• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 7,039 Views, 122 Comments

King Harkinian goes to Equestria - Dash Attack

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His Sword Won't Be Enough. (Guest Staring Phoenix Wright)

Chapter 9

As Luna’s moon rose above ponyville, King Sombra rose from depths of the everfree. In one hand he carried his sword, and carried a manticore on his back with the other. He brought the fallen creature to his campsite and put beside the fireplace. Despite being born a herbivore, He had acquired a taste for meat when he began tampering with dark magic.

Has he prepared to sit down he turned to Tuned to Doctor Rabbit who was busy to torturing a pegasus guard by drilling his teeth.

“Please don’t drill any more. I brush my teeth teeth twice a day I swear”

“I’m afraid you forgot to brush your tongue and floss in the back. Now stay still... this could get messy.”

“Enough.” shouted Sombra who waved his hand against his will. “Rabbit, we will need him to talk if we are to plan our attack against this false king and the Equestrian dogs.”

“Yes, your highness.” said Dr. Rabbit as he let go of his prisoner who was tied up with dental floss.”

“I see you have barricaded the town like i've ordered. This is good news. However, I can’t help but notice that Meen is no longer with us.”

“He never came back from the farm.” replied the dentist.

“Then it’s time I call forth another being to survive me.

Sombra’s raised his hooves in the air has his horn began pulse with both dark magic and time energy.

“By the powers of hatred and fear, bring me someone with a creative mind and desire for destruction.” Like a before a giant hole appeared in the sky. This time, the moon was blocked out. From the hole emerged three streaks of ready lighting. They stuck the ground and created a large explosion. When the smoke cleared, three figure stood before Sombra. Two of the figures appeared to be made of metal. One of them was very tall with a chicken’s beak. The other was short and green with treadmills for legs. The third being was a plump man with a slightly bald head and extremely large mustache. The plump figure stepped forward toward Sombra.

“I am the great Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the most intelligent scientists in all of Mobius.”

Sombra smiled. “Welcome to my army doctor. We attack in the morning as planned. Why don’t you and your friends going me in the rabbit for some delicious Manticore?”

“I’m not hungry” the two doctors said in unison.

“More for me then.” Said sombra has he raised his sword and chopped off the manticore’s tail. “I don’t know about you, but I always find the poison to be the best part of the meal.”


“Hey Dash Attack. What the hell are you doing? First you leave me out of the last chapter. Then you ignored my story for more than a month. Now I don’t even know if this story is even about me anymore? This story is called King Harkinian goes to Equestria, not furry Sombra has Dinner. Get back to me already.”

At once your Majesty. But please leave the fourth wall breaking to Pinky Pie next time. You’re coming dangerously close to ripping off So you’ve grown wings. I know originality has never been your strong suit but try and keep things fresh for the viewers. Now where we? Ah yes!


The town of Ponyville was a complete and other mess. Most of Shining’s platoon had been either captured or killed. The ponies whose houses had not caught fire or been demolished hid in their basements. The only ponies who were lucky enough to get away were the pegasi, while the rest were left to fend for themselves.

In city hall, the king had made himself a wooden throne, using a very worn out Shining Armor as a footrest. Has he sat there, he got out his codec and tuned it to the right frequency.

Metal Gear Codec Beep.

“Father, where the hell are you,” shouted Zelda “Please tell me Morshu has talked some sense into you.”

“Zelda, me and Morshu have conquered Ponyville. Soon this entire land of pricy ponies will be completely wiped out and Link will stop acting like such a homo.”

“Father, Link’s always acted a little fruity even before this stupid pony fad. Besides, you've had your moment’s too.”

“Don’t talk s@#t about Mah Boi.” and what do you mean. I am am as straight as a light arrow.”

“Objection!” Boomed a loud voice has the the door's city hall flew open.

Cue Music

A tall man with spiky hair and a blue suit stood before the King with his right hand pointing straight at him.

"I'm sorry your majesty, but what you just said is clearly a contraction. In the YouTube video The Kings Secret, you made it abundantly clear that you like to experiment. I don't judge people sexual preferences past on their interest's, but what you did in that video does not make you "straight as a light arrow."

"Objection!" shouted the King. "Mr. Wright,that's just one video, out of hundreds. There is no continuity in YouTube Poop."

"While that may be true, but the fact that your willing to disregard those incarceration's of yourself is highly hypocritical. I have two very good friend's who are into that Steal Samari Show, and guess what. I don't think anyless of them.


Phoenix Wright tilted his head as a smug smile of over his face.

"So that that I've put your masculinity into questions, will please leave the people of Ponyville in -

Pow Pow Pow

Without warning the King took out a his Dinner Blaster and pelted Phoenix with hundreds of burger's The force of each impact was enough to send the poor defenceless defense attorney straight to Narnia.

"That's for not realising Investigation's 2 in Hyrule."

With the Phoenix out of the way he returned his attention back two Zelda.

"Sorry Zelda. Anyway, I've already come this far I've might as well see this threw. True warriors don't watch My Little Pony."

