• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 6,164 Views, 320 Comments

Ponystuck - confoundtheseponies

A story about a filly and her friends, and a game they play together.

  • ...

Chapter 23

[amniomorphicWizard began pestering eclecticSage]

AW: Hello there, my good man!

ES: oh, HEY

ES: what's up?

AW: A giant meteor.

AW: Therefore, time is very much of the essence.

ES: ah

ES: that's probably a good idea

AW: Eheheh.

AW: Well then, let's get started!



"Whew. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?" Celestia wondered aloud. Unfortunately, it sounded like no one was around. That or they just didn't get the joke. Even so, that didn't change the fact that it was very hot. Staggering over to the door and letting herself out, Celestia groaned in annoyance as the temperature only seemed to go up. This was stupid. And, ignoring the heat, why was everything so red? Everywhere she looked, the land was a bright red that assaulted her eyes and gave her a headache. This was just like that Doctor Whooves episode with the spaceship crashing into a star, except without the maths jokes and with slightly less pop culture references. "Seriously. What the hell. Why couldn't I get a normal planet like Silver? Her planet's quirk is that everything looks like a cathedral. That's better than a terrible environment any day of the week." Squinting through the glare of the heat, Celestia attempted to make some sense of her surroundings.

Despite the orange glare that covered everything, she could see that the planet was very mountainous. Huge barriers of rock surrounded her home on all sides, as did a small lake that her house had been deposited next to. As mentioned, everything was bathed in a red light, and it was swelteringly hot. How the planet sustained liquid water, Celestia had no clue. Unless the lake wasn't water, which would be just her luck.

"Great, I get the furnace planet. I can't wait to get into fights and get even more worn out and tired. Yay." Even if her enthusiasm was being faked, there was no point in sitting around doing nothing - especially since the inside wasn't much better than the outside. Grabbing her staff, Celestia strode out into the searing heat.


[midnightEclipse began pestering suspiciousSeraphim(Ss)]

ME: Hey.

Taking a moment to answer her friend, Silver sat down in the shelter of what seemed to be a bell tower. After a fairly successful quest, she was currently returning home to make use of her hard earned grist.

Ss: Hi Luna!

ME: Having fun, are we?

Ss: Yeah, but I have to say...

Ss: This adventuring really tires you out. :(

ME: You should rest.

Ss: I was going to! I'm just heading home now.

ME: Good. And while you're resting, maybe you could see your way to building my house up some more? It's kind of important.

Ss: Oh, right! Sorry, I completely forgot I had to do that.

ME: I noticed. Never mind though, we just stopped at my house while Swirly gets Golden into the game.

Ss: Oh, so Golden's entering right now?

Ss: I think I'll go see him once he gets in.

ME: Good idea. Then me and Swirly can meet up with Cel.

Ss: Oh yeah, she's also in now, isn't she.

Ss: Now that I think about it, I haven't heard from Celestia since she got in. Is she doing OK?

ME: If I know my sister, she's doing fine.

Ss: D'aw.

Ss: No matter how you might try to downplay it, you DO care about your sister!

Ss: It's kind of sweet how you believe in her like that.

ME: Not really.

ME: It's more that if she wasn't doing fine, we'd never hear the end of it.

Ss: ... ah.

ME: Heh.

ME: So, how are you doing? Is everything going fine?

Ss: Absolutely. This game is awesome!

ME: Yeah, it really is.

ME: I just want to know how we leave.

Ss: What?

ME: Well. When we're done with this game, and we've finished our quests...

ME: How do we get back home?

Ss: ... hm.

Ss: Doesn't Star Swirl know?

ME: Swirly knows jack shit about this game.

ME: He's lucky I don't give him a piece of my mind about that fact.

Ss: Aw, but you'd never do that to "Swirly", would you?

ME: ...

Ss: D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

ME: One more word and I will shoot you.

Ss: D'aw isn't a word, it's a sound effect. It's the sound you make when you see something adorable. Like you and Star Swirl.

ME: Urgh...

ME: Well, have fun. I suppose I'll talk to you later, once I've forgiven you.

ME: If I forgive you.

Ss: Bye! ;D

[midnightEclipse ceased pestering suspiciousSeraphim (Ss)]


ES: listen

Quickly throwing himself to one side, Golden narrowly avoided another swipe from his irritable kernelsprite.

