• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 6,164 Views, 320 Comments

Ponystuck - confoundtheseponies

A story about a filly and her friends, and a game they play together.

  • ...

Chapter 5

A Monopony board halfway through a game does not, by any standards, make a comfortable bed. The hard floor beneath it was bad enough, and all of the tiny houses and counters only made things worse. The fact that Pinkie Pie, of all ponies, was tired enough to simply collapse onto the board without so much as a mumbled cry of pain told Rainbow just how late it was. It was amazing how long the game had lasted, especially since she was almost certain that Pinkie had been cheating. Nopony was that lucky.

It was late, and the day had certainly been action packed. But for whatever reason, Rainbow didn't really feel tired. What she did feel was worried. Worried about this game that they were all playing, and worried about what would happen to her friends. For now though, Pinkie seemed fine, so the pegasus decided to leave while she still could.

Meanwhile, in an altogether different plane of reality...

Twilight had been awake, Pinkie could tell. Partly because it was among the things which she 'just knew', and partly because the unicorn was sleeping on the floor rather than safely in her bed. Honestly, her friends were so silly sometimes. What kind of moron just goes to sleep on the floor like that? Shaking her head in dismay, Pinkie dragged Twilight up off of the floor and attempted to put her back into bed. Unfortunately this didn't work out too well, and Twilight ended up on the floor again, lying on her back with her feet resting on the bed. It always seemed to Pinkie that it was hard to focus on physical tasks as her dream self. She supposed it made sense, in a nonsensical kind of way.

Leaving her friend in peace for now, Pinkie flew out of Twilight's tower and traversed the gap towards the next tower. There were three gold towers in total, built up from the cluttered city on Prospit's moon, and were where the three Heroes of Prospit lived. Specifically, it was where Pinkie, Twilight, and Applejack lived. At least, in their dreams. All players of Sburb had a dream self, another part of their identity which lived on one of two moons - one orbiting Prospit, and the other orbiting Derse. These dream selves were a part of the player, but were also detached from them in ways that are too complex and/or irrelevant to explain further.

As a general rule, a dream self remained asleep while the pony's main body was awake, and vice versa. Of course, before a dream self could wake up, it first needed a trigger of some sort. Pinkie had spent her dreams on Prospit for as long as she could remember, but unfortunately Twilight and Applejack had remained asleep for all of these years. So Pinkie had waited, and watched the clouds, and had learned much about the events which were soon to take place. They hadn't meant anything to her at the time, of course, but now that this game was starting, things were beginning to come together. Slowly.

Entering the third tower through the window, Pinkie found Applejack's dream self where she had always been - asleep in her bed, and unresponsive to even the most senseless of head tappings. When the moon was not passing through Skaia, Pinkie spent most of her time in Applejack's tower, attempting to wake her friend. She had seen that Twilight would wake up in her own time, but the clouds had yet to show her Applejack's awakening. Until they did, it was her duty to try.


[reticentButterfly began talking with crespucularMagicant]

RB: Twilight?

RB: What... what is that thing?

If she was being perfectly honest, Twilight didn't have the slightest idea what the thing she had just made was. After a bit of messing around with the designix, she had amused herself by replicating various items from around her home - at the cost of grist, of course. While an endless supply of gemstones was fine, and certainly appealed to Spike, it wasn't exactly useful. Which had gotten Twilight to thinking, and that had led to crazy experiments, and that had led to her latest creation.

By using the same captchalogue card twice, punching it with two different codes, Twilight had created a more complex pattern, which she had then used to carve a totem for the alchemiter. With this, she had somehow created a combination of a telescope, and a sapphire. The result, apparently, was a telescope made entirely of solid sapphire. Even the lens.

It was completely useless.

CM: I think it's a telescope made out of sapphire.

RB: Oh.

RB: It's... lovely?

CM: It's pointless!

CM: You can't see through this!

RB: Well, I'm sure it'll be useful somehow.

RB: Maybe...

