pony creatures to gasp, “It really is just a statue like the one back at the Cavern.” Mirage came forward as he studied the symbols on the statue and arch.

“These symbols are the exact same as the ones back at the chamber, same for the statues correct?” He asked as he slowly stood up only to get pushed out of the way by Picks who wanted to get a closer look at the look-alike.

“Yeah, only these ones look much less broken… maybe the arch plays the Song of Healing when someone travels through it or…” Picks what cut short by Grave-Digger who kicked him right in the back of the head, a annoyed expression on his face.

“Or maybe we went to another location, you know like portals tend to do” Grave-Digger stated coldly as he placed a foot on body of Picks to prevent him from getting back up and start talking again. Mirage spoke as he seemed to somehow look of in the distance.

“But then that leaves the question of where we are, or even when we are” He questioned again, this time prompting an answer from Magnets.

“Well judging by our surroundings I would say…” He was quickly cut short by a raised voice coming from the direction of the strange equine beings. The six figures stopped all their commotion to look towards the beings, which they now counted out to be seven. Six of them seemed to be ponies of different types of equines of mythology in varying colors while the other seemed to be some kind of Unicorn Pegasus horse thing with a rainbow for a mane. The one who yelled, a lavender unicorn with purple hair, was looking at the group with a mix of anger and confusion. She, at least they all thought it was a she by the pitch of the yell and the coloration, repeated herself once again.

“I said, just what are you and why can you speak our language?” she asked as she cautiously got closer. The others of the group seemed to be a mix of scared, cautious, and curious. Though one looked like she was about to faint. Mirage, ignoring the question all together, continued on his observations.

“Well that confirms we are no longer on the Earth, or at least the one we are from. The fact that they are speaking our langue though does provide some insight, though I do not know exactly what it means.” He finished as Portal nodded his head in agreement before the lavender unicorn once again started to talk.

“Wait, aren’t you even scared of us or even curious?” she asked timidly, which was quickly answered by a laugh from Picks, who was once again on his feet and heading towards the unicorn. Once he got close to her he crouched down and started talking directly to her. She started to shake as he spoke.

“You see,” he started as he began to use cliché gestures to tell their story, “we have seen all kinds of strange and horrifying things. From organic motherboards, to keys that kill, to indestructible monsters, to killer piñatas, too… well I think you see the point. Those things are pretty freaky and can cause nightmares. Now you, small purple equine with a small horn, you are about as scary as a Goomba. Now leave us alone so we can get back to business” Picks concluded as he patted the unicorns head and rejoined the rest of the group, leaving the equine creatures with their mouths wide open in astonishment.

“What the hay just happened?” the group heard as they got back into their discussion.

Author's Note:

So after a long time, I bring you the next chapter. I do hope it was worth the wait and I do apologize, I had to do a big move and had to go straight to work the day after I got there. Chapters will come out in much less time now and I have something special planned if I get enough likes.

PS. This is before grammar pre-read- will be updated after it goes through it.