• Published 15th Nov 2012
  • 2,370 Views, 125 Comments

Awakening - blazikenking

One Thorsday morning, I woke up as my OC. This should be interesting.

  • ...

The End of the Day

Wait. The Faiz alarm just went off, and when mom called earlier around 4:30, she said that she had gotten off early as she had hoped. That meant she was most likely home!

With this exciting thought in mind, I lept off the bed, and I swear the rule of funny took hold because just a moment after leaping off, I remembered that it hurt to land on the floor, and I had no practice with landings and I swear that I was floating in midair before falling flat on the floor. This hurt more than you might think, because my floor is hardwood, and not carpet.

After recovering, I remembered the Pillow.exe card was on my bed, and deciding that that wasn’t the best place to keep it, I moved it over behind a heavily armed transformer on one of my lego drawer towers.

That’ll make sure no one takes it. </joke>

I decided to head to the open and lit office, seeing as she usually spends a good amount of time there either practicing (I heard no music, so that wasn’t it), checking email (I didn’t hear anything), or playing a game (she usually has the sound off, so I couldn’t tell from that).

Sneaking as quietly as I could (yay for thick carpet), I got to a position where I could see what was on the screen, and I was surprised. She was looking at news around the internet on the whole ponification thing. It wasn’t so much the material she was looking at, but that she was looking at something that wasn’t email or the very occasional shopping site. I let her finish the article she was reading before I sat up and clapping with my forehooves, startling her.

“Don’t scare me like that.”

“I’ve been here for most of the time you’ve been reading that article. I’m kind of surprised you didn’t hear me hit the floor just after Faiz.”

“I was watching a video about it all being a conspiracy of some kind.”

“I’ll accept that explanation. Where’s dad? Does he know of my change?”

“As far as I know, he’s out back working on something. I’m not sure if he’ll be around long for supper, considering your new diet, and thus a new supper plan.”

“Well, I can say I’m not surprised at any of that. How did he react to news of my change?”

“He seemed shocked, and kind of down about it. I’m sure he’ll be fine though.”

“I hope so. Oh, could you take me over to Jenny’s tomorrow? I’m kind of in a position where I can’t exactly drive.”

“Sure. I’ve got tomorrow off. What time?”

“Because I didn’t know if you’d be off or not, I didn’t organize a time with Jenny. I’ll check to see if she’s on Steam for chat.” With that, I went back to my room, and it was a few minutes before I came back with the news. “1:00 seems like a good time.”

“I can work with that. Anyways, you want some supper?”

At that, my stomach voiced my thoughts before I had a chance to reply. I put on a deadpan face at this. “Thanks for giving my answer away, stomach.” I swear it’s psychic or something, always answering for me.

Mom and I shared a brief laugh at this before she went to the kitchen to make some supper. Personally, I was hoping for something with tofu in it. It’s good stuff and goes well with lots of things. While waiting, I went back to my room to see if I could think of something to pass the time with. The Pillow.exe card looked tempting to try, but seeing as supper was soon, I held off on it. After all, it could take time to figure out, and I’m not exactly known for leaving a new program after just starting to figure it out.

Leaving the computer behind, I picked up what could be best described as my favorite transformer: Skyhammer. I’d have practiced fine-tuning my magic control by transforming it to vehicle mode, but aside from being a bit too fine for now, I also noticed that his gun wasn’t detailed like the figure itself. A couple days ago, I had used a Gundam Marker to draw out various panel lines on him, and it made a huge difference in aesthetics. I hadn’t done the same with the gun, so picking it up, and going on a brief quest to locate the marker (there was no Item Get sound though), I sat down and got to work.

I must have been extremely focused on the work because after I had finished the middle section (That part has lots of details), I could smell some food nearby. Scanning the area, I saw the source: a plate with stir fried ramen, tofu, and an assortment of vegetables along with a familiar bowl of water on a tray not far from me.

Normally, I would avoid the vegetables, but this day hadn’t been very normal, so I snagged a mouthful of them, along with some noodles and tofu, and it was while I was chewing all of that that I realized something: The Pillow.exe card could be empty. I have never tasted vegetables this good before. I’m not sure if it’s my new biology, Technia’s tastes, if mom did something new, or some combination thereof, but those veggies were now equal to the ramen and tofu in my opinion. Each bite from there on was savored and enjoyed.

After clearing my plate and emptying the water bowl, I took the tray, plate, and bowl back to the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of the time on the radio in the living room: 8:06.

I can still lose track of time. Oh well.

After setting the items on the counter, I went back to my room to continue working on Skyhammer’s gun detailing and practicing my finer telekinesis skills. This took a couple hours, partially due to being unfamiliar with magic (I’m getting better), but more with finding other transformer weapons to practice with. After having done Dark of the Moon Sentinel Prime’s sword and shield, I decided to stop and check the time: 10:01.

I think I should prepare my stuff and be getting to sleep now. Tomorrow will probably be a busy day.

With that, I went to the bathroom to relieve myself of anything that could randomly wake me in the night (have I mentioned how weird it is for me? No? It’s weird for me), then brushed my teeth (As per Sargent Colgate's instructions) and went into my room. Once there, I picked up my backpack and proceeded to put my laptop, its cord, Pillow.exe, a sketchbook, a few pens, every pencil in my room (both regular and mechanical), and swiss army pliers (23 functions (11 of them are just different screwdriver heads though) including paperweight!). The only other thing left is the cooling pad, but it’s a tad too big to fit in there. Going with the simplest and best solution, I decided that I would just carry it along with the backpack.

Thanks for teaching me that, GLaDOS.

Now that I had everything ready for tomorrow, it was time to sleep. I just hope that I don’t have a lucid dream. The last one was weird enough.

I didn’t have any lucid dreams, but the one I did have was rather memorable: blueprints, 3D part models, and programming code all layered together into a mess I could understand, but would probably make any normal person’s mind partially collapse. I didn’t like it that much.


I am open to ideas on what Pillow.exe does, so long as it’s SFW. Please leave ideas in the comments.