• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 2,722 Views, 124 Comments

Ponies and Pactios: A Negima Crossover - funkyferret

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"I Wonder if I Can Get Ermine Bucks for Contracts in Equestria?" by Chamo

"I Wonder if I Can Get Ermine Bucks for Contracts in Equestria?" by Chamo

Chamo sat silently beside the bed, watching his closest companion sleep. "How are we going to get out of this one, bro?" he muttered. He stretched himself out and sighed. At least the ponies had stopped pestering him. It seemed they had never heard of an ermine fairy before. It had taken over an hour to get them to calm down. "I guess even the ladies here can't resist me." He grinned lewdly, then sobered again as he thought again of his situation. "No tobacco, no undergarments, and a crazy rabbit after my hide? This place is nuts." The bed's occupant stirred dragging his attention back to it. "Negi!" he cried, hurling himself onto the colt.

Negi winced as the ermine slammed into his chest. "Ouch! Chamo, are you going to do this every time I wake up?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, bro, this place is just driving me nuts. I'm having some major withdrawal symptoms."

Negi nodded in agreement. "I know, I really miss Mahora and the girls too."

"S-sure, let's go with that." He looked away.

Despite his own poor condition, the young teacher noticed his friends discomfort. "Is something bothering you Chamo?" he asked.

Chamo's grip on is sanity slipped again. He grabbed hold of the colt's mane and shouted at him, "Wrong? Of course something's wrong! These stupid ponies don't smoke or wear underwear! It totally blows!"

Negi blinked at him in confusion.

"That's enough, you're aggravating the patient's condition," a cold female voice came from behind them. They both froze.

Chamo turned and offered his best disarming smile to the agitated purple unicorn standing behind them. "Sorry about that Miss Sparkle," he said formally, "It won't happen again." Despite his calm facade, inwardly the ermine squirmed at the unicorn's wrath. She had been quite... forceful with her magic when they first met, picking him up and prodding him with all sorts of diagnostic spells that made his fur stand on end.

She sighed. "Alright, just try to keep it down. This is a library after all." She turned and left the room.

Chamo waited until the clop of her hooves faded before turning back to Negi. He wiped some sweat from his brow. "Man, that horse is scary."

Negi patted him comfortingly. "She's just stressed out is all, she's really nice once you get to know her. Why don't you try talking to her?"

Chamo looked at him. "Will you be alright on your own for a while?"

"I'm not going anywhere for a while," the colt responded wryly.

"I'm sure you'll be up and about in no time." Chamo smiled at him reassuringly and jumped down from the bed. With a final look at his bed-ridden partner, he wandered off in search of the owner of the library.


"So, you're telling me he really is a wizard from another world, you're a fairy, and the two of you are here because of that 'darkness'?" the unicorn eyed him critically. They were sitting in the kitchen having tea. Chamo had spent the past few hours laying out the major events in the lives of Negi and himself and learning general information about their new surroundings. It had taken longer than it should have since the unicorn had insisted on taking detailed notes for some reason. The long-winded scientific monologues about Equestria's magical features hadn't helped either.

Chamo sipped his tea and nodded. "That's the gist of it, Sparkles." He grinned at her cheekily.

She frowned at him, but chose not to comment. Instead she turned back to the pages of notes she had spread out in front of her. "It's rather fascinating that magic in your world is based around spoken incantations, and it explains the gibberish he was speaking earlier. It's no wonder he had trouble with spells, unicorn magic is based on internal imagery, not audible words." She shifted the papers around a bit and picked up one with her magic. "You mentioned something called 'Pactio' magic and probationary contracts before, can you tell me more about them?"

Chamo paused, the cup suspended halfway up to his mouth. He carefully placed it back down on the saucer. Slowly a grin spread across his face. "So, you want to know more about contracts? The easiest way to learn would be to enter into one yourself."

The unicorn nodded her head sagely. "Hoofs-on experience would indeed help my research. It's not everyday a pony gets to study new unknown types of magic. How exactly does one enter into a contract?"

The ermine grinned at her broadly. "Why didn't I think of this before?" he wondered. "This might be just the answer to our problems! ... I wonder if I can get ermine bucks for contracts in Equestria." He winked at the unicorn. "It's easy, baby. All you got to do is share a kiss in a magic circle and you're golden!"

The unicorn blinked, her mane sticking out in odd directions. She blinked again and her face turned a lovely shade of pink. "M-maybe it's not such a good idea to try out undocumented magic first-hoof after all." She slowly got to her feet and wandered out of the kitchen unsteadily.

Chamo watched her go, rubbing his nose. "This might take more work than I thought. Well, it beats sitting around here feeling sorry for myself." Taking a deep breath, he jumped down from the table and chased after the flummoxed unicorn.