• Published 15th Nov 2012
  • 2,370 Views, 125 Comments

Awakening - blazikenking

One Thorsday morning, I woke up as my OC. This should be interesting.

  • ...

Face, Meet Floor.

The trip from downtown to Jenny’s house was quiet, save for the radio, which was set on the local NPR station. Not one story was on the ponification that was happening. I think that once 1 million people are changed, they’ll start reporting on it. But then again, it wasn’t a very long drive, so they could have had a story about the ponification sometime before leaving downtown and after the arrival at Jenny’s house.

Once the car was parked, I got everything in my telekinetic grip and walked with mom up to the door, where she rang the doorbell and I transferred the pizzas to her. Jenny answered the door with a speed that made it seem like she was sitting on the steps just behind the door.

My mom was the first to speak. “Hello Jenny.”

“Hello, how are you today?”

“Not bad. Where’s your mom?”

“She’s in the kitchen, cleaning dishes. You can come inside and talk to her, but I kind of forgot to tell her that Adam turned into a pony, so she might freak out. Sorry.”

“I’ll go tell her then.” Mom went off to the kitchen, leaving me looking up at a friend who I used to be slightly taller than. It was a weird experience.

I decided to prevent any wild awkward silences from appearing. “So, what should I do now?”

“Well, come inside first, so you don’t freeze outside.”

“I’m not too worried about freezing. I have fur now. But if it’ll make you happy, I will.” I put on a clearly fake unhappy face while I made my way in, where I was harmlessly assaulted by a white and very energetic cat. Good thing its front paws were declawed. Seeing as its attacks were fruitless, it left and I set my stuff down by the door.

“Well, it looks like Tiffany still likes you.”

“You don’t say! So, how about we go upstairs and do stuff?”

“Sure, hope you know how to walk up stairs with four legs now.”

I’m fairly certain I got a twitchy eyelid. “I haven’t. But going down seems more daunting.”

“Yeah, well, we’ll get to that later so you don’t have to worry about it now. So let’s just see how you do going up stairs first.”

“Well, I guess we’d better start sooner than later.” I managed to take three steps up before losing my balance and flipped backwards. “At least I got further than Valve!”

“Haha. Do you need any help going up? Because I can help if you want.”

“Unless you have experience with 4 legs on stairs, I think just being there to catch me would be satisfactory.”

“Works for me.”

The next half hour could be summed up as 5 more failed attempts, a break for pizza, then 3 more attempts with the last one featuring me collapsing at the top of the stairs.

“I made it!” I weakly held up a forelimb in victory before it and my neck gave out, making me faceplant. Gravity loves my face!

“Congratulations. Now, let’s see how you do going down stairs.”

My neck seemed to get a sudden infusion of strength when it lifted my head, but its power must have been taken from my jaw because it dropped. “Now?”

“I’m just kidding. Do you want me to carry you to my room?”

“I think I’ll be able to make it there within 5 minutes.” The door to her room was just about 6 feet away. It seemed reasonable enough.

“Sorry if my room is messy, I still have to get rid of some stuff.”

I put on a mock regal tone. “Please, do tell me about the last time I cared about that. I am interested in your tale.”

“Good point. Well anyway, what do you want to do?”

“Crawl to your room, see if I have enough energy to jump up on your bed, and crash there. If I don’t have the energy to jump up there, then I’m sure the carpet will be nice too.”

It seems I overestimated myself. It took closer to 10 minutes to just get to the door. once I made it there, I noticed that Jenny had moved her chair and a few other things to make a ramp going up to her bed. I thought I saw a camera, but I didn’t care. Calling upon a hidden reserve of energy, I stood up and made my way up the ramp, and aimed for the pillows. I think I was going a little too fast because I hit my head on the bedpost and fell asleep just seconds later. A double crash, if you will. And it was close to 2:00. How appropriate.

*4 10 minute segments of time later*

I don’t think I’ve collapsed from fatigue like that in a very long time. I did have a weird dream about talking hats though. Might be because I was still wearing mine. I took a brief look around and found myself surrounded by pillows.

“Have I been assimilated into the pillow horde?”

“Yes, yes you have.”

“NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Wait a minute. Pillows don’t talk. There’s a spah around here. Where’s a Pyro when you need him/her/whatever it may be?”

“Sadly I don’t know. But anyway, did you have a good nap?”

