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Chapter six : A long trot away from home

// Story: PROTOTYPE Equestria
// Chapter six : A long trot away from home
// Author: Azzazel

Authors note: First of all I would like to apologize for the ridiculous delay, I never meant for it, the next one will be out way faster albeit a bit smaller. Anyway many thanks to Zephyr for pre and prof-reading this. Credit for the Oc from the forest goes to HeartSkip if you can, check out their stories. Again sorry for the delay. Enjoy !


Chapter six

After entering the small town and getting 'unexpected' reactions from most ponies the group decided on the best course of action. After some pep talk and almost a serious exposure of an event which was supposed to be secret with a brown pegasus. Princess Celestia parted from the group and headed towards the Town Hall.

As she trotted along the path she made sure to examine the town carefully, ponies were still locked in their homes and few if none even chose to look out the windows. She felt rather irritated by the fact that they haven't even acknowledged her presence. As she was beginning to drift into deep though she had finally reached the center of town, which just like the rest of it was devoid of life. She sighed but kept her composure, she knew a public meeting would be a good idea but getting the ponies over their fears would prove challenging. She formulated a plan and knocked on the door. Nothing, it would seem paranoia has taken it's toll and she did the first thing that came to mind, that is to teleport inside and explain the situation.

She teleported just beyond the door and walked trough the halls in search for the mayor. On her way towards the main hall she made sure to check inside every room. Celestia had reached two wooden double doors marking the mayor's office and proceeded to opening them. They of course were locked, how had her little ponies manage to react so fast baffled her, she frowned and teleported once more. She looked around the office and noticed a trembling silver streak, she called out.

''Mayor Mare?''

The pony stayed silent but clearly recognized the voice. She took a glimpse around the corner of her desk and noticed a rather unamused princess. Mayor Mare came back to her senses and immediately took a bow and apologized for the state of things.

''You may rise, we have very important things to discuss.'' Celestia changed her voice to serious.

''O-of course your majesty what can I help you with?''

Celestia took a deep breath and explained the story of the new arrival and where he came from. She of course had left out her little fight against the runner which didn't end well, and his 'abilities'. She pointed out his physical strength and speed but reassured her that he would not cause trouble. It took the princess almost three hours to explain the situation and decide upon how the meeting should be handled and when it was to be scheduled.

''Then it is settled tomorrow at noon Ponyville will meet Alex. Mayor I would like you to spread the word and send letters to everypony in town. Also there is no need to send Twilight her letter she will receive notice tomorrow. I know it is rather late but I wish this situation resolved as soon as possible.''

''Yes your majesty.''

With that Celestia proceeded to teleport back to the royal palace. After she left the mayor who began on working the letters, she sighed but the excitement of a new creature was enough to keep her going. It would take several hours but she didn't mind it was her job after all.


Meanwhile in castle Canterlot the princess of the night was furiously stamping the royal seal on the many parchments and scrolls which she got stuck with against her own will. The only break she took was when she went to raise the moon. After she was done she yawned and exited the office trotting towards her room. Celestia had just arrived in the throne room, she went out the door to find her sister and tell her the news. As luck would have it she had just bumped into Luna who was heading towards her chambers.

''Ow hello sister so *yawn* how did it go?'' Asked Luna more bored than actually tired.

''Not so well, the ponies completely ignored my and the elements presence and instead ran and locked themselves indoors once they laid eyes on Alex, but he seemed amused by the whole thing.''

''Really? The whole town? Wasn't there a similar situation sometime ago with a zebra?''

''Yes there was and no, the entire town but one, a light-brown pegasus stallion, but I believe it would have been better if he had acted the same way.''


''Pinkie the element of laughter almost divulged the battle me and Alex had.''

''Almost? What happened?''

''He managed to silence her before she could say too much, although that may have created additional problems.''

''How so?''

''He was rather quick and I think that may have created suspicion, that and Alex wasn't embarrassed openly admitting that he is dangerous.

''I see...How shall he meet the townsfolk if they are too scared to even come out?''

''I have discussed the situation with the mayor and set up a public meeting at noon.''

''That is wonderful, will we be attending?''

''Of course, I hate to admit it but I don't trust Alex completely. Speaking of which, I would like you to head over to Ponyville and see if anything has happened after I left.''

''Right now? But I am tired from all the boring paperwork I had to do!''

''I'm sorry Luna but I am really worried and what pony would be better than the princess of the night herself?''

''Fine but after the meeting tomorrow I am heading towards the spa with or without you.''

''*giggle* Very well, I will await to hear what happened tomorrow. Safe journey little sister.''

''*sigh* Goodnight sister.''

Celestia went to her bed chambers and fell asleep. Luna chose to fly to Ponyville so she could stretch her wings and get the boredom out of her system. It was midnight and it would take an hour of flying but it was refreshing. The night was peaceful and Luna took pride in the way she brought the night. Always improving her work, always adding stars and blending them into the midnight sky. She always felt like an artist and the sky was her canvas. She was deep in thought and before she knew it she had reached the outskirts of Ponyville.


"Fine, now go before I change my mind."

Alex said and changed his eyes to thermal vision, frightening Zephyr a bit. He bolted out the nearest window and began thinking. He was in a panicking mode still thinking about what he heard and when Alex's eyes glowed fear took over.

'CRAP. Oh man that was scary, what is he?' Zephyr flew back to his cloud house at insane speeds trying to forget the runner's eyes. He reached his home in record time and did his best to calm down. Sometime later after having dinner, he had a shower and was ready to hit the hay.

