• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 8,452 Views, 357 Comments

What Might Have Been - GreenFrogRibbit

What guides the path history will take? Is it grand destiny, or is fate a more delicate flower?

  • ...

Chapter 15: Through a Mirror Darkly

Disclaimer: Mi Caballita Pequeno: La Amicidad es majica y todads las personajes, lugares, y historias asociadas no son mios. Ellas son las asignaturas legitmas de Hasbro, le HUB, y la emperatriz todopoderosa, Lauren Faust.

What Might Have Been

Chapter 15: Through a Mirror Darkly

Six sets of eyes gazed in awe at the ruined castle before them, for even after a thousand years it was still a sight to behold. Thick stone walls surrounded the inner courtyard and the keep, their broken, uneven crenelations cast shadows of jagged, hungry teeth on the soggy ground below. Proud columns, choked with ivy, still managed to hold aloft a cadre of flying arches and echoing vaults, and on every surface muted ripples in the stone whispered of the ghosts of masterwork carvings long since eroded away. Rosy granite, shimmering labradorite, and swirling gneiss run through with garnets, all in tumbled blocks, were the only shreds of beauty not yet undone.

Elusive gave voice to their unspoken awe. “It's so grand, even in death,” he breathed, barely above a whisper. “What splendor it must have been in life.”

Despite having been here once before, Twilight was just as impressed by the ancient castle of the Royal Pony Sisters as her friends since the last time she had been here it was dark. Now that she had a chance to see the ruins in the light of day she could really appreciate them. It was a sight that made the violet mage want to come back to really poke around and discover all the hidden treasures of the palace later when the fate of the world didn't hang in the balance. Perhaps once I get back I'll do just that, she thought to herself.

“Come on,” she called out to the others, snapping them out of their gawking. “The great hall should be this way.” Through the courtyard and past a few crumbling gateways, Twilight lead them toward the central chamber. There, just as she expected, was the alter that held the five sacred stones.

Levitating them off their pedestals, she placed the five elements in a circle on the ground in front of her while the five stallion reflections of friends gathered round. “Wait a minute,” Rainbow Blitz piped up. “I thought you said there were six elements, not five.”

“Yeah, where's the last one?” Berry Bubble asked.

When the five are present, a spark shall cause the sixth Element to be revealed,” Twilight quoted. She turned to look at each of her companions as she spoke. “That's what the ancient lore says about the Elements. The spark is the friendship we six feel for each other. It's the bond we share, and the light that lives inside all of us.” She took a deep breath and opened her heart, reaching for the magic she knew was within her. “And it's the power that lives within me.”

As she spoke, an arc of plasma jumped from the tip of her horn to the element stones and immediately they began to respond. The glittering light split and multiplied as it shot from one stone to the next until all five were shining like stars come to earth. Twilight watched with satisfaction as the the dusty stone began to crumble away, revealing the glittering golden necklaces she was so familiar with. Finally the swirling cloud of energy collapsed in on itself and congealed into the Element of Magic.

“Each one of us represents one of the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight explained. “Chosen by fate, it is our destiny to bear our given element. It's a part of us, like an arm or a leg, we six are as much the Elements of Harmony as these gems.”

Taking the Elements in her telekinesis and donning her tiara, she began to pass out the necklaces. “Applejack; the Element of Honesty.” She passed the farm colt his element. “Rainbow Da - er Blitz; the Element of Loyalty, Berry Bubble; the Element of Laughter, Elusive; the Element of Generosity, and Butterscotch; the Element of Kindness.”

There was a moment of reverent silence as each colt contemplated the jewel he had been given. Slowly, one by one, they each donned their Element and looked to Twilight for what to do next. For her own part, the purple mage couldn't keep the grin off her face. Looking around at her friends, and by this point she really did think of them as her friends, each equipped with their sacred gem, filled her with a warm nostalgia. These five stallions were all just as strong and courageous as her friends back home. She knew they would have the strength be victorious and help her get her back to her own world.