“I became a pillow! So no. Unless I’m not a pillow. Which is it?” I was on the verge of a fake panic attack.

“Don’t worry, you’re still a pony... It feels weird saying that to you because you were a human, and now you’re not.”

“I thank thee, Captain Obvious. That was a very profound observation.”

“You’re welcome Sargent Sarcasm.”

“So, how long was I out?” I held my head up, proving that I had not become a pillow, although I felt that I could make a good substitute.

“About 40 minutes, so not that long I guess.”

“That’s nice, and I guess I should start practicing going down stairs, but first thing’s first.” I made a mad dash for the bathroom. I think I looked like a grey and red blur as I raced there.

Once I finished (I think I’m getting better at tuning out that gross feeling when cleaning myself), I felt, needless to say, really good. I felt so good that I didn’t care that I faceplanted off the toilet. I just felt too good to care.

I made my way back to Jenny’s room. “So, where were we?”

“About to see how well you do going down stairs.”

“Right. Let’s just get it over with.”

I must say, going down was tough. My first attempt got me down to the bottom of the stairs, but that was just gravity getting help from the stairs in order to show how strong it was. The next few attempts got me practice at 3 things: walking down the stairs, falling down the stairs, and walking up the stairs. I was doing well with 2 of those, and it was about half an hour before I made my first safe trip down. My coach decided that wasn’t enough and made me do it again. I don’t know where she got that hat she was wearing, but it certainly made sense.

“Can’t I take a break?”


“Aww.” I went back to going down the stairs, along with up them for a while longer. After one hour of this, I had a rough pattern down with icicles. “Well, I won’t be playing that one about going down the stairs any time soon.”

“Haha. Well, at least you have kind of mastered going up and down the stairs, so they won’t bother you that much anymore.”

“Good point. I’ll work out any issues as they come up. Thanks for the help, coach.”

“You are very welcome.”

“Thanks. And the best part is that my hat is undamaged.” I took it off to check this fact, and it was true. “So, is this the part where we surf the net for a few hours until supper? Also, is my mom still here?”

“I’ll go check, and I guess.”

“Thanks. I’ll wait here.”

It turned out that she was still here and was talking with Jenny’s mom. What they were talking about, she didn’t catch and I didn’t care. The important thing is that there was still some pizza left, so I went to get some. “Want any of the pizza?”

“Sure, I’ll have plain cheese.”

“Cool. I think I’ll try a slice of the veggie.” I levitated a slice of cheese pizza over to Jenny and a slice of veggie to me. I took a cautious bite, and enjoyed it. There were more bites taken, but they were less cautious.

“Well, I’m not going to complain about the veggie pizza. Must be the new diet thing.”

“Must suck not being able to eat meat like you used to, but at least you can still eat vegetables and fruits.”

“Yeah. Tofu as well. If I go into a grocery store in this body, I’m probably going to spend a good deal of time in the produce section.”

“Of course.”

“Could you get me a glass of water please?”

“Sure.” Jenny made fast work of getting the glass of water. Once it was filled, I relieved her of it and greedily drank the clear substance, feeling refreshed.

“So, back upstairs and on the computers?”

“After you.”

“If you insist.” I made my way back to the stairs and we headed back up to her room, where we spent the next three hours on the internet, including some good music and other silly stuff. And then, it was time for supper.

Supper wasn’t that exciting. There was much discussion on the ponification thing, and for some reason, I felt like I was the only one in town at the time. It seemed that I would be staying overnight, seeing as mom left just a couple hours before. Not that I’m complaining. We ate and talked for about 45 minutes before Jenny and I went back to her room, where our computers awaited us.

“I just remembered something. You wanted me to see what your laptop thought of you, right?”

“Oh yeah, I did, didn’t I?”

“Yep. Now then.” I woke her computer up and then started to listen. To anyone who wasn’t me, it would only appear that I was in the middle of a staring contest with the computer. “It likes you. That’s it. Nothing more.”

“Sweet, thanks.”

“No problem.” It was right there that I went back to my computer and decided to try and use my magic to fix a key that wasn’t responding at all when pressed. I managed to get it cleaned within a few minutes and tested it. The key worked and I started going over the rest, each one taking less time than the one before it. Once that was taken care of, the rest of the night was spent browsing the internet until Jenny and I were both yawning. We both got ready for the night (needless to say, I was done much more quickly). Jenny took to the bed, and I a spot on the floor. Soon, we were both asleep.