• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 3,474 Views, 43 Comments

Long live the king - Msande

A subtle change in plans puts the King of the Crystal Empire in a much different position

  • ...

The Dilemna

"Hello, Miss Sparkle," colt Sombra said in very quiet voice. The group was now waiting at the Library for Celestia.

"Good job," Fluttershy complimented since he had finally said something. "Now, let's go to the kitchen and I will make you some lunch," she said, leading him out of the room. The door closed behind them as Twilight cast a spell.

"Now then, in order to cure Spike, it's going to take a few days, so Sombra is going to stay like that for at least a few days too," Applejack explained. "Good thing we are in good standing with the town or else this would cost us some bits."

"Yeah, well he is putting up some issues with his size, so the Mayor wants to take care of him first," Rainbow Dash added. "Not to mention, she was very happy to have me back," she said with a confident smile.

"That is nice Dash, but we have come across an issue; do we cure Sombra or not?" asked Rarity. "I say, collar or not, it would be best to let him live out a new life. I think it would be a good idea, a blank slate for him per say. Not to mention, a thousand years difference in lifestyle. I just think it would better all around," Rarity explained.

"It seems like we are lying, robbing him of his life just cause it's convenient," Applejack reminded, playing devils advocate. "Not to mention, we have no idea if this is permanent. Do you want to deal with him when he get's his memories back, or worse the effects just wear off?" Applejack said.

"Who cares? Sombra is now out of the way and we can all go back to our lives. I got things I need to take care of here in Ponyville," Rainbow Dash said.

"We have no way of knowing if we can get this collar off without his knowledge. I would much rather redeem him or cure whatever it is that turned him into the monster he was," Twilight replied, putting in her two bits.

"What about the colt? What is he, is he Sombra? A memory? A new pony? Oh, should we throw him a party or something?" Pinkie asked, rubbing her head. "All this thinking is making my brain hurt," she groaned.

"Sombra wasn't pure white growing up. He always had the horn as well. I think the poison joke may have stripped him of everything he valued; his magic, his size, his knowledge, and maybe even color. Even if it did regress his mind, what we have is almost a separate pony entirely," Twilight quickly rambled off.

"So then where is Sombra?" asked Applejack. "As far as I see it, Sombra is being played a fool and we should cure him as soon as possible," she said with a nod of her head.

"But darling, do we really want to pass up this opportunity to be ride of Sombra? He gets a new life and we all move on," Rarity said, all but rehashing what they had already said.

"What about the collar?" asked Twilight. "I am linked to him, colt or otherwise, I couldn't let him get out of my sight," Twilight replied.

"I think the choice is clear. Just being on the safe side, we should cure him," Applejack said with a nod, more convinced of her side.

"But he was sure he would never get out of his position. Even with the dark magic, he was sure he would never get out. If this gives him that way out, could I let him keep this? Let him out of his self made prison?" Twilight asked as she looked at Applejack.

"Well, sugar-cube, that's," Applejack couldn't seem to keep her words.

"But you said you would be stuck with him cause of the collar. You would be tied to him at least in area, not to mention, you would have to keep an eye on him in case his memories comes back. And colts and fillies are so hard to take care of as it is. Could we ask somepony to care for a colt, no matter what he acts like, not knowing if Sombra would come back?" asked Pinkie Pie. The discussion just stopped as everyone just looked at Pinkie Pie in surprise.

"Taking that for what it is worth, it's true. If we leave him like this, he is and always will be our responsibility," Rarity said as she glanced down at the ground. "I mean giving a dress away or watching my sister is one thing but this being responsible on a completely different level."

Silence rained over them as not a single one had an answer anymore. "I think we need more information. Princess Celestia will know what to do. In the mean time, I have a few experiments I want to preform," Twilight said, fetching a white coat and putting her hair up in a bun.

"Oh boy, are we going to the basement again?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Something like that," Twilight said. "Can somepony escort him downstairs? Spike, I," she frowned as she realized he couldn't help. "It seems I am short one assistant."

"Pick me!" shouted Pinkie Pie as she jumped up and down, holding her hoof in the air. The unicorn looked at Rarity Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"Well have fun with that, egghead," Rainbow Dash said as she zipped out of the door.

"Sorry Twi, I got things I need to take care of. The farm won't run itself," Applejack replied.

"Darling, I have some time if you want some help," Rarity replied.

"Thanks, and you as well Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie, I need you to find some hair from Sombra's bags. And Rarity, let Fluttershy know we need her and Sombra downstairs."

"Got something planned?" Rarity asked.

