• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 1,462 Views, 34 Comments

XGRA: Ultrasonic Rainbow - Brotato

Rainbow Dash finds herself in a racing tournament that tests her skills to its limits.

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Ch.3: Departure

Chapter 3


Rainbow Dash sat in the middle of Twilight's home, an assortment of items splayed across a table. There were everything from small pouches of dried fruit snacks to dental hygiene and cleaning products. Miles' glasses were there as well, which Twilight had asked for her to return.

She picked up one of the toothbrushes with a hoof while her other held her head up with a bored look on her face. "Yes, Twilight," she droned with a rolled her eyes for the fifth time in the last hour. After finding some comfort with leaving her friends behind, Rainbow had shot off to her cloud house to gather whatever she could think of. When she returned to Twilight's home with two saddlebags full of items, she found everypony else had to return to their jobs, promises, or obligations. Except Twilight of course. When she had asked her to lay out all of her collected possessions for study, she decided to take it upon herself to make sure she had all the necessities for travel.

With the help of checklists of course.

"Are you sure?" Twilight rapidly scanned through her list. "I didn't see some of these items for myself to check off the list. Let me just open your saddlebag again to make sure..."

"Twilight!" Her friend stopped in her tracks with a her head held back in shock. They've been at this for over an hour, and she was starting to get annoyed. Not to say she didn't enjoy being with Twilight, but the idea of planning wasn't her cup of tea. She would've been at the ship half an hour ago. "Just... stop, alright? I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'm not a filly. I can take care of myself."

Twilight scraped a hoof across her wood floor. "Sorry," she apologized with a sheepish smile.

"Anyway did you send that letter to Princess Celestia about everything? I'd hate to leave her hanging. You know... me being one of the Elements of Harmony and all." An image of Celestia, with her 'I'm not angry, just very disappointed', expression flashed in her mind.

A small smile returned in Twilight. "I sent it soon after you left to gather your things. I'm still waiting for her to-" Spike, who was in the back doing his daily cleaning chores, belched loudly as green flame and a scroll appeared from his mouth. Although it got caught on one of his teeth, making a loud tearing sound. "-respond." The dragon fell to the floor when Twilight magically yanked the scroll from his mouth, before lazily floating towards herself. "Thank you, Spike."

"Ugh... don't mention it." Spike rubbed his head for a moment from hitting the floor head-first. "Think I'll take a nap after that one," he muttered as a headache started to build up.

Twilight focused on the letter and soon noticed that it felt somewhat heavier than regular parchment should be. As she unrolled it, a small hoof-mirror fell from the scroll. Luckily, Twilight managed to grab it with her magic before shattering on the floor. "A mirror?" Her curiosity growing by the second, she read the scroll out loud for Rainbow to hear as well.

My faithful student,

I'm glad to hear you are alright after meeting these strange creatures called humans. Next time, please contact me first before doing something so rash.

Twilight looked up to notice Rainbow snickering from being scolded at by the Princess. Glaring at her friend, she continued to read.

I wished to see you myself, but business is heavy as usual during the spring and summer. However, I'm still filled with happiness to know your friend Rainbow Dash is finally on the road to achieving her greatest dreams, But she must be cautious. While with these humans, she now acts as an ambassador of Equestria, and her actions will change the outlook of how these humans see our race as a whole. It would be best for them to see us as friends then enemies, would it not?

As for the problem with the Elements of Harmony you brought up. Luna and myself have decided to take it upon ourselves to once more to protect our kingdom. Luna has grown so much stronger since her return and I believe we can handle any national security measures while Rainbow Dash is gone.

Also, you may have noticed the mirror that has fallen from the scroll. It will allow Rainbow to keep in touch when she's gone. Just speak the name of who you wish to see, and they'll appear before you.

With great hope and happiness,

Princess Celestia of Equestria

Twilight brought her attention to the mirror and inspected it with a quick twirl. The handle and frame was a solid pure white with a crystal clear mirror. If it wasn't for the hint from Celestia or the trace of magic emanating from the item., she would've believed it to be a regular old mirror. Bringing the reflection back to facing her, she stared into it.

"Princess Celestia," she said in a firm tone.

The mirror rippled like disturbed water after somepony performed a cannonball and a swirl of color appeared soon afterwards, as if drops of food coloring fell onto it. It slowly took shape until Twilight found herself staring inside a rather posh looking room. More specifically: Princess Celestia's chambers.

Twilight's mouth went agape upon realizing this as she might have broken into her mentor's privacy. She turned the mirror away from herself as she spoke. "P-Princess? Are you there?" The sound of hooves on stone could be heard as she dreaded what her mentor would say for suddenly appearing before her.

