• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 3,474 Views, 43 Comments

Long live the king - Msande

A subtle change in plans puts the King of the Crystal Empire in a much different position

  • ...

Train intervention

Train intervention

“So how much longer is this train ride going to take? The bumps are really starting to get to me,” Rarity complained, raising a hoof to adjust her mane.

“We should be arriving sometime tomorrow morning. I still can’t believe the royal guard was able to get the rails back into working condition.” Twilight marveled, glancing towards the snow-covered window.

“Yeah, it still feels weird being in an area that isn’t actively monitored by the weather patr-” Rainbow Dash began, interrupted by a sharp whistle and screeching breaks.

“W-What in the world?” stuttered Spike, pulling his head out from his covers.

“Maybe something's in the way?”

A voice cracked through the intercom. “I regret to inform you that we are going to have a delay in schedule. We ask you to remain calm as we clear the tracks,”

Applejack got up off of her seat, “Com'on everypony, lets see if we can help.”

“Some help would be appreciated,” a stallion wearing maintenance gear entered their cabin. “It’s a huge buildup of snow. We can't move with something that big blocking the rails, and if we have as many issues as we did on the first trip, it's in our best interest to clear this one up fast.”

“Issues?” squeaked Fluttershy.

“Issues. Nothing dangerous, but it did delay severely,” The stallion said, worry growing in his voice.

“Well count me in,” Rainbow Dash volunteers, “The sooner we get moving the better.”

Nodding, the stallion leads Rainbow and AJ out of the cabin.

“I really should help as well,” Twilight mumbled as she hopped off her set. She stretched as she let out a low yawn.

“Twilight, Darling, you really should get some sleep, all that studying kept you up last night. Tell you what, Fluttershy and I will help, you can rest. After all, Princess Celestia is counting on you,” Rarity strokes her mane nervously, imagining what it will become after standing outside in a blizzard. “As much as I detest manual labor, we simply cannot let royalty wait.”

“I-I c-can still help R-Rarity,” came a voice from a pile of blankets.

“That’s quiet alright Spike, but I can see you shivering. I take it you don’t much care for this horrid temperature,” She smiled warmly at the shivering bundle. “I couldn’t live with myself if my little Spiky-wiky catches a cold.”

As the last of her friends vanish from the car, Twilight glanced over at Spike. “I think you should head to bed as well, it is past your bedtime.”

The bundle of blankets known as Spike shifted. Small legs popped out of the bottom of the pile. Twilight smiled fondly as Spike stumbled out of the cabin towards the sleeping quarters grumbling softly. Picking up her hoof to leave as well, a dark chill washes over her body.

“So you’re my replacement,”

Twilight's fur stood on edge as a deep and cold voice came from right behind her.

“Replacement?” Twilight echoed as she spun around, only to stare directly into a pair of dark inverted eyes.

“King Sombra!” immediately recognizing the dark magic in his eyes, she quickly gathered up her magic to brace for an incoming attack.

The Mad King's eyes burned with tainted magic, but held little interest in the pony before him. “This is the best she could come up with? Is she so complacent in her rule that she sends a novice to face me?” His question not really directed at anypony.

“What do you mean replacement?” Twilight asked the towering figure.

“It is a matter from long ago, though I'm shocked she'd send you without her precious elements of Harmony.”

“How do you know about the Elements?” she demands from the Dark King. His lips curl back into a manic grin revealing very sharp fangs.

“I know a great many things, though those should be left for another time. I have no need to intervene here, the snow should prove hazardous enough. For now.” the smile fading from his face.

“What kind of hazards?” Her eyes quickly glancing to the window and then back to Sombra.

“What? Did you think I rose to power by magical strength alone? Hardly,” giving out a low chuckle. “This snow has its beasts just as sure as Equestria has hers. But enough for now, I gain little from talking with you. I have more pressing matters to deal with, such as that frustrating Alicorn.” his body beginning to fade into the shadows. “Still It does not surprise me that she failed to mention the local wild life,” his body completely vanishing into the darkness, leaving only his glowing eyes.