CM: :/

CM: Still, this does present some interesting possibilities if I can combine items like this.

CM: I could make... uh...

CM: Any ideas?

RB: Hm...

CM: Oh wait, I know!

Excitedly, Twilight gathered together a few items from around the library, while Spike looked on with a slightly worried expression. Nevertheless, he captchalogued the items for her, as she rushed about her home. This was going to be so great.

Returning to her designix, Twilight inserted a blank card and proceeded to punch it with the codes for her quill, and a bottle of ink. Quickly making the totem, she rushed back up the stairs to the alchemiter.

CM: You couldn't have placed these things any further apart, you know.

RB: Sorry...

CM: Don't worry about it, just watch.

Placing the totem carved from a combination of a quill and ink, Twilight triumphantly alchemised... the, uh... Twilight frowned as she read the message which appeared before her, displaying the rather underwhelming transformation.

RB: So... what is that?

CM: It's a pen.

RB: Oh.

RB: Is it any more useful than the telescope?

CM: Marginally.

CM: I think I can just use it without dipping it in ink all the time.

RB: I see...

CM: Well, there are a load more combinations I want to try.


RB: Don't use all the grist, though.

RB: I still need to build up the library to the first gate.

CM: Oh, yeah.

CM: Well... I suppose I'll just do a little more, since I've got so much grist.

CM: And then I'll go get you some more, I guess.

RB: Fine.

[crespucularMagicant stopped talking with reticentButterfly]


[desertedDestiny began pestering crespucularMagicant]

DD: Hi.

CM: Uh... hi?

DD: Our 'mutual friend' said I should give you this...

DD: So I guess I may as well.

CM: Give me what?

CM: Also, who?

DD: yU7DDh0U

DD: that, and a quill, he said

DD: enjoy

[desertedDestiny ceased pestering crespucularMagicant]

Many totems later, some of which had turned out better than others, Twilight found herself in possession of a wide range of items. Among the more useful items from this pile of crazy combinations was a quill equipped with a telescope (for long range inscription, as Spike had joked), another quill which was decidedly better suited for use as a weapon (combining it with yU77DDh0U, which turned out to create some kind of large sword, that her strife specibus still counted as a quill and thus allowed her to use it as a weapon), and something which the game had called HISTORICALLY ACCURATE. This last item she had made by combining her largest history book which wasn't a charred mess, with a clock. The resulting book appeared to allow her to read up on any period of history she chose, set by changing the built in clock. It was basically the biggest step forward in learning about history since ever. And maybe it had some kind of weird time power? Twilight wasn't sure about that, but there was always time for messing around with it later.

She had also attempted to create the item which the mysterious pony from earlier had suggested - PH04?D6E, he had said - but it seemed that she couldn't make it quite yet. According to the game, whatever the item was it required several million units of amethyst, diamond, and a load of other grist types which she hadn't yet discovered. If she were so inclined, and it wasn't a blatant attempt to get laughs by using somepony else's joke, she might say that this item cost all of the grists. All of them. But she wasn't, and that was bad grammar anyway. Instead, she decided to put this mystery item on hold until she was capable of making it.

What was more demanding of her attention was the fact that Fluttershy had now built up to her first gate.

[reticentButterfly began talking with crespucularMagicant]

RB: Twilight, the... uh...

RB: Gate?

RB: You can get at it now.

CM: Great!

CM: Thanks, Fluttershy.

RB: Oh, no, it wasn't that hard.

RB: Although I'm getting a bit worried about how stable this design is going to be in the future.

CM: What are you talking ab-

CM: :O

As she looked upwards from her balcony, Twilight could see the fruit of Fluttershy's efforts. After the rather stark transition between where tree ended, and plain white game construct began, the design was... the word 'eclectic' came to mind, but in truth the term 'totally indiscriminate' may have been closer to the truth. Doing away with any kind of symmetry, Fluttershy had built up the house in a very long, winding, complex jumble of stairs and platforms. While it seemed perfectly navigable, Twilight could understand the worry about stability. The rest of the gates were a lot higher up than this first one.

