• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 6,164 Views, 320 Comments

Ponystuck - confoundtheseponies

A story about a filly and her friends, and a game they play together.

  • ...

Chapter 17

***ACT 2 ACT 2***

"You complete idiot!" Silver Edge had long since passed the point when she was surprised by the degree to which Mild was capable of completely failing at everything. It still stung a little, though. "Let me clear something up here, OK? You're allowed to say that you'll give your victims a five second head start, in order to be a badass which I know is something you have some kind of werid fetish for. You do not actually give them five seconds to run away. I cannot believe that you actually did that."

"And what about you? I didn't see you rushing to help," Mild retorted, clawing back the few inches that he could. "You were just flying around having the time of your life."

"I looked over, and I saw a Thief of Mind aiming knives at two relatively weak and helpless mares. I did not think 'Oh, it looks like Mild needs my help'. I let myself believe, for a few precious seconds, that I had a partner who was HALFWAY COMPETENT!" She was practically screaming at this point, the frustration that she had gradually accumulated flowing through her. "Now, Acapella and Diamond are somewhere on Derse. We don't know where they are, what they're doing - we don't even know if they're still on the planet!"

"OK, OK, let's just think." Mild was becoming aware that the Black Queen and King were watching the argument from their end of the throne room. He needed to get things back under control. "Our main goal here is to keep them all distracted and off balance for as long as possible, until the King is in play." Silver nodded warily, waiting to see where he was going with this trail of thought. "Until the switch is complete, we only have ourselves - and the whole of the Dersite army - to rely on. With that in mind, I propose the following."

He then proceeded to go into a fairly detailed plan which revolved around a lot of subterfuge and sending agents on special missions, some of which was far too spoilery - and all of which was far too long winded - to describe in full. Eventually coming to an agreement over the best course of action, Mild turned to include the monarchs in the debate.

"So, we need someone with guts, who won't mess around, who'll cut to the chase and get the job done. Who's your best man?" The Queen considered the question for a few moments, before replying with certainty. There was one person who was brought to mind, primarily due to the word 'cut'.

"Jack Noir."


"Worst. Planet. Ever." Absolute terms like 'worst' were thrown around a lot, but Ember was pretty sure that it was the correct term this time. The Land of Trees and Frogs was a complete hellhole, filled with bears and frogs and pointed sticks. The sticks were usually owned by the bears, who had apparently taken it upon themselves to defend the frogs against any wandering earth pony that decided to kill every last gog damn frog on the planet. Which probably didn't happen all that often, but regardless they had reacted rather quickly to Ember's attempted genocide. It was lucky for him that bears were herbivores, Ember reflected.

It hadn't been all that long ago that he had been back on his planet, the Land of Joy and Frogs - also a terrible planet, but at least it was made tolerable by the absence of bears and pointed sticks. That was back when he had been making the Genesis Frog with Comet, which had been frustrating and dull. Constantly running around, grabbing frogs, rushing back to base, pushing buttons, calculating gene sequences, and loads of other stuff which had barely anything to do with being a hero of Space - as far as he understood, anyway. Still, there had been some fun times as well. He remembered it as if it was yesterday...


"I still think this is just stupid," Ember commented for the nth time. It had long since passed the point where Comet had bothered to keep track of the value of n, although he suspected it mapped neatly onto an exponential curve which was represented by n=f(t), where t was equivalent to the time they had been talking for. He had amused himself for the last half an hour by theorising what the significance of the unknown function would be, and whether or not there was an item in existence which would have that function as an equation to solve when stored in his sylladex. Occasionally he had nodded or given vague grunts to convince Ember that he was listening to whatever he was saying. "I mean, I'm meant to be a Prince of Space. I should be making black holes, or making things explode. Something cool like that. What's the point of all this frog stuff?"

"The fact that you didn't listen the last time I answered that, or the time before that, or in fact any of the countless times that I've answered your question, makes me wonder if there's any point in answering again," Comet replied, vaguely irritated. After several hours of frog hunting, everything started to be vaguely irritating. Especially ponies who were vaguely irritating to begin with. "But fine. The frog stuff is the Space stuff, OK? The frogs, and breeding the frogs, and all this genetic sequencing and hunting and correcting and splicing and bullshit, this is all inherently linked with Space. The frog which we are attempting to create, the Genesis Frog, the frog with the perfectly structured, perfectly measured DNA sequences, is a literal embodiment of Space. In its genes are the building blocks of matter itself. This frog is, in every sense of the word, a Universe, and the slightest mistake in its genetic sequence will make that Universe imperfect. Flawed, maybe fatally so. So in the first case, we cannot fuck this up. That's not even an option. And in the second case, the frog thing is more to do with Space than space itself." Ember listened to all of this carefully, although his eyes were beginning to close by the end of Comet's speech. He had already heard this explanation f(t) times before, after all.