Twilight leapt forward, searching through the darkness for his body, but finding no trace of it. “Lack of information? Replacement? What do you mean!?”

“So many questions, and such a bright mind. But be warned Twilight Sparkle. The brightest sun casts the longest shadows. I look forward to your arrival in my Empire,” with that the eyes vanish, along with the unnatural chill.

“Twilight I heard your voice! Is something wrong?” Spike asked flinging open the door, no longer bundled in his heap of blankets.

“Nothing you need to worry about, just head to bed. I'll be right behind you,” Twilight said with a smile, watching as Spike shrugged and went back out of the cabin. Her smile vanishes quickly, thinking of the Dark King's words and sudden appearance. She bites her lip apprehensively, wondering if it was wise to leave the elements in Canterlot. And What exactly was she supposed to be replacing? The implication of his words was worrying, but then again, he is a corrupt King. Trusting his words completely is probably a bad idea.

A shrill whistle sounds out as the train lurches forward. Putting her thoughts aside, she heads back to the sleeping cart to finally get some rest.

As she snuggles into the warm covers, a small voice interrupts her, “Um, Twilight? Could I um, sleep with you? My bed's really cold.” She sighs. “T-Twilight-t-t-t,” his teeth chattering as he stutters her name.

She looks down at him, noticing that he seemed to be taking on a bluish tint, his big eyes looking up at her as if he was going to cry at any given second.

'Curse those adorable green eyes,' she sighs to herself and draws back the covers to allow the baby dragon to climb in with her, a small smile appearing on her face. His scales were ice cold, causing Twilight a brief shiver as he snuggled up against
her fur, as if she were some kind of oversized teddy bear.


“Twilight, twilight are you asleep?” whispered a low voice as Twilight felt one eye crack open.

“No, Pinkie,” she grumbled, not too keen about walking up, suddenly realizing that she was feeling very hot. “What is it?”

“Well I thought you were sleeping with spike cause he had a nightmare, so I didn’t think you were actually asleep,” Pinkie started, her voice regaining its usual volume.

“Pinkie, focus,” Twilight stated in a calm tone as her eyes shifting for a second to make sure Spike hadn’t woke up.

“The storm it vanished, the tracks are completely free of ice and snow. The conductor is concerned though... Everything just suddenly stopped,” concern rising in Pinkie's normally cheerful voice.

“Pinkie don’t look a gift-horse in the mouth, I say we all get some sleep and not dwell on it tonight.”

“... soaked to the bone! What I wouldn’t give for a nice warm spa bath right now,” came the voice of Rarity, as the rest of her friends entered the sleeping cabin.

“Just admit it! I moved way more snow than you Applejack.”

“Shhhh!” Twilight hissed, doing her best not to disturb Spike. Dash lowering her ears a bit,

“Sorry,” she whispered as Applejack gave a slight smirk to the Pegasus. Dash glared back as everypony settled into bed for a good nights rest.

As the light sounds of sleep surrounded her the ever hungry mind of Equestria’s brightest couldn't stop thinking about Sombra's last words. What did he mean by 'replacement'? What did she really know about the king. Where did he come from, how did he rise to power? The Princess told her he needed to be stopped, and normally that is all that matters, but his words were really bothering her. Her eyes slowly slid down as the anxiety faded into the back of her mind.


Twilight was standing, her surroundings blurry, despite her attempts to focus. “Hello, Twilight Sparkle,” Came a familiar voice. Her fur rises as her head snaps to the owner, King Sombra, draped in a red robe with a black crown resting on his head, seated on a throne of dark crystals.

She stared at him trying to scream but her mouth did not move. He chuckled a bit, with a calm smile that seemed out of place with his dark features.

“Getting used to the new throne room? I have to admit the second throne is much nicer, is it comfortable?”

Twilight turning down saw a second throne, but this one seemed familiar. 'I have seen this throne before,' her thoughts still blurry. 'Wait! this is Princess Celestia's!' The throne had been darkened in a similar manner to Sombra's own.

“I have to admit my dear,” he said in a cool voice as he moved closer. “I love the new look, it suits you.”

