• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 8,452 Views, 357 Comments

What Might Have Been - GreenFrogRibbit

What guides the path history will take? Is it grand destiny, or is fate a more delicate flower?

  • ...

Chapter 1: To Crash a Party

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, settings, likenesses, words, or punctuation in this fic. They rightfully belong to Hasbro and the alicorn empress, Lauren Faust. Except for the word 'is'. I own the sh*t out of the word 'is'.

What might have been

Chapter 1: To Crash a Party

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects: all the different types of ponies.

But as time went on, the older sister became resentful. Her sister's night was filled with beautiful stars, planets and galaxies, but she thought her own day was simple and dull. One fateful day, the older alicorn refused to lower the sun to make way for the night. The younger sister tried to reason with her.

“Your day is loved by our little ponies, see how they play and laugh in its light.”

“Nay sister, the ponies work and toil under my sun because they need it, but it is your night they adore. They marvel and love in the dreams you send them, some even forsake sleep to gaze at your sky and count your stars.”

Despite the pleading of her younger sister, the bitterness in the elder's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of fire: Solar Flare. She vowed that the sun would never set on Equestria

Reluctantly, the younger sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: The Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of The Elements of Harmony, she defeated her elder sister and imprisoned her permanently in the sun. The younger sister took on responsibility for both the moon and the sun, and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since.

Wow, I've never read anything like this before. I thought Princess Luna said this was a book of ancient Equestrian history, but it looks to me like a bunch of faerie tales... The story of hearths warming, a battle with an evil demon of chaos... I wonder why she was so adamant I read it today. And if these “Elements of Harmony” are the most powerful magic known, then why haven’t I heard about them before? These thoughts and many others swirled in the head of a young purple unicorn, only to be interrupted by a vaguely familiar voice.

“Hey, Dusk Shine!”

The lavender stallion looked up from his reading and noticed the rather fetching young filly addressing him.

“Oh, hello Moondancer.” he replied. Looking at the pretty mare had the same effect on Dusk that most mares had on him. Namely, that his usually well-ordered thoughts exploded into a tangled mess of incompetence.

“So I'm having a birthday party in the west castle reception hall this evening,” she began, “and, well, I was wondering if you'd like to come.”

Moondancer's request immediately caused two very different thoughts to jump to the front Dusk's mind.

The first was his own inner monologue, destined for his head: “Oh my gosh! I can't tell you how much I'd love to go to a party with such a beautiful mare as you!”

The second was sent to his mouth to be spoken: “Well I'd love to Moondancer, but I've got a lot of ancient equestrian history to study. Sorry.”

A bright and furious blush sprang to the Moondancer's face and she bashfully looked away. “Oh... uh … Thank you Dusk Shine … so … um … I guess I'll see you later then … yeah … um … goodbye!”

Wait, which thought came out his mouth again? Quick! He thought. Say something else so she doesn't run off! But it was too late, Moondancer was already sprinting away towards a group of her friends nearby.

Dusk watched her go, “Ponyfeathers,” he sighed. “Well, I guess I better go tell Spike where I'll be this evening. And see if I can't find a gift.” Levitating his book back into his saddlebag and wrapping his scarf a little tighter, the purple colt set off to his tower home. This being the beginning of winter, the walk through the castle grounds was chilly but stunning.

Thanks to the hard work of the Canterlot pegasi, the sky was a flawless sapphire blue and the air had just enough humidity in it to grow delicate frost crystals on every surface. Sunlight fractured and danced between the icy filigree and cast tiny rainbows about like confetti.

It was Dusk's favorite time of year. Warm scarves and saddles, hot tea and coco, and if you were out at just the right time of day, the sun warmed your flank like you were sitting near a fire.

In fact, that is exactly what Princess Luna's star pupil had been doing until a certain young mare had interrupted his studies and effectively scrambled his brains. Now he needed to get a gift together and put up with the crushing awkwardness that he would inevitably suffer at a party full of pretty fillies that he hardly knew. It was either that or try to find Moondancer and make up some half-plot excuse as to why he couldn't make it. All in all, neither option sounded very appealing.

As he arrived at his private tower, Dusk let out a long breath and made his decision. At least there will be cake and punch at the party. He thought to himself. After setting down his saddlebags near the door, the colt looked around for his draconic assistant.

“Spike! Are you home?” When there was no response, the studious unicorn wandered up to his living room and called again.