He simply laid there in his bed shifting and turning trying to get sleep. He just couldn't get his mind to calm down even if he was tired as heck. His mind was screaming for answers and he decided to try and understand what he learned a little better.

'Okay Zephyr what have you learned? His name is Alex Mercer, he is from a different world and he is definitely more dangerous than he looks.' He was shifting and turning, his mind continued to race. 'He said he defeated the princess but that can't be possible can it? Ugh he said that he would tell me the story tomorrow but I just know he won't tell me everything.'

Zephyr was getting frustrated, he groaned from under the sheets but stopped when he remembered something. ' Wait. WAIT! I...Remember, after I said something about the princess Pinkie started talking I remember what she said but Alex cut her off.' He continued his thought process. 'Okay, what did she say? C'mon Zeph think!'

A few minutes of deep concentration later he finally remembered. 'I remember now she clearly said: 'he already tried and the princess' and thats where he cuts her off. This is making my head hurt.' He rubbed his face with his hooves. 'No I can't give up, she let out something important even though it was muffled I'm sure I heard her say 'did even'. No, it was 'didn't even' .

He began piecing it back together. 'So he already did something right? Then the princess intervened right? Ok now this is where it gets confusing, 'and the princess didn't even...' Didn't even what? This just gets more and more confusing. His head was thumping like crazy and he could feel a migraine coming. After a good portion of time had passed Zephyr was just about to give up, but just when he was about drift away he heard in almost a whisper in the back of his mind 'stand a chance.'

As soon as he heard that he shot up from under the sheets with his eyes wide open. 'NO...It can't be can it? Pinkie wouldn't lie, but was that what she really meant?' He began to calm down. 'It does make sense, the way he talked in the presence of the royal princess. I am not going to give up until I get the whole story.' Zeph began once more to remember something important. 'Alex said the princess was going to talk to Mayor Mare about his arrival. I guess I'm going to have to wait for tomorrow. It's odd even though he may have fought the princess he doesn't seem that bad.' Zephyr finally closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep, tomorrow would be a day to remember.


Luna walked into the town looking for anything out of order, she carefully made her way through several alleys searching for anything out of place. She was pleased with the fact than there were no disturbances but decided to fly around the town a bit just to be sure.

At around half past midnight after everypony was sound asleep Alex's eyes glowed blue beneath his eyelids. Satisfied with the unmoving heat signatures he silently got out of bed. He carefully opened the door of his room and walked towards a nearby window.

'Looks like Twilight did listen when I told her to lock her windows.' The runner smiled and undid the latch without so much as a creek. Alex jumped down and once again looked around with his thermal vision to make sure he wouldn't be disturbed. He walked towards an area where he would have enough space, namely the market. He knew the town pretty well due to the tour he had earlier, making mental notes of local points of interest.

'Now lets see what new tricks I've got.' He took a step forward and began concentrating, he hold his arms and gritted his teeth as he focused on accessing the new virus strain. His body felt like it was on fire, first time using a new ability always caused a different kind of pain. But it didn't last, his body began to change and a cool feeling washed over him as his body adjusted to his new power.

Alex examined himself and smiled ''Now for a bit of late night training.'' He said to no one in particular.

Luna began to hover over Ponyville taking in the details and keeping a look out for anything suspicious. As she continued her flight a movement caught with the corner of her eye got her attention. She noticed the library window being opened and hid behind a nearby cloud to get a better look. She saw Alex jumping out the window and landing with a silent thud, she cocked an eyebrow and watched as the runner walked trough the calm empty streets and into the market.

The runner stopped and Luna hid in a nearby alley watching to see why he had came to a halt. She watched him grab his arms and he looked like he was in pain. When he fell to his knees she almost got out of her hiding place to help him. But before she could she saw his body change before her eyes. As the transformation finished her jaw hung at what she was seeing, the runner hadn't shared all of his secrets with them, it was understandable but a secret like this was too important. Her mind raced a thousand miles a second mostly wondering if this power was new and if he would share it with the rest of the ponies.

Alex continued his late night training and was getting the hang of his new found power. He had been training for about three hours and was having a lot of fun. Luna was watching the runner train, mouth still agape. It was impressive, right from the get go he seemed to have full control of his new ability. She stayed like that for the whole time he was training, an impossible feat of agility every now and then made her jaw drop even further.

Alex was having fun, and after a last maneuver he caught a glimpse of something moving in an alley. His eye glowed a faint blue and he stared in the direction of the alley. Alex silently laughed.

Luna just realized Alex used one of his visions and began to panic. She quickly turned and began galloping in the opposite direction. Her heart raced and she forgot about her wings, she ran fast nearing the other side of the alley, she turned her head and to her relief she wasn't followed. She sighed and turned her head to the direction she was heading in, her eyes shrank as they fell upon a familiar face.

''BOO.'' Alex said smiling. Luna did the only logical thing and yelled at the top of her lungs. Alex was laughing a good ten seconds while Luna just screamed that is until the runner cut her off with his hand.

''You're going to wake the whole town if you keep that up.'' He was still grinning. Luna calmed down afterwards and Alex took a step back. He looked at the princess which obviously felt a number of mixed emotions at the time.

''So, you enjoyed the show?'' Alex continued. Luna focused her gaze on the runner before saying.

''W-wait you're not mad?'' Luna said still a bit shaken.

