• Published 10th Dec 2012
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Naractia's Nightmare-(Night) - Shadowflame

Princess Naractia, daughter of queen Chrysalis, is on the run from her own hive. The only one who can help her is a unicorn named Rowan. Book 2 of the Shadow Magic Series.

  • ...

What A Fright

Rowan struggled under the hold of Thunderlane, but no matter how hard he tried, the gray pegasus still held him down. Rowan narrowed his eyes at all of his friends in the library, "What do you think you're doing?!"

Applejack stepped forward, "We ain't lettin' any of you go until you tell us where the real Twilight and Rowan are. We know you'll are changelings." She stomped her hoof to the ground emphasizing the last word.

Both Rowan and Twilight were dumbfounded. Twilight shook her head as she looked pleadingly at Applejack, "But we're not changelings! Who told you that?"

Rainbowdash quickly zoomed in front of Twilight, "Quiet, Spike told us how he saw that other pony change from a pegasus to a unicorn." She pointed a hoof towards Naractia, "That can only mean that she's a changeling. And since you didn't even react when she changed, then that means you're changelings, too."

Naractia spoke up, "Okay, it's true. I'm a changeling." As she replied, she changed back to her changeling form, "But-"

She was quickly cut off by Thunderlane, "Which just proves that Rowan and Twilight are being impersonated by changelings. Now I'll ask you again, where is the real Rowan and Twilight?"

Naractia quickly interjected, "No, they're not! Let me explain."

Rainbowdash quickly cut her off, "No, you'll probably just come up with some lie to get us to believe what you want us to believe, just like what Chrysalis did back at Canterlot. But it won't happen again."

Twilight groaned in frustration, "Come on! Why won't you listen? How can we prove that we're really not changelings?"

Rarity scratched a hoof to her chin, "Well,... The real Twilight could teleport. And I doubt that a normal changeling could be able to teleport as well. Seeing as I'm the only unicorn here that hasn't been accused, I do say if she can teleport, then she must be the real Twilight."

With that, Twilight quickly flared her horn and teleported next to Rarity. She looked at her friends, "Now do you see? We're telling the truth."

Rarity nodded, "I think she's the real Twilight. I may not have as robust of magic as Twilight, but I do know that no changeling could ever use a teleportation spell." With that explanation, everyone seemed to be satisfied, agreeing that Twilight wasn't being impersonated.

But then, Caramel looked back down at Rowan, "But what about you? Even if you are the real Rowan, you wouldn't be able to prove yourself with magic, seeing as Rowan's magic is the same as a changelings."

Rowan sighed in frustration, "Then quiz me. Ask me something that only the real Rowan would know."

Thunderlane nodded, still suspicious about Rowan, "Fine. Then what have I been doing with Rumble for the past week?"

Rowan quickly answered back, "You were helping him make his costume for Nightmare NIght, just like any older brother should do."

Caramel shook his head, "But that's too recent. Rowan's impostor could have been around long enough to have learned that from you. We need something that happened weeks ago, something that only the real Rowan would know."

Sassaflash then stepped forward, "Oh, I think I know something that will work." She turned towards Rowan, "Three weeks ago, at one point where Rowan and I were alone, what did I make him promise me?"

Rowan knew this, because three weeks ago Sassaflash had pulled him aside to talk to him. He knew exactly what she had said. Rowan cleared his throat, "You made me promise not to let Caramel go near any of my experiments with shadow magic. You didn't want to see him get hurt, and neither did I."

Caramel looked to Sassaflash, "Really?"

Sassaflash glanced back at the stallion with loving eyes, "Of course." She gave him a small nuzzle and then nodded to Thunderlane, "It's him. It has to be."

Thunderlane nodded and got off of Rowan, smiling sheepishly, "Sorry about that kick to the face. I was just being prepared in case you really were a changeling." He held out a hoof to Rowan, which Rowan quickly took.

Rowan rolled his eyes, replying sarcastically, "It's all right. I'll just have a bruise in that area later."

Ranibowdash wasn't satisfied, "Okay, fine. So neither of you guys are changelings, but what about that the one who *is* a changeling." Suddenly, 11 pairs of eyes fell on Naractia, making the changeling cringe nervously.

Rowan made his way to stand by Naractia, "It's okay. She's a friend."

Everyone in the library let out very confused "Huh?"

Twilight nodded as she also joined Naractia, "That's right. Let us explain."

Naractia looked to everypony who'd gathered and cleared her throat, "My name is Naractia, banished princess of the changelings, daughter of Chrysalis."

Fluttershy let out a small squeak, "Daughter... of Ch-Chrysalis?"

Applejack scratched the back of her head with a hoof, "Ah didn't know Chrysalis even had a daughter."

Naractia nodded, "Yes, but recently, my mother banished me from my hive because I didn't want to hurt anypony in Equestria. It all started back at the changeling invasion at Canterlot." And so, Naractia gave her story of how she had been banished, and then sneaked back into the hive around the time that Rowan came to Equestria. She told them everything that happened ever since the Liber Tenebrarum up to where she was banished again.