A twinge of sadness crept into her then. Though she missed her real friends back home dearly, she had also grown attached to all five of these new ponies. And though they were similar to her friends back home, they were all unique as well. The thought that soon she might never see them again filled her with bittersweet grief.

Twilight shook herself out of her reverie. Best not to dwell on that until the time comes, she thought to herself. We still have an angry sun goddess to deal with first.

Blazing aurulent plasma streamed from her wingtips as the roaring sky was torn apart before her. Her enchanted speed ripped the air with its passing and she gained the castle walls in mere seconds. From there, her preternatural senses could discern voices echoing thought her old castle. With a fanged and predatory grin, Solar Flare heard her cue and made her entrance.

“Cool!” Blitz said whilst fondling his ruby thunderbolt. “So does this mean we all get super powers or something?”

Twilight giggled. “No, nothing like that. The gemstones allow us to harness the magic we have inside us, the power of goodness and well... harmony. That's the power we'll call on to break the curse and free Princess Celestia from Solar Flare's madness.”

“Speaking of which,” Berry Bubble piped up. “Now that we have the elements, how are we supposed to find said upstart usurper anyway? I mean, it's not like she's just going fall out of the sky right in front of us.”

Then with a concussion like lightning, the stone of the ceiling was blasted apart and the Tyrant Sun descended from above.

“Ask, and you shall receive,” she sneered.

Coughing away the dust and climbing back to his hooves, Applejack glared daggers at his bright pink friend. “You just had to go and open yer big mouth didn't ya?”

“Oops! He he, sorry.”

“Enough of this nonsense!” Flare bellowed. “You've had your fun and led me on a merry chase, but now it ends. Equestria is mine, and nopony can stop me.”

“No!” Butterscotch proclaimed. His whole body was tense and quivering, but not with fear. This time he shook with resolve and righteous fury. “We're not going to let you hurt anypony else. We've found the Elements of Harmony, and we're going to stop you!”

At this the demon laughed deeply, “Ha ha ha! You seriously think you can wield the elements against me? In the War of Chaos, it took my sister and I years to unlock their power.” Her mirth turned to malice as Solar Flare sent writhing snakes of flame to coil around the still defiant Butterscotch, barely a centimeter away from his skin. Slowly she approached her prey. The yellow pegasus could smell his fur singeing and now was truly shaking in fear. “What makes you think the elements can save you?” Flare whispered.

A shimmering beam of violet magic slapped Solar Flare square in the face and banished the fire entrapping Butterscotch. “Because you don't know the Elements like I do!” growled Twilight Sparkle.

“You!” Flare snarled in recognition.

“Yeah, me.” Twilight countered.

“Us!” proclaimed Rainbow Blitz and he lept beside her.

“All of us.” Elusive said as Applejack, Berry Bubble, and a still shaken Butterscotch joined him at Twilight's side. The five colts could already feel the Power of Harmony pulling at them, straining to be set free. The jewels were shining with radiant light and Twilight knew this was the moment she'd been waiting for.

“No!” Flare gasped in horror. “It's not possible!”

Twilight let her focus turn inward then, reaching for the magic she was so familiar with, the magic that would end this great mess and finally let her go home. Her eyes shone with power as she reached for it. The Power of Harmony. It was hers. Just like all the times before. She could feel it, see it, reach out and touch it...

And like oiled glass it slipped away.

Dread opened in the pit of her stomach as Twilight futilely tried to take hold of the power of her element, but each time she was denied. She could hear the Element of Magic calling out to her but she couldn't reach it. In that moment she was living her nightmare.

This isn't my world. she realized. It's not my destiny. This is not my Element of Magic.

The light faded, the power ebbed away, and Twilight Sparkle was left stunned. Her five companions all were released from the magic of the elements.

“Did it work?” Berry asked, shaking his head to clear it.