"Yeah, sure." The two ponies continued in relative silence for a few moments, before Comet was struck by a sudden premonition of the future. He halted.



"This WAS yesterday, you dumb fuck."


Stupid lousy time powers, Ember thought darkly, as he returned his attention to the real world. At that moment, the real world largely consisted of bears with serious expressions. They were stationed at various points around the small prison where he had been stored for the time being, until the consorts decided what to do with him. Besides the occasional croak, the room was silent. At least, it was until voices began to drift downwards from the building above. The first voice that Ember managed to make out was recognisably the voice of the bear elder, who had taken it upon himself to explain to Ember in great detail just why he was so terrible.

"Ah, Seer. It is good to have you with us again." The next voice - presumably belonging to the Seer - was much fainter, although the respectful silence she was being given made sure that her voice was heard.

"Thank you. My, there... there are a lot of frogs now, aren't there?"

"Of course. You will need many frogs in your quest." Far too many, Ember quietly added.

"Right, sure. Um... about that..." Now there was a pause that lasted just a little too long, to the point where Ember was no longer sure if the Seer was simply unsure of herself, or if she had actually passed out. "What is my quest? What are all of these frogs for?"

"We have told you this before, Seer. You are to create the Ultimate Being, the Genesis Frog, from these humble creatures."

"Yes, I know. I just... I'm not sure what that actually means." There was another pause, as the elder collected his thoughts.

"Hm. I'm afraid that such knowledge is kept hidden from us. Only you can comprehend the true nature of your task - discovering how the process works is simply another of your trials."

"Oh... OK. But, what actually is the Ultimate Being?"

"To put it simply... the Ultimate Being is an entirely new Universe." There was a loud gasp of shock, which presumably came from the Seer.

Ember groaned inwardly, and lay down in a more comfortable position as he listened to yet another round of terrible, unnecessarily complex exposition. He had already heard all of this nonsense about ancient technology and ectobiological ruins before. He did not need to hear all of it again.


"12. It's definitely 12." Comet repeated with certainty, once again retracing his steps around the large stone pillars which littered the room he and Twilight found themselves in.

"12 what?" Twilight asked, a little annoyed at how little she was being involved in the puzzle solving. Not that she didn't appreciate having some help with the underlings, of course.

"12 metres, 12 kelvin, 12 shrews, it doesn't matter. Either way, it should be... yeah, this one right here." He tapped his horn against one of the pillars, completely indistinguishable from the others in every way. "Take it down, Sparkles."

"I'll take you down if you call me that again," Twilight said between gritted teeth, before complying and smashing the pillar apart with a blast of magic. "Couldn't you have done that?"

"Well, if you really want me to do everything myself, then I suppose I could do that. Anyway, here we go." Left behind by the blast was the latest puzzle piece, which Comet quickly picked up. Then he checked the equation, just for the sake of it. "Heh, would you look at that. 'Given that x is a positive integer at the intersection of the lines y = 4x^2 + 24 and y = 45x + 60, find x.' 12, just like I told you."

"Uhuh. And you realised that this was the puzzle... how?" Twilight was thoroughly annoyed at how little sense this was making. It was just a room filled with pillars. Nowhere was there any indication of any kind of underlying mathematics that governed the room. It didn't help that she wasn't the best at quadratic equations anyway.

"Now that would be telling," Comet said as he attempted to give Twilight a sly wink, but failed miserably. "Anyway, onwards and upwards."

"Onwards and upwards," Twilight repeated dryly.


"Huh, spooky woods. Now I can see what you meant."

"Eeyup." Returning to the Land of Secrets and Lies was not something that Applejack had been looking forward to. Still, at least Summer was with her. That was a good thing, right? "So what exactly are we trying to achieve here?"

"I don't know. Your quests won't be anything like mine, since both your class and your aspect are completely different to mine." Which was a shame, Summer reflected. Her destiny as the Heir of Light had been thoroughly entertaining, not to mention profitable. "Mostly, I just flew around sniping underlings all over the place."