"I want to see just how deep this rabbit hole goes," Twilight said. as she headed down stairs. The lights flicked on as she looked over her machinery. She needed some kind of answer, now more than ever. The wheels in her mind were racing. "Could the black magic he used be why? Or maybe the damage to the flower he caused," Twilight mused as she shook her head.

"Um, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked as she floated into the room with Pinkie bounding in as she cartwheeled down the stairs, a piece of black hair in her hoof. Before she hit the last step, she curved in, falling off the stairs as she crashed into the ground.

After everyone shared a wince in sympathy, Twilight shook her head as she retrieved the tuft of fur. "Thank you Pinkie Pie," Twilight said with a smile as Pinkie shared it as she bounced back to her hooves.

"So what are you doing?" asked Fluttershy as she ushered Sombra down the stairs.

"I know his fur is not naturally white and I want to know how much the poison joke has changed. I am going to need a piece of his fur, if possible," Twilight replied.

"Ep," he said, shrinking back.

"I dare say, darling, you could go for a haircut anyway. Just hold still," Rarity said as she levitated a pair of scissors.

"Rarity, your scaring him," Fluttershy said with a disapproving frown. Rarity glanced between them, looking at the wood floor in shame as she lowered the scissors. "Can we please have a bit of your fur? It's very, very, very important," she said, pleading with him.

He looked down at his hoof, kicking it gently against the floor before he turned to Rarity. He held out his hoof like it was a board as he closed his eyes as if expecting some great pain to befall him.

"Thank you," Rarity replied as she walked down back the stairs. Sombra opened one eye as as he glanced at his hoof. He tested it against the ground and he winced. He blinked in surprise when he found no pain.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Fluttershy asked. He shook his head and gave her a happy smile.

Pinkie bounced around the lab floor as Twilight worked with the equipment. Twilight looked at some of the papers. "Well, Celestia didn't keep the equipment here state of the art, so it will take some time."

Suddenly there was a low gurgling. "Sounds like someone is hungry. Don't worry, Spike, I can w-." She stopped, realizing Spike wasn't in the house with her. She glanced back to see Sombra blushing as he brushed his hoof against the floor.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten anything lately," he said in a small almost ashamed voice.

"Sorry, Twilight," Fluttershy interjected timidly. "We were going to have a snack but then we got distracted with Owlowiscioius."

"It's no problem. In fact, you are all welcome to stay here and join us for dinner. I just wish Applejack and Rainbow Dash had stuck around to join us as well," Twilight said.

"Would you like some help with that? Feeding so many would be such a tiresome task," Rarity reminded as they all headed upstairs.

Twilight opened the fridge only for a rank smell to come out. "What is that smell?" asked Fluttershy as Rarity waved a hoof in front of her noise. Twilight slammed the fridge door closed.

"Seems I forgot how long I have been away." she said in an even voice. The door opened up as they all popped out of the kitchen.

"Oh my," said a male voice as everyone stared at him.

"Hi, Doctor Hooves," Pinkie Pie said as she waved at the brown stallion with the hourglass cutie mark.

"Oh, my I wasn't expecting you back, Miss Sparkle," he said as he took a step back.

"Um, who are you?" Twilight asked.

"Oh that's Doctor Hooves. He is Mayor Mare's assistant, he takes care of the clocks in Ponyville. Oh and he was the librarian before Twilight moved in," Pinkie Pie explained.

"Quiet right, well when Miss Sparkle headed north, I took over the Library duty in her absence. So sorry to intrude - I didn't know you had returned," he apologized as he made his way for the door.

"Doctor, you wouldn't happen to know of a cheap place we can get something to eat. It seems my fridge has gone bad," Twilight said as she glanced at the door.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't sure about your food and things, so I just kept to the books. Um yes there is this one place the Mayor likes to frequent. I could take you there if you like," he said, nodding to the door.

"That sounds lovely. Thank you so much Mr. Hooves." Rarity said with a smile, and a flash of her lashes. He turned red.

"Anyway, It's not too far along. Oh and who might that be?" he asked as he noticed Sombra.

"Hello Mr.," Sombra said in a low voice.

"Is he a relative?" he asked.

"He is a friend of the family. I am watching him for the time being," Twilight said as a rather forced smile appeared on her face.

"Quite right," he said, "well, if we will be off, I will show you the way."

Twilight glanced down at Sombra who glanced up at her. "Yeap, I think," he said in uncertain agreement. The group followed him out as he escorted them to dinner.

"You don't have to pay, I can cover it," Twilight replied.

"Nonsense, use it for your refrigerator I neglected. It's the least I can do," he insisted as he pushed his bits over the table.

The waiter collected Doctor Hooves money as he walked off. Twilight sighed in a huff. "Don't think this is over," she said, eying him. He grinned nervously when he pulled out a pocket watch.

