• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 1,462 Views, 34 Comments

XGRA: Ultrasonic Rainbow - Brotato

Rainbow Dash finds herself in a racing tournament that tests her skills to its limits.

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Ch.2: The invitation

Chapter 2

The invitation

"You're the egghead. You talk to them." Rainbow whispered as they both continued to stare at the strange bi-pedal creatures.

Twilight switched glances between Rainbow and the aliens on whatever transport they were on. She had never seen anything like them in her life, nor read anything about them. The thought that she was about to make first contact with another different species both excited and scared her.

She took a step forward and gave her best smile, which she hoped they would take as friendly, and spoke in a happy yet apprehensive voice.

"H-Hello? Can you understand me?"

One of the creatures had a lab coat that reminded her of the one she wore in her lab back home, except theirs were fitted for their bodies. From what she could guess by facial features, the creature was a male. He took a step forward and leaned towards her with one hand on his glasses. His eyes went wide with wonder. Just like herself after learning a new spell.

"Starting video now," he muttered. Twilight's keen sense of hearing picked it up and she tilted her head in confusion. She had no idea what a video was, nor how it started. "Hello. Yes, we can understand you." His smile only widened when he fully realized they both spoke English. "My name is "Miles Hemmingway. Or Just Miles if you wish. What's your name?".

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, and my friend here is Rainbow Dash." Rainbow gave a quick wave and greeting, which Miles returned with a nod. Twilight looked at the others behind him. "Not to be rude, but what exactly are you? Are the others friends of yours?"

A smile tugged at Miles' lips. "We're known as humans, or Homo sapien." Seeing the look in Twilight's eyes swiftly change from thoughtful to realization, he laughed. "Yes, we're giant monkeys."

This was quite a surprise for Twilight, considering he did have very small resemblances to the monkeys in Equestria. Was it possible humans derived from Equestria or they possibly once visited her world in the past? Such thoughts would have to wait as her other question was answered.

"As for the others behind me. Well, I wouldn't call them friends. Think of them as... like-minded-others. The only friend I know of, who's also my assistant, is Jacob here." He slapped his friend's back, causing him to stumble forward. Jacob glared at him, and he simply grinned back.

"Oh... okay." Twilight said in uncertainty. She eyed the others for a moment, which were looking at Rainbow and herself this entire time. Especially the strange one dressed in a suit. His gaze was focused on Rainbow Dash with a small smile tugging at his lips. She learned in her past to not so easily distrust others just from their looks, but something about this creature just reeked of... something. whatever is was, it didn't settle well in her eyes. "May I ask what bring you to Equestria?"

"Of course." Miles glanced back at the man in the suit and received a nod in return. Clearing his throat, he tentatively stepped forward until barely within arms reach and kneeled so he was almost eye-to-eye with both ponies. Producing a small envelope from his jacket, he handed it to Rainbow Dash.

She looked at Miles and the envelope suspiciously before pulling it away with a hoof; leaving a rather surprised look on his face. "How did..." She ignored him and opened the envelope, unfolding it twice to full length, and began reading it.

"What is it about?" Twilight asked, her curiosity peaking while leaning towards her to take a peek.

"It's an invitation to a race!" Rainbow replied, her mouth agape. Her head tilted as she continued to read. "Who's the XGRA?"

"Extreme Gravity Racing Association, my dear." The suited man answered in a happy tone that didn't fit his outward appearance at all. "It's one of the most highly sought after competitions in the known universe. Speedsters, hand-chosen from across every known galaxy, are given a once in a life-time opportunity to prove they are the best racer anywhere. Along with bragging rights of course," he added in an off-handed tone.

"Best racer in the whole universe?" Rainbow whispered as her mind tried to wrap around how important this race was.

"Trillions upon trillions will be watching, Miss Dash," the man added. He wasn't lying either. Every single galaxy, especially ones where a racer came from, watched the races. All thanks to SIIN news network broadcasting the entire event.

If Rainbow's jaw fell any further, it would've hit the dirt. Any races she ever participated in barely held under a hundred ponies. Heck, even the stadium the Wonderbolts usually performed at held only enough for four-hundred.

Even if Rainbow Dash couldn't fathom how many others would be watching the race, it still had the right effect on her as she squealed in delight. "Where do I sign up!"

With a wide grin, the suited man slipped out a folded piece of paper from inside his suit and unfolded it in front of Rainbow. "Quite easy. Just sign here and we can get you started in the race." A small click echoed in the hangar as a pen produced itself from his suit as well. His grin only widened as Rainbow snatched the pen from his hand and pressed it on the paper to write.