''No... Should I? I mean you did spy on me for a while but that isn't a viable reason. Speaking of which for how long were you watching me?'' Alex raised an eyebrow.

''Since you left the library.'' She gave a nervous smile and blushed a bit'' Wait aren't you at least curious as to why I'm here?''

''Not really. If I were to guess your sister probably sent you to check if something bad has happened.'' Continued Alex.

''How did you know?'' Luna was a bit surprised.

''I am fully aware of what I am and what I can do Luna. It was a logical course of action.'' He explained.

''I see, but why hadn't you told anypony about your ability?'' She asked.

''*sigh* I just got this power, it's entirely new and I wanted to test it out of sight and out of mind.'' Alex was getting rather tired having to explain.

''I understand. What happens now, I don't suppose you will let me tell anypony what happened here?'' Her mind was going in a very dark place as she said that.

''You can tell your sister if you want but I would really appreciate if you keep this between the two of you for now.'' Alex couldn't really do anything to stop her, not in a peaceful way at least, so he decided on a compromise.

''But why? I'm sure Rainbow Dash would really love to see your new power.'' She asked cheerfully.

Alex sighed again.''That's one of the reasons why I don't want this secret out yet, the other would be that this power is new and my body needs time to adjust to it so I can access it instantly and without pain.'' He explained.

''I see, but how did you get it? I mean, I'm guessing you don't get new powers on a daily basis.'' She said.

''Must be something I 'ate'. No, you're right, but the virus was already working when I woke up in the forest, it would have taken a few days normally but when I got hit by magical attacks they acted as a catalyst and speed up the process.'' Alex said recalling his little brawl with royalty.

Luna felt there was a hidden meaning in what he said but decided not to press on. It was getting late and she thought Alex should rest. But before she could leave Alex asked:

''Before you go. Has your sister finished setting up a meeting?''

''Yes, tomorrow at noon in the town square, don't worry about telling Twilight, my sister will send her a letter.''

''Hmm. I guess I will see you and your sister then. Goodnight Luna.''

''Goodnight Alex. See you tomorrow.''

Alex waved and started walking towards the library. The princess of the night disappeared in a ball of blue light and arrived in her bedroom and crashed in the bed, the excitement of seeing Alex's new power first hand(hoof?) and the boredom of doing paperwork earlier that day took it's toll and she fell asleep.

As Alex reached the library he took a moment to enjoy a cool breeze and revel in the peaceful night. He jumped trough the open window without a sound, he looked around and was satisfied: everything was still silent. He entered his room and closed the door. He got in bed and fell asleep, it was easy since the virus had finished mutating. After 25 days of constant fighting and 'dying' three times he needed a break, he didn't need to sleep but it felt natural and he actually relaxed. It was going to be an interesting day


It was early in the morning and Mayor Mare had just woken up. Her work with the letters and planing out the meeting for today had taken it's toll. She proceeded with her morning routine and after she was done she went and sent the letter via pegasus-courier the fastest way to spread the word. By noon everypony in Ponyville and some residents from Cloudsdale would be meeting Alex. After finishing her duties Mayor Mare simply waited anxiously to meet this new creature. A mint green unicorn in particular was very excited about the whole thing. She had been forced to stay indoors by her roommate and was forced to comply, but now she would get to see it first hoof.

In Canterlot Palace after waking up, princess Luna met her sister in the throne room and began explaining last night's encounter. Celestia was a bit surprised of what she was hearing, it would seem Alex still had a lot of surprises up his sleeve.
The schedule for that day was already made up, a few royal duties before the meeting and the rest of the day off. The royal sisters went and prepared for departure after finishing their work and sending a letter to Twilight about their arrival.l.


Twilight had woken up at about 10:00 am, her sleep was very peaceful considering all the things that had happened the day before. Memories slowly came back to her as she got out of bed. She was strangely alright with Alex living under the same roof as her, he didn't seem so bad even if he was different. She passed the guest room and peeked inside slowly so she wouldn't wake him. Satisfied with checking up on him she went down stairs and made breakfast.

In her bedroom sleeping peacefully in a basket, laid a small purple dragon. He belched in his sleep a scroll materializing and waking the dragon up. He tiredly got up and picked up the scroll, he yawned and looked around for Twilight, noticing she wasn't in her bed the dragon went downstairs searching for the unicorn. He spotted her in the kitchen and proceeded to giving her the letter. She was a bit surprised and after reading it she began to panic slightly. The purple dragon took notice and tried to talk some sense into her. She calmed down and said:

''Thank you Spike I may have freaked out a bit, but I think I have enough time. Oh I just can't wait to see the princess again.''

''Right I'm gonna go back to sleep I'm not really hungry, just make sure you don't burn anything ok?''

''Alright Spike, do you want to come to the meeting with us?''

''No I think I will just sleep, I'm really tired.''

''Ok I'll tell you how it went.''

Spike went back to his basket and was out like a light. In the mean time at around 10:30 Alex woke up feeling a lot better than he usually did. He glanced at the clock on the wall and went to the bathroom to sober up. He went downstairs and the smell of flowers and jam reached his nose. He walked in the kitchen and saw the purple unicorn with an apron and warm smile on her face.


''Oh Good morning Alex, did you sleep well?''


''Would you like some breakfast?''

''Its kind of late for breakfast, but sure.''

''Wonderful what will you have?''

''I'm not really hungry but some tea would be great.''

''Oh alright I'll make some right away.''