"Oh my look at the time. Well, it's good to have you back Miss Sparkle, but I have a schedule to keep. If you do have to leave for a long time, leave a note with us so we can keep the library open in your absence," he reminded. "And sorry about the refrigerator."

"Will do," she said with a nod as he hurried off into the distance. "I guess the smell must have tipped him off," she admitted as Rarity giggled.

"He is rather gentlecolt-like to cover the bill for three mares and a young colt," Rarity admitted. "But it was nice to talk to one of Ponyville's most eligible bachelors," she said.

"You know, I never met him up till now," Twilight admitted as she looked over at Sombra, who was doing his best interpretation of the now missing stallion.

"Yeah, he came buy for a tie and collar not to long ago. Such a shame he wasn't sporting it now," Rarity replied, thinking back on the order.

"If you say so," Fluttershy said in a low voice, having not talked for the stallion's entire visit.

"He was nice, but the distraction is gone. I do need to check to see if my results are in," Twilight said as she got out of her seat.

"I can't believe he did it," Rarity giggled as Fluttershy gave her friend a confused look. "Nothing," she said with a smile. Fluttershy shook her head as she shook it of as just local gossip.

"Crap!" Twilight exclaimed as she spotted the chariot.

"You think having the Princess here would have caused a bit more of a stir," Rarity replied as she did her best to gallop after Twilight. Fluttershy grabbed Sombra by the scruff of his neck.

"Mafe everfhony is gotfen use to her," Fluttershy said with her mouth full. All three mares burst into the library where Celestia stood with Luna next to her.

"I am so sorry, Princess. I just went out for a bite to eat," Twilight apologized. Fluttershy set Sombra down, closing the door behind him.

"It is quite all right," she said giving a brief smile. But Luna did not seem as kind.

"So, were is King Sombra? I wish to deal with him, I will not be brushed to the side on this matter. Where is he!" Luna shouted as nearly everypony in the room jumped.

"Eep," came a cry as Rarity and Twilight split, looking back to see Fluttershy cowering near the book shelf. In her hooves would be a very small colt just as terrified as she was.

Celestia moved past them as her shadow stretched over the pair. "Are you sure?" she asked as she looked the colt over. "Sombra was not a white colt before he was corrupted. "He was grey, well kinda," she admitted.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Well he never told me the color of his real coat. He used magic to keep it a dull green, claiming that it wasn't a very masculine color," she said, a bit amused. "I doubt white would have been much of a problem for him."

"What is this poison joke you talk off?" Luna asked as she calmed down a bit having seen the reason for her grief was now cowering in the corner.

"Well, it's," Twilight started to explain but Celestia answered before her.

"A remnant of chaotic energy. Normally if antagonized, it plays a harmless prank. But on more harsh acts, a more aggressive retaliation is in order. I have a feeling Sombra had a bad run in," Celestia admitted as she looked down at the colt. Her horn glowed with bright light as she picked Sombra up. The colt looked so terrified as he struggled in her grasp.

"Princess," Fluttershy said as she reached out for him for a brief second.

"I have to admit, Sombra must have mislead me about his his history. He never mention being so, timid," she said having found the right word as she set him down in front of her. She kept looking him over as if looking for some kind of answer.

Suddenly a low ding rung and Twilight suddenly vanished. "Twilight, my dear student, what is it?"

"Well since he looked so different, I went out on a hunch, and well," she said. "He isn't Sombra. His DNA - it has next to no connections with the pony himself."

Every eye fell on the colt as he seemed to shrink from all the attention. "Who is Sombra?" he asked.

"Let me see that," Celestia said as she glanced over the paper. "Twilight, it is Sombra. It's his memories that are the issue. You seem to forget that poison joke changes a pony. It's not too surprising it would strip him of the traits he prided himself on; his size, magic, anything that he enjoyed, it seems even his courage. But to see him like this," she said, clearly troubled.

"I say we keep him like this," Luna said with a frown as she glared at the colt.

"Tempting," Celestia admitted. "If we didn't have other issues," she reminded as she glanced at Twilight. "I have a feeling you've already thought about it."

"Yes, we have," Twilight said with a solid nod. "We talked about it and here is what I think is our best interests," she started.

Author's Note:

Hey, i got a Plan i kind of went a little nuts with the Poison joked Sombra, but i really fell in love with the character and plan to do a split of story were The shadow of Sombra gets his own story. I was also planning on turning this as Twilight not giving her decision, but i felt i hung onto this plot thread to long already. let me know if you are interested in the side story if it's not to big a thing i won't worry about it to much but if you guys like it i can put it a bit higher on my list. enjoy