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Chapter one : The last resort

// Story: PROTOTYPE Equestria
// Chapter: Chapter one : The last resort
// Author: Azzazel

Author's note : Hi there guys and galls this is Azzazel , this is my first fic and I do hope you like it , please speak your mind if you find something out of place . Any tips are appreciated ! Enjoy your read

Chapter one

"One virus, three weeks, millions dead...and I was there.
My name is Alex Mercer, and my work is almost done."

Three days after defeating the Supreme Hunter on the USS Reagan

It was around 6:00 pm, Alex Mercer was on top of Empire State building watching over the city thinking '' The infected are finally dying out '' he had managed to retain his memory even after dying to save the city , he looked around for a place to land he then jumped and spread his arms to glide through the air slowly descending on a nearby block while making sure not to be seen .

Upon landing he walked to the edge and rappelled down the wall into an alley. After making sure no one was around he shifted into a civilian, whilst walking out of the alley a thought lingered in his head '' The military had begun moving out of the city, only a few bases still being operational the ones I consumed didn't have information as to why they are leaving '' Alex was still hunted so it made no sense as to why they were moving out, '' maybe they got tired of dying '' a grim smile appeared on his face while he thought of that.

Even though he felt something was up, he was confident he could survive anything they'd throw at him . Reaching the street Alex whistled for a nearby cab and quickly got in, he didn't want to attract any unnecessary attention by jumping from roof to roof. ''St. Paul's Hospital'' He said. The driver simply nodded and with that they were off. As they were driving trough the seemingly endless rows of cars Alex's mind drifted to the events earlier that morning.

At 5:00 pm he received a call from Dr. Bradley Ragland saying that he's sister Dana has awoken from her coma, and that he also received information that might be of interest to him .

A shout broke he's train of thought

'' Hey buddy wake up!''


''Were here.'' ''How much do I owe you?''

'' That would be $178 ''Alex pulled out a wallet he 'found' yesterday and pulled two 100 dollar bills , after getting out of the car he gave the driver the money.

''Keep the change.'' He said.

The driver smiled ''Thanks man have a nice day.'' with that the driver left and Alex said to himself ''I'm sure it will be.''

He entered the building heading straight for the morgue where Ragland said he will be waiting with his sister, as he approached the double-metal doors he shifted back to his original form and entered the room.

Upon entering Alex noticed Ragland pacing furiously with a face that bleed concern, on the other side of the room was his sister standing upright on a hospital bed with one hand over her eyes hinting that she had a head ache .

Alex broke the silence ''Hey doc.'' Ragland's thought was interrupted as he noticed Alex slowly approaching. ''How is she?''

Before he could say anything Dana spoke. ''I'm fine Alex just a slight head ache.''

''Good to know your Ok...'' the doctor was losing his patience.

''Alex.'' Ragland almost shouted attention shifting back to him while a visible throbbing vein was pumping on his forehead.

'' You look disturbed doc what's happening?'' Said Alex almost jokingly, the doctor motioned for Alex approach

'' You need to hear this.'' the doctor walked to a nearby computer and opened an audio file called The last resort. The record started playing:

''Doctor Ragland I have important information and limited time so listen carefully and erase this as soon as you can, I'm sure you've noticed the military starting to leave the city, the reason for that is that a group of Black-Watch scientists are working on a new weapon with cold fusion at its base, its highly unstable and completely experimental , it is to be used on the runner Zeus and if that weapon malfunctions it could wipe out the entire city, I am telling you this because I owed you one for that time in Nam , leave the city as soon as you can , you have three days until that thing becomes operational.''

Alex stood there letting the information sink in when Ragland broke the silence. ''This message is two days old, someone went to great lengths to send this and someone else to even greater lengths to try and stop it from reaching me. Whatever this weapon is, this ‘Last Resort’ it needs to be stopped and you have less than 24 h to find and destroy it. ''

Alex pondered a bit but before he could say anything the doctor said.'' Also along with the message came a map of the city with the northern edge of the city circled, I called a few favors and it seems that massive energy surges have been erupting in that area , whatever this thing is it uses a lot of power''.