Only to have twilight snatch both items away from her.

"Hang on, buster." Twilight clicked the pen again and it receded back inside. "Where is this race being held anyway?"

The man glared at Twilight as if wishing for her to catch on fire. However, she returned it with a glare of her own. "We have races all across the universe. Some go across desolate planets such as mars. Or lush jungles and arctic tundras. Others... are even in space."

Twilight wanted to guffaw at such a statement, but the ship they were in front of was clear proof they had a greater technology than ever known in Equestria. A technology that she was wishing to have time to study.

Rainbow's excitement vanished at the sound of leaving everypony behind. "You mean... I'll be leaving Equestria? My home? What about all of my friends?"

"Yes, yes, and I"m afraid they'll have to stay, but I'm sure we can come up with a solution for the both of you-". He stopped short when Rainbow took flight and butted her head against his.

"Then I'm not joining! My friends and I have stuck together since we've first met. If you want the best racer in all of Equestria, you better make room for six ponies, bub. Hey!"

Twilight yanked away Rainbow by the tail and held her in place; hanging upside-down beside her. While she was happy for Rainbow, her friend never truly understood the meaning 'looking before you leap'. "Maybe it would be best if we talk with our friends before proceeding with this conversation any further. Right, Rainbow?"

"Yeah, I guess," Rainbow groaned as she crossed her forehooves while still hanging upside-down.

"Good!" A smile spread on her face, happy for her friend agreeing with her. She looked back towards Miles to say goodbye, but noticed his gaze focused on her horn.

"H-How are you doing that?" He switched his pointing finger to her horn and the aura around Rainbow Dash's tail.

Twilight tilted her head and raised a brow in confusion. "Doing what? You mean my magic? Unicorns are proficient in using magic just as much as say... you are with your hands. You act like you've never seen magic before." She giggled at such a thought.

"Right... magic," Miles mumbled as he rubbed his chin in deep thought.

"Maybe we'll have time to explain it later," Twilight said quickly. "Right now we should talk to our friends about Rainbows invitation. Is that alright mister...?" Asking the strange suited man.

He let out a grunt. "We'll be here whenever you're ready," he simply stated before leaving the bay through a door to the left.

Rainbow watched him leave with her brow furrowed. "Jeeze, what got his tail in a knot?" Not saying it to anyone in particular.

"So," Miles held his hands together as if pleading. "Mind if we join you? I promise we wont be a burden to you."

Twilight frowned. "Sorry, but it would be best if all of you stayed here. The other ponies in Ponyville might not take you so easily as Rainbow and I." She folded up the invitation and kept it safely floating close to her side, along with the interesting writing utensil.

Saddened to hear that, Miles immediately perked up. "In that case, take these." He handed the glasses he wore. "It has a built-in camera so I can at least see what you're seeing when you speak with your friends." She used her magic to put the glasses on and blinked at miles, who only had a stupid grin on his face. Strangely, they fitted her equine face pretty well. Not to mention they seemed perfect on her.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that?"

Miles only chuckled. "It's nothing."

Perturbed toward Miles' strange behavior, Twilight shrugged it off and motioned for Rainbow to follow her. They both left the humans behind as they made their way back towards Ponyville.

Meanwhile, Miles took out a small rectangular device and tapped it. It sprung to life and he saw exactly what Twilight was seeing; the sound of her voice came across his earpiece. Albeit a bit off tone from the static.

"I don't like that human in the suit. The one who offered you the invitation. He was too... creepy."

Miles laughed inside his mind. He was pretty sure everyone on the ship found Mr.Suit creepy. It was funny that an entirely different species felt that way too.

"Tell me about it. Leave my friends behind? Who does he think he is? Why I ought to..."

Twilight interrupted her. "No. The last thing we want to do is anger a species we just met, Rainbow. At least Miles seemed nice.

"Are you kidding? Did you see the way he looked at you when you put on those glasses? I bet he thought-" The sound cut off from Miles muting the volume.

Okay, that's enough of that. While Miles may be a cheat, he was no eavesdropper. He watched the screen and only saw grass as Twilight's head was pointed downward. Weather it was out of embarrassment or annoyance, he wouldn't know.

He looked up from his device to find the others had dispersed; the security team somewhat ignoring Twilight's request as they patrolled around the ship. He looked back at his device and decided to turn the volume back on when they reached her friends. Maybe just a little longer... For research of course.

Twilight twirled the spoon in her cup of tea uncertainly as she waited for her friends to show up in her library. Rainbow had volunteered to gather everypony for the meeting, stating she had some leftover adrenaline to burn after hearing about the invitation. Though the way she handled it was far from ideal. Twilight knew all too well about signatures and being bound to documents.

