• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 1,462 Views, 34 Comments

XGRA: Ultrasonic Rainbow - Brotato

Rainbow Dash finds herself in a racing tournament that tests her skills to its limits.

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Ch.5: The interview

Chapter one

From the sidelines

Miles watched the patrons in the bar erupt. On the enormous hologram splayed across the far wall to his right, it had Rainbow Dash's name in bold; clearly starting first place. Some shouted in anger for the 'underdog' of the race winning, thus forcing them to pay off their bets. The others gladly took their money with grins on their faces, telling the losers better luck next time. He let out a sigh as he took a long drink, emptying the last drops from the bottle.

He should've been excited with Rainbow Dash's victory, but after having his hopes crushed after leaving her to the XGRA, he didn't feel up for it. Why couldn't his previous employer understand the importance of learning from her? There was so much to know about herself and her home planet of Equestria. That's more important than any number of credits.

Drawing his thoughts back to those around him, he noticed the place starting to break out more violently than he felt comfortable. "Time to go..." He muttered. With a quick swipe to pay off his drink, he excused himself and left through the front door as the first punch was given.

Thankfully the wind hadn't picked up so he didn't need to take out his respirator. The most prominent color was an obvious reddish-orange from the dust. The street he walked on was narrow and meant only for foot traffic, but the occasional bike or slide board could be seen weaving through people. If there wasn't so much Mars dust stuck to everything, he would've thought he was back on Earth.

He jammed his hands into his coat pockets. Gods, what is a Zoologist to do on Mars anyway? Not like the planet held any form of life before the terraforming started. The only reason he shipped here was for his studies, and the ridiculous low pricing for collage. The only thing most likely keeping him from taking the next ship back to Earth was Rainbow Dash, who he was about to see for the Q&A session.

Yes, it was a private interview with her, and yes it took more than a quarter of his six-million just to hopefully get the chance to answer a question. His chances would probably be slim to none, however. No doubt every single news network would be there; all wanting a piece of her.

The walk only lasted several blocks before the cramped streets ended, and he found himself in a large plaza with the stadium just head. The building wasn't anything special since the dust usually caked up any discerning features. As he got closer to the building, he weaved through the flood of people as the trickle turned into a flood.

"Whoa! sorry about that," accidently bumping into another man. "Oops, sorry!" He stepped one someone's shoe. Then he started to juggle which direction the person in front of him was walking. "No, you go left, I'll... yeah." After squeezing through several more people and possibly pushing over a kid, he finally entered the building. Only to be greeted by a sea of people still trying to leave.


The interview was held on the second floor and after reaching the escalator away from the first floor, it was a easy walk from there. The second floor was empty of anyone except pairs of guards who kept unwanted guests upstairs. Matter of fact, they were eyeing him right now suspiciously.

Where is it? Damnit I better not have left it at the bar.

After patting himself down for a moment, he finally found his VIP pass in his back pocket and hung it around his neck quickly. Now that he was safe from being tossed back down the escalator, he strode towards the doorway where the guards were. Soon as he pushed the door open he noticed cameras flashing away from him and the din of chatter from the group of others in the room.where the session was being held.

The room was fairly small with plain white walls and grey carpet. Rows of chairs sat in the middle of the room while cameras littered the room with people tending to them. The reporters, who were seated and making the commotion in the room, had all the seats filled, leaving Miles to stand to the side. He found a comfortable spot against the wall beside one of the cameramen as he waited for Rainbow Dash to appear on the high-rise ahead of everyone. It only took several tense seconds before she appeared, with Mr. Cawley right beside her.

For a moment he felt a surge of anger fill his mind and move down his arms, but he kept his hands from clenching. Rainbow Dash took the seat offered behind the small table while Cawley stood behind her and to the left, a small grin on his face as he looked at the crowd. Though his gaze noticed Miles and it faltered for a moment before looking back towards the people seated.

"Lets begin the questions." The audience burst into a frenzy as they metaphorically climbed over each other to get their questions out. Only after Cawley and the guards in the room managed settled them down did the real questioning begin. "The one in front with the red glasses."

The one Cawley pointed out was a very attractive woman with a business suit that hugged her curvy body. Miles peered at her for a moment as she looked familiar even when only seeing the side of her delicate face and shoulder-length black hair. It all made sense when she spoke.

"Christia Simmons, Sports Interactive News Network. How are you enjoying life on Mars? Considering you are the only pony on the planet."

Miles rolled his eyes. Figures... The XGRA and SINN have always worked together in the past. Makes sense to allow her to get questions answered first.

Rainbow Dash stared at the amount of people in the room before speaking. "I'll admit being the only pony does have its downs, but my stay here has been nothing short of awesome," she said with a smile. The woman nodded in approval.

"You come from a planet known as Equestria. So there are plenty more ponies such as yourself?"

"Actually Equestria is a country, and yeah there's more of us. Though not all of us have wings. There's unicorns and earth ponies as well."

