• Published 15th Nov 2012
  • 2,370 Views, 125 Comments

Awakening - blazikenking

One Thorsday morning, I woke up as my OC. This should be interesting.

  • ...

The Bathroom, A Song, And a Dream

NOTE: There is a bit of sadness in this chapter. I hope to convey it properly.


Within one hour, I had figured out how to get my magic focused and was able to lift my crowbar from the hall and walk with it easily, placing back in its rightful place on my closet door. It was right about then that nature decided to give me a call.

I made a mad dash for the bathroom by the mudroom in the back. While I didn’t really own it, it was generally considered mine seeing as I was its primary user. Once I was inside, I had to think quick. I figured out a solution, and relief came very quickly in two ways (the author doesn’t want to go into detail on this topic, but he’s pretty sure you’re all smart enough to know what he means).

I found one other benefit to magic really fast: sanitation in the bathroom is easier. Unfortunately, it leaves a gross feeling in the magic, even if it was just the use of telekinesis to move the TP where it was needed. I’m fairly certain that, given enough time, I might get to the point where I can ignore it. And seeing as I was now female, I had more chances to get used to it. What fun.

It was just past 4:30, and I was now bored. Deciding to update some stuff on the internet to pass the time, I went back towards my room at a casual trot. But just before I could set a single hoof in my room, the landline phone rang. With a sigh, I went to the office/guest bedroom to answer it via telekinesis.


“Is that you, Adam?”

“Oh, hi mom. Yes, it is.”

“Did you see my letter to you in the hall?”

“Yes. It made me trip while trying to frame the crowbar. But I knew the paper’s intent and that it was guilty.”

“If you say so. Anyways, I managed to get the 8 hour shift as I had hoped for and I’ll be heading home after I get to my car.”

“Ok. I guess I’ll wait for you.”

“Alright. Oh, have you been outside today?”

“No. It’s deer season and I don’t want to risk going out there.”

“Good point. Well, I’ll see you when I get home.”

“See ya.”

It was there that the conversation ended. I gently put the phone back in its cradle and went back to my room. After all, I had things to update, and the internet wasn’t about to do it for me. I snagged a couple pens with my magic before going to work.

It may not be the best way to type, but I’ll take what I can get for now.

On DeviantArt, I posted a journal to inform those who cared about my change. It wasn’t very long, as it was meant to be more of a notification thing. It could be summed up as; So yeah. I’m my OC pony now. Aside from figuring out how to do stuff, nothing else is going on.

After clearing out my messages and notes, I went over to Facebook. After I logged out of my profile there, I made a new one for the pony side of me and began checking for other pony accounts. I decided to start with just one pony. And just because she was so darn adorable, I went with Erica Fluttershy. Not wanting to start an immediate chat, I just sent a simple friend request to start things off with, and then left Facebook.

Once Facebook was taken care of, I went over to the great and powerful Youtube to listen to some metal, specifically Sabaton. While all of their songs were very good, one song of theirs had a very high amount of my recent interest, even before the change; specifically A Lifetime of War.

The song had always struck a chord in me, something along the lines of disappointment in humanity. This time however, it seemed to bring tears to my eyes. I suppose that the original Technia would have been moved to tears because I could feel some moistness welling up in my eyes and an unusually powerful pang of sadness.

With this, I decided to attempt a mental conversation with her to see if I could comfort her even a bit. I don’t like seeing anyone sad, even more if it’s one of my characters. I closed my eyes and focused on winding through the maze of our shared mind, seeking her out.


I seemed to be in a house of some kind. There was furniture, most of which was black with red trim. The area seemed to be perfectly lit, and a look through one of the windows showed that it appeared to be nighttime outside.

Where am I?

Looking around, I saw what was probably the front door and tried to open it, but for some reason, even with magic I couldn’t even get it to move.

Well that narrows down my options. But where am I? And whose house is this?

I looked around to see what was could help identify the resident(s) of this place. The furniture looked to be mostly utilitarian, but with comfort highly prioritized and colors chosen afterwards. Various shelves held small mechanical trinkets and an array of books with writing in a script I’d never seen before. But perhaps the biggest hint was a picture of Technia in front of a picture of her in front of the house.

I’m going to guess that this is Technia’s home, if the photo and trinkets are any indication.

While I was thinking, I barely heard what sounded like sobbing coming from a different room. Being careful not to disturb the furniture’s positioning (it seemed to be done very carefully), I walked around to try to find the source of the crying. It seemed a bit louder when I was at the stairs, which gave me a good start.

If Technia is here, I should try to comfort her. I’d hate to see my only OC crying and do nothing about it.

I slowly went up the stairs to stay more focused on hearing, so it took what felt like almost a minute to get to the top. The sobbing was coming from the left, so I went that way. I don’t know how I could have overlooked the one small detail that could have cut some time off my search: a giant red Phi on the door the crying seemed to be coming from.

I knocked on the door a couple times before entering to find Technia’s room. Like my own, it wasn’t the cleanest around, but it did have a clean enough path to get around to the important places, namely a small workbench, some cabinets of small parts and tools, and the bed, which had a crying grey and red curled up mare on it.

I made my way over to Technia slowly, and made my hooffalls intentionally loud so that my presence was known.

“Hey, you okay Technia?”

“I will be.”

“Was it the song that got you?”

A nod was her only response.

“I thought so. I could feel your sadness all the way out there.” I hopped up on the bed and sat next to her and lay a foreleg over her withers.


“Yeah. And I think I can understand it, with you coming from a world that hasn’t been in a major war for multiple generations, if at all.”

“Is your species really so violent?”

“Sadly, we can be and not even realize it. We fight wars over religion, regions, and for revenge while telling ourselves that we’re correct. I honestly envy the peace of Equestria, and I share this sentiment with plenty of others.”


“Yeah. I wish that the world could hear that song and learn from it. It would bring much peace. At least I hope it would.”

“Has anyone ever told you how stupidly optimistic you are with that idea?”

“Nope. You’re the first I’ve told it to. Anyways, you seem to be feeling better, so I think I’ll take my leave.” I left Technia on the bed, bid her a farewell, and went back downstairs to try the front door again. This time, it opened with no difficulty and I walked right out.


I woke up with a start, and noticed that there seemed to be something stuck between my teeth. Carefully pulling it out, I saw that it was a 32GB SD card with Pillow.exe written on it.

Where did this come from? What does this Pillow.exe do? How much can I sell this for?

It was right about then that my phone’s alarm went off for the second time that day.

Must be 5:55. Faiz o’ Clock.

I used my magic to pull the phone over and used a hoof to dismiss the alarm, which took a few tries.

Note to self: come up with collapsing stylus for hoof.


A/N: I have no idea how well I conveyed the sad bit of the chapter, but I promise that it won’t become a regular thing. I’ll be aiming for a more neutral/upbeat story most of the time.

The Faiz o’ Clock thing is something I do for real. I really like Kamen Rider Faiz/555, so I’m sure you can figure out the connection. That aside, it’s kind of nice to have a regular alarm for no real reason.