The fanged grin of the Tyrant Sun was his answer. “Ha. Ha ha. Ah ha ha ha!” She laughed, and a pall of mortal terror descended on the six friends.

“My turn.” she hissed.

Solar Flare's horn flashed with power and all six ponies cringed away from a fiery death that did not come. Five of them wondered briefly what Solar Flare had done, but Twilight knew immediately.

She recognized the chilling numbness creeping up from her hooves. She knew exactly what horrid stiffness was binding her joints, her chest, her breath. Her last thought before the blackness took her wasn't of her friends, or her family, or even beloved mentor. It was the mocking laughter of Discord as she had heard it so many moons ago.

...I don't turn ponies into stone.

✶✶✶ ☽☀☾ ✶✶✶

Utter silence.

Solar Flare's fanged smile shone with a malicious sort of pride as the nature of their fate was made clear to the five stallions. This is what awaits you all for your defiance! She thought to herself. Indeed, she could see the horrified emotions splashed upon their faces slowly precipitating from shock into something darker. Now flee before my wrath like the insects you are!

Upon reflection however, Butterscotch, Rainbow Blitz, Elusive, Applejack, and Berry Bubble might have all found it strange that it was not fear that then crystallized within them. In that moment a single thought resolved to razor clarity in the minds the five ponies. So simultaneous was their collective realization that none of them could be sure who exactly it was who gave voice to their unanimous intention.

“Get her!”

Flare recoiled in shock. “What?!” but her opponents were already moving.

Rainbow Blitz charged the startled sun goddess, and managed to halve his distance from her before she was able to call upon her magic. Just as she was about to release a spell to incinerate the cerulean colt, a rock the size of her hoof struck her right on the base of her horn. From behind Blitz, Applejack whooped in triumph for his well placed shot and frantically began to search the ground for more stones suitable for his purpose.

Her spell disrupted, Solar Flare struggled to regain her reeling senses. She managed to clear her vision just in time to see that Blitz had closed with her. In slow motion she watched as his toned, muscular body twisted from the hips and all the way up through his torso to his raised hoof. Like an avalanche she saw each of his muscles tense in sequence as Rainbow threw his whole body into the punch that connected squarely with her jaw.

The blow staggered her, and Blitz would have kept up his assault had Berry Bubble not shouted for the attention of his friends. The bubbly pink colt was nervously dancing in place near a darkened tunnel leading deeper into the ruined castle. “You guys, quick! Over here!” he shouted.

None of them had any time to doubt Berry's suggested route. Applejack, who had found another rock, quickly snapped off his last shot at Flare before joining Rainbow Blitz in a mad dash toward the tunnel. With a flash of insight, Butterscotch raced to Twilight Sparkle's petrified form and snatched the Element of Magic from atop her head before following after his friends. Finally to cover their escape, Elusive used his magic to conjure a billowing cloud of smoke and mist before he too rushed to follow Berry Bubble.

Reeling from repeated blows to the head, Solar Flare struggled to bring her senses back into focus. When she finally recovered, she was met by a thick smokescreen concealing the echoing shouts and hooffalls of the retreating stallions. A wordless scream of rage thundered up from her lungs, rocking the very foundations of the old castle as shrieking loops of solar plasma erupted from her body, melting to slag the stones and walls.

Berry Bubble was running on pure instinct, leading his companions through a labyrinth of foreign hallways and tunnels. Their heavy breathing echoed sharply in the confining space as the pink colt skidded around another corner. “This way guys! Come on!” he urged.

Following close behind, Applejack piped up, “How do you even know where we're goin'?” But before he could receive an answer, Berry reared up and threw out his arms. “STOP!” he shouted while digging his hooves in and skidding to a halt.