"Twilight?" The familiar voice of Celestia came from the mirror. "Are you there?"

"Maybe..." Twilight slowly flipped the mirror back over and found her mentor staring back at her. A smile formed on her lips when she spotted her.

"Hello, Twilight. I see you've activated the mirror."

"Yes, Princess," Twilight spoke meekly. Then spoke very rapidly. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to show up unannounced!"

Celestia let out a airy chortle. "Oh, Twilight. There's nothing for you to worry about. Now, may I please see Rainbow Dash for a moment?" Twilight only nodded and flipped the mirror to face her friend. Celestia eyed the saddlebags around her before speaking. "I see you're already packed."

Rainbow glanced at her bags as well. "Yeah, Twilight helped me with it, so I know I have everything ready."

"She's a very talented student and a good friend. I hope you will find even more friends in your travels, and I also want you to know that it's a very brave thing what you're about to do. It's not easy leaving behind your life here in Equestria, but I hope you know all your friends, and myself, will always remember you until your return."

"Of course," Rainbow said it like it was obvious. "I'll keep in touch every day until I return."

"Please do that, and remember: A friend is only a name call away." With that said, Celestia image winked out. Twilight floated the mirror over and placed it inside one of Rainbow's bags soon after.

A growing awkwardness filled the room as Rainbow knew this was her time to go. Everything was already packed. Goodbyes had been said to most of her friends, as well as a notice to her job that she was leaving. The only thing left was on her shoulders; to leave her home and travel toward the unknown.

"So I guess this is it?" Rainbow stated awkwardly. The saddlebags on her sides feeling strange all of a sudden, as if unsure what they were doing there. A part of her mind told her this entire idea was idiotic and she should tear up the invitation. Twilight nodded her head in response.

"Do you think I could join you at the ship when you leave?"

Rainbow's eyes brightened at the idea to spend a little more time with her. "Are you sure? You'll have to walk back alone."

"I'm sure," she responded simply.

"Alright, hold on tight." Grabbing Twilight by surprise, she threw her on her back and galloped out the doorway. When her wings were clear of obstructions, she unfurled them and with a single flap, lifted off the ground.

"S-Slow d-down! wah!" Twilight clung to Rainbow for dear life, even if a part of her knew she wouldn't dare drop her. The view of the plains and trees below them and steady sound of her friend's wings started relax her mind; to enjoy the moment. Twilight always loved the feeling of flying and sometimes wished she was born a pegasus. Though that didn't mean she wasn't happy with her life. She would never give up what she's done and cherished each memory with her friends.

Unfortunately, it couldn't last any longer because Rainbow began to descend toward the outcropping where the human ship had landed. Several of them could be seen patrolling the area for intruders. Rainbow landed right outside the main entrance of the ship, which quickly gained the attention of one of the guards.

The guard pressed a button beside his vest and a loud beep was heard. "She's here," the guard simply stated in a rumbling voice.

"Excellent, I'll be down in a moment," the black box on his shoulder replied.

Twilight slid off Rainbow's back and sat on the green grass, with her friend joining her side afterwards. They waited until whoever the guard had contacted showed up, leaving them only minutes until they would never see each other again. It was too bad neither of them knew what to say or do, leaving only the building tension of knowing a good friend was leaving for an unknown amount of time.

The sound of footsteps on the metal ramp perked up both ponies ears and they found them coming from the creepy suited man; a smile on his face. Rainbow took this moment to produce the signed invitation, which he happily took from her.

"Finally decided have you?" He said while glancing at the invitation. "Good, good, this is all we need. Come along, Miss Dash." He turned and began making his way back inside, his voice now yelling for everyone to hear. "Let's go everyone! we're leaving!"

Already a deep humming sound came from the ship, like a dragon snoring. The guards outside jogged inside in a line; disappeared through the single doorway leading further inside the ship. The suited man was still waiting for Rainbow in the middle of the bay. "Please come aboard," he repeated.

Rainbow reluctantly trotted toward the ship and went up the ramp, her hooves making loud clops against the metal. When she was clear of the door, it already began to close, her instincts almost causing her to run back outside. She kept herself standing beside the suited man as she stared at Twilight, who had been watching her the entire time. Their eyes met and Rainbow waved, which Twilight enthusiastically waved back. Soon, Rainbow could only see the top of her hoof, then she was gone as the bay door closed with a metallic grind. The sound of latches firmly keeping it in place for the trip ahead.