"Father, you need to get to come back home before Gwonam get's there and brings-

"Their the heathen king would dare defy not only our lord, but the will of the divine sisters themselves."

The King turned around to see Gwonam, Frollo, Gaston, and a fourth figure that stood directly behind the other three.

"I say we kill the King" shouted Gaston.

"That won't' be enough Gaston. We must cleanse his soul with the fire's of judgment."

"Your Majesty," respond Gwonam has he took out an AK-47 and hosted it into the air, "It's payback time bitch."

"You three make sure everypony else is alright. That old king is no match for me."

The fourth figure moved forward into view, causing the King open his mouth with shock. The figure stood with his signature green attire, but he no longer looked like his goofy self. With the Master Sword in his left hand, and I hylian shield in the right, he stared at the King with murder in his eyes."

"Link Mah Boi! What is the meaning of th-"

"Shut up King, you have destroyed my favorite show. Now I'm going to destroy you. And this time, I grabbed my stuff. I have three red potions, one fairy, and one green potion. I have 99 arrow's and Bombs. I also brought my hookshot, my hammer, my Gale Boomerang, and Pegasus boot's and the Triforce of Power. Now you better leave before I skyward strike you all the way to hell."

"Oh Link, we can talk about thi- OAHHHHH"

Link shot the King with a ice arrow and froze him in place before he could finish his sentence. However, the ice was no match for his majesties awesome power as he broke free. Using the Triforce of courage, the king called foth The Sword of Courage and made a dash towards Link.

"I will show you no Mercy Boi." cried the king has his sword made contact with links

"I'm gonna make you do the duck walk before I stab you with the sword! Cool, huh."

Meanwhile, Frollo and Gaston decided to see if they could find their special somponies and win their affection while Gwonam stained behind to watch the fight.


Back on the farm the Doctor had just finished briefed the entire main six about what was going down.

"So you see, we need to find a way to stop Sombra and this King fellow before everything goes to hell."

"We'll be able to stop them. We have the element's with us. All we have to do is blast them both and everything will be alright."

Open Music in another tab

Just then a swarm of swat bot's and badnicks came burst into the farm guns a blazing.

"Take cover everypony," shouted Twilight has she pushed the table and began firing magic at the oncoming onslaught.

"Granny, Apple Bloom, git your flank's into the cellar now! Big Mac, buck these confused thingamabobs.

Big Mac tied a black bandana around his head and nodded.

"Eeyup." He said he bucked a buzzbomber clear out the sky.

A fat man on a flying metal metal sphere came crashing it the room. "Kill them! Kill them all! If we destroy the element's Sombra will surling give me a PROMOTION."

Everypony including did there best to hold back the Robotnick hord.

The Doctor was able to disable them with easy using a makeshift sonic screw driver. It wasn't as powerful as the one the King stole from him, as it was made out of materials he found around the farm. That didn’t stop from short circuiting many a robot with the glowing work tool in his mouth.

As Twilight wile and Rarity blasted the robot's with magic, Rainbow Dash went head to head with the airborne Robotnick. The Eggman tried desperately to shoot her down, but she dodged every bullet and laser that came her way.

“Come one slow poke hit me. I’M WAITTINNGGG.”

No it can’t be. That’s impossible.

Rainbows words brought back painful memories from his past. Robotic psyche tried to deny it, but there was no question about it. She reminded him of someone. So one who had tormented him for years, driving him yank every hair from the top of his head.

The voice of his of his tormentor in his rang in his head.

Rainbow Dash looked at the mad sicentist with a look of confustion. He seemed be in some catatonic state.

“Wow, I think I just broke him with my awesomeness.”

She shrugged and went back to fighting the robots down below.

While AJ helped Big Mac with the bucking, Pinkie Pie pulled out a cupcake gatling gun and mowed down every robot in her path. Even Fluttershy was caught in the rage of battle, which gave her the strength she needed to rip, tear and smash any robotic that came between her.

Robotnick eventually go over his post traumatic blue speedster syndrome and began shouting orders to his remaining troops.

"Were losing the Battle." cried the mad scientist. “Retreat!”

A smoke bomb landed in the center of the room and blinded everypony. When they smoke cleared, Robotnick, the remaining band knicks, and the chest containing the element's were gone.

"Well look on the bright side," said Pinkie Pie, " At least things can't possibly get any worse."

Just then, two french men barged in from what was once the front door.

"Hello ladies", Said Gaston with a wide sinister smile on his face.

"Don't mind us," said a rape faced Frollo, "I am righteous man."

Author's Note:

It's been a wile but here it is. Wasn't able to get it proof read this time. Sorry. Feel free to point out any hiccups in the spelling and grammar department. And don't worry. Gaston and Frollo are just going to play Janga with them. I mean what could possibly go wrong with the most lust driven Disney villains of all time in a seclude barn where no pony will be able to stop them. Yeah no that's not happening. But just be safe. Rarity and Twilight better run.