“Ugh... Five more minutes” Curled up in his basket with an extra blanket was the grumbling form of Dusk's number one assistant. The baby dragon had been lethargic ever since the weather had turned cold due to his reptilian nature, but this was a little excessive.

“Spike! It's three in the afternoon and you haven’t moved since breakfast. I think it's about time you started your chores.” He said

“Uugghh.” Came the grumbled response.

“Come on Spke, I've been invited to a party tonight and I need you to get this place in order before I go.”

“Uuuggghhh, fine.” The lethargic dragon crawled his way out of his bedding only to pause. “Wait, you're going to a party? Since when?”

“Since Moondancer asked me and I couldn't think of a polite way to tell her I have work to do,” explained the colt as he began to rifle through a chest of drawers.

Do you have work to do, or is that just another one of the excuses you use to avoid talking to any of your classmates? What are you looking for anyway?”

“Yes I have work to do,” defended the unicorn. Spike gave Dusk an incredulous stare.

“Well I had work to do. The princess wanted me to read this book on ancient Equestrian legends then discuss it with her when I was finished. I got through the book but Princess Luna will be busy in senatorial meetings until just before sunset. And I'm looking for my bit-purse for your information.” Unable to locate said object, Dusk proceeded to search his bedroom, Spike following close behind.

“Well then, it's a good thing you told her you could go, a little time away from all the studying ought to do you some good!” the dragon triumphantly replied. “You know your bit-purse is in the kitchen by the bananas where you left it this morning, right?”

Looking up from scrutinizing the dust bunnies under his bed, the young mage bore a surprised expression on his face and a stray sock on his horn.

“Really? Why did I leave it in there?” he said as he trotted into the kitchen.

“That's a mystery to me,” his assistant replied. “What do you need it for anyway?”

“Well I can't rightly show up to a birthday party with out a gift.” Picking up the coin-purse in his magic the purple colt made his way back to his saddlebags by the door to reorganize them. “I'll probably be gone for most of the afternoon so make sure you have all the housework done by the time I get back.” He paused, struck by a sudden idea. “Unless of course you want to go with me? Luna knows it will be nice for me to have somepony to talk to. And I'll let you get out of cleaning up the tower.”

Spike looked around himself at the spotless carpeting, the well organized bookshelves, and the neat and tidy desk space that Dusk used as a study, and was immediately struck by how clean their home stayed when the purple unicorn was not in it.

“I think I can handle this place on my own. Besides if I go with you, you'll do nothing but hang around me and the snack table and not actually talk to anypony. How do you ever expect to make any friends doing that?” Spike deadpanned

“I'm not interested in making friends. I just want to go to the party, give Moondancer a gift, and excuse my self as quickly as is polite.”

“Dusk, please promise me that you will at least try to get to know some of the other ponies. Staying cooped up studying all the time isn't healthy, and you might be surprised by how good it feels to have a few friends.”

The stallion looked like he was about to offer a sharp retort, but bit his reply off before it started. He sighed, “I guess you're right. Thank you for looking out for me so well Spike. And I promise I'll try to talk to Moondancer and her friends.” Getting his saddlebags comfortable on his back he made his way back over to the door.

“Good, oh and Dusk, one more thing.”

“What is it Spike?”

His dragon assistant pointed to his own forehead and made a tapping gesture. Dusk looked up and finally noticed the sock on his horn.

“Thanks buddy,” he said as he removed it. “You really are my number one assistant.”

“And don't you forget it,” Spike replied.

Though Dusk enjoyed the early winter, it really wasn't the best time for gift shopping. With the Winter Moon Festival and Hearths Warming looming on the horizon, and one only weeks after the other, every merchant worth his or her salt was out in their finest form. Every shop and stall had sales, deals, and all number of gimmicks to drawn in the passing crowds, and ponies of every shape and size were busy completing their gift lists.

Dusk wandered the merchant district of Canterlot trying with little success to avoid the thronging and sometimes rabid crowds that flocked around the displays of flashy toys and gadgets. Despite the efforts of many a shopkeeper and advertiser, the mage had no idea what gift he should give Moondancer. In fact, the more he thought about what she would like, the more he realized that he really didn't know the young mare very well at all. They had shared several classes at Luna's School for Gifted Unicorns, and Dusk couldn't think of a single time he had said more that six words to Moondancer before today. Come to think of it, the same could be said for almost all his classmates. Maybe Spike was right, maybe he really did need to get out more and make some friends.

