• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 7,039 Views, 122 Comments

King Harkinian goes to Equestria - Dash Attack

  • ...

Have Mercy

Chapter 4

"It's been almost a month," cried Zelda, "and still no word." She put her hands to her face for dramatic effect.

Impa came and put her hand on Zelda's back to comfort her.

"I'm certain he's alright, though I have been wrong before."

"No," said Link "That old King is no match for the Elements of Harmony."

"Link," said Zelda. "Go to your room, and go f@#k yourself."

"Great," said Link "I'll grab my dodongo."

As Link casually left the room, Zelda face palmed herself.

"Impa," said Zelda, "I think we waited long enough. We are going to Koridie. Morshu might be a greedy psychopath but he is probably our only hope at bringing my father back."

"Alright dear, I'll get the rupees. Something tell's me we are going to need a whole lot of them."


The Doctor and the King rode all throughout the day and into the night. During this time, the King worked the Doctor to his core. After living so many years, nothing the Doctor could remember amounted to this much pain in his back. They rode for almost six hours, only stopping once for dinner- which he didn't get. Once the King finished, he made the Doctor ride for another 12 till the fat bastard fell asleep on him.

I'm going to need to regenerate after this I just know it. As much as I love this mane I guess it was about time for a new look. Maybe I'll end up as a pegasus this time. I've already been a Unicorn once so I know I am not limited to one race. No, I can't think about this now. Derpy would think a changeling hijacked the TARDIS if I turned into somepony else without her being there. Ok, I need to keep calm, I need to-

"Enough sleeping, its time to destroy Ponyville, now giddy up horsey"

"Oh bloody hay, your right outside the bloody town already."


The King turned his head around to find that the Doctor was indeed correct. He was about forty feet away from the town. The King smiled as he gazed at his target. He knew next to nothing about the show, but from what Link had told him, most of the episodes took place here. If he could destroy the town, he would be one step closer to destroying Equestria. Once Equestria was gone, the show would be canceled and Links manliness would be saved.

He prepared himself for the battle to come by loading his Dinner Blaster with burgers. He then took out a cloth and began scrubbing the Triforce of Courage. Lastly, he secured the sonic screwdriver in the front pocket. He got up from the Doctors back and began his march to war.

"Time to make Snake proud." He said as he put on his disguise.


Twilight stretched her hooves and yawned. As she got out of bed she made a quick glance at the calendar. It was January 8th, witch meant today was Tuesday. "Wait" she thought, "Tuesday! Oh no! Could today be the day my vision comes true. Crazy things always happen to me on Tuesdays. My tardy panic, the time travel fiasco, that one day I got an A- on a math quiz...."

She started to hyperventilate before smacking herself with her right foreleg. "Ok Twilight keep it together." she said out loud. "Its been almost a month since you had your vision checked, and so far nothing bad has happened. Remember what the Dr. Getwell said about breathing." She took a large deep breath and exhaled.

"Everything is going to be fine."

There was was a knock on the door.

"Oh, I wonder who that could be?"

She ran down the steps and opened the door with her horn. Outside there was a large cardboard box that was just as tall as she was. Twilight eyes began to sparkle at the sight of it. She wondered what could possibly be in it. Books, star gazing equipment, more books, a new shipment of quills and ink, even more books. The possibilities were endless.

"I better bring this inside." she said has a purple aurora began to take hold of the box. When she lifted the box, horror and surprise quickly took hold of her.

This was what she saw.

There he was, glasses and everything, with the creepiest smile on his face.

"Sneak attack!" yelled the creature as he lunged at her. The creature landed on Twilight who abruptly fainted from shock.


From the corner of the staircase, Spike watched in terrified horror as Twilight was assaulted by the strange alien creature. After she fainted,the creature took unconscious Twilight and began duct tapping her to a nearby chair.

Oh geez I need to get help. But that thing is down their with Twilight. If only there was a way I could instantly send messages without leaving the safety of - Oh, right, I forgot. Derp. He face clawed and began to search for a quill and some paper.

After finding some, he wrote something down as fast as he could. When he was done, it read Help! Princess. Twilight is in trouble. A monster is in Ponyville. He sealed it up and blew on it. Within moments the paper was gone.

Just then a golden light, unlike anything he had seen before, enveloped him.

The light quickly transformed into a golden bubble that he was now trapped inside. As his prison floated upward he gazed at the monster that attacked Twilight. His right hand was stretched outward, revealing three golden triangles on the palm of his hand. The triangle closet to the left was glowing.

"I found Barney's long lost son." the monster stated. "I better get a reward for finding you."


"Lamp Oil! Rope! Bombs! You want it? It's yours! So long has you have enough rupees." Said a very plump shopkeeper with was dressed like he was from Switzerland or something. (With apologies to any Swiss bronies from the author.)

"We're not interested in buying anything," shouted Zelda. "My father's gone off on another delusional crusade to find a country from a @#$ing television show for five year old girls.

"Ah why didn't you MMMMMMMM, say so, I got just what you need.

The fat man went to the back of his shop and came back with a bunch of different items.

"Pony DVDs! Toys! Swag! You want it? Its yours my-

"No, I don't want any of that stuff! Just find my father before he kills either himself or someone else."

"I will help my friend, so long as you have the rupees."

"While we're here can I please get a Fluttershy plushy?"

"Impa, not you too!" said a face palming Zelda.


"So, who the hell did I just tie up." the King said to Otacon while talking into the codec."

"That would be Twilight Sparkle." replied Otacon. "She is the the main character of the show and an apprentice to Princess Celestia herself. She is also one of the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony."

"Do I really need to know all of this shit. This is a @#$@ing kids show. She can't be that dangerous."

"Oh King, you can't be any more wrong. She is one of the most powerful magic users next to the Princesses themselves. During A Canterlot Wedding Part 2 , she blew a wall made up of crystal and stone with a magic laser beam. Later on in the episode, her friend Pinkie Pie used her as a Gatling gun. What ever you do, don't let her or her friends get anywhere near the Elements of Har-"

"Dammit they are just girly ponies, I will be fine." He hung up on Otacon and turned his attention to the slumbering Twilight. "I'm going to put on this mask now"


A Dark figure emerged from the TARDIS.

"At last I, King Sombra, have been reborn by this new energy. Now the Crystal Empire will be... - hang on.
Something is not right."

He lifted a hoof to his face only to find that his foreleg no longer had any. Instead, he had a dark gray human hand with fur on it.

"Wait, no this can't be!"

He ran to the beach to stare at his reflection. As he ran, he noticed that he was only using two legs, making him panic even more. Luckily they still had hooves for feet. When he got to the beach he gazed at his new self. To his relief, his facial features remained mostly the same. His shadowy mane and his blood red horn were still there. He even still had his shadowy tail. However, he now had a humanoid body coated with dark grey fur. All of this revolted the dark king.

"Curses! the Time Lords' magic must have altered my regeneration spell. I have become a human-pony bastardization of my self. When I get my hooves or..... hands on him, there's going to be hell to pay. But first-," He looked down at himself and blushed, "I better conjure up some clothes. This situation is awkward enough."

Author's Note:

Will Twilight escape the clutches of the King? Will anthro Sombra get revenge on who ever is responsible for corrupting his form? Will Ponyville survive the next chapter? Tune in next time. Same Dash channel, same Dash time.

Also check out my blog to find out why I anthromorphed Sombra. This was a risk, but one that I hope will pay off in the long run. If not, I can easily reckon it. Post your thoughts on my blog latter.

Also thank you all for favoriting and liking this story. You are all awesome.