ES: i don't like you very much

AW: Oh come on, how the fuck was I supposed to predict that this would happen?

ES: i have many, MANY pointless objects

ES: why did you have to use a LION

AW: It was just a lion's paw. Why the fuck do you even have something like that lion around the place.

ES: ...

AW: lying*

AW: I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.

ES: it was just one of the random trophies my dad kept around the place

AW: Your dad killed a lion?

ES: no

ES: i don't THINK so, anyway. i don't know where he got the thing

ES: all i know is that now, thanks to SOMEPONY, i have a really cranky and territorial kernelsprite

Having forced Golden an acceptable distance away, the kernelsprite had returned to patrolling its 'territory'. This was unfortunate, because its territory apparently included the cruxtruder and totem lathe, which were crucial to success.

AW: OK, fine. Isn't there anything we can do?

ES: i don't know, GENIUS, you tell me

AW: Jegus, I said I was sorry.

AW: Maybe we can prototype it twice?

AW: Maybe with something that will make it a bit nicer towards you?

ES: like what?

AW: I don't know, that's a tough one. Can you think of anything that likes you?

ES: ...

AW: And Silver doesn't count, we can't use her. For one thing, she's in a different universe right now.

ES: ha. ha. ha. that's just SO funny

AW: But seriously. That's probably our only option for getting the kernelsprite to let you pass.

ES: ah, let me think...

ES: OK, right. you see in the living room? Down the stairs, and through the door on the right?

AW: Hang on, I'm going, I'm... uh. Golden? Who the fuck is this?

ES: it's my aunt

AW: Does your aunt normally go to sleep standing up with her eyes open?

AW: On a plinth?

ES: she's dead, smartass

ES: can you use her

AW: Isn't that... uh. Isn't that a little disrespectful?

ES: isn't that MY decision?

AW: Why do you have a dead aunt in your living room?

ES: family custom, no big deal. now are you going to stand there and bitch about it or are you actually going to HELP!?

AW: ... OK man, but this was your idea.


As terrible as her environment was, Celestia was beginning to grow accustomed to the searing heat. This was helped by her discovery that all the consorts lived inside the mountains, in the relatively cool caverns that were out of the glare of... what, exactly? Skaia wasn't causing the same environment on any other planet, so what was in the sky making so much heat? It probably wasn't even for any good reason, Celestia decided, but at least it was cooler underground. And her crocodile consorts had taught her many things about her planet, such as its name. It was the Land of Warmth and Frogs, although personally Celestia felt that the Land of Boiling Heat and Aggravation was a better name. Apparently, she needed to journey across her planet, both over and under, in search of the bringers of the Glorious Speaker. Whatever that meant.

Although their caverns were vastly preferable to the stupid temperatures of the surface, the crocodiles were beginning to unnerve Celestia. The way that some of them worshipped her, almost like she was their leader, was starting to get under her skin. And why did they insist on calling her 'Mage'? She wasn't a unicorn, and she couldn't use any magic. She had a staff, but that was about it. It wasn't even a wizardly staff. Her staff was purely for stabs. Regardless, one of the locals had taken to following her around and giving advice on whatever puzzle she was currently dealing with. Apparently his name was Lector, although frankly Celestia was dubious of that. Still, she supposed she could allow him to tag along for the time being.

She just wished that he would take the detective hat off.


AW: I can't believe that worked.

ES: you're lucky it did

AW: No, you're lucky it did. Now hurry up and do the rest of it. I've done my part down to the letter.


Although he could now access the machines, it was very difficult to ignore the lion/elderly pegasus hybrid he had created. Especially since it didn't look quite like a simple lion/pegasus. There were half parts of other things, like a huge fang and gog knew what else. Realising that he was completely failing to ignore the kernelsprite, and forcing himself to look away, Golden set about doing what has already happened many times over. He did this for quite a while, before...


ES: right, let's just take a quick summary of my situation

ES: thirty seconds on the clock

ES: the kernelsprite is taken care of

ES: somewhat less taken care of is this thing

ES: whatever it is

AW: I think it's a sphere.

ES: no shit, really? that clears that up then, that's obvious

ES: i mean, WHAT ELSE do you do with a sphere

AW: No need to be a dick, I'm just trying to help.