"Oh? And the unicorns have-" Cawley interrupted her with a loud clearing of his throat, most likely to get her back on topic. She returned his rude noise with a angered scowl, which quickly disappeared upon continuing her interview. "One more question if I may. You seem to have made your first rival in the tryouts. Do you have any words for her when you next meet?" Dash blinked as she thought over the question.

"Well, I know it's only a race, but I hope we don't have any hard feelings. She seemed pretty cool and I'd hate for us to not be friends." After she said that the room went deathly silent. The flashing of cameras had halted and the faint scratch of pens on notepads stopped.

Christina tilted her head as if she didn't hear the answer. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Well, when I think about it, Katarina seemed like someone cool to hang out with. While I know she's mad about not getting in first place I hope she doesn't take it too seriously." She laughed at such a thought. "I mean it's only a race, right?"

Miles' mouth hung open along with the rest of the reporters. That was possibly the worst answer to say to a question like that. The XGRA wasn't made for friendship and getting along with the other racers. The audience wanted blood, and to deny them of it would definitely toss the viewer count out the proverbial airlock. It was too bad Rainbow Dash was oblivious to what she just said.

If any of these reporters were smart, they wouldn't dare let this spill out for the audiance to see. Hopefully they would only report the usual questions and have filler to keep them entertained, but that's not what worried him. Things wouldn't go well with Rainbow Dash after the tryouts at this rate. The other racers would eat her alive. However, he didn't get to ask any questions, and since the room was deathly quiet anyway...

"Rainbow Dash?" Everyone's heads turned to look at him, making a small part of his mind hate himself for speaking. The scowl on Cawley's face wasn't helping either.

"Hey Miles!" Rainbow Dash waved.

"Uh, hey," he returned the motion. "Anyway, my question is: After the tournament is over, will you go back to Equestria?"

"Of course! while I'm having a blast here, I do miss my friends." Her smile faltered for a moment. "Even my new ones."

Cawley stepped forward with his hands raised, palms facing the crowd. "Alright everyone, questions are over. Please leave." The crowd erupted once more as they didn't get their answers questioned, but the guards were more than a match to see them all out the door. Miles was the first out the door since the others had to pack equipment and such. When he was clear from the door, he turned around to find Christina purposefully walking towards him. A not too friendly grimace on her face.

"Who are you? You don't look anything like a reporter." She crossed her arms and leaned on one leg as she expected a response.

"Miles Hemmingway," he offered his hand to shake. She glanced at it, but didn't make a motion to return the gesture. He pulled his hand back and rubbed the back of his head. She most likely wanted to know how the pony knew his name. "I'm one of the people who retrieved her from Equestria."

"Ah yes. The crew of the starship 'The Buccaneer'. She's a good pilot, and becoming quite well known after that job," she complimented

Miles crossed his arms defensively. "Where are you getting at? Don't you have a story to twist for the masses to hear?" Miles wasn't stupid. Whenever the SINN were involved in anything they would twist, block, and over-exaggerate their news. Not that they didn't throw everyone they interviewed "under the bus". They used news to their own ends to gain viewers or help one of their partners shine in the spotlight. Seeing Christina here only confirmed the suspicion she was here to shine XGRA and Rainbow Dash in a new light.

Christina lightly laughed. "Please. Like I'd tell you anything, but thanks for your full name. I'll be sure to add it in my story." She smiled and Miles had to force the urge to smile back. "Ta ta, Mr. Hemmingway." With that said, she brushed past his shoulder and disappeared down the escalator.

Miles didn't like what had occurred one bit. The XGRA and SINN had something brewing in their money and viewer grubbing minds, and it most likely involved Rainbow Dash. What they had planned he didn't know yet, but if he somehow researched more into it...

That's the stupidest idea I've ever had, he mused while going down the escalator. He was a zoologist, not some private detective. Both corporations had enough money and power to rival Earth's military. What was one man going to do against either of them? They kept their secrets behind dozens of closed doors. Doors which were most likely protected by armed guards. Armed guards who wouldn't think twice to put a bullet in his head for looking at them funny. Just the thought of them made his chest tighten.

However, Rainbow Dash was his friend, and friends don't let friends get tricked by dangerous corporations. Even if he couldn't do much, he could at least follow Rainbow Dash and watch all the races and Q&A sessions she entered. He wasn't the bravest human in the universe, but a part of him said so. Maybe it was his inner zoologist telling him to protect her from these unsavory types, or possibly because they were friends. He did do some crazy stuff while protected animals from poachers.

Either way he ultimately decided to go along with it. He brought her here in the first place and in his mind it was his responsibility to see her out safely. No matter what Cawley or anyone else said.

Making his way back outside, he jammed his hands back into his pockets and strode back to the city. I'll need to make some phone calls. Possibly spend the credits Mr. Cawley so happily gave to me. He turned his head to glanced back at the stadium before quickening his pace and disappearing amongst the city crowds.

I'll be watching and cheering for you from the sidelines, Rainbow Dash