She placed a kettle full of water on the stove and after fixing herself a daisy sandwich she sat the table and said.

''Alex I received a letter from the princess saying that the public meeting is arranged and will be held at noon.''

''Sounds good, anything you'd like to know?''

''Well now that you mentioned it, was it really necessary to insult the guards and the princess yesterday?''

Alex chuckled. '' Actually, yes because I was serious in everything I said, the armor was indeed worthless.''


''Yes its just for appearance, no damage resistance, it hinders movement and looks horrible.''

''And how do you know so much?''

''It's in my area of expertise. And that gives me an idea.''

As if on cue the kettle whistled when the runner finished his sentence. Twilight picked it up along with two rather small teacups and some teabags. Before sipping Alex continued.

''If you could bring me some quills and paper I can get some blueprints done before we have to go to the meeting.''

''I see, but blueprints for what, and I don't mean to offend but why would you want to help?''

''None taken. I want to make some armor blueprints for two reasons.''

''Which are?''

''One the design irritates me and is horrible to look at and two to get your princesses to hurry up and find a way to get me home.''

''I understand but don't you like this world? I know you're not used to it but it seems like a better alternative than your world.''

''This world is nice and peaceful yes, but it's not my world. I have to make sure my sister is alright and while Black-watch considers me dead I need to make sure to remove someone from existence if he proves to be a threat.''


''PARIAH. I don't know if he is still alive or if he is good or not but I'm not wiling to chance it, not at the expense of my sister's safety.''

''I...understand I will get the quills and papers, I'll lay them on the table.''

''Thank you, I will be there as soon as I finish.''

Twilight nodded and went to retrieve said materials. She had laid everything on the table and went to her room to make herself presentable for the princess. Alex finished his tea and got to work on the blueprints, he had time to kill.


The news about the public meeting were spreading fast. Many of the townsfolk were already gathered at the town hall, waiting for the meeting to start. Upon receiving their letters, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy were already anxiously waiting for Twilight and their new friend. Many of the ponies there were talking amongst themselves as to what this new creature was and various other trivialities.

Alex had just finished the schematics and made sure not to miss any important details, with 25 minutes to spare before the meeting started. Twilight just finished making herself as presentable as possible and trotted downstairs. She saw Alex leaning on the couch waiting for her to finish. On the table stacked neatly were about 20 papers with diagrams and writing on both sides. Twilight approached the runner and asked.

''You are already finished?''

''Yes, you can go ahead and read them.''

Twilight levitated the stack of papers and spread them with magic on the table. Ten minutes later her jaw was still hanging from what she was reading. It was extremely advanced even if they were just for a full set of body armor. It was a step-by-step guide, but the end result was a flawless armor with few if no weak spots, appealing, lightweight, durable and it didn't hinder movement. Alex looked at her and smirked.

''I take it you like my little design?'' He asked full of pride.

''I...Its incredible to say the least, h-how did you... And in such a short time!'' She was at a lost for words.

''I'm good at what I do, I simply adapted some advanced medieval armor to pony anatomy and improved it. If I were to say this is about 300 years more advanced than what those guards were wearing.'' Upon further thought Twilight realized he was probably right, it would have taken that amount time if not more. ''If you're done Twilight I think we should go, we got about twelve minutes before the meeting starts.'' The runner stated.

Twilight picked up her jaw and re-stacked the papers placing them in her saddlebag. She and Alex headed towards the door. As they exited a familiar figure had a sly smile on his face, headed towards them.


High among the clouds. In peaceful neighborhood, inside a house on the edge of Cloudsdale a light-brown pegasus was snoring happily, after a mental revelation that night he fell asleep like a rock.

*Knock. Knock.*

It would seem his blissful slumber was to be interrupted once more. Five minutes worth on knocking later Zephyr found himself rolling off the bed hitting the cloud floor with a *thud* and groaning at the sudden influx of pain. Slowly getting to his feet he managed to get downstairs in relative safety, aside from tumbling down the stairs by accident. The little accident managed to wake him up enough to reach the door.

''Alright. Alright I'm *yawn* coming.'' He said half-asleep. He opened the door and was greeted by a gray mail-mare with unfocused eyes, yellow mane and tail and an impatient look.

''Oh mornin' Derpy, Sorry for keeping you waiting, I had a restless night.'' Zephyr smiles sheepishly and Derpy's face changes to one of understanding.

''Oh it's alright yours is the last house anyway. Well here is your mail. I have to go the public meeting see you there.'' Before Zephyr could reply she was already gone. He yawned once more and opened the envelope. His eyes shot open as he re-read the letter once more.

''Crap!'' Was the only thing he said as he went back inside. He did his morning routine in a haste and took a look at the watch, 11:45 AM. He jumped out a nearby window and flew towards the library. 'If I don't catch him before the meeting my chance of getting the whole story are zero.' He thought as he picked up speed, praying it wasn't too late. He arrived quickly and much to his surprise saw the library door open. Alex and Twilight now making their way to the meeting. He took a deep breath and headed towards them.


''The town center is this way, we should reach it just in time.'' Twilight stated. Zephyr landed in front of them and said.

''Remember*pant* what you promised?'' He said while catching his breath.

'And the day started out so nicely.' The runner sighed. ''Twilight go ahead, I will deal with Zephyr over there.''

''Are you sure? I can stay and help you if you want?'' Twilight offered even though she didn't want to be late.

