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Chapter two : Pinkie senses

// Story: PROTOTYPE Equestria
// Chapter two : Pinkie senses
// Author: Azzazel


Chapter two

*Twelve hours after the vortex incident*

It was a beautiful day in Equestria, Celestia's Sun was bringing warmth to all beings basking in its glow, it was a perfect day to go out and do things. The town of Ponyville was relatively quiet, ponies were trotting about minding their own business oblivious to what was going to happen in a few hours. Everypony was relaxed that is until a certain pony , a pink pony to be precise felt her tail twitch madly ''Twitchy twitch, twitchy twitch…'' it was shaking so badly she felt like she was about to take off. ''OH super duper Twitchy twitch *gasp* I better tell Twi and the others.'' With that she trotted out of Sugarcube Corner while trying not to lose her balance.

Meanwhile at the library.

A purple pony with dark purple mane and tail both which had a streaks of pink, and a six sided star as a cutie mark also known as Twilight Sparkle, was reading a new book she acquired unaware of what was about to happen. She continued reading in her bed not knowing that a certain pink pony was about to disturb her peace. A small, light-purple dragon was soundly sleeping in his bed only to end up on the floor face down wondering what the hay happened .

The disturbance was of course caused by a pink blob opening the door slamming it full force making several books to fall from their respective bookshelves, the pink pony bounced happily up the stairs with a huge smile on her face.

Twilight was shaken by the sudden noise which caused her to drop the book, with an annoyed look on her face she walked to the door of her bedroom. As soon as she reached the door it quickly slammed open sending Twilight flying backwards and onto the hard wooden floor.

A giggling was heard as the pink pony entered the room and asked. ''Hey Twilight. Why are you sleeping on the floor? Oh is it more comfortable than your bed? Or, oh is there something on the ceiling, hmm nope, or are you playing a new game? Oh oh I'm good at games what are you supposed to do, what's it called, what are theruhmffmhmhmfmh...'' An unamused Twilight was dusting herself off while keeping her friends mouth closed with magic.

''Pinkie what in Celestia's name are you doing? Haven't you heard of knocking?''


''Oh right...” She released her Magic. “There, now Pinkie why are you in such a rush?''

''Well I was at Sugarcube Corner baking muffins, and after they were done I thought I'd take a little bite but they were so goodIcould'tstoopsoIhadtobakeanotherand...'' Twilight shoved her hoof in her mouth to silence her.

''The reason Pinkie, CALM down.'' She simply nodded.

''Weeeeeelllll my pinkie sense went off and my tail started twitching like it never twitched before see.'' she pointed at her tail which was twitching out of control looking like it wanted to take off right there.'' Anyway I noticed It never twitched so hard so I'd thought you'd want to tell everypony so that they can be ready, and that's why I came rushing to your house, up the stairs and into your bedroom where you were lying on the floor, so why were on the floor Twi?'' Pinkie Pie smiled.

Twilight face-hoofed before she remembered why Pinkie came in the first place. ''Wait...so something is gonna fall? How big?'' Pinkie thought for a moment.

''Big, very big, even bigger than the piano that fell on your head that one time!'' Twilight resisted the urge to face-hoof yet again.

''Pinkie go get Fluttershy I will find AppleJack and RainbowDash we'll meet at Rarity's to prepare.'' Pinkie nodded.

''Okie dokie loki.'' She went off with the smile on her face still there.

In the meantime Spike managed to get up just to crawl back into his basket. ''I don't even want to know, I'm going back to sleep.''

''Ok Spike just be ready if I have to send a letter to the Princess alright?''

''Fine, just try not to get too excited it might be nothing.'' The dragon fell back to his slumber. Twilight walked out of the library and headed to Sweet Apple Acres to find her friends.

*1000 feet above the Everfree Forest above a small clearing somewhere in middle of the woods , hidden between some clouds an all too familiar vortex was beginning to form.

Reaching Sweet Apple Acres and navigating through the trees Twilight could hear the familiar sound of trees being bucked. Closing in on the noise Twilight could see a familiar red stallion bucking the apple trees. Twilight approached the stallion.

