• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 7,039 Views, 122 Comments

King Harkinian goes to Equestria - Dash Attack

  • ...

O Look What Clever Ponies

Chapter 8

For this part of the story, I decided to try something new. I decided to use YouTube to help me tell part of the story. I won't make a habit of doing this, but I thought it would be kind of funny. I also thought it would help people who are not familiar with the origins of one of the characters.

Twilight and Spike sat on the chariot being pulled by her two earth pony friends. From a distance, she saw that her brother was in trouble. Unfortunately there was nothing she could do to save him. The only thing she could do was pray that her brother could survive. Right now, she had to focus on protecting the elements and finding her three remaining friends.

From what Applejack had told her, Fluttershy was taking refuge at Sweet Apple Acres, so she should be safe for now. She also thought she saw Rainbow Dash being carried somewhere out of town by one of the guards. That left only one friend unaccounted for.


Meanwhile at Carousel Boutique

"Unhand my gems you uncivilized brute." shouted Rarity, who was tied up to one of her own manikins

She watched in horror as Morshu ransacked her store and grabbed every gem he could get his large hands on, putting them in his large rupee wallet. As he did so, a loud CHING sound came from out of nowhere with each gem he touched.

"Sorry Rarity, but I need your MMMMMMM Rupees."

After stealing every gem he could from her private treasure chest, he began to toss and break all of Rarity's vases and pot's. As he did, gems would appear where the broken vases and pots landed.

"That's strange! Sweetie Bell must have put those there the last time she visited? Regardless, you can't just barge into a mare’s house and smash her pots."

Morshu picked up the Gems and turned his head toward Rarity. A creepy smirk crept on his face.

"Alright, I'll make you a deal. If you let me French kiss you, I'll leave."

Rarity gasped. "Absolutely not you fat ugly pig, I'd rather die in a fiery explosion before hold your hand, let alone kiss you."

"I can arrange that." He said as pulled a bomb out from under his green coat.

Just then, Twilight barged in horns blazing and shot Morshu in the chest before he had a chance to light the bomb. The shopkeeper fell onto the floor, causing the whole shop to shake from the impact of his fall. Twilight turned to face Rarity. Using her magic, she took control over a pair of scissors and freed her from the restraints.

"Are you ok Rarity?"

"I'm just off. That pervert wants to kiss me, and he destroyed my shop. Worst yet, he's taken all my gems and cut off part of my mane?

"Why would he do that?"

"Apparently it would have been worth a lot of money wherever he's from. I guess word of your fabulous work must have reached his homeland?"

"Are you gal's coming or what” shouted Applejack form outside, I think I hear that King fellows voice a few blocks away from here. We need to get to my farm and get Fluttershy and my family to safety."

"She's right Rarity, we have to find Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in order to activate the elements."

Rarity’s eyes began to tear up as she started to cry

"But Twilight, that man destroyed all my fabrics and dresses. They are too damaged to repair. If I leave now, how can I prevent anything else from getting destroyed."

"Your never make things easy do you Rarity." Thought Twilight.

"If you don't leave right now I'm going to revive that man on the ground."

Suddenly Rarity bolted out the door and ran to the chariot. She jumped on and sat right next to Spike - who was now blushing tremendously.

Twilight sighed. "Three down, two to go." She said has she trotted out the door.

When she was gone, the seemingly unconscious Morshu uncorked some Water of Life and brought himself back to full health.


At the edge of town, Rainbow and the guard who rescued her were trying to flee. When they got outside however, they both stopped themselves dead in their tracks. The outskirts of town hand become completely roped off by a wall of dental floss that covered almost the entire perimeter of Ponyville except Sweet Apple Acres and the Ever Free forest.

"Ma'am, are you conscious enough to fly?"

Rainbow Dash got up onto her hooves and looked at the guard. "This is nothing; my body has built up a slight immunity to these sorts of situations. I can fly just fine? Unfortunately I can't fly with you. You said Twilight and the others were still in that town with that judgmental jerk. I need to go save my friends and beat the living crap out of that jerk King. No one call's RD a lesbian and gets away with it." Even though they sort of do anyway, but one problem at a time.

The guard sighed. "Just be careful out there kid. It looks like I'm the only guard that made it out who isn't still fighting that freak. I need to get to Canterlot and ask the princess for reinforcements. I hope you find your friends. Also between you and me," He paused a moment to spread his wings majestically. "I wouldn't mind taking you out for drink in Cloudsdale when this is over."

Rainbow Dash blushed a bit, trying her best to hide it. She had an image to keep up after all. "I'll consider it, so long as you don't tell anyone about that one timer I spoke about earlier. I really was drunk on cider at the time, I swear."

"My lips are sealed Ms. Dash, now go find your friends."