“She's right behind us, Berry,” Rainbow Blitz began. “We gotta ru-”

He was interrupted as an earsplitting scream tore through the air, accompanied by a tremor through the earth that nearly knocked the ponies from their hooves. As the ground shook, a block of stone the size of a hay cart dislodged from the ceiling less than a meter in front of where Berry Bubble had brought them all to a stop. With geometric perfection the massive block fell straight through the floor. The concussion of its impact threw the ponies back against the hard floor like leaves in an autumn wind, and the gaping hole it left behind revealed another passage below running perpendicular to the one above.

Fueled by adrenaline and recovering quickly, Berry urged his friends back up. “Into the hole and to the right!” he shouted as the quakes ripping through the castle grew in strength and frequency. He didn't need to ask twice. Struggling though they were, the five colts managed to tumble through the rubble strewn hole and resume their flight down this new corridor.

Now in the rear of the company, Berry raised his voice again, “Get ready for it!”

“Get ready for what?!” Elusive called back trembling with fear and trepidation and panting with the effort of keeping up the sprint despite his injuries.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than the earth heaved again and before the five colts could even hit the ground the worn tiled floor slid out from under them to reveal a hidden rectangular pit. In they crashed, landing hard one on top of the other and with a snap the trap door above them slid shut.

Darkness surrounded them as the tremors and aftershocks of Solar Flare's rage shook dust and sand loose from the walls of their temporary refuge. None of them dared move in the blackness, nor speak in the silence. Only the sounds of their panting breaths and the blood pumping in their ears accompanied the low thunder of the earthquakes. In restrained anticipation five ponies waited for the danger to pass.

Sleep deprivation had addled his wits, so when Dusk Shine tried to unlock the front door to the Golden Oaks Library, it took him nearly a full minute before he realized that he had the key upside down. Grumbling to himself, the tired colt corrected his mistake and trudged through the front door. Most of the windows had been shuttered and all the lights turned off since it's last visitor, so the cavernous interior was dim and cool. Making sure to find the lock box like Dusty Stacks had instructed, the young mage then began an inspection of the premises.

The kitchen was well equipped with cooking appliances but the cupboards and icebox were empty of any food. The white tiled bathroom was clean and ready for use, and up in the loft, highlighted in a ray of sunshine, was a simple full-sized bed. To Dusk's eyes it looked like heaven. His saddle bags hit the floor, his face hit the pillow, and Dusk Shine was down for the count.

He awoke hours later with sunlight streaming through his closed eyelids. Not that this had been different when he fell asleep, but he was now too well rested to continue ignoring it. Though he was still groggy, the mage went about making himself ready find out what had become of his beloved Princess Luna and the demon Solar Flare. Figuring he should start by asking the local ponies what they had seen, Dusk Shine set out to begin his investigation.

Slowly their breathing calmed and some time later so did the quaking earth. In the darkness Butterscotch finally managed to whisper, “Where are we?”

“I have absolutely no idea!” Berry chirped. “I just followed my Berry sense and poof! Here we are.”

His explanation was met by the groans of his four friends. “You've got to be kidding me.” Rainbow Blitz deadpanned. “Hey, Elusive, do you think you could get us some light?”

“I can... AH!”

As he tried to move he was immediately reminded of his worsening injuries. His fractured ribs made every breath an agony and he didn't think he could walk any more do the the recent strain his leg had been through. The best he could do was curl up on the ground, gritting his teeth while trying to regain some measure of control over his pain.

Immediately his friends were there beside him. “Whoa there, take it easy E.” Applejack said as he affectionately nuzzled the unicorn.

“I don't think I can stand on my own.” Elusive muttered. “But if somepony could help me up, I think I can cast some light.”

Carefully in the darkness, Applejack aided in bringing the wounded colt to a sitting position. Woozily, Elusive charged his horn with magic and managed to cast a pale flickering glow. Their sanctuary was a near perfect square of dull stone, and only a hoof sized hole in one wall broke the monotony.

“No way out,” Applejack said in a huff. “Great, now what are we supposed to do?”