''Hello Big Mac.''

''Howd'y miss Twilight.''

''Could you tell me where Applejack is I have something important to talk to her about.''

''Eeyup.'' He pointed towards the red barn. In the distance was a familiar orange cowpony pulling a cart of apple inside.

Twilight started galloping towards the barn. ''Thanks Big Mac.'' he nodded and went back to work. Twilight has been picking up speed and reached the Stetson wearing pony in no time ''Applejack!'' Twilight slightly panting.

''Howdy Twilight, how have ya been?'' Twilight took a deep breath and began talking.

''Not important, Pinkie's senses went off...''

*5 minutes worth of explanation later*

''Oh my...so something big comin’ up? Well I can tell you were RD is, she's asleep in one of the trees in the orchard.''

''Good *pant* lead the way.'' Applejack nodded and they were on their way , they started galloping and kept a steady pace.

A couple minutes of running later. They reached the tree where Rainbow Dash was snoozing, her rainbow colored tail hanging giving indication that it was the right tree.

''Rainbow Dash.'' No response. ''Rainbow Dash.'' No response. '' RAINBOW DASH!'' Twilight was getting frustrated.

*Ahem* ''Allow me.'' Applejack offered.

*WHAM!* Applejack bucked the tree sending Rainbow head first into the ground.

'' Hey what's the big idea AJ? I was sleeping.''

''Ah noticed.'' Applejack smirked.

''Ugh we don't have time for this.'' Twilight snapped.

''Rainbow I need your attention this is important!''

''What's up Twi?'' she said rubbing her head with her hoof , it still hurt from the fall.

*10 min worth of explaining later.*

''Don't worry I'm sure that whatever happens it won't be a problem for my amazing skills.'' The boastful pegasus spoke.The sound of a hoof connecting with a face was heard a moment later.

''This is serious Rainbow, now if your done fooling around lets go, were supposed to meet at Rarity's.''

''Hey I was serious!'' Rainbow said in prideful tone.

''Let's just leave before ah lose my temper.''

''I agree let's get going.''

*As they left above the Everfree forest somewhere near a mountain the sky began to look like it was imploding on itself.*

* 30 minutes earlier: what Pinkie did after Twilight and her parted ways*

A pink pony was bouncing her way to the edge of the forest where a small cottage could be seen in the distance. A bright yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail was feeding the chickens slightly hovering in the air.

Pinkie was bouncing happily towards her unsuspecting friend not really thinking about the consequences that could appear due to [unintentionally] sneaking up on the shiest pony in all Equestria.

''There there it's enough for all of you.'' She spoke in a soft and sweet voice.

''FLUTTERSHY!'' yelled a pink pony in excitement. The only response was *eep* followed by fainting.

''Oh my Pinkie you shouldn't sneak up on ponies like that.'' While she was getting back up she noticed her friend’s twitchy tail and her eyes widened. *Eep* was all the pink pony heard before her friend started rounding up all the animals sending them to their respective shelters. Fluttershy was panting and was close to fainting [again] when Pinkie giggled and spoke.

''That looked like fun, but if you’re done Twilight said she wanted to meet her at the Carrousel Boutique.'' Pinkie then managed to get Fluttershy on her back and started trotting towards their destination.

At the Boutique Rarity was working on her latest design when the sound of hoofs were heard at the door. ''Coooming.'' She sang. Opening the door she saw her friends with worried looks on their faces except Pinkie pie who was wearing her usual smile, she asked in a serious tone. ''Oh my has something happened?''

*10 min worth of explaining later*

''And that's why we need to prepare for the worst!'' Said a slightly frightened Twilight.

''You sure that something bad will happen?'' Fluttershy asked.

''Don't worry Fluttershy, Auntie Pinkie will protect you!'' Said the pink pony.

''I'm a year older than you.'' Replied Fluttershy.

''And besides I got the skills and the moves to take on anything.'' Twilight was not amused.

''Ah think you should start taking this seriously RD we don't know what were up against...'' Joined Applejack.