''It might be a trap.'' Alex said. Dana got out of bed and stumbled trying to get to her brother when she said

''What if it isn't?''

Alex smirked.''I never said I won't take the job.''

Dana hugged Alex. ''Be careful.''

Alex face became serious.'' Ragland I want you to take my sister and get out of town, here *he took out his cell and gave it to the doc * I will contact you once I'm finished.''

''B-But Alex...''

Alex turned to his sister. ''No buts its too dangerous and I can't risk that, Ragland do you have a place where you can stay?''

''Yes. My cousin Thomas has a farm in Westchester we'll wait there.''

''Good get everything you need and leave, I won't let the city die now.'' With that Alex proceeded out of the building.

The sun was beginning to set, Alex took a deep breath and started sprinting straight to the marked area , ignoring gravity and running up a building , reaching its roof in seconds , he continued towards his destination free running effortlessly from one roof to another, gliding when needed to reach a new building.


An hour later on a highway

Dana was riding in the front seat of the doctor's Toyota Landcruiser deep in thought when Ragland noticed the worried look on her face, he decided to break the silence. ''You know he can't die right?'' He spoke softly. Dana smiled a little.

''He's the only family I have left, even though he's a wanted man he is still my brother.''

''I'm surprised he's actually trying to save this God forsaken city after all he went through.''

''Alex may have been blinded by revenge but now …I dunno I guess his trying to redeem himself.''

''I'm sure he will be fine I'm more worried about those dumb enough to get in his way''

Dana chuckled. ''You're right'' she smiled and went back to her thoughts.


Alex landed in an area with a few blocks and some trees, he went into an alley and shifted into a Black-Watch commander , he then used his thermal vision to look for anything out of the ordinary. After 20 minutes of scoping the area he began to notice something. ''Nothing... everything looks normal, too normal.'' He muttered to himself. ''Unless...'' He looked towards a green area with trees and looked at the ground ''Bingo.'' under the trees he noticed a concentration of heat signatures. ''Now for the hard part.'' he contemplated for a few minutes how to enter the concealed facility when an unknown armored vehicle came from around the corner and parked nearby 'Interesting.' He thought as he noticed four Black-Watch goons exit the vehicle.

''What are you up to?'' he spied from the cover of darkness when a Black-Watch commander exited the driver seat and started giving orders. Alex listened in on the conversation.

''Aright you goons this is the last piece needed, I want you to take it in and for God's sake DON'T drop it!'' They all nodded and said in unison ''Sir yes Sir!'' they proceeded to the trunk and pulled out a grayish metal case that looked reinforced and that took all four men to get it out.

''I need a distraction.'' thought Alex when something toppled a few trash cans ''Perfect.'' he thought.

The Black-Watch commander seemed to notice and went to Investigate he motioned to rest to keep moving and bring the case inside the base. As he entered the alley he turned on his flash-light and searched around a bit, a hiss startled him as he swiftly turned to notice an unamused cat going about her business in the trash can. ''All clear, proceed with the operation.'' Before he could turn around he was grabbed by the neck and the last thing he could feel before dying was a sharp pain in his back ''Let's see what you know.'' Alex then hit consuming the commander and gaining his knowledge.

''So, they are desperate enough to use that even if it might kill them all, well it won't be in one piece for long'' Alex grinning under the mask, he walked out of the alley and towards the soldiers that were standing on a patch of grass.

Alex was standing on the seemingly ordinary patch of grass. '

''Were in the clear and proceeding to base how copy.''

''Solid copy X5, were pulling you in. Were there any disturbances?''


''Very well proceed to the Last resort chamber with the missing piece and await new orders.''


The ground seemed to lower itself as Alex and the rest of the soldiers went trough a dark tunnel, after about five minutes the elevator came to a stop and the wall began moving revealing a secret entrance.

Alex and the soldiers began walking through the halls where numerous scientists were franticly working on the latest technology. After a few minutes worth of walking they finally reached their destination, a giant chamber with a reinforced titanium gate. It was large enough to fit a 747, with grey-white metallic walls lined with numerous scientific tools and an anti-chamber on the far left side of the room also what looked like the tips of two generators sticking out from the ground not fully revealing themselves.