''Yes. Just tell them why I might arrive late.'' Alex replied.

''Oh alright then. See you there.'' She reluctantly left and galloped towards the meeting.

As Twilight got out of earshot Zephyr decided to speak. ''Now I would like you to keep your promise and tell me what happened.'' He said bluntly.

Alex raised an eyebrow. ''Kid can't you wait till after the meeting?'' Alex asked in an unamused tone.

''N-no, not until you tell me how you managed to defeat the princess without having so much as a scratch.'' Zephyr tried to sound firm but his voice was clearly shaking.

In the town center very large groups of ponies had gathered. Pegasi had many rows of clouds as makeshift stools while earth-ponies and unicorns cramped together to make sure they had a good view. Celestia and Luna were on the stage patiently waiting for the runner. Less than 10 minutes before the meeting started a purple figure came into view. Twilight Sparkle approached her friends and explained why he might be late. There were a few looks of concerns but they didn't thought it as a problem. The crowd however was getting restless.

One block away from the meeting point, Zephyr was still trying to get the runner to talk, it was a loosing battle. Alex however was getting annoyed, he needed to attend a rather important meeting and this pegasus just wouldn't lay off.

'My GOD do you ever shut up?' It was getting irritating, it wasn't even a conversation anymore, just bickering after trying to explain how it would take several hours to give him the whole story.

''You should stop talking. I don't have time to give the whole story so be patient and wait for the meeting to be over.'' Alex said in a calm collected tone. The sounds of multiple ponies could be heard from further down the path, Alex proceeded towards the location, Zephyr prompted himself between Alex and the path.

''No.'' Was the only thing he said while he stood his ground.

Alex smiled 'Brave kid, I'll give him that but I don't have time for this.' Alex saw the top of the town hall but Zephyr wouldn't bulge. He couldn't show his shape-shifting powers but physical abilities were a different story. He looked to his right and saw an average two story house.

''See you after the meeting kid.'' Alex said.

''What do y...Holly chesses!'' Zephyr shouted as Alex effortlessly jumped on the building and ran across the roof. Zephyr managed to get over the shock and went to the sky after him.

Alex saw the ponies gathered in the distance, but he was more interested in getting on top of the town hall to get a better view. Zephyr was in awe as he watched Alex parkour from roof to roof his destination a bit uncertain, but kept pursuit just as well.

Back at the meeting place.

''Consarn it where is he? This crowd is getting restless.'' Applejack herself getting a little worried.

''Calm down Applejack I'm sure he will arrive so...'' Twilight was cut of by a pony shouting.

''UP THERE ON THE ROOFS!'' Somepony shouted at the top of his lungs pointing to the roofs at the far right side of the town center. All heads. including those of the princesses looked in the direction he was pointing at, and what they saw caused a chain reaction of jaws dropping. Alex was jumping from roof to roof with Zephyr hot on his trail. It wasn't just how high he was jumping it was also the way he was jumping, the aerial tricks he did every time he jumped looked like it was second nature to him.

He was reaching the last house, only the town hall remaining, the building at least fifty feet away and about five story high. Zephyr was glad, he though Alex would finally stop and answer his questions. But as the runner reached the final roof he just focused and jumped. Everypony froze, jaws fell down even further as Alex made the impossible leap and reached the roof without problem. Luckily for Zephyr the chase gave him enough adrenaline to snap him out of his trance and pursue the runner on top of the roof.

Alex steadied himself on the pole while taking in his surroundings, not really bothering to acknowledge the gawking ponies. As Zephyr was making his way towards him, Alex jumped down a level and onto the rounded roof, Zephyr followed suit as Alex began walking towards the edge.


In the Everfree Forest.

At around noon on the path to Ponyville a deep-blue coated earth pony with white mane and tail was returning from one of her usual adventurous trips. She had a light blue stripe trough her mane and tail, her cutiemark was a stone with a horseshoe in it symbolizing her love for adventure. She was supposed to head back home in the small town but something that happened yesterday caught her interest and she just had to explore. Not everyday does a giant piece of land fall from the sky and she just had to satisfy her curiosity.

She knew the forest was dangerous but through her many visits she never did run into something too dangerous. Of course she never went that deep into the forest but it was too good an opportunity to pass up. She entered the forest and trotted towards her destination, it was eerie going so deep but her excitement tuned out everything else. The path was dense and the progress was slow but after what seemed like hours she had finally reached her destination. She was gawking at the sight before her, most ponies would be very scared at how the trees have been uprooted or bended. What she saw fascinated her, the way metal bended and combined with concrete only fueled her desire to examine the site. She started right a way with a bounce to her step, all previous fatigue from getting there disappeared and was replaced with anxiousness.


Zephyr landed on the roof and trotted towards the runner who had turned his attention towards him. He paused for a moment trying to find his courage.

''Okay n-now I know for sure something is up. I mean your speed, your agility, that freaky thing you do with your eyes. I mean I uh... What are you?'' He said doing his best to stay calm.

Alex smiled '' Stick around and I might tell you, if not, then just ask Sparkle.''

With that he turned around and jumped of the edge. Everypony went wide-eye when he jumped as if their hearts was about to stop. One pony in particular, mint green unicorn to be exact had her gaze fixed on the runner. Gravity seemed to speed his descent the whole trip lasting but a few seconds. Everypony was expecting something horrible to happen but the runner just landed with a soft thud, he got up and dusted himself off. As he saw the look on everypony's face he smiled once more. Had it not been for the royal presence attending the ordeal of what happened when he first came to town would have been repeated. But even so, they still looked shocked, Alex understood why they were in such a state and just decided to examine the residents. Well he was about to but he got tackle hugged by cyan blur, it managed to push him a few feet. It was a bit unexpected but Alex returned the hug.