With the sun slowly sinking toward the western horizon and the luxury of time slipping away from him, the violet stallion gave in and sprung for plushie Ursa Minor. Due to his reclusive nature he couldn't say something special about the birthday filly with his gift, so he settled with saying something about himself instead. A fluffy and adorable constellation beast seemed fitting coming from the personal protege of the Princess of the Night. Or so he hoped. Maybe he was over thinking things again, did it really matter what his gift 'said' about him? But how would it look to Moondancer if he got her a meaningless present? There was that book back at the tower 'An Anthology of the Neighponese Gift Exchange' he could refer to, but he didn't have time to go back and read up on the matter.

Plagued by doubts and haunted by anxiety the whole way, Dusk finally arrived at the west castle reception hall. He was running a little late which was partially intentional. He hoped he would be able to slip into the party more or less unnoticed, drop off his gift, wish the birthday-filly a happy birthday, and quickly make his escape. Maybe if there were some of those little mini-daisy-and-cucumber sandwiches he would stop at the snack table, but that was where he drew the line. However, these plans and personal ultimatums were all disrupted when he entered the room and was greeted by darkness and silence.

“Uh... Hello?” As his eyes began to adjust to the low light, Dusk was able to make out what looked like party decorations strung about the hall. “Is anypony here?”

A volley of whispers called out in response.

“That's not Moondancer”

“Who is it?”

“I think it's a colt.”

“Hey, it's Dusk Shine.”

“Dusk Shine showed up?”



“False alarm, Star.”

“Oh, Sorry.”
The lights were flicked on and Dusk could see a great many ponies stepping out from behind tables, chairs, and other assorted furniture. So much for slipping in unnoticed.

“So... Uh... I take it Moondancer isn't here yet.” he observed.

A cream yellow unicorn with a curled blue mane stepped forward. Three hearts adorned her flank, two blue and one green. She looked familiar, and although Dusk could recite the names of all 118 elements, he couldn't seem to recall her name.

“No, but that must mean that you're here for the party right?” She said with tangible eagerness.

“Um, yeah. Moondancer invited me this afternoon...”

“Well it's about time she got up the guts to talk to you. Come on, we're all going to jump out and yell 'happy birthday' to surprise her.” The yellow mare wrapped her fore-hoof around a thoroughly bewildered Dusk Shine and began to drag him behind some chairs.

“Wait a minute, Moondancer herself invited me here. How are we supposed to surprise her if she already knows about this party?”

The lemon colored mare paused to think. “Huh, I don't know. It was Firecracker's idea, she said-” The mage never got the chance to hear her explanation because he was startled by a familiar voice from behind him.

“Who are we trying to surprise now?” Turning around Dusk found none other than...

“Moondancer! Uh... Hi, um, happy birthday! Here, I got you a-”

The birthday filly cut him off before he had a chance to present his gift. “Oh, don't spoil it for me. I'm going to open all my gifts right after we have the cake. And by the way," Moondancer's voice became soft with compassion, or possibly concern, “I'm really glad you came.” She winked at him as she trotted off to greet some more of the guests.

What the hay was that supposed to mean?! Thought Dusk to him self. Was I really that forward this afternoon or am I just imagining things. And why is that other mare giving me such a dirty look?

Sure enough a sea-foam green unicorn with a bright orange mane and tail, and a fireball cutie mark was glaring daggers at him. Being at a complete loss as to an explanation for this, he spoke up.


“You ruined the surprise!” she snapped.

“Um, sorry?” Dusk still didn't understand how there had been any surprise to begin with, and was thus unsure how to make amends.

“Ugh...” the mare who he could only assume was Firecracker traipsed off grumbling in irratation.

And that's why I stick to books! Dusk looked around the crowded room for anypony he knew well enough to go talk to. His earlier apprehension about attending the party returned quickly as he realized that he couldn't count a single one of the ponies present as his friend. Sighing in resignation, the princess' protégé  plodded over to the snack table, and pretended to be as invisible as he felt.

It was not to last though. For reasons that he feared to contemplate, Moondancer kept glancing over at him from her conversations with other ponies and shooting him strange looks. Every time she did it, Dusk became more and more uncomfortable. It wasn't that he did not want the attention of a pretty filly.

No... wait... It was that.

