• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 8,451 Views, 357 Comments

What Might Have Been - GreenFrogRibbit

What guides the path history will take? Is it grand destiny, or is fate a more delicate flower?

  • ...

Chapter 12: ...And The Serpent

Friendship, magic, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little ponies. But Alicorn Faust accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction...
Chemical Awesome!
Thus the Brony fandom was born! Using their ultra super creativity, bronies everywhere have dedicated their lives to making fan art, and not getting sued!

What Might Have Been

Chapter 12: ...And The Serpent

Deep in the Everfree Forest, amid poison thorns and hungry predators, six ponies were splayed out amongst the grass, all of them grinning like idiots. Drunk off their song, they had fallen quickly into giggling and chatting.

“Ok guys. Guys listen,” Berry Bubble began. “I've got a serious question.” The ear to ear smile on his face put the lie to his statement before he could say another word. “What's red, and bad for your teeth?”

Sinckers and giggles answered him, but eventually Rainbow Blitz managed to form words. “I don't know Berry, what?”

“A brick!”

Peals of laughter erupted around the pink colt once again. In this merry setting Twilight found herself rolling on her back, clutching her sides. Due to her injured ribs even laughing a little caused her a stab of pain, but it felt so good to laugh that she couldn't help it. Tears of both pleasure and pain rolled down her face. “Ha ha ha... oh Celestia, I can't... he he... I can't breath. A brick, ha ha ha.”

“Oh man Berry,” Applejack began after recovering form his own bout of giggles, “You've really got to write these down when we get back to Ponyville.”

Twilight snapped to attention. “Ponyville!” she exclaimed with a wince as she stumbled to her hooves. “We can't head back until we find the Elements of Harmony!”

“Oh yeah, we had a whole 'save the world' thing to do huh?” Blitz noted.

“Indeed,” answered Elusive as he was helped up by Butterscotch. “And I dare say we have been remiss of that duty long enough.”

Once they had all stood and dusted themselves off and Butterscotch had rounded up his new pet, much to the pint sized predators displeasure, they all turned to Twilight for directions. For a moment the purple mage just stood there with a blank expression on her face. Then her brain kicked into gear. “Oh, right. This way. It shouldn't be too much farther now.” With that she turned and resumed her march toward the ancient castle ruins.

Applejack was slow to follow though, for as his recent bout of euphoria had warn off doubts had once again began to creep up on him regarding their mission and their guide. After all the strange events that Twilight had pulled them through, Applejack had to admit that this quirky purple filly was growing on him. She was smart and compassionate, and he got the impression that she truly wanted all six of them to be friends.

He liked her to be honest, but that was also a problem. Though he was glad to have her as a friend, it was quite clear that she had not been entirely straight with him about herself or what they were doing. The farm colt could forgive some degree of dissembling from a pony he might pass on the street (everypony had a right to their own privacy after all) but Twilight was more than just a stranger in passing. She was asking him and four other colts to risk their lives for her quest. In the mind of the orange apple farmer, that kind of commitment garnered far more openness than she had yet provided.

I hurt him too, her dishonesty. He jumped on board her quest without hesitation because it sounded like the right thing to do at the time, and he had stayed with her this far because he had come to genuinely care about her. He was her friend, didn't that mean she should trust him?

He wanted to get the truth about Twilight out in the open, but he knew it would not be an easy conversation to have. Though she had already shown remarkable courage on their journey, Applejack got the distinct impression that the purple mare was still very afraid of the secret she was keeping. Applejack kept hoping that she would come around on her own, but that was looking less and less likely. Soon, he would have to press the issue himself.

However, while the orange farm colt was busy brooding, the other four ponies had been happily chatting with their guide.

“So is it always this exciting hanging out around you?” Rainbow Blitz asked. “I mean I've seen more cool action since I met you than on, like, a whole week of thunderstorm duty.”

“Yeah!” chirped Berry Bubble. “I haven't really liked all the grim-dark-ish parts, but overall this is turning out to be a pretty good hero's journey. Still not sure who's supposed to be the hero though.”

Twilight looked at her bouncy pink companion in bewilderment for a moment. “Uh... What?”

“Don't mind him Twilight dear,” Elusive chimed in. “He's just being Berry Bubble again.”