CM: I'm... sure it'll be fine.

CM: Since it hasn't fallen down already.

RB: :c

CM: Anyway, don't worry about that yet.

CM: There will be time for building up my house later.

CM: Preferably after we get you into the game, and out of the way of the meteor.

RB: Right!

CM: You should connect to Rainbow Dash now, I guess, and then she'll get you in.

RB: Oh, about that, Rainbow's not going to be my server.

CM: She's not?

RB: No, she's decided to stay behind and help with the fires for as long as possible, or something like that.

RB: So Applejack's going to be my server.

CM: Oh. Well, sure I guess that'll be fine...

CM: Hopefully.

CM: Anyway, I'll see you later Fluttershy!

[crespucularMagicant stopped talking with reticentButterfly]

"Come on Spike, let's go," Twilight called after Spike as she began to climb up through the maze of staircases. "Fluttershy's done her part, for now, and now we have to do ours." The dragon, after yet another round of ceaseless magical fire, was less than thrilled at the prospect of going out adventuring.

"Urgh... are we never going to get any rest? We've been at this for hours!" It was true, they had, although curiosity alone was enough to keep Twilight awake. "I know that you're not tired, but I can't stay behind because you need me to pick up stuff!"

"Look, I'm sorry about this Spike, but we're not just playing a game here. The fate of Equestria depends on us, and we have to keep going. Tell you what; if you can pull together for a few more hours until we get back here, I'll alchemise you a ton of gemstones." He seemed to agree with that, and followed her up the stairs.

After a deceptively long climb, Twilight and Spike finally found themselves at the highest point of the building, the first gate before them. It was a large purple spirograph, which constantly cycled through a pattern of different shapes, much like the pattern which had appeared while she was setting up the client/server connection to Fluttershy. Presumably, it was a simple case of walking forwards and passing through the gate. At least it would have been, before Owlsprite flew down from somewhere to confront her.

"Twilight, wait! Whoooo!" he seemed quite agitated about something, clearly relieved at having caught up to her. "Before you continue, I need to tell you something. Once you pass through the first gate, you will be sent to a different part of the planet, as I have told you. There, you must talk to the citizens of this planet, and begin your quest to save them. I will still be able to talk to you when necessary, but I cannot accompany you through the gate."

"Oh. OK, I guess." It was a little irritating to have to leave Owlsprite behind, as - in addition to speech - the prototyping had made him very powerful, and he had been helpful with fighting the imps. "So can I count on you to make sure no imps get into my house?"

"Whoooo! I will try, but I can't make any promises. Partly because the game frowns on sprites who aren't vague over every little detail. Maybe no imps will get in, maybe some will. Whoooo knows?" His goodbye complete, Owlsprite promptly took off into the sky again, a faint "Good luck!" echoing down to Twilight.

With that, Twilight and Spike stepped forwards, and entered the first gate.


Back in Ponyville, Fluttershy decided that now was as good a time to get started as any. It would be morning soon, and her meteor was beginning to get a little too close for comfort.

[reticentButterfly began talking with obstinateCultivator]

RB: Applejack?

RB: Are you ready?

OC: Oh, hi Fluttershy.

OC: Ah was just about to ask ya the same thing, as it happens.

RB: OK, well, activate your server scroll, and it should connect to me...

RB: I think.

OC: Sure thing.

So she did.

Through a highly convoluted and repetitive series of events, which largely replicate the process through which Twilight entered, Fluttershy and Applejack began the process of entering. Machines were deployed, totems were carved. While this was no doubt highly entertaining, it was also a long enough process that it took up an entire chapter last time. I will therefore assume that the mechanics of a player's entry to the Medium needs no further explanation, and cut out the majority of the process.

In Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack simply sat staring at the screen in front of her with a look of shock at what had just happened. Neither of the two ponies were quite sure how the large hole in Fluttershy's roof had happened, but they both agreed that it was probably best if they never spoke of it again.