She looked into his eyes, but instead of her own reflection, she could only see a unicorn with a darkened coat, almost black, with only a slight tinge of purple. Red pupils with green opaque flames staring darkly forward. 'Wait, is that... me?' she realized noticing the dark fire magic swirling around the edge of her vision.

“My love you have taken to dark magic like a bee takes to honey,” leaning forward to kiss her.

“AHH!” she bolted upright, panting heavily.

“What is it!”

“Twi are you okay?”

“Who is it I got a weapon!”

“Take anything you want just don’t hurt me!”


“Touch Twi and you die!” shouted the only masculine voice as Twilight looked down to see Spike with both fists clenched and ready to scrap.

“Everypony calm down. I just had a nightmare. Nothing to worry about,” Twilight panted, trying to calm her friends down and catch her breath. The lights flicked on stinging her eyes a bit. Looking across the room to her friends, she noted how concerned they all looked. They were all up and ready for anything, well, except Fluttershy, but she was always a bit jumpy. Still, they all seemed ready to spring into action... Maybe they were a lot more worried about her than they seemed.

“You sure Twilight? Dark magic isn’t something that just looks scary,” Spike's green eyes staring into her violet ones. Smiling softly, she affectionately placed a hoof onto his head messing with his scales. She felt a small twinge of pride that he was able to absorb some of the knowledge she was so happy to share with him.

“Don’t worry Spike, I can handle a bad dream. Especially with you here to protect me,” Spike puffing up his chest, smiling proudly. Releasing a bit of a giggle, Twilight noticed that the rest of the tension seemed to vanish from her friends.

“I'm going to the bathroom,” She said, rising out of her bed.

“Be a dear and turn out the light. I really do need to get back to my beauty sleep,” Rarity whined as Twilight flicked the switch off before closing the door behind her.

Entering the small bathroom, she turned on the sink, splashing water on her face and neck. She glanced up to the mirror to only see her dark reflection from the nightmare.

As she stifled another scream, the door to the cabin opened. “Twi are you alright girl? You seem more than a little spooked,” came Applejack's worried voice as she joined Twilight by the sink.

“I am that easy to read?” Twilight sighed, turning away from her nightmare reflection.

“Like a first grade picture book Twi,” Applejack said with a smile. “Come on sugar cube this is isn’t your' normal amount of worried.”

“My 'normal' amount of worried?” Twi joked as she grabbed a towel to dry her coat off.

“Twilight, this is serious. What changed? I mean I know your worried about your test, but now seem even more jittery.”

“Sombra showed up,”


“Shhh,” Twilight attempted to calm her friend down. “He didn't do anything, he just showed up, talked a bit and walked away. Err, vanished. Whatever you want to call it. But he said a few things that shook me up.”

“Phew, I was worried that he did some dark voodoo stuff to you.” Applejack relaxed. “Don’t think about it too much Twi, ponies like that, they have a way of twisting things. After all, Discord sure did a number on us. And it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to think somepony dealing with Dark magic wouldn’t be able to do the same,” Applejack said, turning away from twilight.

“Yeah,” Twilight muttered, her voice leaving her a little bit.

“Well I need to get back to sleep. Don’t take too long Twilight, we got a lot of things to take care of tomorrow.”

Twilight listened as her friends hooves drifted out of ear shot. Looking back at the mirror her horn glowed again, only it was much darker and colder, a very twisted version of her normal magic.

“Yea, what kind of pony,” she said closing her eyes releasing the spell, she felt a few tear drops fall down her cheeks. Moving away from the mirror, and her reflection, she trudges back towards the cabin, and her own warm bed. As she left the room, she failed to notice a new reflection in the mirror.

“Interesting,” came the voice of Sombra, his eyes burning brighter as the room returned to darkness. “Perhaps a change of plans and something a little more subtle will work more efficiently.” A sinister grin spreading across his face as a new plan begins to unfurl in his dark mind.

Special thanks to my editor Shino Dogood who took a go idea. And edited into something with a bit more amazing to it. Thanks to him, I hope you enjoy this story even more.