"Ah see. Well, before Ah left this place the first time, Ah was mostly just trying to help people. A lot of them are dying, mostly because of their own mistakes." Indeed, it seemed as if the entire planet was actively trying to damage itself. Every single consort Applejack had met was secretly planning something, and it was difficult to trust any of them when they were only helping her for as long as it helped them. It was stupid, destructive, and Applejack couldn't stand it. "They're all as bad as each other, but Ah can't just stand by and not do anything. Ah'm just not convinced that it'll be worth it in the end."

"Well, I think our best course of action is to track down the path to your denizen." Summer spoke slowly, unsure of her position. Whatever this planet had planned for them, it was completely outside of her own experience.

"My denizen?"

"Yeah. All of the planets have a super powerful boss at the centre, which is related to your aspect. And sure, you might not be ready to defeat it just yet. But if the path to the palace is anything like mine, you will be by the time we get there."

"So we should get right onto that, Ah suppose?"

"No." Summer pointed a hoof behind Applejack, who turned around just in time to dodge the oncoming basilisk. "First we take this thing out. Then we get right onto that."


"That was just a little too close, Acapella," Diamond said, still out of breath from running. The two of them had gotten away from Mild some time ago, but had continued on into the night. Now they were hiding underneath a bridge on the dark side of the planet, exactly where no one would think to look for them.

"Oh, relax. We're not dead, are we?" While Diamond was at least aware of their situation, Acapella seemed thoroughly relaxed about the whole thing. "And now that we're on Derse, but they don't know our location, we're in a position to do some real damage if we play our cards right."

"Uhuh. Except that Mild will be waiting for us when we go back to the palace, and we'll be seen if we try to head to the moon."

"Oh, but you forget, we have somepony on the inside!" The Derse dreamer grinned. "Just get on the laptop to Silver, get her to buy us some time, then we can get up to that moon."

"We don't have somepony on the inside, Acapella. Silver's blatantly working with Mild and that other guy." While it was technically up for debate, Silver was the enemy as far as Diamond was concerned. Thanks to her, Diamond had been stuck with this stupid camerakind abstrata, not to mention that the traitor owed Diamond half of her life back. Or was it the other way around?

"Why don't you trust her? She gave us the MAP to get into this session, didn't she?"

"Yes." Diamond looked around them. A dark stream of what probably wasn't water trickled along a canal, while the streets above them accumulated a thin layer of mist, and there was almost complete silence. Nothing dared to venture out into the open. "Look how well that turned out."

"Oh, come on, I say we trust her. What's the worst that could happen?" Not waiting, or particularly wanting, to hear the answer, Acapella retrieved her laptop from her sylladex.

[homelessChicken began pestering shiningSeraphim (ss)]

HC: Hey Silver! <:D

ss: Hello

ss: Mild was yelling about you getting away or something

ss: I hope youre both ok

HC: Oh, we're fine, don't worry!

HC: Well, I'm OK, but Diamond is being grumpy for no reason.

ss: Oh

HC: adfsahfsl[[w-23

ss: ?

HC: sorry about that, I was being stupid as usual.

HC: also I'm a gullible idiot and instantly trust everyone.

HC: look at me being all stupid and carefree.

ss: ...

ss: I know this is you diamond

HC: fuck, fine, carry on.

HC: Sorry about that! <:D

ss: Its fine

ss: I understand why shes being suspicious

ss: But i want to help if i can

HC: Well, good, because we have something you could help out with!

ss: What

HC: We want to get onto the moon, but obviously we can't with Mild on the lookout. But you could distract him or something, and then we head on up there!

ss: You realise that the moon is a really obvious place to hide

HC: That's because it's such an important place to be! We'll go up there, and then maybe we can meet up with Nublet's Derse dreamers.

ss: Well i guess that its a plan at least

HC: So, can you help? <:)

ss: Uh

ss: Maybe but i cant tell you exactly when hell be distracted

ss: So just be on standby until i give the green light i guess

HC: OK, sure!

HC: Thank you.

ss: No problem just

ss: Just make sure youre ready to go as soon as i say

HC: Yeah, of course.

ss: Bye

HC: Bye.

[homelessChicken ceased pestering shiningSeraphim (ss)]

"There, see Diamond? Nothing to worry about," Acapella said cheerfully as she packed away her laptop again. "Now, let's get back around to that chain so we're ready." With that, she took off along the side of the canal. After a moment, Diamond sighed and followed her.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."


