• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 2,722 Views, 124 Comments

Ponies and Pactios: A Negima Crossover - funkyferret

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"Where the Heck am I?" by Negi

"Where the Heck am I?" by Negi

Negi Springfield was floating in a void. His thoughts were fragmented; random images flashed before his eyes. Memories and emotions swirled together. There was something important he needed to remember... it was floating just out of his grasp. He reached out for it and it snapped firmly into view. The darkness... it was coming. His students were in grave danger. Thrusting himself into consciousness, he opened his eyes. "Everyone, run away!" Negi yelled to his class.

"What? A foreigner?" an unknown female voice responded. The words were spoken in English for some reason.

Heart pounding, he looked around. Despite his blurred vision and the rooms dim lighting, he could tell that he wasn't on the school grounds anymore. From the feel of it, he was laying in bed. "What happened? Where are all my students?" he wondered. "I remember that the girls found out about my magic... I was to be stripped of my powers and changed into an animal. Then the darkness came out of nowhere. I remember Chamo reaching for me and then... nothing. Where am I?"

He struggled to focus on his surroundings. His body felt odd, his head was pounding, and his vision was still blurry. He reached up to check if his glasses were still on. A blunt hoof met a short muzzle, sending rapid signals shooting down already tender nerve endings. Negi grunted in pain. "Did the transformation happen after all? If so, why can I still feel my magic?" His magic reserve was still there, as it had been every other day in the ten years of his life. However, the level was much lower than it had ever been before... he had barely a trickle of energy left.

"Are you alright?" There was that voice again. It was odd to hear someone speaking English in Japan without it being heavily accented. The girl spoke slowly and enunciated, as if she thought he had trouble understanding her. She had to be relatively new to the country if she had yet to grasp the native language.

"Y-yes thank you," he replied in English. He looked around vainly, still unable to make out anything in the dim light. "Are you the one who has been taking care of me?"

"Wait... you speak Equestrian?" The voice sounded puzzled.

Negi was confused. He was still struggling to get his thoughts in order. "Umm... I'm not sure what you're talking about. I seem to be missing my glasses, and its rather dark in here. Just where are you?"

"Oh sorry, I'll turn on a light." The voice was apologetic.

A lamp lit, temporarily blinding him. He rubbed his eyes until he could focus again. There was something wrong with his hands. He looked down at a pair of brown hooves. "A horse? So I did transform." He looked himself over carefully.

"Sorry, I should have warned you before I turned the light on," the voice said. "Are you alright? What were you shouting about earlier?"

He turned towards the speaker. Any response he had died in his throat. He was looking at a purple horse, one about twice his size. He couldn't make out very many details, beyond that the speaker had a lavender coat and a dark purple mane and tail. He looked around, but there wasn't anyone else in the room.

The movement of the horse's mouth indicated that this was indeed the owner of the voice. "My friend Rarity has your glasses right now. They broke when you fell out of that weird black cloud... just what was that thing anyways?"

"Black cloud? The darkness!" The urgency of his situation came back to him. He needed to get back to his students right away so that he could protect them from the darkness. The mage tried to sit up, but the movement made his head spin, halting any further progress. He found himself pitching sideways instead.

A pair of hooves steadied him. Though they belonged to an equine, they were surprisingly warm. "Easy there," the horse said. "You shouldn't exert yourself so much right after waking up from a head injury."

"B-but I have to help my students, how far is it to Mahora Academy?"

She frowned at him. "You must have hit your head pretty hard," she said in a soothing tone. "A little colt like you is too young to have 'students', and I've never heard of this 'Mare-hora' place... you're in Ponyville right now."

He blinked. "Am I even in Japan anymore?" he wondered aloud.

She cocked her head at him. "Neighpon? That's halfway around the world. This is Equestria."

Despite his scattered thoughts, the young teacher was pretty sure no country with such a name existed on Earth. A number of questions flew through his mind. "Where the heck am I? This purple horse who has been helping me... is she another cursed mage like I am?" he wondered briefly. For the most part, his thoughts were focused on the main matter at hand "... How do I get home?"