• Published 17th Dec 2012
  • 707 Views, 35 Comments

My Special Rose - Yellow_Quiet

Trailing Ivy's life mostly consisted of waking up, eating, tending to his garden, sleeping and occasionally venturing for food. It was only when he discovered a special rose of his own that he brought variety back into his garden.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Hair down.
Hair up.
Hair down....
Hair half-up?
Roseluck stared at the mirror, and the current strand of hair that refused to pick a position and stay put. Well, not much she could do about that. Besides, she had a few strands falling across her face when she had first met Ivy, so perhaps this wasn't a bad idea. She then affixed a single pink ribbon into her mane, finishing off her preparations.
Well, five minutes to go.
Rose sighed, shaking her head slightly. Once again, she was getting flustered about something silly. She couldn't help but smile as she recalled how shy Ivy had looked when talking with her. All the other stallions who had been interested in her had been the polar opposite of Ivy. Outgoing, very sure of themselves...
And always interested in nothing more than her flank.
Her mouth turned down into a bemused frown at the last thought. She hadn't lied to Ivy when telling him about her inexperience with relationships. She had never been asked on a date that she felt comfortable accepting. The few times someone had asked, it was very clear what they wanted.
To which, Roseluck didn't understand very much. She wasn't overly pretty, not by a long shot. Her mane hung at sometimes ragged angles, and occasionally her fur spiked up in random spots.
Rose tried to ignore the self-defeating thoughts, but failed. No, Ivy was different. He made her actually feel like somepony important. All the things she thought were strange about her, he had must have overlooked. Being into growing plants, the fact she wasn't that pretty...
So why bother asking her out? What did he see in her?
Thankfully, Rose finally managed to snap out of her depressing mental state, and trot out onto the porch to wait. It was a slightly-cloudy day, the weather ponies planning a shower tomorrow. The temperature was cool, but not too nippy. A slight breeze rustled some fallen leaves around the front gate-as did the hooves of a certain stallion.
She trotted out to greet him, sending a potted plant skittering across the cobblestone walkway (but thankfully the plant survived its wobbly voyage and remained upright.)
Right on cue, the minute their eyes met, her heartbeat doubled, and quite a few quivers resonated in her hooves. It certainly didn't help calm her nerves.
“Wow Rose! You look great!”
She blushed, looking to the ground briefly.
“Hey Ivy...”
That's when the spontaneous part of her personality took over.
She hugged him. It wasn't a one-arm over the shoulder, but a both-hooves-around-the-neck hug. Of course, in doing so, she almost knocked him over. Good going Rose...
Part of her was ecstatic, while the rest of her was terrified that he'd-
Wait, he was hugging her back?
A sense of security, not unlike the kind she felt when wrapped in the arms of her parents, flooded through her body. This was different though. Parents were suppose to love their kids. Ivy...
Nope. Don't cry. Don't cry.
After a few moments, they both went back to standing on all fours, unable to meet teach other's gaze. When Rose finally glanced over to Ivy, she saw something that made her heart melt; a simple tenderness in his eyes.
Darnit Ivy, why did you have to be so adorable?
“Where did you want to go?”
Rose surprised herself by speaking- so much for being tongue-tied.
“Umm...There's a really good sandwich place in town, if that sounds good.”
She nodded, settling into a steady walk at his side.
For a few moments they didn't talk almost at all, instead looking at the delightful scenery that bordered the small road leading to the center of town. It was then Ivy who broke the semi-silence, slowing to a easier walk as he did so.
“Hey Rose?”
His head lowered slightly, and his gaze refused to meet hers.
“I was wondering, um...why do you like me?”
Had it been appropriate, Roseluck would have facehoofed. Awkward questions was not her forte.
Well, time to see how far honesty could get her.
“Well, you're certainly cute.”
That prompted a blush from both of them, but more-so Rose.
“Honestly? You seem like a really nice stallion.”
She could't help but give him a playful nudge with her shoulder.
“Also, I guess I've got a thing for shy stallions.”
Ask him! Come on Rose, ask him why HE likes YOU!
Sadly, her mouth didn't answer her heart's request.
Ivy certainly had an extra bounce to his step as they neared the sandwich shop, Rose still battling herself.
The rest of the date was fun, to say the least. The food was amazing, and their conversation drifted to horticulture, different types of plants, pruning techniques, and everything in-between. All the while, Rose wanted to ask him that simple question, but just couldn't. It would solve so many of her doubts...
Plants remained the topic of discussion all the way through lunch, and on the walk back to their house.
Darn. That went by far too quickly.
“I had a great time Ivy, thank you...”
“Same here! Hey Rose, I'll see you soon? I really had a great time...”
Something kept Rose back. She wanted to just give him another hug-
Ponyfeathers. Why not?
Once again, the spontaneous side of her won out. She crossed the few steps to Ivy, somehow managing to meet his surprised gaze.
“Ivy, really. Thank you.”
She then wrapped her hooves around him, and kissed him.
Her first kiss...
Just like the hug, part of her was ecstatic, but more-so she was terrified. Of course, she couldn't really focus on any of that, just because the kiss itself was amazing. A warmth spread from her face to her spine, making her fur prickle with excitement.
Then she went blank. All that existed was her, and Ivy. His hooves had reached up and wrapped around her neck.
He was kissing her back.
At that moment Rose didn't care if the sky itself was falling. There was just them, and that comforting feeling that you can only feel when someone else shares their love.
Rose was more than disappointed when she had to break off the kiss, and once again meet Ivy's eyes, which were wide with shock.
Oh no.
The full weight of what she'd done slammed into her consciousness. Panic quickly set in.
What was she thinking?!
Overriding all else, the panic sent her running back to her house, just as confused as the poor stallion left by the gate, who's blissful expression quickly changed to saddened and worried.