ES: thanks for that

ES: you're helping

Turning the orb over in his hooves, Golden considered his options. The others had all given brief explanations of their 'puzzles', such as they were. Star Swirl had written and sealed a scroll, Luna had put a butterfly in a jar, Silver had planted a seed, Celestia had broken a mirror... and he had a smooth, perfect sphere. He tapped it absently, and it made a clear ringing noise.

ES: well, there IS one pretty obvious course of action

AW: Oh, yes, obviously.

AW: ...

AW: Which is?

ES: ima smash this thing

AW: Oh, right.

AW: Do that, then.

So he did.

[eclecticSage ceased being pestered by amniomorphicWizard]

AW: Golden?

AW: OK, there was some time left on the timer, so if you're gone already then I'm going to guess you got it right.

AW: Or you really, really suck.

AW: Well, back to questing I guess. Let me know when you get in, old boy!


"It's... just a frog?" Celestia asked, a little confused about exactly why she had spent the last hour running back and forth for this stupid puzzle, only to receive a frog as her reward. It wasn't even a particularly healthy looking frog. "There had better be a damn good reason for this." She offered the amphibian to her crocodile partner, who gaped in amazement - or at least, as much as a crocodile can be said to gape. "Lector?"

"Just a frog? Just? To label it with such an unassuming title is to belittle the bringer of our salvation, O Mage!" After listening to such unnecessarily obnoxious sentences for the better part of an hour, Celestia was beginning to tire of her reptilian friend. "This frog, and the others we will uncover, are precious beings that you must keep safe! For without them, all is lost!"

"Uhuh. Precious cargo, got it." Snatching up the frog and tossing it into her Russian Roulette modus, Celestia looked around in the vain hope that this wasn't a dead end. "So, why do I need frogs?"

"Because these frogs are key to your purpose here! These frogs are the only thing standing between us and destruction! These frogs are-" Lector was interrupted by a hoof to the face, causing him to fly backwards onto the ground.

"Yeah, I get that. The frogs are important. I want to know WHY. WHY are they important, and exactly what is my purpose?"

"Ah, of course, my Mage. You have several tasks to complete on LOWAB..." Celestia strode past him, not waiting for the crocodile to catch up. He quickly rushed after her, continuing his explanation as they went. "First, you must find and ignite the Forge! This will cause a transformation that will make the surface of LOWAB fit for your other tasks. Second, you must find and release the frogs from their prisons around the planet! There are many thousands of frogs trapped in a huge underground cavern - for their own safety, of course - that you must free and release onto the surface! And finally, once the frogs are in place, you may begin your one true task, the task for which you were born, the task that-" Celestia paused and raised a hoof threateningly. "Uh, that is, you can start breeding." The hoof didn't lower, but instead struck Lector once again.

"So my purpose in life is breeding? Real smooth, smartass."

"Ah, no, wait! I meant, uh, I meant that you can start to breed the frogs!" Lector blurted out, as he cautiously stood up, fully expecting to be reunited with the ground at any moment. "Your purpose is to breed the frogs together until you create the Glorious Speaker. Which is the, um, ultimate frog? I guess you could call it that."

"... huh." Celestia stood in silence, as she took in what Lector had told her. "Well, that's... original. Star Swirl has some imagination, I'll give him that."


"I'm not usually one to say this, but..." Luna began, rapidly firing three arrows in quick succession. Half a moment later, three imps dropped dead. "We're kind of kicking ass here." Oblivious to the ogre behind her, she grinned at Star Swirl. "Don't you think?"

"I think you should get out of the way," Star Swirl said, sending a huge pulse of magic directly at his friend. Barely leaping out of the way in time, Luna spun around angrily, only to see the Tar Ogre knocked backwards by the blast. "Either that, or stop making it so easy for them to surround you." Another of Luna's arrows flew through the air, this time narrowly avoiding Star Swirl's head. It completely failed to miss the basilisk behind him, although that could be considered something of a success. "Uh. Yeah, I'll stop talking now."

"That's what I thought," Luna said, smirking, as she quickly made her way back to Star Swirl. "But like I said, we're awesome at this game. It won't be long now until we get to the end of my quests."

"I suppose. I still have my own planet to take care of."