“I don't know,” Blitz replied while eying the hole. “But I think there might be something on the other side of this wall.” As he spoke he reached his hoof through the opening and began to fumble around. “Hey, I think I got something.” There was a muted click, then the wall pivoted open to reveal a shadowed hall lined with stone hooves holding unlit torches. “Woh... Creepy.” he said in assessment.

Blitz then turned back to his companions with a fragile smile. “But at least we've got a way out now, right?”

“What's the point?” Butterscotch mumbled, but in the stillness of the ruined castle his words carried to all of them.

“Butters?” Berry Bubble looked to his new friend and saw only an image of despair. The yellow colt had risen to a sitting position, his tail wrapped tightly around hooves. His head hung low and his tousled pink mane obscured his eyes, but none could miss the wet tracks that ran down his cheeks. Quiet sobs sent shivers through his frame as he spoke.

“What does it matter anymore? We may have found the elements but look at the price we paid for them. Twilight, she... We all saw what Solar Flare did to her, what she was going to do to us! Twilight brought us all here. She protected us and believed in us and now she's... she's...”

Berry wrapped his weeping friend in a gentle embrace, wordlessly sharing in Butterscotch's sorrow.

“What are we gonna do without her?” the yellow colt murmured into Berry's shoulder.

Silence was his only answer.

After a long moment Applejack finally spoke. “We can't stay here,” he said weakly. “Elusive needs to be taken to a hospital, and we've got no food or supplies. I reckon we could all use a hot bath too.” The others nodded in agreement and began to stir. “We best be gettin' back to Ponyville,” he concluded. “... put this whole mess behind us.”

The journey back out of the forest was long and quiet. Upon setting out from the castle it had quickly become apparent that Elusive was now too injured walk any great distance, so with help he was placed on Applejack's back to be carried.

They all still wore their Element necklaces, though this was more out of neglect to remove them than any desire to keep them. Blitz however, had made sure to pick up Twilight's Element of Magic before they left. It just didn't feel right to leave it, he had said.

With hung heads, weary hearts, and heavy hooves, they slowly made their way back, resting long and often, rarely speaking. It took hours for them to reach Ponyville again, but with the sun hanging stationary in the sky, it very well could have been days.

When they did reach town, they all made their way to the hospital. There they were fussed over by nurse Redheart. Elusive had his damaged rear leg put in a cast and his midsection was heavily bandaged. Meanwhile, a pegasus nurse helped Rainbow Blitz crop and remove the burnt stubs of his feathers.

When they were finally released, Berry Bubble took it upon himself to invite the others to Sugarcube Corner. After a day like the one they had all just been through, it was agreed that a sweet pick-me-up was needed. Upon arrival, the pink party colt ushered his friends into one of the many booths in the sweet shop and quickly fixed them all warm cups of cocoa. They sat together not really speaking, hoping that the close company of friends could ward off the the pain of loss and defeat. It wasn't much, but it helped.

Then there came a knock at the door. At first nopony felt the urge to answer, and the five friends silently hoped the caller would give up and move on. But then the knocking came again and louder. Grunting in frustration, Rainbow Blitz shuffled out of the booth and made his way to the door, fully intending to tell whoever it was to get lost.

“Can't you tell this place is clo...” As he opened the door his words trailed off into a strangled hiss. His body seized up and his pupils shrank to pinpricks. Looking up from across the room, four more sets of eyes grew wide at the sight of the uninvited guest. Butterscotch's mug even slipped from his grasp to shatter on the floor, but nopony so much as batted an eye.

Barely getting his voice under control, Blitz finally choked out, “Who the buck are you?”

The newcomer answered, “My name is Dusk Shine, and I've come to investigate the aftermath of the Winter Moon Festival.”

Author's Note:

Huzzah! I've finally finished another chapter done! As always, let me know if you find any errors that I need to correct. And so once again I proudly present, What Might Have Been.

EDIT: testing the new site stuff.