"This way please. I'll let you meet the rest of the crew." He went through the same doorway the guards did, with Rainbow following behind. After going up a single flight of stairs, she looked around the inside of the ship in a mix of wonder and apprehension. Everything was mostly a grey metallic down the corridor that lead down two directions. Light as bright as Celestia's sun came from above from a line of light fixtures, yet they didn't have the same warmth.

"In here please." The way he said it sounded more like a command than a polite request, one Rainbow followed without question. He pressed a lit-up square next to the door he was standing in front of, and it opened with a soft hiss. Motioning her inside, she soon found herself in a dim-lit rectangular room with a metal table and four chairs in the middle. In the back was a strange contraption that took up most of the wall, with what looked like foodstuffs stored inside it. There were other strange objects around the room which she couldn't discern also. Along with plenty of flashy lights, wires that lead to nowhere, and panels that didn't make sense to her. To put it simply: This environment was alien to her.

"Please remain here. They will be here shortly."

Rainbow watched him leave with an annoyed expression. It only grew every time he said 'please', which did nothing to help his rather dull and dry speech. Shrugging off the feeling, she decided to sit at the table. She tossed her saddlebags on top before pushing the metal chair back; creating a loud scratching sound that sounded like a hoof on a chalkboard. Landing her rump on the thinly padded chair, she rested her chin on the table while waiting for the "others" to show up.

She was already starting to miss Equestria already. The constant sound of metal whenever her hooves struck the floor was annoying, and every breath she took smelled strange. Not to mention Celestia's benevolent sun being blocked by the metal ship she was about to take off in.

Her right ear twitched at the sound of muffled voices behind her, hinting that somepony was coming this way. She ignored any urge to shift her position, except to lie her head to the side to at least see who came through the door.

With another loud hiss the door leading in the room opened, revealing Miles with two others.

"Hey Rainbow," Miles waved as a friendly gesture. Rainbow returned it before looking at the other two humans.

Another human, this one a sleeker build and not as rough face compared to Miles', stepped inside to have a seat across from her; both elbows resting against the table. "Hello, my name is Doris Prichard, but everyone here calls me Captain. I'm sure you've already met Miles here, so let me introduce you to Jacob. They'll be making sure your stay is as comfortable as possible."

Rainbow raised a brow. "You mean like... servants?"

Doris laughed heartily. "Not exactly. Miles and Jacob, they ... well, maybe it would be best if they explain it." She took her arms off the table and leaning back in the chair. Miles was about to take a seat, until a loud beep rang out in the room, followed by the suited man's dull voice.

"Your conversation can wait when we are in slipspace, Captain. We are short on time as is.

Doris huffed. "Being ordered around my own ship. How quaint." She said while rubbing an index finger against her temple. "Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Rainbow Dash." She offered her hand, which Rainbow stared at for a moment before getting the cue to shake.

"Yeah, same here," Rainbow replied simply. She watched her stand up and walk by the table to open the door with the press of a button. When she did so, the intercom turned back on and repeated the message, albeit sounding more annoyed.

"I'm coming ya impatient bas-" The door closed behind her, leaving the rest of her voice muffled.

Meanwhile, Miles and Jacob were in a flurry of activity as they unfolded several seats built into the wall. "What are you doing?"

"Well, unless you want to be thrown around the room like a rag doll, you might want to strap yourself in for the ride." Miles stated as he took one of the seats. Jacob and Rainbow followed soon afterwards, although she needed help figuring out all the straps and to lower the padded brace. After everyone and pony was secure, the intercom came back on.

"Alright ladies, and Rainbow Dash, this if your captain speaking. Hope you're buckled up for take off because I'm only going to say this once. Also, in the stupid act you decided to not take a seat, please remember that I won't be peeling your battered body off the ground until land at Mars. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the ride!

Rainbow squirmed in the uncomfortably cold metal seat. "What did she mean by that?"

Miles smiled. "You'll find out soon enough. Oh, and you might want to hold onto the brace, because things are about to get bumpy."

Twilight jumped back when a loud roar that easily outmatched a manticore's came from the ship. Four parts located beside the wings pointed downward as flames spewed out like dragon fire; scorching the ground underneath. To her surprise the ship began lifting off at an increasing rate as warm wind billowed around her, tossing her mane wildly. It was so strong, she had to cover her eyes with a forelimb to block the stinging winds.

When the wind settled down, she uncovered her eyes to spot the ports the flames were coming from shift from vertical to horizontal. Soon afterwards, the ship rocketed forward, disappearing at a rapid rate. It only took several seconds before it was nothing more than a small speck in the blue sky.

"Goodbye, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said sadly. She turned around to begin the trek back home. Alone.