"Well, I'll help you with that since I owe you," Luna said. "And then what? Do we know what the point of this game is yet?"

"The short answer is no. Your sprite is a fucking pie. It can't talk. And mine is semi-psychotic." Star Swirl sighed, and decided to continue their slow pace through the maze. Luna followed a short distance behind him. "The long answer... I've been piecing together parts from all the vague clues we've gotten. And I don't like what I've found." Although she was behind him, Star Swirl could almost hear Luna's quizzical expression. "If I'm right, then it doesn't matter what the point of this game is. It makes no difference if we're saving a Universe, or destroying one, or whatever the stupid half riddles about a cycle is supposed to mean. I've been getting the impression that, one way or another, we're going to fail. Like it's a foregone conclusion."

"That's a little depressing, don't you think?" Luna asked. "Maybe the reason we supposedly fail is that we stop trying because somepony in our group convinced us that there was no point." Thinking about that logic hurt Star Swirl's brain, but he took the point.

"Who said anything about giving up? I just wish there was some actual concrete advice we could follow. At least that way we could-" he stopped, and Luna was able to catch up to where he was standing. In front of them stood a pony unlike anything either of them had ever seen. He was a grey colt, and was wearing what appeared to be bright green pyjamas. But the most striking thing about his appearance was that he was...

"A horned pegasus!?" Luna exclaimed, drawing confused looks from both Star Swirl and the mysterious pony in question.

"What are you talking about?" Star Swirl asked. "He's a winged unicorn."

"Shut up, both of you," the winged and horned earth pony snapped, with a look in his eyes that suggested he had heard this argument far too many times before. "We are not here to debate taxonomy, however fascinating a discussion that would be. Nor are we here to ask inane questions about who I am or what I want. We are here because I have finally cornered you, and you are about to get served like this is the Land of Butlers and Islands." Mild grinned evilly. "Understand?"

"You what?" Star Swirl asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "First of all, whoever you are, we've been wandering around this maze for hours - grounded, because Luna's stuck to walking with me. Whereas you can fly where you please. You 'finally' cornered us? How long does it take to find two ponies in an otherwise empty maze when you can fly? Second of all, what the hell is your problem? We don't know you, and you don't know us, but for some reason you want to fight us now? What did we ever do to you? And finally," Star Swirl paused here, nodding at Luna. Retrieving a few dozen enchantments from his sylladex and sharing them between himself and Luna, Star Swirl quickly threw down a magic circle around the two of them. "And finally, if you think you're going to take us down, then you clearly have no idea who you're fucking with."

And then all hell broke loose.


"I'll just jump to Celestia's planet, see if she needs any help, and then head straight over to see Golden," Silver had told herself as she stepped through her gate.

Several confused seconds later, and Silver found herself blinking away the light which was forcing its way into her eyes. Why the fuck was it so bright? And so hot, for that matter? Growing accustomed to the light, Silver was finally able to actually look around Celestia's planet from her vantage point on top of her house. Stretched out before her, mountains extended for miles in all directions, seemingly following curves emanating from the central point of Celestia's house. The mountain range spiralled outwards from this point, eventually lowering to ground level. At ground level, Silver could see nothing but desert. Celestia's planet wasn't especially hospitable, that was for sure. Briefly, Silver considered sticking to her original plan.

"Well, if Celestia really wanted help, she knows that she just has to ask," Silver said slowly, quickly scanning her surroundings for any sign of Celestia. "I wouldn't be doing her - or me - any favours by spending hours stumbling through this desert. Maybe I should just go and visit Golden..." Finding no sign of Celestia, Silver nodded to herself as she climbed higher up the building to the next gate. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."


It hadn't been long before he had taken the pegasus out, but that hadn't done Mild any favours. If anything, the unicorn's attacks had gotten faster and more powerful. Still, as he danced around the fireballs and magical explosions, Mild drew ever closer to Star Swirl, knife at the ready. Leaping around him, then turning ready to stab forwards, Mild paused in shock for a moment as he found empty air where Star Swirl should have been. Another moment, and the back of his head exploded. Angrily picking himself up, Mild finally saw where Star Swirl had gone - he had teleported on top of a large stone pillar, from which he was raining hellfire upon the Thief. While normally a thief would have the advantage over a wizard, it really wasn't worth this much trouble. Flying into the air, and using his own magic for once, Mild sent one large beam of energy in Star Swirl's general direction, collapsing the stone pillar and sending the unicorn tumbling down. And with that, Mild turned and flew off into the Medium. There were more important matters to take care of.