He was too involved in his studies, too busy practicing his magic and doing research to entertain the attention of another pony. On top of that, she probably thought that he was actually interested in her in a romantic sense. Not that he didn't think she was pretty or anything, but a fillyfirend was the last thing he needed right now.

Moondancer was having a wonderful time. She was so thankful that she was surrounded by friends that cared so much for her. The cake that Cherry Spices had baked was sweet, moist and delicious; Flower Wishes and Fizzypop's decorations were beautiful; and Sweetcream Scoops was singing live with her band. Nothing could make the party better! Well, almost nothing.

Off in the corner, hovering around the snack table was a pony she had invited with the express purpose of making her friend. Dusk Shine and herself had been classmates in at least half of their classes at Luna's School and, in all that time, she had never seen him hang out or socialize with anypony.

Well that changed today. Today Moondancer was determined to get the colt to open up a little and maybe have some fun. She didn't expect it to be easy, but you didn't get to be the personal student of Princess Luna by being a jerk. So what was it that kept Dusk form socializing?

The first few minutes of her party were consumed mostly by a parade of Moondancer's friends all wishing her a happy birthday and catching up on the latest happenings in everypony's lives. Through it all though, she kept hoping that a certain purple mage would come to talk to her as well. She kept looking over at Dusk (who was still hovering around the snack table, not actually eating anything) and imploring him with her eyes to join in on her conversation. Unfortunately as time wore on the colt seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable.

When she finally got a free minute, Moondancer decided on a more direct approach and made a bee-line for the distraught unicorn.

Crushing awkwardness: Check. Even though this party was pretty good (or at least Dusk though so, not that he had anything to compare it to) he was still not having a very good time. For starters, he couldn't shake the annoying feeling that he was forgetting something. On top of that, with nopony to have a conversation with and no real idea of how to start one, the only place the lavender colt felt like he wouldn't be in somepony's way was at the snack table. Well, that or the dance floor, but he had no delusions as to the kind of disaster that would be. Looking up, the reluctant party guest watched in fear as Moondancer herself walked right up to him. Oh Luna here she comes!

“Are you having a good time Dusk?”

“Oh... Uh... Yeah. Listen, Moondancer, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but I don't think it was a very good idea for me to come here.”

“Is this about what you said earlier? Dusk Shine, I was flattered by what you said, you don’t have to apologize for it. I'm just glad you came. I was hoping to get a chance to hang out with you.”

“Well, that's very kind of you Moondancer, but I don't know if that's such a good idea. I'm so busy with my work for the princess and...”

“Of course you're busy silly.” she interupted “It's finals season after all. But you know what helps me deal with all the stress? Spending a little time with my friends. That's why I invited them all to this party. It's why I invited you to this party.” She tapped the young stallion on the chest.

“Really?” This was a completely unanticipated situation for the mage.

“Of course. So what do you say, will you be my friend?”

Hesitation filled his emotions with thick mud as all the excuses that he had made for himself came tumbling through his mind. He was too busy, he needed to focus on his studies, he didn't feel comfortable in social situations. But through it all, the events of today kept replaying in his memory. Dusk knew he often felt lonely, and everything from his conversation with Spike to not being able to remember that yellow mare's name told him that the right path to take here was to accept. The colt took a deep breath, then made up his mind.

“Alright” He tentatively began “Yes, I will be your friend. I think... I think I would like that.”

“Great!” chirped Moondancer “Come on and I'll get you a piece of cake.”

As the birthday filly lead Dusk into the crowd he couldn't keep a small smile from creeping across his face. Maybe this party isn't so bad after all he thought. Then the doors slammed open and the chill outside air blew in, silencing the party instantly.

In the wide double doorway stood a pare of tall armored stallions. Their coats were the enchanted black of the Lunar Guard, and the aggressive cut and shape of their armor fulfilled its purpose of inspiring fear. With golden, dragon-like eyes they silently assessed the crowd like a manticore would asses a rabbit, with a hungry, predatory gaze. When their withering glare fell on their target, an icy chill ran down his spine. One of them spoke.

“By order of Her Royal Majesty Princess Luna, the unicorn Dusk Shine has been summoned to appear before The Lunar Throne immediately.” The party guests parted like soft earth before the plow as the guards approached their pray. When they were within hoofs-reach of the trembling Dusk Shine, (striking distance went through the back of his mind) the guard spoke again.

“Sir, please come with us.” Even though they said 'please' it was clear this was not a polite request.