Three scientists in hazmat suits approached and motioned for the soldiers to follow them.

''How long before its fully operational ?'' Alex asked.

''Two hours, it is currently at 95% capacity'' The scientist responded. He then stopped near a computer console and began typing, after he was done the ground began to shake as two massive generators began emerging from the ground with a large barrel like pipe in between, circuitry from both powering the machine as some of its parts began glowing a shade of neon green .

As the soldiers were making their way to the machine with the case Alex was slowly making his way to its console were a scientist was typing . The soldiers gently placed the case on the ground disengaging the lock to reveal a light blue cartridge with particles swirling around ''Excellent'' was the only thing the scientist said before taking the small tank and placing it in a compartment before locking it in place.

Alex was almost to the terminal when the alarms went off. ''That can't be good.'' he sprinted to the terminal giving the scientist a flying kick sending him through the air and into the wall, turning back to his original form Alex began typing trying to shut down the machine when the soldiers ran up to him, now armed with LMG's they began firing.

''Stop you idiots !You might hit th...'' the scientist was interrupted by a large boom coming from the terminal which sent Alex into a back flip.

Annoyed he took out his claws and sped to the soldiers clawing, the first few were decapitated and then kicking another soldier in the ribs sending him into the wall. The scientists were fleeing and Alex began tearing down the remaining soldiers, cutting them in half and consuming the last . Lights began to flicker as Alex turned. He noticed the cannon beginning to overcharge but before he could do anything he felt a punch connecting with his face sending him to the ground .

He got up and spat on the ground. ''Just what I need, super freaks.'' Alarms were sounding even louder when the machine was hitting critical levels.

''Tonight you DIE Zeus.''

''Bring it.''

Alex turned his claws into muscle mass as the soldier charged and tried to grab him, he reacted quickly and countered with a knee to the ribs forcing the soldier to stumble backwards. When he got his bearings he started attacking, now enraged he didn't even bother blocking as each missed punch was followed by a swift move from Alex, breaking bones as hits continued to rain upon the soldier’s body. '' Time to end this.'' He changed his left arm into a hammerfist and his right arm into a blade. As he dodged a weak punch he stabbed the soldier in his stomach while using the momentum to smash his face with his left arm sending him into nearby crates.

''With that out of the way back to the main prob...''


A large explosion send him into a wall denting it. When he came to he noticed the walls starting to bend and more importantly he noticed himself being drawn to where the debris of what was once The Last Resort, now with a black vortex forming in mid air, objects were being sucked in and disintegrated .

''CRAP!'' He shifted his arms back into claws and stabbed both of them in the metal floor and held on for dear life, as his body was now in the air the only thing preventing him to be sucked in was the reinforced metal floor .

As the expanding vortex grew in power Alex was advancing one claw at a time away from the black hole, meanwhile a half dead super-soldier noticed Zeus's situation and reached his arm searching through a broken military chest and found what he was looking for, a M72 LAW Rocket Launcher.

Alex was looking back at the vortex when he noticed the soldier trying to lock on to him , after he aimed the weapon he muttered half-conscious. ''Burn ...in...Hell*cough*Mercer.'' he pulled the trigger the recoil ending the soldier's life.

Alex's eyes widened as everything seemed to slow down as the missile approached. ''I'm sorry Dana...'' The projectile connected with his head the force pulling his claws out of the ground and sending him flying towards the black hole.

As he connected with the vortex he felt like he's entire body was being crushed and just like that he disappeared into the blackness.

*30 minutes after the appearance of the vortex*

“Sir the vortex has lost power and is disappearing!”

“Damage report.”

“The base is gone along with 2.5 miles of land.”

“And Zeus ?”

“The status of the runner has been confirmed sir.”


“Great job everyone, lets go home.”

End chapter one


Author's note : There it is, finally , a big shout out to Greasebrony who convinced me to try my hand at this. Any constructive criticism is appreciated I hope you enjoy it and don't worry the next chapter involves ponies .