• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 5,756 Views, 144 Comments

SCP-1946 "The Stable Door" - BetaGravGear

Just another day in the Foundation, another SCP found, but what lies within is diffent than usaul

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Through the Tainted Looking Glass

Request for new Task Force creation:
Due to the past few SCPs being more violent than before, I suggest that we create a new TF to help protect our resources and personal. This TF should be organized under the newly formed SCP experimental technology research group. The specifications should try to follow this baseline;
• Fully Combat Capable
• Multiple styles of combat
• Able to defend and attack against at least Euclid, One part of TF must be able to hold grounds against Keter level SCPs
• Use a specialized variety of weapons that are adaptable
• Make use of the latest technology the Foundation has to offer
• Be deployed alongside normal TFs to help defend them
• Have In-Depth Knowledge of various SCPs
{Redacted} ‘Havoc’ Sec. Level 4

Dear Havoc,

Your request has been processed and approved with minor changes. Agents have already been dispatched to find suitable men to create the test unit. You have been deemed the director of this new group, and as such have been promoted to Level 5. You will be allowed to interview the men brought in from various parts of the world to pick who you think is the most capable of the new group. Notes on the technology at your disposal has already been put into your box, review it and pick what you think will help your TF out. We think you have a good idea here {Redacted}, but I will be the first to warn you. If your men are not ready by their first deployment, then there will be consequences. Your Task Force shall be known as ‘Armored Souls’ and are following these guidelines:

1. Shall be formed from various Special Operations Group and Mercenary personal

2. Shall be formed under the ‘New Bloom’ initiative

3. Will have access to new technology formed under the SCP R&D group

4. Will have at least a year to train before their first deployment

5. Will consist of- at least one marksman, at least two riflemen, at least one CQB specialist, one leader, and at most two area defenders.
Further details will be given as needed. Until then start preparing for the arrival of your ‘might-bes’.
Overseer {Redacted}

The sounds of gunfire echoing through the chamber entrance causing everyone to turn their heads quickly towards the opening. Both groups looked toward each other before looking back. Trench saw the anxious looks on most of the combined Task Forces faces, and decided to create some conversation while they waited for the battle to end.

“Since we might be down here a while before the research group gets here, why don’t we introduce ourselves. I don’t really think we all have had the chance to hear each other’s names yet.” Trench said with a smile. Everyone murmured to the person next to them and all nodded towards the Leader. “All right, I guess I will start then. My name is Maxwell Dieir, but everyone knows me as ‘Trench’. I was born in California, very close to the fault line. One of the few things you really need to know about me is that I always need to know what is going on; something happened a while back that could have all been avoided if I knew what was going on with my subordinates. I promise that if you keep any information from me, no matter how trivial you might think it is, your life will be hell. Now, why don’t you go next, Grave-Digger?” Trench said as he looked toward his bored looking companion. Grave-Digger shrugged his shoulders and stood up, taking a deep breath in and opening his eyes before he spoke.

“Yeah, my name is Samuel Namet,” He started with a yawn as he ran his hand through his stone gray hair, “but you better call me Grave-Digger. I come from a small town known as Viridian Town, which has one of the biggest cemeteries right next to it. The town had a huge tower that was haunted, and I actually got the name Grave-Digger because of that tower. I am the main security for our Task Force, which means a love action and hate just waiting around doing nothing though that does mean I get to rest a little bit more.” He said with a small chuckle as he yawned once again. “Only real thing you need to know about me is to never try to confront me, I have had some rather strange training back home. Some might even say ‘supernatural’ training.” A spine-chilling laugh came from the security head as he looked toward Sandy. “Your next beautiful, go ahead and make the crowd go wild” He stated flatly as he sat back down, his expression once again changing to one of extreme boredom. Sandy glared at Grave-Digger before clearing her throat and speaking to the combined group with a voice full of confidence and obnoxious.

“Hello, my name is Sandy Wails and-“an explosion from the entrance of the chamber cut her off. Everyone quickly looked toward the sound and observed the two heavy Omega troops looking towards something down the bunker, bringing their heavy weapons up with them. Seconds after they saw the rest of Omega run through the opening, Lead rushing towards the group. Before he even got to them he started shouting out to them.

“Get anyone who can activate the portal out of here now!” He yelled out as he got to the group. Everyone looked at him confused as the rest of Omega caught up, the sounds of a raging battle coming from the entrance. Trench started to open his mouth but was quickly cut off. “There is no time for discussion right now!” Omega Lead, still shouting, said toward the other leader. “Who knows how to activate this thing?” He said toward the two leaders. Pulse quickly spoke up to the frantic leader, a small hint of confusion coming off his voice.

