• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 3,475 Views, 43 Comments

Long live the king - Msande

A subtle change in plans puts the King of the Crystal Empire in a much different position

  • ...

Shadow of himself

Dear Princess Celestia

I have need of a bookkeeper, someone with skills and the ability to handle books far older than anything I have ever handled myself.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

She soon found herself a little flush. She had returned to Sombra, only to see a group of the Nights Guard standing outside of his tower. "I didn't think she would act to quickly," she mused to herself. She sent the letter last night and yet, here they were.

She approached the door but was not surprised when they parted for her to pass. Her ears flickered a bit; she was always worried that one day the royal guard would not let her pass. A childish but constant fear she had always that had followed her since her early years.

"Fascinating," said a bored and rather stuffy tone. She followed the voice to a pegasus hovering over the top shelves with a paper and quill in hoof. He had a brown coat and a long golden yellow mane and tail. His mane seemed to be lazily combed to the side. He landed on the floor as he noticed Twilight.

"Hello Miss Sparkle," he greeted as he glanced over at her.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

"No, but I know you all the same. I am Stories High," he introduced. "And I was called in to take a look at these books and scrolls. "Luckily, the original author had placed spells on them. Nothing too serious outside of some mild water damage and bad binding."

"Oh well, that is good to hear," she admitted.

"Yes, I should have these repaired, copied and documented before the end of the month. Any place in particular you wanted them dropped off at?" he asked as he walked around her to the door.

"The library in Canterlot. I can have them forwarded from there. How do you know me?" she asked. The comment had bothered her just enough to warrant the question.

"Who doesn't know of the great Twilight Sparkle?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow. He pushed the door closed with his rear hoof, leaving a group of ponies behind. Twilight made a quick glance and didn't see Sombra around so she glanced around a corner and spotted some stairs.

As she walked up the stairs, she could hear some heavy breathing. She quickly trotted up, only to be stunned. Sombra was lying on the desk and using a book as a pillow. "Poor book," she thought as she pulled it out from under him. She spotted a small water mark as she realized a bit of droll had dripped onto the book. His head returned to the desk with a resounding thump.

She ignored the heavy sleeper as she closed the book to check the spine. "Basic offensive and defensive magical spells. I remember this book," she told herself. It was a self defense book. She took a moment to wonder why somepony like Sombra would be interested in a book like this, all things considered.

"Ouch," he groaned as he woke up. "Why do i have such a headache?" he questioned as he rubbed his head.

"So glad to see you are awake," Twilight said as she set the book down on the desk. He glanced at it for a second.

"Right," he said as he glanced at the book then back to her.

"Rarity wanted to get your measurements so we need to get moving. It's a long trot," she reminded.

"Sure," he said as he stood up, his hoof still rubbing his head. "Right," he said with a sudden readiness in his voice. He picked up his feet as a bright smirk appeared on his face.

"Uhhhh," was all that came out of Twilight's mouth. He paused as he glanced back at her with a sly grin.

"Unless you would rather stay here, alone. With me," he said with a very suggestive grin.

"Moving on," she said hastily as her face light up.

It wasn't long before Rarity was drawing up the measurements. Despite who she was measuring she kept an even level of professionalism.

"Grey and black, hmm," she mused as bit on a small needle. "Hmm." She turned away from him as she opened up a chest, tossing different colors over her shoulder. She tossed another back with her magic and it caught him on the nose.

"Hmm, white," she suddenly said as she quickly started to work.

"White?" he questioned. She started to sew together a suit.

"Yes, white, and a dash of red," she said, as she levitated a vest into the air that had a silver shimmer to it. She glanced at a long red cloth. "Now what kind of tie?" she wondered. "Well I have the measurements, we should be good. Now shoo, I need to work," she said, waving a hoof at him.

He frowned at the treatment but said nothing as he walked out of the shop. He took a glance around, seemly unsure what to do with himself in his spare time. He checked his cape and heard the small jingle of bits. Twilight gave him some pocket change. But in all honesty, he had little interest in using it.

Frowning, he realized even in the old days he did very little outside of lead armies and protect people. He glanced to one side and saw a green mare sitting upright on a bench, chatting with a friend of hers. A group of school age fillies were chatting away at the cafe. He soon realized he had absolutely nothing to do, no rule to impose, no grand master plan. He glanced out of town and saw an apple orchard. He gave a slight shrug, "Maybe they would be willing to accept some free help."

Not in any real hurry, he glanced over the trees. Each was filled with an assortment of apples. It didn't take long to find somepony hard at work and he soon trotted up to find Applejack.