"Before you go, Seer, there is one small matter that has come up..." Apparently the exposition had finished, as the words from the room above were drawn back into focus and Ember was once again aware of what was being said.


"Not long after the Mage returned the frogs, another pony appeared, making noise and causing trouble." Ember wished that 'killing frogs' was an addition to the list, but sadly he had been stopped before managing to kill a single frog. "He's being kept in the dungeon, in case there was anything you could do about him..."

"Uh, OK..." A pause followed, then came quiet footsteps as the Seer walked over the floor above Ember's head, until she stopped and the entrance to the dungeon was hauled open by one of the guards. Ember rose to his feet now, as Fluttershy walked tentatively towards his cell. "Um... hello?"

"Hey... Fluttershy?" Now that he could see she was a pony, Ember knew that he was right. She was a player, and clearly she was the hero of Space, so of course that meant she was the pony he had talked to a few times already. "I'm Ember." The confused look that Fluttershy had adopted when he had called her by name was now replaced by an expression of surprise.

"Oh! From Comet's session!" He nodded. "Oh, hello, I'm sorry about this, we'll have to get you out of there right away." At her words, another of the guards stepped forwards and opened the door to allow Ember to step out of his cell.

"Thanks." It occurred to Ember that Fluttershy might not know about the whole frog killing thing. It seemed to him that keeping it that way would be a good idea. "Were you going to be getting on with your quest? Because I think that all the others are helping your friends, so... yeah." It was hard to be enthusiastic about it, especially when he knew exactly what her quests would consist of. Fluttershy didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, yes, that would be very helpful. I'm not sure I'd be able to keep track of all these frogs by myself..." With that, Fluttershy picked up a nearby frog, and hugged it. "But aren't they just the cutest things?" She looked towards Ember expectantly.

"Aren't they just." Ember repeated quietly.


There were more powerful underlings, but none of them quite matched the ferocity of the basilisk. Ogres were powerful but easy to confuse, whereas basilisks required a more delicate strategy. This was something which a certain pegasus learned the hard way, as the Ruby Basilisk shrugged off her attack and dove towards her with its teeth bared.


Angrily knocking the two ogres away from her, Destiny slipped through the air towards Rainbow, sword at the ready. The basilisk had knocked Rainbow's lance beyond her reach, and had knocked Rainbow herself into a rock, so Destiny couldn't rely on any help from her. Slashing wildly into the basilisk, which promptly turned its attention to her, Destiny quickly glanced over to Rarity. The unicorn was single handedly taking on a swarm of imps, although her battle had some severe weaknesses. The most noticeable of these weaknesses was that she and the imps were becoming increasingly tangled into a colourful, blood-stained scarf. Sure, needlekind could be a vicious weapon in the hands of a master, but did Rarity really have to keep wool attached?

Regardless, Destiny was on her own for this fight. Acting from experience, she simply held her ground and waited for the underling to attack her. After a few moments of uncertainly surveying its surroundings, the basilisk did so. Scuttling in a large semicircle around the pegasus, it lunged at her side in an attempt to throw her off balance. Unfortunately for the basilisk, Destiny had fought basilisks before, and the majority had attempted the exact same move. Stepping forwards while swinging her sword to her left, she drove the blade into the side of the underling. Activating the umbrella blade inside the basilisk, she then simply held onto the weapon as the basilisks own escape attempts caused more damage to it. Finally weakening it sufficiently to the point where the basilisk was forced to pause for breath, she closed the sword and drew it out of the underling. Taking to the air and quickly flipping herself to face the basilisk, she drew her sword upwards, decapitating it in one quick motion.

"Rainbow?" Rarity, having finally untangled herself from the jumble of wool and dead imps, rushed over to where Rainbow was lying unconscious. "Oh dear... she's out cold." Without saying anything, both Rarity and Destiny glanced to the horizon, where the plume of smoke was growing noticeably darker. "We'd better get her moved somewhere safe or that won't be a problem." Again without saying anything, they both glanced to where the two ogres that had been fighting Destiny were standing. Neither ogre looked particularly happy. "And somepony should probably take them out before they start to be a problem."

"Yeah, I hear you. Get Rainbow somewhere safe." For ogres, a different strategy was required. Standing before the two underlings, Destiny activated her sword and split the weapon into its multiple blades. "I'll deal with these guys."

