• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 2,723 Views, 124 Comments

Ponies and Pactios: A Negima Crossover - funkyferret

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"Put Me Down You Crazy Bluebird!" by Chamo

"Put Me Down You Crazy Bluebird!" by Chamo

"Well, this certainly didn't turn out as planned," Chamo said, rubbing the back of his head. He stared down at the two unconscious unicorns in front of him for a moment before running up to the smaller one and tapping him on the snout. "Negi, are you okay?"

The colt did not respond, though his breathing was even and he showed no signs of damage from his impact with the floor after he passed out mid-spell.

Chamo began pacing back and forth. "Alright I gotta think this through. What could have happened? There was obviously a magical overload of some sort, but why? There's no way I could have messed up the pactio. This place's crazy magic must have interfered with the spell. Yeah that's it, it's not done messing up my life." Tears filled the ermine's eyes. "Oh to return to the carefree days at Mahora... I'd even take Asuna's attacks over this nuthouse."

The front door of the library slammed open, and a blue pegasus flew in. "Twilight, what were all those crazy lights about--" The mare took in the scene before her with a quick glance, eyes lingering on her prone friend. Her eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared. In the time it took him to blink, Chamo found himself hanging upside down by his tail in the angry pony's grasp. "Alright you little weasel, what did you do to Twilight?" she demanded.

"I-it wasn't my fault, there was an accident with the spell," the ermine spluttered. "And I'm not a weasel!"

The pegasus snorted and shook him a bit, making him swing back and forth like a pendulum. "Yeah right. I heard how you scared Fluttershy, you slimy weasel. There's no way I'm going to believe you."

"Read my lips, I'm an ermine! I'm way bigger and more manly than some scrawny weasel. I didn't do anything wrong, so put me down you crazy bluebird!" Chamo's face was turning red from the blood rushing to his head.

"Why you little..." the pony bared her teeth at him.

Just then, the front door opened and Spike walked into the library carrying a small package. "Twilight, I got that book you wanted," he said. The little dragon blinked and looked around. "What the hay happened here? Why are the two of playing games while Twilight and Negi are laying on the floor?"

The blue pony dropped Chamo unceremoniously on his head and turned to the dragon, wings flared in anger. "You call this 'playing'? I'm trying to help Twilight! I'm interrogating this sorry lump of fur. How could you leave such an untrustworthy creature alone with Twilight, just to run a stupid errand?" She jabbed an accusing hoof at the package Spike had set down on the floor.

Spike crossed his arms and raised one eyebrow. "So, Rainbow, your idea of helping Twilight is leaving her passed out on the ground, possibly injured, while you beat up small mammals?"

The pegasus cast her eyes down towards the floor and shuffled her hooves. "I-I just... " she muttered, a slight blush rising on her muzzle.

Spike sighed. "Just help me get these two into bed, and then go get Fluttershy."

The blue pony nodded and flew over to her friend, picking her up gently and flying her upstairs to the bedroom.

"Her name's 'Rainbow', and she thinks the term 'bluebird' is insulting?" Chamo thought to himself, watching the pony as she returned to pick up Negi. The pony glanced his way and he froze under her harsh gaze.

"This isn't over, weasel," she said icily. Flicking her tail at him, she carried the young wizard upstairs.

"I'm not a weasel. Still, I'm glad that dragon was around to keep Bluebird in her place." Chamo muttered to himself as he made his own way up the stairs, albeit at a much slower pace. "These stupid ponies make their stairs too high," he grumbled ans he pulled himself up the steps.

Panting and shaking, he finally made it to the top of the stairs. He hurried into the bedroom and climbed up the bedspread to sit beside his friend. He quietly watched the pony sleep for a while, eyes filled with unshed tears. The slow rise and fall of the colt's chest was almost hypnotic. Chamo bowed his head. "I was in so much of a hurry to get out of here that I ended up pushing Negi into a dangerous situation," he thought. He smiled ruefully. "Sometimes I forget that my 'big brother' is so much younger than I am." Chamo patted the colt's cheek. "Sorry, bro, seems like I just set us back a step," he said softly. The shape under the covers moved, and Negi groaned. "Negi!" Chamo cried, reaching out towards his beloved friend. The colt bolted upright, sending the bedspread and the ermine sitting on it flying across the room with a stray bolt of magic.

Author's Note:

I've been working on Pactio cards for Twilight, and while I have a pretty clear idea in mind for her dud card, I need help deciding on the Rare and Cosplay cards. Please refer to the accompanying blog post in order to submit your ideas.

Edit: Added a line to Chamo's dialogue in order to tie this and the following chapter together better.