She floated a few feet in the air and raised her hoof to salute the soldier. Then she sped off into the sky in order to spot her friends. As the guard watched the speeding Pegasus, a floppy eared dentist crept up behind him and injected him with antihistamine. His body became numb as the drug took hold of his body.

"Now let's have a look at your teeth." he said as he stretched out his glove. "Open wide!"


Ignatius Mortimer Meen had been spying on the Apple family from the safety of an apple tree for a while now; waiting for his opportunity to snatch the little yellow goody goody with the red bow. As the sky began to get darker, so did the impatience of the wizard. While the elderly pony was asleep in her chair, both the filly, the stallion, the Pegasus, and the panda were alert and awake.

Why won't those goody goodies go into another room. They are beginning to annoy me

Suddenly, he heard the sound of hooves in the distance. While still holding on to the branch he turned his head and squinted. He could make out the shape of an incoming chariot. His curiosity got the best of him and he teleported himself closer. When he was close enough, his face lit up with rage.

"its mother f&%$king Twilight Sparkle," he said to himself. "That's the pony Norris won't shut up about. Apparently she is the biggest goody goody bookworm to have ever been seen on television."

His frown quickly turned into a smile as an insidious thought crept into his mind. "I bet she'd make a great addition to my labyrinth. HA HA HA HA HA!"


"Pardon me fellas," said Applejack who began to slowdown as they approached the farm, "but did anyone hear that cackling just now. It sounded like a demented foal molester."

"How would you know what that sound like." said Rarity.

Before she could answer, she saw something pop out from behind a tree. "Cuz, there's one right in front of us."

Meen pointed his finger at the chariot and sent it flying into a tree. The impact caused both the ponies and the elements to fly in all directions.

"What's the matter ponies? Are your frightened and confused? Good! HA HA HA HA."

Twilight was the first pony to stand back up on all fours as the other struggled to get upright.

"Who are you? Are you with that dinner obsessed King or that fat pyromaniac."

"Don't worry little brat, that man is my enemy. I serve a far more powerful king, one that will help me obtain power beyond my wildest dreams."

"Well I'm not sure about that last part but it looks like we have a common enemy, so why the hay did you attack us just now?"

The magician laughed, "Well maybe after you watch this video, you'll be able to put two and two together."

By now everypony was up off the ground and standing right besides Twilight. They watched as the magician raised his hands and magical movie screen appeared before him and began to play a scene from an educational video game.

When the video finished, the four mares looked up at I.M. Meen.

"I don't get it." said Twilight "If you hate 'book worms' so much, why on earth do you go into libraries. Also, why would you kidnap children you don't like. This all sounds really fishy to me."

"It's that sort of over-thinking that got those brats from the video in trouble, now I'm going send you and your goody goody friends to my Labyrinth. Try reading this book worm."

Just as the magician was about to throw his book, he was tackled by a speeding Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash flared her wings back and skidded on the ground, using Meen as a make shift surf board. When the two finally came to a stop, Meen's purple coat was covered with dirt and grime. He clenched his fists in anger and scowled at the blue Pegasus that was standing on top of him.

"Ahhhhhhhh, retched pony, you ruined my beautiful coat, now you’re going to -"


Rainbow Dash clobbered him with her right hoof and knocked him out cold. Afterwards, she turned to face her friends.

"Are you girl's ok?" she asked. "If this creep hurt you guys in any way I swear I'll."

"We’re fine Rainbow my dear," said Rarity, "But what about you? You look awful."

"Psss, I'm fine. It'll take more than a chunk of meat to bring down the fastest flyer in Equestria." she spread out her wings and flew over to Twilight.

"So judging by all the scattered jewelry, I'm guessing your trying to round everypony we can to blast that King jerk with the elements."

Twilight nodded, "That's right. But first I need to cast an ejection spell and free any of the poor souls that are trapped in this perverts book"

Her horn began to glow as she zapped the book with a spell. As soon as the beam made contact, the book opened up and out popped a brown Earth Pony.

"Blimey thanks a lot girls," replied the Earth Pony, "But I'm afraid we have to hurry. King Sombra has been resurrected, and he's out for revenge against that Harkinian fellow."

Twilight gasped. "What, that's not possible. Candace and the Crystal Ponies killed him months ago. How is that possible. And for that matter, who are you?

Oh boy I love it when they ask me that one.

"I'm The Doctor."

Author's Note:

Ok, found some technical mistakes after reading the proofread copy. I fixed as many has I can. If any one finds any misspelling or awkward sentences, PM me and I'll fix them. Anyway, I'm going to blog soon once my story reaches 500. When that happens, I want you all to post your favorite Youtube poops on the blog.

The battle for Equestria rages on. The outcome is uncertain, but random hilarity and burgers are sure to follow. Till next time everyone.