Now the purple mare laughed as understanding quickly dawned on her. “Ah. I think I get it.”

“Um, Twilight?” asked Butterscotch. “I was just wondering, how much further until we get to the ruins? If you don't mind me asking that is.”

“Well the castle is on the other side of the Everfree River then not too much farther after that. We're almost to the river now so it wont be much longer.”

Elusive looked trouble by this news. “Forgive me Twilight, but as I recall, the Everfree River is running quite fast this time of year. Neither you nor I are fit to swim and even if we were it would be madness to try with the water so high. This of course leaves the disturbing question of how you intend to get us all across.”

“Oh, you don't need to worry about that,” replied the violet mage as a sly smile spread across her face. “I know a guy.”

It was her hope that she could find this world's Steven Magnet, the foppish river guardian who had aided her and her friends to cross the Everfree river back in her own world. After her first quest to find the Elements back home, she had occasionally returned to the river to visit Steven, and though she didn't go this deep into the forest often, she had gotten to know him somewhat well. She was counting on that familiarity to convince him to help her cross the river now.

Considering all the twisted mix-ups she had encountered so far though, the mage really couldn’t expect the violet sea serpent to be distraught about a damaged mustache like last time. With any luck, there would be some other way she could persuade Steven to aid her.

Meanwhile, disbelief colored the alabaster tailor's expression. “I'm sorry, you 'know a guy'?”


“Who can get us across a wild raging river in the middle of an uninhabited forest?”


“Forgive me if I seem somewhat suspicious of your claim, my dear.”

“Don't worry about it. I'll show you.” Twilight encouraged as she lead them around a small copse of trees while Berry whispered to Butterscotch.

“Ooh, maybe Twilight's a mobster!”

As they all rounded the bend, the wild Everfree river surged into view. Just as Elusive had predicted, the water was nearly spilling over its banks and the current was swift and powerful. Immediately Twilight began to scan the water for signs of it's keeper.

Applejack, who had overheard the conversation, frowned deeply. How can she possibly 'know a guy' if she claims to be from far away? He thought. We've put our necks on the line what, three times now, and she's still feeding us some kind of spin! That's it. We need to talk about this now!

Filled with purpose, and a little angry as well, the sturdy farm colt marched right up to the purple mare. “Alright Twilight, I think-”

“Ah! There he is!” She interrupted, pointing further downstream. Just like that she was off, hobbling away as best she could and leaving Applejack with his mouth hanging open. He closed it and followed after with a growl of frustration.

Twilight however, as completely focused on that little flash of purple she had seen beneath the water's surface. As she approached as near as the riverbanks would allow, she called out. “Hello Steven! How's the water today?”

Immediately the churning water was whipped up into a froth. Shimmering amethyst scales arched and uncoiled from the water's surface as a rumbling groan like rocks colliding beneath waves descended into a yearning stretch.

“Grroooooooooaaaaa... The water is just lovely today, thank you for asking!” Steven Magnet proclaimed as he rose out of the water and settled on the riverbank. “But my dear, it seem you have me at a disadvantage,” he cooed. “You know my name but I'm at a loss to place yours. Have we met before perchance?”

“My apologies good sir,” Twilight began with a overmodest smile. “We haven't met, but your reputation as the most stylish sea serpent in the Everfree forest made your identity obvious.”

The Steven Magnet of her own world was nothing if not flamboyant and playful. Though the violet mage didn't exactly share those qualities, she was more than happy to oblige her soon to be serpentine friend. True to form, the well manicured sea serpent ate up the praise with gusto. “Oh, flattery will get you everywhere darling. But come now, you simply must introduce yourself and your charming companions.”

“With pleasure,” She replied with a little curtsy. “My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends...” As the mage turned toward the other five ponies, she couldn't help but giggle at the five sets of eyes gone wide and five jaws hanging open in amazement. Getting her chortling under control, she continued with her introductions, indicating each pony in turn.

“Ahem... My friends, Elusive, Berry Bubble, Butterscotch, Rainbow Blitz, and Applejack.” Her companions quickly collected themselves enough to offer their own greetings.

“Salutations sir.”


“Um, hello.”


“Uh... Howdy.”