She couldn't blame her though. Heck, If she got an invitation for an event involving her special talent she would've said yes in a heartbeat. While she didn't enjoy bragging about her magic prowess, it was nice to compete as a test toward her own abilities.

Raising the cup to take a sip, she set it back down with a light clatter; her eyes resting on the invitation and pen on the table in front of her. If one of her friends declined, would Rainbow not go along with this opportunity? This was something Rainbow would never pass up; the chance to show her worth to everypony and thing in the universe. While she enjoyed the thought that Rainbow regarded her friendships so highly, she also hated knowing it was her decision.

The front door swung open and in came her five friends. Rainbow Dash did a tight loop in the air before landing gracefully next to Twilight. Rarity and Applejack came in next in a normal fashion before Pinkie Pie appeared by bouncing through the doorway with her tail twitching wildly as if a rabid badger was hiding inside it.

"Twilight, I've been looking for you everywhere!" she held her tail up with her hooves as she sat down. "See? Twitchy tail! twitchy tail!"

Spike, who was busy taking a nap upstairs, caught the sound of Pinkie saying "Twitchy Tail" and dove under Twilight's bed for safety.

Applejack's ear twiched at the sound of a loud thump upstairs, but ignored it. "I cant say I've seen a hide or hair of any new ponies enter Ponyville," she said while settling down across from Twilight; next to Rarity.

"Applejack is right, Pinkie," Rarity spoke up. "Ponyville has been rather drab lately. We haven't had a beast or terrible event happen to Ponyville in months. Maybe your Pinkie sense is just losing its touch?" Twilight offered her some tea, which she gratefully accepted. "Thank you, darling."

Pinkie shook her head and her mane bounced around. "This started just this morning and hasn't stopped! Whatever it is it has to be a doozy!"

"I'll gladly explain what's going on if everypony be seated," Twilight stated. After Pinkie finally settled down, she noticed a open spot between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. "Where's Flutter-" A pink mane poked out from under the table and looked at Twilight.

"P-present," Fluttershy's timid voice spoke. "Is it safe to come out now?"

Twilight had the urge to facehoof, but settled for rolling her eyes. "Yes Fluttershy. It's safe to come out. Nothing is going to fall from the sky." She watched the shy pegasus creep out from under the table and take her place between Rainbow and Pinkie. "Now that everypony is here, I have an announcement to make."

"I got invited to join in a race!" Rainbow Dash squealed with excitement. She then coughed and smiled sheepishly at Twilight for the sudden outburst. "Hehe, sorry."

Twilight continued over the mutters her friends gave after hearing Rainbow's statement. "Anyway. Yes, Rainbow Dash has been invited to a race. However, it isn't a normal race as the invitation is from a human." Her friends burst into chatter upon hearing this. Mostly questions about what a human was and what they wanted Rainbow Dash for.

"Calm down everypony. I was getting to that." Seeing them all calm down, she continued. "This invitation should tell you everything about the race she was invited to. As for what a human is, they're actually related to monkeys.

Fluttershy's eyes lit up. "Monkeys? Oh, I've never met a monkey before. Were you able to speak to them? Do they have names?" She clapped her hooves together in excitement.

"Actually," Twilight began, "they're far from normal monkeys. They're about twice as tall as a normal pony, have barely any hair on them beside their head, and stand on two legs."

"But where did they come from? They didn't just fall from the sky... right?" Rarity asked.

"Yes and no. I didn't learn much from them besides some names and what they were, but they clearly rode on some sort of transport from space.

"Spike was right!" Pinkie cried. "Aliens do exist, and they're giant bi-pedal monkeys!"

"Totally called it!" Spike's voice yelled from upstairs.

At this point, Twilight couldn't help herself and groaned as her hoof impacted her face. "We're going off-track. The entire reason I called you all here is because Rainbow Dash wants to join the race. However, she wants all of us to come along."

"Well, I think it's safe to say there was no reason for so much drama. Where's the race being held? Trottingham? Manehatten?" Rarity listed off, her eyes glowing with delight at the thought of such grand cities.

"The race is not on this planet," Twilight said firmly. Ignoring the strange look from her friends, she tapped the invitation. "Rainbow was invited to join a race that takes place in entirely different planets and in space itself. No, I'm not joking. Even if I still have trouble believing it myself."

"Is this true, Rainbow?" Rarity asked almost pleadingly.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, this weird guy in a suit explained it to Twilight and I. I didn't believe him, and I'm still having doubts as well, but why would he come here just to lie like that?"