RB: OK... well, that's one way of doing that.

OC: Eeyup...

OC: Are ya sure that everything's alright?

RB: Yes, it's fine.

RB: The important thing is that we've got everything set up now.

RB: And we've got...

Trying to ignore the carnage surrounding the cruxtruder, and instead simply paying attention to the machine itself, Fluttershy read off the timer.

RB: 2:56.

OC: :O

RB: Oh. That's not all that long, is it?

OC: Well... don't y'all worry none.

OC: We'll get ya in.

OC: Here, ya take the card and go make the item.

OC: Ah'll take care of the kernel.


[reticentButterfly stopped talking with obstinateCultivator]

While Fluttershy went about the process of using the pre-punched card to carve a totem, and then make the item, Applejack looked around the small cottage in search of something to prototype the kernelsprite with. The yellow ball of light didn't seem particularly drawn to anything, content to simply hover and making annoying noises.

"Let's see here," Applejack muttered under her breath as she scanned the room. "So Twilight said that whatever we use will change the enemies, and the more powerful the prototype, the more powerful the enemies. So Ah need something that isn't going to be much of a threat." There were plenty of potential candidates, as Fluttershy didn't really have any possessions that could ever be much of a threat to anypony. But one thing in the room caught her attention. "Perfect."

Contrary to what you may expect, the prototyping she had chosen was not stupid or game-breaking in any way. That would have just been kind of predictable and kind of silly.


While Applejack and Fluttershy were messing around with cruxite and kernelsprites and who knew what else, Twilight and Spike emerged from the gate. It had apparently deposited them somewhere in the hills of the Land of Night and Glow. While it was most certainly night, there wasn't an awful lot of glow. As far as Twilight could tell - based on what little she had seen of the planet - most of the glow was underground, or at least in steep valleys bordered by the kind of landscape where she now found herself. A few luminescent plants were dotted about here and there, which lit up a small winding path that would presumably lead her to wherever she was supposed to be going. It would seem that she had little choice but to follow it.

As it turned out, her apparent destination was only a short distance away; as the hills dipped and flattened, the land passed between two raised sections of rock. Within this valley, the night shone with the combined glow of an entire forest of plant life, illuminating the deep lake in which all the flora was growing. It looked beautiful, but there wasn't any time for admiring the landscape before Twilight was surrounded by small, hunched, bipedal figures. They looked kind of like iguanas. As they advanced Twilight stood protectively over Spike, who held onto her leg nervously.

"Stop right there, criminal scum!" the leader (presumably) spoke in a quiet whisper, with as much anger as it is possible to convey in such a manner. "Just what do you think you're doing this close to the Glowmire?" The others murmured the agreement.

"I think she's a Dersite spy!" one of them suggested, again in a faint whisper.

"Either that, or she's here to steal what little food we have left!" said another.

"Maybe she's a Dersite spy AND she's here to steal what little food we have left!" this final suggestion seemed to get the most universal agreement, albeit very quiet agreement. They seemed very convinced of their position, despite the fact that Twilight was (unless she was mistaken) supposed to be the hero of this planet. She suspected that it was because they weren't all that intelligent, but decided against bringing up this theory.

"Now, now, calm down everyone." The leader silenced his soldiers with an angry glare, before turning back to Twilight. "Now listen here, missy, I don't know who you are. I don't know what you're doing here. Most likely, you really are a Dersite spy, in which case I should have you executed. But, we're NOT" he said this with emphasis as he shot another glare at each of his men. "we're NOT going to make any assumptions. Because we are SENSIBLE and REASONABLE, and we are not in any way similar in our methods to the disgusting Dersite slugs who you may or may not work for. Now, what's your name, and what are you doing here?"

"My name is-" Twilight began, causing the assembled iguanas to jump out of their skin.

"SHHHHHHHH!" Amusingly, the angrier the leader got, the quieter his whisper. "Are you mad or something? Keep your voice down while we're out on the surface!" So Twilight began again, this time trying to keep her voice down.