“Oh, it is such a pleasure to meet you all,” enthused the serpent. “I so rarely have visitors all the way out here you know, but c'est la vie as they say.” Turning his attention back to Twilight he went on. “Now you my dear must be quite the enchantress to have five dashing young lads escorting you alone so far into these woods. Dare I ask what you're planing to do with them?” A cheeky grin spread across Steven's face at his subtle insinuation. Twilight's cheeks and ears reddened in response.

Before she could formulate an answer, Elusive came to her aid. “Actually sir, we've come because we need to cross your fine and flowing river.”

“Ah, so it's business before pleasure I see. Very well.” The serpent seemed to deflate a little at the news, but he still had a gleeful twinkle in his eye. “If you all can pass a small trial, I will allow you to cross my river.”

“A trial?” Twilight repeated. That didn't sound right. She wanted to point out that in her own world she hadn't needed to pass a trial, but there was no way to say so in front of her friends. “But... uh, isn't there some other way you could help us?”

“Well I'm always open to a little good natured bribery, but as there really isn't anything I want for at the moment I don't think that's going to work out for you. I am a river guardian after all: 'sworne to ensure that none but the pure of heart may pass' and all that. And as odious as that burden might be from day to day I'm afraid it is my duty.”

Trepidation crept into the pit of Twilight's stomach as she considered Steven's words. Without the opportunity to help with his mustache, getting the sea serpent to help her across the river was going to be harder than she thought. Her glum look did not go unnoticed though.

“Oh there's no need to worry Miss Sparkle. I am not cruel, and I'm already quite fond of you and your consorts.” He gave her another playful wink. “I think I'll go easy on you if you promise to come back and visit me from time to time. Deal?”

She was still worried about what the frivolous serpent had in mind, but she had come too far to let such doubts stop her. She was the Element of Magic after all, pure of heart came with the territory. “Alright. We'll all try to visit whenever we're able. Right guys?” she said looking around to her friends.

A chorus of nods and affirmations answered her. “Right. We accept your trial, Sir Steven Magnet. What must we do?”

“Oh, how very formal. I like it. Now let me see...” Steven's stroked his glorious golden mustache for a moment while he thought. “Ah, I know! A trial of words. One for each of you, I think.”

Suddenly Twilight's confidence came rushing back. Words were something she knew, something she was familiar with. She had read nearly every book in her library back home and more than that back in Canterlot. She had written more words than she cared to count in essays and papers and reports. Words were something she was good at.

“Now then, let's get started shall we?” Steven continued. “I think I shall start with you, dear boy,” he said to Butterscotch. In response, the timid colt shied back somewhat from the attention of being called out.

“Oh, now there's no need to be shy. I told you I would go easy on you remember? Now let me think of your word.” The purple river guardian stroked his flowing mustache and looked around while he thought. When his eyes drifted up to the bright daylit sky, it came to him. “Ah yes! I think I know just the one,” he exclaimed. Then turning back to Butterscotch he said, “Now look into my eyes dear boy. That's it. Now...”

As the timid colt brought his sight up to meet with Steven's, the eyes of the river guardian opened into depthless voids and skewered him down to his very bones. For the briefest of instants the serpent's gaze took hold of every part of the pegasus's mind and infused his being with a single word.


“-did the sun stop moving in the sky?” Steven finished politely.

Not a trace of the killing power of his glare remained, and Butterscotch almost wondered if he had only imagined it. But a stirring in the back of his mind, subtle and strong as the tide, told him this was not so. It compelled him to answer and the words came spilling out of him, unstoppable and true.

“I... It stopped just a few hours ago at what would have been sunset. I was there. I saw what happened. We were gathering to celebrate Princess Luna and the Winter Moon Festival, but the princess wasn't there. Instead another pony showed up. She called herself Solar Flare and said she was Queen now, and that the day would last forever. Twilight Sparkle seemed to know who she was but I... I was very scared.”

As he finished speaking Butterscotch's eyes slid back into focus and he became aware of his surroundings once more. “Oh, um... I hope that answers your question,” he said while trying to hide behind his own wings and mane.

“Why, you've done admirably my dear boy: no need to fret. Now who's next hmm?” The purple sea serpent turned his attention to the other five ponies who all felt a tingle of apprehension. None of them had missed the way Steven's eyes had flashed with power nor how his question had forced it's answer from Butterscotch's lips. However, the well polished sea serpent was already moving his attention onto Berry Bubble. “How about you.”