''Hey Dash, I'm not late am I?''

That broke Rainbow out of her trance and she looked up with her big magenta eyes that had a spark of admiration it them.''THAT.WAS.AWESOME.'' She said completely ignoring the looks she was receiving.

''Then I guess I'm right on time.''Alex smiled.

''Huh oh yeah. But nevermind that! We definitely need to have a race after this.''She said full of confidence.

''Sure, but Rainbow?'' She looked up at him ''You might want to let go everyo...pony is staring.'' Her cheeks went red and quickly let go. Alex stifled a laugh, and the tension was slowly beginning to lift. Celestia walked in front of the mic stand that was set up on stage and spoke.

''Citizens of Ponyville and Cloudsdale you have been summoned here today in regard of recent events which took place in the Everfree forest, that and as I'm sure you already know the appearance of a special visitor.''Celestia stated.''I have come here to inform you that there is no need for panic and that he is indeed friendly, I am aware you would like to ask him questions but first I would like to tell you how he ended up in our fair land''

Everypony listened intently as Celetia briefed them on yesterdays events. Of course she left out all the important details, like his special powers, the little brawl she had with him and so on. She explained how he came here by accident and her decision in trying to help him go back. Zephyr was listening from on top of the roof and immediately noticed the inconsistencies but decided against voicing them. The princess continued her story and explained how Alex is different even from his own kind, explaining his augmented physical powers. She at one point even mentioned how he defeated a hydra singlehandedly which got gasps of shock from everypony. It was necessary since they would find out sooner or later. Alex simply listened throughout the story until he was called to answer some questions. The princess steps out of the way and Alex takes his place behind the mic, a short introduction later and the runner spoke.

''Now those interested in asking questions please raise your uh...hoof.'' Alex said as a multitude of hooves suddenly reached the air. Ales simply decided to pick at random.

''You.'' Alex pointed at a brown stalion.

''Did you really come with that piece of land that fell in the Everfree?''

''Yes. And I'm guessing you want to know how I survived, as the princess said I'm different from the rest of my kin, what would usually be too much for a human is barely a strain for me.'' As he finished many hooves went to the air once more. ''Very well you.'' He pointed at a random mare from the crowd.

''What do humans eat?''

''Humans are omnivores, meaning we can eat both plant and meat, and before you ask it's more of a choice, meat not being an essential part in our survival. And no I do not eat ponies.'' Another hoof down.''Alright you.''He pointed at a gray pegasus mare with blond mane and tail and unfocused eyes.

''Do you like muffins?''

''Err...sure?''Alex shook it off.''Ok, you.'' He picked a random stallion.

''What are you going to do while you are here?''

''Hmm I guess I will simply help around town while I wait for a way to go back home.''

''Let's see...you'' He pointed at a mint green unicorn that was probably too excited.

''What does it feel like to have hands?''

'Another weird one great...' Alex sighed but non the less answered. '' Good, I guess, their useful for holding things.'' He looked trough the crowd. ''You.'' Alex pointed at another mare.

''Do humans have cutie-marks?''

Alex though a moment as he would have to explain the whole concept. ''No. And before you ask, it is simply how things work in my world, the lack of magic is also an important factor, besides the human race evolved in such a way as to adapt to anything and everything, a human can have more than one talent and can use it at the same skill level as his other talents.''

''But what are your special talents then?''

''Hmm good question. I am a scientist actually, was head of an important project on my world, and I know quite a lot about medicine, aside from that I am a very skilled fighter due to the fact that I am a soldier of sorts and I have knowledge of many foreign languages. Thats all can think of for now.''

The conversation went on for a while most of the questions were general but some were downright ridiculous. While this went on backstage Twilight called for the princesses to show them the blueprints Alex made.

''Yes my faithful student do you need help with something?'' Celestia asked in her usual motherly tone.

''Oh no princess I'm quite fine but I do have something very important to show you.''

''And what is that young Sparkle?'' Luna asked.

''I'm sure you recall Alex's little comment regarding the royal guards armor yes?'' The princesses frowned but nodded. ''Earlier today Alex made some blueprints for a full set of body armor made for ponies.''

''I appreciate the gesture Twilight but you see that type of armor was to be changed by the end of the year as our top researchers have been working on an improved version so I do not believe it will be necessary.'' Celestia said.

''I agree sister although I am curious as to what he could have done in such short time, as well as not to be rude.'' Luna added. Celestia smiled and Twilight picked up the papers from her saddlebag and hoofed them over to the princesses.

30 min later.

The princesses were going over the papers again and again still in disbelief as to what they were reading. Their top researchers have been working on a better type of armor for the past fifty years and yet what Alex made was a hundred years more advanced than anything they ever saw. The princesses seemed to snap out of their trance as the meeting ended, they called for Alex backstage as everypony went back to their usual business. Except for a particular mint green unicorn, a light-brown pegasus, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Alex reached the princesses and noticed them intently looking at his work.

''You called?''

''Indeed, Alex I wish to know how did you manage to make these?''Celestia asked pointing at the papers that were currently floating in mid-air.