“The only one who can activate it would be Portal, but why-“he was cut off by Omega lead once again.

“Get him out of here along with an escort NOW!” Omega Lead yelled as the sound of war slowly came closer and closer. Omega Lead looked back for a second before looking between the two leaders. “What are you waiting for, pick some escorts and send him through the portal now” He yelled angrily, glaring at the two leads. Pulse and Trench quickly looked at each other than toward their now very confused Task Forces. Each leader thought for half a second before coming to their conclusion on who to escort Portal.

“Mirage and Magnets go with Portal now!” “Grave, Picks go with the kid” both leaders yelled simultaneously, all of them quickly getting up and gathering their gear. The sound of bullets flying was echoing right from the entrance, signaling they had no more time to waste. “Assassinio go with them, make sure nothing happens to any of them” they heard Omega Lead yell out as the group got to the portal. Portal took out his phone and activated a small button from it, causing the portal to turn on once again thanks to the machinery. Portal grabbed the small cube right before he and the rest of the group ran through the portal, disappearing from sight for the men left inside of the cavern. The portal quickly deactivated after the group went through. Trench quickly looked towards Omega Lead, demanding an explanation for what had just happened. Before he could even get one word out, he was cut off once again by the now calmer Lead.

“I have very little time to explain,” he started quickly; his voice now softer, but still having a rigid end to it. “What I can say is that this chamber is about to be assaulted by a bunch of dangerous objects that cannot get access to what is through that portal.” He finished as he looked back toward the entrance once again, this time seeing his two heavy guards starting to fall back slowly, signaling it was time to bunker down.

“What do you mean objects, isn’t it the cult? And you do know what is thought there do-“ Trench was once again cut off as Omega turned around, looking toward the Task Force behind him. He let a small smile escape his lips as he spoke his next sentence.

“I already told you there is no time for explanations, the enemy is about to come in and we have to make sure they do not get to the portal.” He and the rest of Omega started to find cover to help them defend the area. “And you might want to find cover; this is going to be a long fight.” Letting a magazine fall from his weapon, Omega Lead reloaded his weapon.

“Wait, what about-“

“They won’t be coming, they got eliminated” Omega Lead stated flatly as the heavy guards quickly came through the entrance to take up a strategic defense position somewhere between the entrance and the portal. “Also just to tell you, you can call me Templar.” The small smile returning to his features as he aimed down his sights and started to fire toward the first wave of enemies coming through the entrance.


“I hope that you girls now understand the danger that you were in once you entered the castle,” Celestia said sternly “But I am glad that none of you got hurt” she said as she softened her voice. “This gateway is very dangerous and must not be re-activated” She stated as she glared at the ominous gateway. She noticed the soft glow coming from it, but decided that is was not enough for it to activate.

“What do you mean Princess, what makes this gateway so dangerous?” Twilight asks as she eyed the arch with mixed curiosity. She too started to notice the strange glow on the arch and floor.

“Usually, this would be something I would rather keep from everypony. But given the circumstances, I think you six should know.” Celestia stated as she took a more serious look to her face. “As you know, this castle was once mine and Luna’s home. One thing that most ponies have always wondered is why we made our home in the Everfree Forest. Something that many do not know about the forest is that it has a very special property. The strange attributes of the forest come from another universe, one where nature controls everything.” The regent heard various gasps echo through the room as she took a deep breath before continuing on, her features turning dark. “This room was created after Luna and I discovered that we could open a rift that leads to this new universe. Once we got there we were greeted by a strange group of creatures who seemed to have made their own gateway much like our own.”

Celestia stopped her story when she heard a faint whooshing sound that slowly got louder and louder. She looked toward the source of the sound to see that the gateway had activated, its gel like center quickly spitting out multiple strange looking forms. The six mares slowly started to back up as the strange figures stood. Celestia glared at the six shadows as they surprisingly put all their weight on two legs. They slowly looked around and saw the Princess and her little ponies. One turned their head to talk to the others and then slowly brought up a strange looking stick, holding it in front of what appeared to be a head.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Dr. Colgate AKA Viridian and Theirum for proofreading this chapter. Now I must ask, If you are good at drawing/art and interested in maybe doing some cover art for me, please send me a message. The SCP symbol is pretty cool, but I think it could be at least 20% cooler as well as my other stories cover art. Thank You.