No sooner had he heard the words than he was lost to the serpent's gaze, his very being laid bare as a single word consumed him.


“-is going to happen now?”

“I don't really know, but it's not going to be anything good. If the sun stays up forever it will dry up all the rivers and lakes. There won't be enough water for clouds and all the plats will wilt and die. I don't think Solar Flare cares about that though. I think she's going to start hurting ponies unless somepony does something like Twilight Sparkle says. We have to make her see that being mean isn't going to make her feel better, it's only going to make things worse.”

Steven Magnet considered Berry's response for a moment after he had finished. “Hmm... A noble goal indeed, but it certainly does not sound easy. Though now I'm getting curious...” He turned to Rainbow Blitz and again the power of his eyes infused every fiber of the pony he questioned.


“-do you hope to accomplish this?”

The sky blue pegasus was talking before he even knew what he was saying. Bits of what Twilight had told him only once came rushing up perfectly remembered and lept from his tongue.

“Twilight Sparkle said that Solar Flare's not truly evil, more like possessed by evil magic, and that the only way to break the curse is to use the Elements of Harmony. She said it takes six ponies to use the Elements, so that's what we're going to do. First we'll find the Elements, then figure out how to work them and make sure Solar Flare doesn’t have a chance to hurt our friends or our world.”

As Blitz was shaking off the last effects of the serpent's glare, Steven Magnet was again stroking his mustache in thought.

“My my, these are deep, old magics you hope to meddle with. I hope you know what you are doing,” he said. “You ponies are certainly an fascinating bunch, you really have piqued my interest now.” Turning now to Elusive, he brought his magic to bare.


“-are you going now?”

The alabaster colt's usually melodious voice was ground down into an unfocused monotone as the knowledge was pulled from him by Steven's magic.

“To the ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. According to Twilight Sparkle, that is the last know resting place of the Elements of Harmony. She knows the way through the forest and has helped us through it's dangers. She saved my life when I fell off a cliff, and fought off a manticore single-hoofedly using the native flora. She lead us back to the path when we were lost, and to get us across the river she has lead us to you.” Elusive blinked his eyes rapidly as the grip of compulsion faded.

Steven Magnet was looking less and less the flamboyant soul that Twilight was used to. In fact he was starting to seem downright serious. “Curiouser and curiouser...” he said to himself.

The purple mare was getting rather uncomfortable with the 'trials' they were being asked to preform. Setting aside the issue of how the violet sea serpent was compelling her friends to answer, it was the answers themselves that were getting to her. So far, each of her friends had mentioned her by name, and it was becoming alarmingly apparent just how much of their quest was riding on nothing more than her word. The young mage was getting the impression that Steven's questions were becoming less a test of her companions purity of heart, and more an investigation of her own motives.

Worry began to twist inside her then. She was confident that she was doing the right thing, but if she really thought about it, it didn't feel like she was doing it for the right reasons. I know I haven't been completely honest with them, but they need to stop Solar Flare just as much, if not more than I do. If they though I was a nut-job they never would've come with me. Saving the world's a good and noble cause, right? Her attention was drawn away from her own inner musings as she watched Applejack step forward to receive his word. Then why does it feel like I'm the one on trial here?


“-is this mare who has lead you here?”

Worry resolved into fear in the purple mage, as the words were already spilling from her friend's lips.

“Her name is Twilight Sparkle but in truth, I do not know her. She hails from Canterlot, but claims to be lost far from home. When Solar Flare appeared, Twilight recognized her but Flare did not know who she was. She said she's seen something like this happen before with unending night, but I know of no history where this is so. She told us all of the Elements of Harmony and that the Elements are our best hope for stopping Solar Flare, though I've never heard of them before.

“She is generous, loyal, and she lifts our hearts to be with her. We only met her today and she would give her life for any of us. She has asked that we risk our lives for her but...” The magic was gone, and Applejack’s eyes had long since come back into focus. For a tiny, silent moment his words hovered half said. He need not go on, but he did.

“...But the truth is, I do not know who she is at all.”