"Sorry! I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my assistant Spike." Spike waved nervously, but didn't let go of Twilight. "We're sorry if we're not supposed to be here, this is just where we ended up after we went through the gate." At these words, the leader's eyes widened.

"Gate? You don't mean... you're... the MAGE?" As they realised what he was getting at, the other iguanas cried out in shock. Very, very quietly.

"Uh... I guess? I can do magic, if that's what you mean." Apparently that was what he meant, as before she knew it the group were lying before her, arms outstretched, as if praying to her.

"We apologise, o Mage! We didn't know..." Growing in confidence a little at the sight of the terrified soldiers, Spike let go of her leg and approached them.

"Well now, that's more like it. It's nice to get a little respect around here." The leader looked up at him in bemusement, then to Twilight.

"What about this dragon, Mage? Does he have a part to play in your prophecised victory?"

"My prophecised what now?" This was news to Twilight. Owlsprite hadn't mentioned any prophecy.

"Oh, but we mustn’t talk of such matters here, Mage. We should retreat to the city, where we will be safe." Satisfied that their grovelling had worked, and they were no longer in danger of being incinerated by the fury of a crossed mage, the leader gestured for his men to rise. "We would be honoured to accompany you back to safety." He gave a glance to Spike. "And your pet can come too." Spike had more than a few things to say to that.

"Well, that sounds lovely. Thank you for offering." Twilight whispered brightly, cutting Spike's protest short. "Come on, Spike, let's go with them." She trotted off after the iguanas, while Spike reluctantly followed.


[obstinateCultivator began talking with reticentButterfly]

OC: 'Shy?

OC: Ah don't mean to rush ya, but that timer's getting awfully short.

RB: I know, I know, I just...

RB: Well, what am I supposed to do with this?

Standing in her newly remodelled cottage, Fluttershy glanced nervously between the timer (0:30) and the solid yellow jar she was holding. She had to think, and the morning breeze coming through the holes in her wall wasn't helping. Over the course of the undoubtedly hilarious (and time consuming) antics which had comprised Fluttershy's entrance, Applejack had managed to throw several pieces of furniture through the side of the cottage. But what's done was done, Fluttershy told herself, and there was no point in feeling sore over a few lost walls. Not when she was about to lose a lot more if she didn't figure this thing out.

OC: Ya tried breaking it, didn't ya?

RB: Yes.

RB: It's too strong.

OC: Maybe Ah should have a go?

RB: Uh...

RB: I appreciate the offer, but I don't think we're supposed to break it.

OC: Then what are ya meant to do with it?

RB: Hm.

The only other thing that she could do was to try and open the jar, she supposed. Not that she had any idea how that would help.

RB: I'll try opening it.



[fractalAbomination began pestering crespucularMagicant]

FA: hi again

CM: Oh, hello!

CM: I never got a chance to say thanks for earlier.

FA: yeah, np i guess

FA: what are you doing now then

CM: Well, I've gone through my first gate.

CM: And now I'm talking with these iguana men.

FA: oh, right, your consorts.

FA: men? can iguanas even be guys?

FA: aren't they hermaphrodites or something?

CM: Uh...

FA: dw, it's probably not important

FA: what's important is exactly what you've been doing with your time

FA: on my end it's been a few hours since i helped you enter, so you should be on your second gate by now as far as i can tell

FA: did something go wrong?

CM: Not really. It has been a couple of hours.

CM: I've just been learning about this planet.

FA: oh, ok, i guess you kind of need to know that stuff

FA: you mean like, what your quest is and things like that?

CM: I guess? But not just what my role in all this is.

CM: They have a fascinating cultural background.

CM: Although most of it is quite morbid.

FA: omfg, you're actually paying attention to the backstory?!?

FA: idc which backwater corner of paradox space you came from

FA: paying attention to the backstory is a universally accepted constant

FA: for being terrible at gaming

FA: no wonder you lot need my help

CM: But what's the rush?