Back on the surface of Luna's planet, Star Swirl lay panting in exhaustion, his last minute shield taking most of his remaining energy. It was a good thing that he had made all of those enchantments, or he would never have been able to hold out for so long. Not that he had won, of course. Maybe next... oh... oh gog. All thoughts left him, as he suddenly noticed Luna. She was lying on her side, still in the same place that she had fallen. Her eyes were closed, and she had long since passed the healthy amount of stab wounds. She... she wasn't... oh gog. Fuck.

At any other moment, Star Swirl would have rushed up to his friend, checked her pulse, attempted to stop the bleeding. A few pointless minutes of begging her not to die would probably have been part of the proceedings. But all he could do was collapse on the ground next to her, staring uselessly at her as he tried to make sense of what had happened. Who the fuck had that been, and what the fuck was his problem? Fuck. Where had he even come from? Fuck! The only thing Star Swirl understood was that he needed to decide on his next move. The decision was made very quickly, as both he and himself unanimously agreed that the best thing to do was to stay right the fuck here and to not do anything. That was it. Luna was dead. He was done. Maybe he should say a few words? Even that basic display of respect seemed stupid. What would that even achieve. She certainly couldn't hear him, and nopony else could.

"Luna... I." He hesitated, the words stubbornly refusing to be said. "I'm sorry." Best to start with the basics, he supposed. "For a lot of things, I guess. I'm sorry I even made this stupid game. I'm sorry I brought you into it, and I'm sorry that I... that I let this happen to you." Is that it, his brain asked him meaningfully. Is that all you have to say to one of your best friends? No it fucking isn't. "I know that we said a lot of stuff, and a lot of it was just meaningless rubbish. And I never did know if you ever... if you actually meant any of the things we used to joke about." And now you're never going to know, jackass. "But I. Uh." Don't worry, she won't judge you. Or maybe can't would be a better word. "Luna, I... is... that Piesprite?" Don't change the fucking sub- oh wait, yeah it is. Huh.

Star Swirl watched in mild confusion as the glowing blue pie drifted towards him. It didn't say anything, or have any eyes, but Star Swirl could have sworn that it was trying to tell him something. Slowly forcing himself to stand up, he looked quizzically at the pie. The pie looked down at Luna. Or rather, the pie gave him a very strong impression that Luna was the subject of its attention. Absently, Star Swirl wondered what kind of pie it was. Probably apple. Apple pies were pretty great, he supposed. What else would you even put in a pie. Regardless, he was rather taken aback when a beam of blue light shot out of Piesprite, and enveloped Luna. After a few seconds, the ball of light containing Luna lifted, and then began moving as Piesprite headed further into the maze. Star Swirl watched in bemusement as his dead friend was guided through a dark stone maze by a glowing pie, before shrugging and chasing after the wandering pastry.

Man, you just got upstaged by a pie. That's pretty tough to do, you must have been practicing. Silencing his mutinous brain, Star Swirl tried to focus on the path that he and the pie were taking through the planet. It wasn't the direction he and Luna had been heading in, or the way they had walked, but it seemed as if they were heading towards the mountain range that bordered the maze. What the pie planned to do when they got there, he didn't know. Maybe it had a plan for helping Luna? It's a fucking PIE.

"You are her assistant, correct?"

Who said that? Turning around, but finding no one, Star Swirl continued following the pie. Where had that voice come from?

"I mean you no harm. Speak."

There it was again. It had a strange quality to it, almost sounding as though it was inside his head. But not in the same way that his smartass brain was. I take offence to that, by the way. Wait, it wasn't-

"Piesprite?" Star Swirl asked, fully aware that he was trying to talk to a pie. A floating glowing ghost pie, but a pie nonetheless.

"I am here, Seer."

"Uh. OK," Star Swirl said. So the pie could talk after all. That was certainly unexpected. "Where are we going?"

"My charge has fallen. It is my duty to undo that error."

"So you're going to save Luna? You can do that?"