A lance through her heart. That's what it felt like. A frozen, twisting lance gouging her insides and robbing her blood of warmth. There was utter silence as four pairs of eyes looked upon Twilight Sparkle. Applejack refused to meet her eye, or to look anywhere but straight ahead. His face was solemn but steely. He didn't like what he had said, but he wasn't going to take a word of it back. She wanted to reach out to him, to say his name, or say she was sorry, or anything to break the icy stillness, but she was denied.

Steven Magnet approached and wordlessly turned his gaze on her before she ever had the chance. She wasn't even aware of his eyes on her until his power demanded her attention.


“-have you lied to them?”

A second passed in stillness.

Twilight did not look away from the eyes of the river guardian. His face was a mask of neutrality, immune to the dismay in her heart. This time there was no compulsion, no mind numbing control drawing forth her words like water from a well. As soon as Steven's magic had touched her it was gone and only silence remained.

Her eyes pleaded for succor, to know why he would be so cruel, for the magic she had been expecting to take hold of her tongue and spill out the truth for her. But it did not come. No magic in the world could aid in making a confession.

“Well?” Rainbow Blitz pressed, the beginnings of anger creeping onto his voice. The question was a slap in the face and Twilight winced from the blow.

“I... uh, y-you see...” She began to stutter.

“You said I was your friend, but real friends don't lie to each other,” Berry Bubble said with hurt in his voice.

“Is it true Twilight?” asked Butterscotch. His eyes full of doubt, he searched her face for assurances that were not there. “Is any of it true?”

The purple mare cowered before their accusations. She sought support from any of the stallions she had lead all this way. None was forthcoming.

“It's clear you've deceived us Twilight, I think now we deserve the truth.” Elusive added.

Applejack's eyes we chips of emerald ice. Wordlessly his glare flayed her to the core and his face was a mask of stoney judgment, unforgiving and cold.

Twilight Sparkle was deep within a deadly wilderness, forcibly reliving one of the most harrowing days of her life, on a world not her own with no guarantee of ever seeing her real friends of family ever again, but only now did she truly feel alone.

The five ponies she had met since arriving had so quickly filled the place of her real friends that it was easy to forget they were completely separate. But they had given her strength when she was weak, courage when she was afraid, and purpose when she was lost. The loss of their trust and support hurt her more than any curse Solar Flare could ever conjure, and for the first time in a very long time Twilight Sparkle was afraid.

Applejack knew this moment would come, though he hadn't expected it to be so dramatic. There they were, out in the open at last; the many deceptions of Twilight Sparkle. Now was the time for the violet mage to face the music.

Stern as a glacier he approached the mare. She still stood before the riverbank, but all her previous confidence had left her. Beneath the patient observation of Steven Magnet, Twilight had huddled in on herself, shivering fear. When Applejack confronted her, she couldn't even look him in the eyes, but it was time to answer that all important question. With iron in his voice Applejack spoke.

“Who are you?”

Twilight hesitated. At first she didn't quite know how to respond to so simple a question. Where should she even begin? But as the words sunk deeper a different kind of hesitance took hold, and it's name was fear. Applejack wanted the truth from her, but that was something she barely believed herself. What if he didn't believe it, even if it was true? What if none of them believed it, and they left her here in the forest and abandoned the search for the Elements? What would she do then? Where would she even begin?

Unable to meet the eyes of the orange farmer, Twilight tried to explain. But the words all came at once and in a jumble, little more than stutters and false starts making it past her lips. Then like sun through storm clouds, the soothing advice of her most beloved mentor drifted up to her from the depths of memory. When in doubt my little pony, always start at the beginning. Celestia had once said.

So she did. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I was born and lived most of my life in Canterlot. On the day I earned my cutie mark, Princess Celestia, regent of the day, steward of the night, and ruler of Equestria chose me to be her personal student and protegee of magic. Three and a half years ago, the princess sent me to Ponyville to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. While there, I met and befriended five wonderful mares; Applejack,” She pointed to each stallion as she listed off the names. “Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.”

Each colt she indicated found himself with a different reaction to being pointed out, ranging from bewilderment, to amazement, to incredulity. None however, dared interrupt Twilight to probe further.