FA: the rush, you say?

FA: tell me, in all your wasted hours, did you learn anything about the reckoning?

CM: The reckoning? I think Owlsprite may have mentioned it. Vaguely.

FA: right, well, you know skaia?

CM: Yeah...

FA: once the reckoning starts, you have 24 hours

FA: after that, poof

FA: no more skaia

FA: that is the rush

CM: I see. And when does this reckoning begin?

FA: it differs. all i know is that you have to get all your players into the medium, up their echeladders, and done with your planets as soon as possible

CM: Fine.

CM: One last question, then.

CM: Why are you helping us?

FA: that

FA: is a fucking good question

[fractalAbomination ceased pestering crespucularMagicant]

Closing the communication spell with an air of frustration, Twilight tried to focus on the task before her. Regardless of what that irritating pony had said, she had been making progress. After entering the iguana city, a huge underground cavern filled with people and lit up by a silly amount of glowing plant life, Twilight had been taken straight to their library. There, she had learned an awful lot about the history of the Land of Night and Glow. Once, the surface of the planet had been covered in the glowing plants, and the iguanas had lived happily, farming the few plants which didn't glow. That had all changed when the Derse agents had appeared, and had journeyed into the bowels of the planet to talk with Hephaestus, a powerful entity that lived in the heart of LONAG. It was the fires of Hephaestus' palace which kept the planet alive, but the agents somehow persuaded him to extinguish the flames. As a result, the entire planet was slowly cooling, and gradually the plant life on the surface was beginning to die off. The iguanas had been forced to move underground, chasing the vanishing heat. On the surface, the underlings of Hephaestus roamed free, infesting the few portions of the land where plants still grew, keeping the people trapped underground.

And now it was Twilight's task to somehow save everything. But first, she wanted to read this book, if only so as to complete the entire library. It didn't seem to be about LONAG specifically, instead speaking of Skaia and the Medium as a whole. It spoke of many things, mostly in a frustratingly poetic and vague manner. It spoke of the assembled heroes of legend, and their roles in fulfilling the prophecy and performing the ultimate alchemy. It spoke of the Mage and the Witch, the Rogue and the Seer, the Knight and the Bard, not necessarily in that order. It spoke of others, as well; the heroes of Skaia's shadow, where the Mind would be broken, and the walls would collapse. It spoke of the birth of apocalypse from the ashes of its wake, and of the intertwined fates of student and teacher.

Of course, it didn't actually speak, because that would be silly, and Twilight spent a few minutes thinking to herself about just how odd it was to say that a book spoke about something. This is why it is important to edit your work. Coming to the conclusion that this book was not going to be of any real use, Twilight returned it to the shelf, and decided that now it was time to get her silly old adventure off to the races. So to speak. Walking over to where Spike had fallen asleep against the bookcase, Twilight nudged him awake.

"Come on, Spike. We've got work to do."


[fractalAbomination began pestering mushroomAddict]

FA: hey

FA: are you there?

FA: ... you're asleep, aren't you

FA: you're asleep, and you've left your account online

FA: that's what happened


FA: >:C

FA: ok, well, whatever

FA: when you get back

FA: reticentButterfly just entered

FA: i'm up to my neck dealing with the mage

FA: so space girl is your responsibility, for now

FA: try to be nice, and represent us well

FA: don't do anything i wouldn't do

FA: also, just a heads up

FA: these guys are complete noobs

FA: so at least you'll have that in common C:

FA: cya

[fractalAbomination ceased pestering mushroomAddict]


Elsewhere, a gentle light trickled down through dead trees, spilling onto the forest floor and running alongside the gentle brooks that wormed their way in between the spindly plants. Though most of the plants were dead, the land retained a sense of the warmth it had once enjoyed. It had not, however, retained the amphibian contraband for which half of the land had been named, much to the dismay of the planet's consorts.

They retained some hope, however. As long as half the name persisted, however slightly, they would continue fighting. And now, for the first time, they had a way to fight back. The hero had entered.