"No. Only she can help herself now. I am merely facilitating that process. We are journeying to the most sacred place of this world, where the Maid will commence the next stage of her trials." For a pie, it was suspiciously good at giving vague and unhelpful riddles.

"Ah. OK. Thanks for clearing that up." Several minutes passed in silence. "Uh, Piesprite, if you don't mind me asking... what kind of pie are you?" Another few minutes of silence. Nicely done.

"I believe that I am an apple pie," Piesprite replied calmly. "What else would you even put in a pie?"

"Point taken."


"Wait up a minute, Lector," Celestia called after her crocodile companion. "I just need to talk to somepony. I figure that Golden must have gotten in by now, he'll probably find all of this interesting." Pausing for a moment, she closed her eyes and attempted to retrieve her laptop. A few very tense moments later, it popped out of her sylladex and into her hooves.

[heliacalDreamer began pestering eclecticSage]


ES: hey celestia

ES: what's going on?

HD: I've just been learning about my quest.


ES: aw, WHY?

HD: My job is to go and find frogs, then to breed those frogs together, until I create the ultimate frog.



ES: that sounds pretty important

HD: It sounds pretty stupid.

ES: it's not THAT bad

HD: :/

HD: Well it's stupid and I don't like it.


HD: What's going on with you?

ES: i just got into the game

ES: i'm probably going to head out in a little bit

ES: are you playing by yourself?


HD: Well, actually, I've got this crocodile following me around and kind of helping I guess.


ES: ^^

HD: Bah.


ES: i guess i should probably start getting my shit together


HD: Oh, but first you want to use the GristTorrent CD to get that set up, otherwise all your hard work will be incredibly selfish!

ES: heheh, ok then

ES: i'll get right on that

ES: cya celestia


[heliacalDreamer ceased pestering eclecticSage]

"Heh. Good old Golden," Celestia noted, as she captchalogued her laptop again. "Anyway, let's get on with this nonsense." Lector nodded.

"I think I know where we can find the path to the Forge, O Mage. If you'll just follow me..." He turned and resumed his path through the winding tunnels. Celestia, after a moment of asking herself exactly what she was doing, followed.


Placing Luna onto her quest bed, Piesprite drifted back to Star Swirl's side. If it had a head, it would have nodded encouragingly.

"So what happens now? Do we just wait here?" Star Swirl asked, unnerved by the complete lack of any change.

"Yes. Soon the change will begin, and the Maid shall rise." Both of them fell silent after that, as Luna's bed began to glow a deep blue. Clouds of darkness swirled around them, rotating above Luna. And then there was a flash of light, and Luna was gone.

"I'm going to assume that went well," Star Swirl said, as he began the walk back to Luna's home.


"Hey Golden!" Silver called down, as she slowly and painfully picked herself up. Star Swirl hadn't built Golden's house particularly high up, and there was quite a distance between the gate she emerged from and the roof of the building. But she was here now, and that was the important thing. "I'm here!" But, where was that?

Golden's planet was covered in huge grassy fields, thick with hedges and water features. Here and there were huge statues, mainly of amphibians in heroic poses. Just as huge, but notably less heroic, underlings could also be seen lumbering across the planet. Dragging herself away from the view, Silver focused on the current objective of getting off of the roof. Looking around, she found herself faced with a large statue of a salamander holding a wizardly looking staff, and quickly leapt off of the roof onto it. Only later did she realise how stupid that was, but regardless the statue held firm as she clambered down it. By the time she had reached the bottom, Golden had noticed her efforts.

"Silver!" Golden said, smiling happily. "What are you doing here?"

"I can come and check up on my friends if I want, can't I?" Silver replied, as the two of them walked around his house. "Anyway, now that you're in, let's go get started already!"

"Yeah, OK. Let me just go get my strife deck..." Silver waited patiently, while Golden entered his house. Five minutes of muffled banging later, and he returned with an expression vaguely resembling triumph. "Heh. Got it."

"You're impossible," Silver said, shaking her head. "But never mind that, we've got a game to win!"

"As do I," a voice behind her said calmly. "The difference between us is that I'm better at it than you are." Turning slowly, Silver took a step away from the newcomer. Something about him gave her the feeling she'd met him before. Mild simply smiled. "Now, let's finish what I started."