“The night before the Celebration, when Princess Celestia was due to raise the sun and bring the dawn, a thousand year old prophesy was fulfilled. Nightmare Moon escaped from her imprisonment, defeated Celestia, and vowed to bring about The Night Eternal.”

Slowly Twilight's voice gained more strength. These were the events that had hammered and tempered her into the mare she was today, and her conviction was clear.

“But my five friends and I had learned that there was a power strong enough to defeat Nightmare Moon and bring back Celestia. Together we ventured into the Everfree Forest and found the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. There we recovered the Elements of Harmony and used their power to break the curse that held Nightmare Moon in thrall.

“Once the dawn had come again, Princess Celestia revealed that Nightmare Moon was actually her younger sister, Princess Luna, who had been banished to the moon a thousand years ago. My friends and I became the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and in the months and years that followed we used their power and our friendship to defend Equestria.”

That was the easy part of her explanation, if any part of it could be called easy. Twilight took a deep breath. Now for the hard part.

“Three days ago I began experimenting with some strange magical phenomena occurring in and around Ponyville. I'll spare you the technical details, but long story short I ended up inventing a new kind of teleportation spell that took me away from the whole of Equestria and I think even the whole planet.

“I don't know where I was, but I wasn't there for more than half an hour before I tried to go back. But I got lost.” Speaking the words out loud hurt more deeply than she was ready for. Saying it made it real. She might never see her home again.

As she went on, her voice became laced with the pain. “I thought I had found my way back home, but when Red Gala brought me into town, I knew I had made a mistake. I didn't wind up in my home, I ended up here, in yours.” Tears began to build at the corner of her eyes but she winced them away to continue.

“All this stuff with Solar Flare and eternal day, I've seen it all before. It was one of the most terrifying nights of my life, but my friends and I, we all got through it and it brought us together. We even saved the Princesses and were heroes. I miss them so much.”

She paused then, looking down at her hooves. Taking a shuddering breath she pressed on.

“I'm good with magic, and I could use my spell to hop between worlds again right now, but that wont get me home. There were hundreds of paths I could have taken, and they all looked so alike. Without help, I could spend my whole life adrift and never get back.

“My mentor, Princess Celestia would know what to do. Or maybe Princess Luna. They move the heavens, they might know how to help me. But here, now... Your Princess Luna is most likely imprisoned in a moon that will never rise, and Celestia... Well, you were all there at town hall.”

She looked to each of the stallion reflection of her friends, not knowing what she hoped to see, but looking anyway. With what little force she had left she finished her explanation. “That’s why I brought you all out here. So we could recover the elements, restore Solar Flare, free Princess Luna, and maybe, just maybe, I can go home.”

For a very long time only silence met her waiting gaze. Finally Applejack broke the stillness. “And why all the evasion?” He asked in a slow whisper. “Why keep us in the dark?”

Her muscles twitched and a tinge of mania crept into her voice as the words spilled from her. “Isn't obvious? Three days ago I was secure in the belief that the world outside my door, scary and twisted and dangerous as it may be, was the only thing I had to worry about. But based on what I’ve seen and done in the past forty eight hours, I'm now faced with the fact that I've been cast adrift amongst an ocean of alternate realities, other dimensions, and alien worlds with no real hope of ever seeing my friends or family again.”

She caught herself then, pausing to take a deep breath to calm her nerves. “Sorry. I didn't intend for that to sound so defensive. But the reason I kept this all a secret is because this is all so frightening and strange, I can hardly believe it myself. How could I expect you guys to believe it too?”

For a moment all was quiet as the five stallions processed all she had said. Huddled as she was, Twilight could only bring herself to lock eyes on her own hooves. Finally, in a voice very small, the violet unicorn added, “I may have withheld the truth, but I never lied to you. When I said I was lost far from home, I meant it.”

Before the silence could drag on, Steven Magnet uncoiled himself from the riverbank in a great stretch. “My my,” he cooed. “It seems you all have a bit of soul searching to do now. I do apologize, it was never my intention to tear a rift between you fine young ponies. You have all done your best to pass my trials and I will assist you in crossing my river if you see fit. Now however, I think you would best be served by a little privacy. I won't go far. Just call out for me if you still wish to cross.” With that the purple serpent slid back under the frothy waves.