"Very well." Rarity nodded as Destiny got to work, and then set about picking up Rainbow magically. Briefly, Rarity considered her options. The Boutique was close, but she wasn't sure how long it would be safe. That being said, anywhere else on the planet wasn't safe in any sense of the word. "Right then, off we go."


[shiningSeraphim (ss) began pestering homelessChicken]

ss: Hey

HC: Oh, hello again!

ss: Milds briefing some poor derse agent

ss: Which is to say that the sky is clear

ss: If anyone sees you then youll be able to hide on the moon before mild finds out about it

HC: Cool, thanks.

HC: I knew we could trust you. <:)

ss: Of course

ss: Anyway id better make myself scarce in case im expected to stop you

ss: Ill talk to you later


[shiningSeraphim (ss) began pestering homelessChicken]

"Well, Diamond? Anything to say?" Acapella asked, with more than an air of smugness. "I told you that Silver would pull through."

"Hmph. I'll be waiting until after we make it before I thank her, if it's all the same to you." As far as Diamond was concerned, this was the most obvious trap ever. Still, she did feel that maybe Silver didn't quite deserve the mistrust that Diamond felt. Her perception was just a little slanted by the bad blood between them - most of which was as much her fault as it was Silver's. "Let's just get this over with, one way or the other."

And so the two ponies leapt out into space, quickly reaching the chain before travelling along it towards the moon of Derse. Below them, scattered cries of alarm could be heard as the Dersites caught sight of the two dreamers. Some attempted to shoot the two unicorns out of the sky, while others turned and ran back into the palace.

"We'd better hurry. Mild's occupied, but he's going to realise something's going on pretty quickly," Diamond pointed out. Assuming that he doesn't already know, she couldn't help but add in her mind.

"Good point."

Fortunately, even colossal journeys only ever seemed to take as long as a few lines of dialogue, so it was not long before the two dreamers reached the moon. Conveniently, the streets where they landed were completely empty.

"So where are we going? The towers?" Acapella asked. Diamond shook her head.

"No. That would be too obvious, even Mild would think to look there. No, we should just lay low in the city somewhere until after the excitement has died down and he's given up looking. Then we can head on up to the towers." A good plan, all things considered. At least, Diamond thought so.

"Not a bad plan." Mild Darkness commented, as he stepped out of the shadows to greet the two unicorns. "It's a shame that you won't get to try it out. I'm almost tempted to go away and come back to find you later, but..." he grinned, proudly displaying the face which Diamond was incredibly tempted to fling a camera at. "Given how that turned out last time, I think it'd be safer to just kill you."

"I hate to say I told you so..." Diamond began, before Acapella cut her off.

"Shut up."


"Let me make one thing abundantly clear," Twilight began, after slotting the final puzzle piece into the groove and unlocking the next stage of the denizen's palace. "I don't mind your help, and I appreciate having some company, but... this is just ridiculous."

"What's ridiculous?" Comet asked, once again making Twilight question whether or not he was faking his ignorance.

"Look, I'll admit that you're good at this game. You've helped me out in fights; you can do all of these puzzles... even if that's mainly because you've already done them. But I'm not prepared to just stand around watching you play through my planet on my behalf." She strode past Comet, into the next chamber. Through a central window, a beam of light shone onto an angled mirror. Around the room were statues supporting other mirrors, and in the very centre of the room a giant metal orb was suspended. Small holes littered its surface at odd positions. "OK, so here we have yet another puzzle. Instead of you just rushing ahead and solving it, how about we actually do this together? Just talk to me about what you're thinking. If we're both working on it then we should solve it faster, right?" She paused. "Right?"

"Unh..." A voice that sounded like Comet let out a vague cry of what was probably pain. Glancing behind her to where she expected to see Comet, Twilight let out a gasp of surprise as she was instead greeted by a Dersite agent standing over her companion holding a bloody knife.

"Oh, um, uh... hello?" Twilight attempted, taking a few steps backwards as Jack Noir approached her with a slow grin forming on his face. He knew a stab connoisseur when he saw one, and this unicorn certainly looked like she had a fine taste in stabs. Furthermore, he had recently come into possession of some quality stabs, which a pony of such refined taste would surely appreciate, and which it was his honour - nay, his duty - to present to her.

Which is to say, he decided to show her his stabs.