Rarity didn't take the answer very well as she bit her bottom lip. "Well... um. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't know if I can join you, Rainbow. I have my boutique and Sweetie Belle to take care of. I cant just drop everything to go... wherever it is you're going to."

Oh..." Rainbow frowned, but it quickly vanished. "That's alright then. I'm sure everypony else will come along!" She turned to Applejack who had a sheepish smile on her face. "Right Applejack?"

Applejack dropped the useless grin and hung her head. "Sorry, sugarcube, but I'm in the same boat as well. I cant forget about the farm, and Applebucking season is coming around the corner. I wouldn't be able to handle leaving my big brother alone to take care of it by himself."

Rainbow turned to Fluttershy, her best friend, but only found her frowning as well "I-I'm sorry, Rainbow. I really really want to come along, but all of my animal friends need me. N-Not to mention leaving Equestria sounds dangerous and scary. S-So if you don't mind, I'd like to stay here please."

She barely listened to Pinkie Pie as she said something about helping the cakes. None of her friends could go due to their lives binding them here. Sure, she had the weather team, but they had plenty of "green wings" to replace her. All of her naps only got on her boss's nerves, so this might as well be a blessing that she was finally leaving.

Finally, she looked at Twilight. To her relief and disappointment, she spared Rainbow the explanation and simply shook her head. Rainbow looked at the floor, unsure of what to do with herself. This was the best chance she had to earn her dream of fame. She highly doubted another chance like this would appear in her life, but she wished her friends could come with her. They supported her and she trusted them in return, and like support pillars, she would fall apart without her friends to keep her aloft.

"I guess I'm going alone then," she huffed.

Twilight stepped forward and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "We wont be with you physically, but you know we'll always be rooting for you no matter what. Please don't ever forget that."

Rainbow grunted. "I believe you, but I still hate going alone," she muttered. She felt a playful nudge from Twilight's hoof, causing her to almost lose her balance.

"Then go out there and make some new friends, silly! Friendship isn't just between ponies you know. I'm sure there's somepony out there who would love to be your friend. You just have to look."

Rainbow looked at Twilight who had a small friendly smile on her face, and found truth and strength in her friends' words. If anypony knew anything about friendship, Twilight was the pony to ask. Spike was a clear example of her statement after all. He wasn't a pony, but they bonded quite well together. It might take a bit of effort on her part to find new friends outside Equestria, but it was entirely possible. The first candidate that came to her mind was Miles.

A chuckle escaped Rainbow's throat. "You're right, as always, Twilight. And besides," she began while posing in mid-air. "More humans or whatever else is out there needs to see how awesome I am anyway."

Twilight rolled her eyes, but continued smiling. "Glad to hear it."

The others were also happy to see Rainbow and gave whatever support they could and asked any further questions about the race itself. As her friends drifted to talking among each other, Rainbow picked up the pen and invitation. Clicking the small nub on the pen, she scribbled her full name on the parchment. Just as she finished, Pinkie Pie drew her and everypony else in a group hug.

"Hurray! I just know Rainbow is going to beat everypony else in the race. Then she'll come back with first prize and show it to everypony then we can have a huge party to celebrate with cake and punch and streamers and everything would be back to normal and-" mmph! Her rant was cut short as a blue hoof was shoved in her mouth.

"We get it, Pinkie." Rainbow said while taking her hoof back and laughed. "And I look forward to the party."

Meanwhile, back at the human ship, Miles was comfortably seated in the off-duty room with a beer in one hand. He had watched the whole thing in Twilight's perspective and a small smile tugged at his lips upon seeing such a heart-warming sight.

"Did she sign the invitation, Mr. Miles."

His smile turned into a scowl as he turned to look at the suited man standing right beside him. Seeing the usual blank face and intimidating air he held sent a chill down his spine.

"Yeah, she signed it," Miles stated off-handedly with a grunt. He watched him simply leave without answering, leaving him back to being alone in the room. Sighing heavily, he looked back at the small screen where the ponies were enjoying what time they had together. It wouldn't be long before Rainbow would begin her departure.

Miles wasn't a stranger to the races funded by the XGRA. He's seen the high-speed gunfights, violent crashes from going at supersonic speeds, and inevitable deaths from contracts being given. This wasn't a race. It was a gauntlet for survival. Not being good enough simply meant you were going to die.

Realizing he was helping Rainbow Dash get herself involved in this race only caused the alcohol in his gut to feel like a giant rock.

I sure hope you know what you're getting yourself into, Rainbow Dash.