''Easily enough, I would have made some for weapons but I doubt your kind needs them.'' The princesses nodded.'' And just so you know that crap you use for your regular armor isn't going to work on this one.''

''How so? And please refrain from using such foul language.'' Celestia said.

''Very well. As you can see the armor is very advanced but it comes with a major downside, its extremely heavy if it isn't made very thin, it can sacrifice speed and agility for protection but that is not a wise choice. This armor is to be made lightweight and durable or else its rather useless so strong metal is needed.''

''That may be a problem as we do not posses metals that strong.'' Luna added.

''Luckily for you I might have a solution to your problem. I'm sure you remember the giant piece of land that fell from the sky.'' They nodded.'' I haven't really paid attention but it seems that anything that wasn't resistant enough got destroyed by the anomaly, meaning that most of what is left t the crash site is just metal, in particular the reinforced titanium doors that couldn't have landed far from the impact location.''

''I see and this reinforced titanium is strong enough?'' Celestia asked.

''It's not stronger than my armor but its definitely stronger than anything you will have for a few millenia.'' Alex smiled. ''You might want to get a team to wait near the forest's edge when I bring it in.''

''I suppose you don't know how heavy it is? And I do not mean to offend but why are you helping us?'' Celestia asked as politely as possible.

''A few tons, nothing I can't handle, and I want you to consider it an early parting gift, for when you have found a way to send me back.''

''I understand, a team of unicorns will be waiting at the edge ready to pick it up. Now I shall take this back to castle Canterlot so that they will know what to do. Sister do you wish to leave as well?''

''No Tia, as I said yesterday I'm heading for the spa.'' Luna said rather serious.

Celestia giggled ''Very well little sister I shall await your return.'' With that Celestia teleported away, leaving her sister that also took her leave and headed for the spa.

Zephyr and Lyra were patiently waiting for them to finish not really bothering to acknowledge each other and Rainbow Dash was intently listening from a nearby cloud. Twilight was quiet during the entire conversation Rainbow however was trying to convince Alex to let her come with him as soon as the princesses left, which he continued to refuse. As they left they saw Zephyr and Lyra waiting for them. Zephyr had an impatient look on his face and Lyra had an impossible smile. They approached the two almost bumping into them.

''I'm sorry Rainbow but the answer is still no. Well hello Zephyr I see you stuck around.'' Alex smirked.''And who are you miss?''

''Oh my name is Lyra.''

''Nice to meet you Lyra, now what can I do for you?''

''You can start by finally telling me what really happened with you and the princess.''

''Oh I just want to know more about your people really.'' Lyra said completely ignoring Zephyr.

''I see, I'm sure Twilight can help you with that as I'm rather busy at the moment, Twilight would you kindly help miss Lyra while I'm away?''

''I guess I can, come on Lyra we'll talk at the library.''

''Ok bye Alex.'' Lyra waved as they left and Alex gave a small wave in return.

''So you're finally going to tell me what happened?'' Zephyr asked as he cocked an eyebrow.

''I have a better idea. Rainbow?'' Alex called.

''Huh? What?''

''I was wondering if you could keep Mr. Zephyr here occupied while I take care of business. And by that I mean enlightening him about what happened with me and the princess as he already knows the truth.''

''What? No way, you're going alone in the forest and you expect me to just sit here and talk to this guy?''

''Yes and just so you know I appreciate it.'' Alex said as he reached inside his jacket.'' You can have this as a trophy.'' He pulled out the hydra fang he had taken and given it to Rainbow.

''Well I guess this makes up for it a little but you still owe me. You, Zephyr right? We need to talk.'' Rainbow started dragging Zephyr away much to his protest but there was no escaping her grip.

Alex laughed a bit but his face turned to serious for the task at hand, and began sprinting towards his destination.

'Lets get this over with.'

End chapter 6.

Comments ( 151 )

I chased the Runner in air. Now I'm the Flyer.

So...Alright. Thats fun. Lots of Luna in this chapter.:twilightsmile: I believe it is customary to say Moar in this situation?

Lyra's obsession with humans should make this story interesting

291685 Dude you are just EVERYWHERE!

Once again awesome chapter dude. Looking forward to your next one.

LOL Lyra


Hey, this is my job, to be everywhere! :D

Hmm, I should actually count the number of the fics I'm in... Meh...

292040 Read ALL the fics you're been in and let me know how much your ego has boosted.

Except New Beginnings. You're dead in that one.....LOL

NB is a different story.
You know, there must be a bad side of me for once, even if it's like a split-personality. (Because I would NEVER do the things what I've done in that fic).

292440 Well here you are quite persistaint. Thats a good feature. :pinkiehappy:


I sense Elizabeth coming back....
(Even though she was consumed)
Or the Supreme Hunter.

whilst reading this i got an amazing idea for a fic IMA GO WRITE IT :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:


I'm awesome.
What did you expect?

what da fuhk is the new power

291685>>293339 Why the fuck don't you have a character tag of you?

one nitpick parkour is not a verb that is all.
great job

What was the new change?

God, lyra is goign to sit on the bench and do her insane smile

293339 damn you have trollestria on your side so I can't make a comeback

As the borg said: resistance is futile.

Love the story, and I did enjoy the exchange in the town square. My only "miff" is that there are quite a few grammatical errors. Run on sentences, lack of commas, or commas where there should be periods. Just basic touch-up, nothing serious, but it does detract from the story if the reader has to spend an extra moment or two translating a poorly constructed sentence.