"So, just where is Pinkie Pie?" Summer had been trying to figure out exactly what had happened to the elusive Bard, but neither Applejack nor any of the others had mentioned her since they had all met up on LOSAF.

"Ah'll be honest, sugarcube, Ah don't rightly know. After Ah got her to her quest bed, she lit up and ascended and whatnot, then disappeared. Comet thought she'd been transported to Skaia, but if that's the case then why hasn't she shown up yet?" Applejack shook her head wearily. "But he saw her, so she must be OK."

A short distance away, a creature made a mental note. The Bard hadn't been found yet. She was a missing detail, and a critical one at that. Even this creature, capable of bringing about the destruction of an entire incipisphere, was unsure how it matched up against the missing God. For all it new, she could even surpass the creatures power.

At least, for now.


"Urgh... what..." Shaking her head, Rainbow tried to stand up, which was very easy given how badly hurt she felt. After a few seconds of taking in her surroundings, she came to realise that this was because she was asleep, and had woken up in her dream tower on Derse's moon. "Oh... right." Making her way to the window, Rainbow allowed herself to drift out of the tower and into space. It was about time that she got to doing something on Derse, instead of staying in her tower every time she woke up here. It felt strange to fly without using her wings, but somehow she just didn't feel the need. Instead, she flew around the tower as she descended towards the surface of the moon, taking in the imposing architecture. Most of the detail was lost in the darkness, causing the buildings to appear as solid, looming structures.

"I think it'd be safer to just kill you," came a voice from somewhere nearby. Quickly ducking for cover in a narrow alley below her, Rainbow crept to the edge of the street in an attempt to find the source of the voice.

"I hate to say I told you so..." Diamond began, before Acapella cut her off.

"Shut up." Following the sound of the arguing, Rainbow poked her head out into the street and finally caught sight of the three ponies. Presumably the horned pegasus in the bright green pyjamas was Mild.

"I have to say, you two were slightly more trouble than I'd expected," Mild commented, once again drawing several daggers from his strife deck. "But it doesn't matter. Twilight and Comet will soon be taken care of, then Ember and Fluttershy, and so on. There's basically nothing that you can do to stop it, especially as you were all so very helpful in splitting up into small, easily defeated teams." Diamond stifled the urge to yawn.

"If it's all the same to you, Mild, I'd rather die of being stabbed than of listening to you rant about how much of an asshole you are," Acapella said, and for once Diamond was inclined to agree with her.

"Hmph." If there was one thing that Mild didn't like, it was being told what to do. Which, of course, was precisely why Acapella had done just that. "Fine, since you really want me to."

That was when Rainbow Dash got involved. Using her wings this time, she burst out from her position at the edge of the alley, slamming into Mild at marginally less than the speed of sound. While her attack probably damaged herself more than it hurt Mild, he was still knocked off of his feet by the blow, at which point both Acapella and Diamond instantly grabbed a somewhat dizzy Rainbow and sprinted into the winding streets. As they disappeared into the sea of buildings, Mild picked himself up and sprinted in their direction. After five minutes, however, he quickly came to realise that he had lost them. Pausing in an alley, he sat dejectedly in front of a dumpster as he answered the faint bleeps coming from his laptop.

[shiningSeraphim (ss) began pestering psychoticDeceiver]

ss: Are they dead yet

PD: Would you accept it if I said that they were as good as dead?

ss: ...

ss: Does that mean youre literally about to stab them

ss: Hint: the answer which doesnt make me flip the fuck out is yes

PD: OK, well, lets be honest here.

PD: The situation could have been more strategically weighted in our favour if, say, you had agreed to come along.

ss: Did you monologue

PD: I dont see what that has to-

ss: Did you monologue

PD: ... I guess.

ss: Holy fuck...

ss: Why do i do this to myself

ss: How do i let you do this

ss: If ember has brain damage then what the fuck do you have

PD: Hey, thats a little harsh.


ss: I

ss: Just

ss: ARGH!

ss: You get back here right the fuck now

ss: And yes i did just give you an order fucking DEAL WITH IT

PD: ...

PD: No one gives me orders.

ss: Get the fuck over yourself

[shiningSeraphim (ss) ceased pestering psychoticDeceiver]

Unsure whether he should be feeling anger or fear, Mild shook his head and stood up, before starting the long flight back to Derse. A few minutes after he had gone, the dumpster lid was thrown open and three dream selves lifted themselves out of it.

"Worst. Villain. Ever." Rainbow noted.