"Howdy, what can I do-o," she lost her enthusiasm when she noticed who it was. "What are you doing here?" she asked in a rather neutral tone.

"I am bored," he said in reply.

"Well I, ain't here to entertain ya," she said as she slammed both her back hooves into the nearest tree. It loosed a half a dozen apples into buckets resting in the grass.

"I didn't mean it like that, just keeping my answers short. Need any help?" he asked, watching her head to the next tree.

"What makes ya think I would want yer help?" Applejack asked, keeping a bit of a thorn in her voice.

"Well I never knew a business mare to turn down free labor," Sombra replied off hoof. She paused a bit and glanced him over.

"Well, when you put it that way," she said, tapping her chin as she glanced upward in thought. "Nope," she said as she bucked another tree.

"Brake her for her insolence!"[/i" cried out a voice. He felt another pain in his skull but he pushed it back as he ignored his dark impulse.

"Please, I really have nothing to do," he said in a low voice, clearly not happy with having to almost beg to help somepony. She took a long look as she glanced over the trees.

"Fine, no magic. Ya do it the earth pony way or not at all," she said insistently.

"Fine," he said as he nodded his head. "You don't mind if I watch you in order to get the idea, do you?" he asked casually.

"Um, sure," she allowed as she glanced at him through narrow eyes. She headed to the next tree and she bucked it, a bead of sweat dripping out from under her hat. She glanced over at him as he continued to watch her. His eyes gave nothing away. She took care off two more trees before she started feeling a bit self conscious.

He finally took a step forward and, with one well placed kick from his right hind leg, dropped all the apples from the tree. She felt her face drop for a fraction of a second before recovering. Only one stallion had that level of power and control, and that was Big Mac.

She felt her hoof scratch at the grass. She was not going to let some dark friend-stealing stallion out do her at her own game. She slammed a hoof into the tree and focused every muscle into the task.

He picked up on the challenge, and before long the two were heading down the rows. Three sets of eyes fell on them.

"We need to halp my sis," said Applebloom as she looked at her two friends.

"Doing what exactly?" asked Sweetie Belle as she looked at her red maned friend. "What'd he do?"

"Challenging a fellow Apple, and kidnapping a friend," she said as she pounded one hoof over her other.

"This doesn't seem to be a smart move," she cautioned.

"Please, we could get our evil vanquishing cutie mark," Scootaloo said as the realization left a twinkle in her eye. Concern seemed to vanish from the three as they each gave the other confidence.

"Charge!" all three shouted. Sombra paused as he heard the battle cry and he soon found he had added weight to each of his legs.

"Fillies, how cute," he thought as he felt an amused chuckle escape his lips as he ignored the extra weight. Suddenly a ripple of pain erupted from his skull. He caught himself on the tree with his free hoof.

"Did we get him?" Scootaloo asked as she glanced at Applebloom.

"Sombra," Applejack all but shouted as she realized he slumped against the tree. The three fillies scattered.

"She is only concerned for her friend," Sombra said in a bitter realization as the pain seemed to bind his tongue. Then a web of sadness hit him.

"Well brat, another day is safe," said a familiar voice. He suddenly felt very smothered, as if something was wrapping him in a blanket. He felt a release for a brief second and he could feel fresh air.

"What happened?" he said as he dropped to the ground.

"Sombra?" came a voice. He could see a purple image blur in and out of focus.

"Yes," he said. He shot up, the blankets falling to his side. "Sorry," he said as he grabbed the blanket with his magic. He stepped off the bed, placing the blanket back.

"You seem okay. How are you feeling? You just took a long nap," Twilight said as she glanced at the ground for a brief second.

"I feel rested and at peace. I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time. So how long do we have before the gala starts up?" he asked.

"Well, tomorrow actually. I was worried you wouldn't wake up in time to go," she said. He glanced at her.

"How sweet," he said with a light chuckle. "I hope Applejack and the other fillies were not too jarred at my sudden need for rest."

"Applejack was worried. The girls, however, seemed a bit more odd. They seemed to think they had hurt you and were crying, worried they were the cause."

"Those three, well they have spirit and a lot of courage. Admirable so I think we should check up on Rarity." he said as he took a deep breath. "Shall we," he said as he bowed his head and held out his hoof.

"Such a gentlecolt," she said with a bit of mirth.

"You want to come, Spike?" asked Sombra as he glanced back at the baby dragon.

"You're not mad at me?" he asked.