''I'm not entirely convinced that something will even happen!''

''I agree with Rainbow for once darling I mean... Whats the worst that could happen?'' A giant crash that shook the ground cut her off.

''You just had to say that didn't you?'' Applejack said sarcastically. Rarity was blushing from the embarrassment and the odd looks from her friends.

Rainbow Dash went to the sky to pinpoint where the object has crashed.'' Looks like it fell in the Everfree Forest.'' The ponies were shocked.'' Looks like a ball of metal or something.''

''*gulp* W-we should investigate what happened.''

''Darling you can't be serious that place is unnatural and filthy!''

''And scary…'' a barely audible Fluttershy said.

''I agree but what if somepony is hurt? Ah reckon we should at least check it out.''

''Me too listen up everypony I'm going home to send a letter to the princess get whatever supplies you need and meet me at the edge of the forest in one hour.''

''B-but...but no''

''Oh Fluttershy, dear you don't have to come .''

''I... I don't ?''

''We won't force you, but I don't know what we'll do without ya if we stumble across an injured animal.''

''Oh my...I can't let the poor animals down, alright I'll come!''

''Now that that's settled remember one hour!'' They nodded in unison and went off to prepare.

In the Everfree forest:

A giant combination of metal, concrete and various elements connected with the earth at deadly speeds imbedding itself in the ground knocking down several trees and sending metal parts and debris in random directions. The silence of the forest was disturbed and didn't go unnoticed. The dust began to settle and upon closer inspection some parts were stained red indicating the painful demise of whatever had passed through the vortex. The smell of blood was filling the air and in one spot, on a piece of flooring a glittering pile of liquid was coming together.

Meanwhile at the library

Twilight Sparkle entered her home and noticed the books which were scattered on the floor from Pinkie's previous visit.

She resisted the urge to clean up and trotted up the stairs where her assistant was soundly sleeping, apparently the small earthquake from earlier didn't disturb him in the slightest. Still she needed his help and proceeded to waking him up. ''Spiiike, wake up.'' She said soothingly. The dragon didn't budge, knowing she was short on time she spoke. ''Spike Rarity's here.'' The dragon bolted out of bed and looked around for his heart’s desire. ''Sorry about that Spike but I need you awake, this is very important!''

''Oh...'' The disappointed dragon spoke. ''What do you need?'' Twilight took a deep breath and explained what happened earlier that day. While Spike was writing the letter to the princess he spoke. '' Are you sure about this Twi? The Everfree forest is rather dangerous!''

''I agree Spike but somepony needs to make sure that nopony got hurt, and besides were the only ones who have any experience with the forest.''

''I still don't like it''

''Neither do I but it must be done.'' Spike set the letter ablaze and then helped Twilight get ready.

*All six ponies were preparing for the journey and after a while they left their respective homes and went to the meetings location.*

Deep within the Everfree forest the smell of blood from the crash site began spreading and reached the nose of a manticore patrolling its territory, enticed by the sweet scent the beast began searching for the source.

Reaching the crash site the beast flew upwards using its strong sense of smell to zoom in towards its prey, it landed on a small platform-like patch of metal. On the far end of it, it noticed a puddle of red liquid that seemed almost alive.

Upon reaching the strange liquid the manticore took a bite, it tasted like liquid flesh but only for a moment before the biomass began burning its throat and latching on to its front legs . The beast roared in pain as the liquid began forcing its way inside the manticore's body. The beast roared again as the pain intensified with each passing second as its body began changing from the inside. Its hair and mane beginning to fall, its bones rearranging themselves, as its tail detached itself from the body falling on the metal floor. The creatures mind was fading. As it died the virus engulfed its entire body morphing it into a new shape.

As the transformation completed in the place where a manticore once stood. A tall hooded figure with a grim smile on its face rose. ''I’m back''.

End chapter two


Author's note : Second chapter done , special thanks to Greasebrony who proof-read this , he's an awesome friend and a great brony , go to his page read his story I assure you its great and more than worth your time. Next chapter is already planned out , and to all of you bronies who read it know you have my thanks !