That aside, excellent work! Looking forward to 7.:twilightsmile:

Story's great so far only one last hurdle i can think of evan being an issue for me
I'll be happy so long as she isn't maimed and killed
mostly because its a major turn off seeing one of my favorite characters brutalized like that
still great story keep it up cant wait for number 7


I really like the story so far (mostly how it's well written), but I also have some problems with it.

First, does Alex have no common sense at all? I figure it should be obvious to anyone that the armor the guards wear is ceremonial. In other words, it's made to look nice, with actual protection not being as important. And why would that be a problem? Equestria doesn't have an enemy, so it's not like the guards need anything better. What makes it worse was the idiot ball given to Celestia when she looked at the new design. She would obviously know that the armor is ceremonial (considering they are her guards, after all), so she should realize that there's really no reason to change it. What's even worse is how smug he was being about it. I would have loved to see Celestia look at him oddly, and question why he was being so smug about coming up with something that wasn't needed at all.

Second, is Zephyr. I swear he gets more annoying everytime he opens his mouth. Please, do all of us a favor and let Alex eat him. It's just, he has no purpose at all other than being a an idiot who doesn't know when to shut up. I'm honestly expecting him to say something stupid to Alex (and considering the lack of sense Zephyr seems to have, I imagine it'll happen sooner than later) which results in Alex beating the crap out of him.

So, other than me wondering why guards would need an upgrade when they wear ceremonial armor, and the annoying OCs in the story, I love everything else. I hope to see another update soon.

338778 Its in the works I'm just horribly busy [and I hate it ]

339045 Thats what happens when English ain't your first language [ read the bloody description]. And no he is not turning into a pony, that is not a power. I may try my hand at it but I want to avoid doing it.

339498 Ever since he was reborn the first time Alex has done nothing but fighting he knew it was ceremonial but it was insulting non the less, you see after seeing what was in the forest Alex assumed Equestria also had problems [ and of course he was smug he consumed what over 1000 guys/galls if you would create an armor 300 more advanced in less than 2 hours wouldn't you be smug, even though Alex is smug in general, what? he can afford it !] and its a different Equestria, just because I haven introduced an enemy yet doesn't mean 'they' don't exist it is part of the plot :pinkiecrazy: Didn't you noticed that 'dark' tag? As for the OC's [ Zephyr and Longtrot are my editor and my friend de ja vu anyone?] some are just to fill in the blanks, hey if you want you can give me your Oc and have him kick Zephy's arse. I would never have Alex eat him though, don't want to risk the runner getting something nasty. Believe me i know he is annoying, its how he is, just chillax and let me do my stuff it will get better.

340653 I know Zephyr is your editor. That's the problem. You shouldn't start tossing OCs in your story every other chapter if you're only doing it because they helped in some way with the story. Most people have problems with OCs since they almost all turn out to be annoying self inserts which do nothing to help the story. If you really need to do something like that, then just include a line or to where Alex sees a pony called Zephyr and give a brief description. As it is, I'm surprised he isn't dead yet considering how much he's annoying Alex.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. Like I said, I've enjoyed the story up to this point, and I do hope to see where it goes. I might sound negative in my reviews, but don't let that make you think I hate it or anything. :twilightsmile:

340653 Hey,can you add me as OC on the history?
Fuck it,my name will not be Fire Bolt in it,look at my profile pic.
Just,I'd like for an OC with my profile pic's characteristics on the history :pinkiehappy:

I'm getting impatient.... :raritydespair:

Came here at your recccomendation. A fine story, with stong stucture, well written plot, and a wonderful extimation of Alex's personality.

Now comes the downside...:pinkiesad2:

Dialouge seems a bit choppy, the choice of wording could be better, don't forget your commas, and that's about it.

Just the dialouge, everything else seems fine to me.:twilightsmile:

lul never read a proof reader insert crossover! Inb4 Zephyr x Alex x Lyra love triangle :trollestia:

Great story bro totally made up for that other story.

I will wait five more days..... :moustache:

386366 alrighty then!

I started playing prototype two weeks ago for the sole purpose of understanding Alex's story. normally by now I would have finished the game, like i did with assassins creed revelations (which was 5 days), but I mess around to much with harassing the the army guys and leading hunters to there bases! :pinkiehappy:

Wait, wut?


And I thought I have a sick mind...


You thought that was sick? Well, I have news for you...


when can I expect the clop to start in the story? Lyra walks in on Alex and Zephyr naked and making out. Lyra starts yelling and Alex, to shut her up, presses his lips against hers and slides his tongue into hers. Meanwhile Zephyr begins to clop watching both of them going at and when the tension rises to an unbearable degree Zephyr mounts Alex from behind while he is still kissing Lyra...

I could go on and on and on :trollestia:


BUT THEN! Jelousy sets in. Driving Alex and Lyra, the now married couple, away from each other and it's up to the mane 6 to stop Zephyr from getting back at Alex for breaking his heart...and his bank.

It's a story of Love! Intrigue! Deception! And gay human-on-pony action!

Coming this....


you don't know how many clop fics I have thought in my mind that are so well thought out that they be written. But I'm not one to bring about oblivion to the site.

Ever thought of writing a clop involving Nightmare Moon getting raped by the rainbow beam that the elements shoot out? I have...I have.


Zephyr, pls.

You know not of what you speak! Insanity is just a just viewpoint of life. It makes it that more awe-inspiring!

Or am I just bullshitting you?


this is what I live for.

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