"Mad? It's understandable, you panicked. Just realize that running away from someone who is trying to protect you is not a wise decision, especially in a dark forest," he said. "Now hop on, I would like to get going," he said with a nod of his head. Twilight watched in surprise as Spike hopped onto his shoulders as he made for the door.

"Something wrong, Twilight?"

"Nothing," she said as she shook her head. The three walked on with no issues. Sombra noticed he was getting some confused glances.

"So, how are you feeling?" Twilight asked.

"You know something," Sombra said and she felt her feet freeze, "I feel great. Like all the little worries and paranoia was nothing more than silly worry. It feels good, if not a bit odd. A war between ponies, I think Celestia would be able to defuse such an issue," he said, more to himself than Twilight.

"Glad you are coming around," Twilight as she regained her ability to walk.

"Something bothering you?" he asked as he glanced at her.

"Nothing you need to worry about," she insisted.

"If you say so," he said as they found themselves in front of Rarity's shop.

"Hello," she greeted. "Ah, Twilight, Spike, and King Sombra. I take it you are here to see your suit?" she asked.

"Yep," he said with a smile. "Not that I am looking forward to all this. The Gala was always a politician's game and I always preferred well, being productive."

"Don't get us started. Why they invited us again after last time, I will never know," Twilight said with a huff.

"I shall not even begin," Rarity said as she gritted her teeth. He raised an eyebrow, but Rarity required no more prompting. "That Prince Blueblood, such chivalry. I was so humiliated when he used me as a shield," she continued to growl about the night as Spike seemed to tighten his grip on Sombra's coat. He twitched, almost losing Spike as he chuckled nervously.

"Seems like a jerk," Sombra said as she brought his suit over to him.

"You have no idea, darling," she said as her rant ended. He quickly put the silvery vest on as well as the white coat and straightened the tie around his neck.

"Not bad at all," he complemented as he looked at himself. "I do prefer armor over cotton but this is by far the best suit i have ever worn." He slowly gathered up his cap and armor. "You wouldn't mind me keeping this at your house, would you?" he asked but he noticed Twilight was not listening.

"It's just a crystal rock," he said as he glanced at his cutie mark. "Unless that is not what you are looking at."

"What?" she shouted as her eyes went wide.

"Oh my," Rarity said as she turned away. Spike gave a confused expression.

"Nothing like that. I was just wondering about your cutie mark; I expected a sword or shield or something along those lines," she said hastily.

"Actually it is magical, I can do something few can do. I can bend and control crystals. I prefer using magical blasts but it is my talent and something I can back onto if I need it," he explained.

"Oh, that would be useful," she said.

"Oh yes, I can use it to hold magic like a battery. My favorite little trick was bending sunlight." he said

"Lot of use for that sort of thing, I take it?" asked Twilight.

"Not as much as you would think. Everyone was tame after Discord so even a political debate that involved even a small bit of mud slinging was considered shocking. But we did have our fair share of issues. Changlings, Diamond Dogs, and other creatures saw it more as an opportunity then a time of harmony. So me and what few that kept their wits and their sword were the only thing outside of the Princess keeping the peace."

"Sounds terrible," Rarity replied. Sombra nodded as he removed his suit.

"So when are we heading out?" he asked.

"Tomorrow evening," Twilight replied. "We are going to hire a cab this time." she said as Rarity gave her friend an amused smirk.

"Sounds good," Sombra said. "Well we have a lot of time to kill. Any ideas?" he asked.

"Well I have orders I need to work on," Rarity said as she glanced back at her drawing board.

"I have some research I need to do," Twilight admitted.

"Don't tell me you have things to do as well," Sombra said as he looked at Spike.

"Well this is Ponyville, it's a small town," Spike said with a shrug.

"Well I guess so. I think it is time to head to the library then, maybe find a good book to read," he said and with that he made his leave.

"Need any help, Rarity?" Spike asked as he looked at the white unicorn.

"Thank you, darling, but I am fine. It's mostly small things, nothing too serious," Rarity said. "I do admit I feel sorry for him. He doesn't really have much to preoccupy his time with."

"Yeah and he only knows us and we don't exactly have a good history with him. But he is getting better. I just have no idea what he is going to do if he does reform," Twilight admitted.

"Well, that's that, I guess," Rarity said, turning away as well, heading to her work. Spike cocked his head to the side. Twilight realized it was as close to an I told you so as Rarity was going to give.

For Twilight, it was easy; before she discovered the friendship of magic, she had a drive, but he had no real drive outside. "I wonder," she mused out loud.