Twilight almost wished he had stayed. Turning back to her five companions, she awaited their judgment. Blitz was the first to speak. “Look, after that whole manticore thing I gotta say, I really respect you, Twilight. But come on, alien dimensions? I'm not saying you're crazy or anything, but don't you think there might be a more realistic explanation for all this?”

She couldn't argue. She wanted that to be true, but she knew it wasn't.

“I agree,” Elusive added. “I know you want to help us, Twilight, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and so far that has been rather lacking.”

Weakened by there doubt, her defense sounded piteously small. “But what about Solar Flare? You all saw her. And the unnatural daylight! What about that?”

“Um, Twilight,” Butterscotch began cautiously. “What if there is something else going on. I mean, this has been really hard on all of us. What if there's something you missed? Maybe it would be a good idea to go back to Ponyville. There's a library there. Maybe there'll be something that will help us instead?”

The purple mare swallowed hard, she couldn't go back. She had to recover the Elements, it was her only hope.

Berry Bubble spoke up next. “As much fun as it has been so far, I think Butters might be right. Maybe there's a less life-threatening way of saving the day?”

“And you and I are both injured, Twilight.” Elusive added. “If we head back we can get bandaged up like we need to.”

“The forest isn't going anywhere, we could head back and ask around to see if anypony else knows what is going on.” Blitz cut in. “We could always come back if we find something.”

The longer it went on the deeper Twilight Sparkle sunk into despair. Each voice against her was a flood of ice-water through her veins. She knew how it all sounded, but she had no answers to their doubt. All she could do was ask them to trust her, but it seemed their trust had run out.

Butterscotch was laying a comforting hoof over her withers, cooing things she didn't understand to try and sooth her. She didn't want to go back, but without the faith of her friends she felt so empty. Her hooves slowly started to move on their own.

Applejack's iron baritone cut through her catatonia. “No. Wait.” She turned to look at him. He had been silent ever since Steven Magnet had left, and it looked like he had hardly moved a muscle.

“I say we go on.” the words took longer than they should have to register in the minds of the five other ponies.

“Applejack?” Finally she met his eyes. She saw hesitation there, but also resolve.

“Listen, I don't know about any alien dimensions or what not, but I'd like to think I can tell when a pony's trying to be honest. That was a right yarn you spun there sugar-cube, and though I can't rightly say I buy all of it, it did take real guts to get it out in the open. I respect that.”

Looking back to the other four colts he continued. “I may not believe what Twilight said, but I do believe in her. I think she's being honest, and even though I don't really buy it, the first part of honesty is trust.”

He looked to Twilight again. “If she can find the courage to be honest like that, the least we can do is trust her. I trust you Twilight. And even if you're wrong, honest mistakes are just that; honest. You saved our lives back in the canyon after all. That's got to count for something.”

With watery eyes but a smile on her face, Twilight Sparkle wrapped the orange farmer in a bone crushing hug. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“S'all right. I'm sorry if I've been a bit of a jerk so far. I only ever wanted you to be straight with me.”

Parting from their embrace, she replied. “I know. And I'm sorry too, for not telling you the truth.”

He smiled at that, before straightening out his stetson and calling to his companions. “Well what do ya' say fella's? Are we gonna save Equestria or not?”

Still rather hesitant, Berry Bubble, Butterscotch, Elusive, and Rainbow Blitz all returned to the river bank

“Um, alright.”

“I suppose it can't hurt to see this through to the end.”

“Well at least it's not the craziest thing I've ever done.”

“Yeah! Besides, only misbehaving PCs get to derail a narrative like that.”

Five pairs of eyes looked on Berry Bubble in utter confusion.

“Well it's true! DMs hate those guys.”

“Anyway,” Elusive cut in. “I think it's time we summoned our ride.” Limping to the water's edge, the suave colt raised his voice to call, “Mr. Magnet? I think we're ready to cross the river now.”

As the violet sea serpent coiled back into view, an annoying little thought popped into Twilight's head quite uninvited. I have no idea what I've gotten myself into.

Author's Note:

And as promised here is the second part of the double chapter post. Keep in mind that the next chapter will likely take much longer than a fortnight to get out as it's currently just a provisional title on a blank ODF doc on my hardrive at the moment. Still, I haven't given up on this story by a long shot. I'll keep working on it slowly but surely!