After she had finished telling her story, everybody was dumbstruck, Rainbowdash especially. The rainbow maned pegasus just stared at Naractia with wide eyes, "So, Chrysalis wants you dead and you came here to hide?"

Naractia nodded, "Yes."

Rainbow suddenly got a determined grin and put a hoof around Naractia's shoulders, "Well, if your own mother wants you dead that badly, then you can't be too bad."

Rarity smiled in awe at Naractia, "My, with everything that you've told us, it seems that you've been fighting for Equestria this entire time. How admirable."

Applejack smiled at Naractia, "You were the one who gave Rowan his only other chance of getting back ta his world. It ain't no wonder that he made friends with ya first."

Pinkie Pie was bouncing all around the library, "Wow, I've never met a nice changeling before. Well, except for Twilight, but she's not a real changeling 'cause that's just a costume. But even if I did, I bet they wouldn't be as amazing as you, Naractia. OH! I know! I should throw a 'First Nice Changeling I've Ever Met' party!"

Everyone's compliments were making Naractia blush, "Thanks. But right now I need your help, from all of you."

Thunderlane nodded, "Sure, what is it?"

Rowan stepped forward, "When Naractia made her way here, she was attacked by three changeling drones from her hive. Luckily, I was there and managed to capture to these drones. For the past few days, we've been keeping them bound in the Everfree forest. But tonight, they confessed to Naractia that they had been sent by a changeling spy that had planned to take her place as heir to Chrysalis. To solidify his hold on the changelings in whole, he needs her dead to keep any changelings who are loyal to her from leaving his control. But since his drones never returned with Naractia captured, he's coming here to capture her with a swarm of changelings."

Everybody gasped. Caramel stuttered, "But, that means..."

Twilight nodded, "Yes, another changeling attack is coming. It could be on it's way here now as we speak."

Rowan interjected, "We wouldn't be able to take another attack like last time. But with luck, the attack won't arrive until Princess Luna arrives for the Nightmare Night celebration. What I need everypony to do is to keep watch throughout the town for any changelings. If any changelings come, I need you guys to hold them off until Princess Luna arrives. When she gets here, she should be able to help drive them back out of town."

"But until then, everyone needs to spread out and cover as much ground as we can. But be discreet. We don't want anypony to feel uneasy and think that something's wrong. While you guys are searching, we'll need to keep Nightmare Night going like normal."

Twilight suddenly gasped, "Rowan, Princess Luna! You have to do her introduction before she comes."

Rowan nodded, "Right." He looked back to the group, "Okay, here's what I want you guys to do. Applejack and Fluttershy, stay by the games in the town square. Even if you see something, keep everypony distracted."

Applejack nodded, "Sure thing, Rowan." However, Fluttershy simply squeaked in fear.

Rowan continued, "Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, keep on the streets outside the town square. If anybody strays too far out, use any means to urge them back to the town square."

PInkie started to bounce up in down in her alligator suit, "Okie Dokie Loki."

"Caramel and Sassaflash, I need you guys to stay on the outskirts of the Everfree forest. If you see any hint of a changeling, come running to me immediately, or in your case flying, Sassaflash. Everybody else will come with me to the town square. Keep your ears open and your eyes peeled until Princess Luna arrives."

Everybody nodded and they all began to file out of the library and head for their positions. Once outside, Rowan caught Rainbowdash and Thunderlane, "Okay, you guys set for Luna's introduction?"

Rainbowdash nodded, "Yep, we've got everything ready."

Thunderlane added, "We saved a few clouds before the weather team could clear them for the celebration. We placed them just outside of town."

Rowan smiled, "Good, go get them right now. Princess Luna will need to be here any moment and we need to be ready for her introduction."

With a wave they took to the sky to retrieve the clouds. Leaving Rowan, Twilight, and Naractia on their way to the town square. But as they walked, Twilight was giving Naractia a funny look, noticing that the changeling was still in her original form.

"Naractia, you should change to your unicorn form before anypony sees you."

Naractia gave Twilight a brief smile, "Well it is Nightmare Night, isn't it? If anypony sees me as a changeling, they'll just see it as a costume like yours."

Twilight nodded, "Good point, but you should still stick with me, just so nobody gets the wrong idea." But then she suddenly glanced around, puzzlement on her face.

Rowan raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Twilight looked at Rowan, "Where's Shade? He was with us when we went to the square, but I didn't see him when Naractia came to us."

Rowan's eyes widened with realization and he face-hoofed himself, "Dang it, Shade." He sighed. Shade could slip away from anything better than a thief, especially at night. With Naractia urgently needing to talk to him and Twilight, he had completely forgotten about the shadow wolf. Rowan hoped his wolf companion wasn't getting into too much trouble.

Rowan sighed, "We don't have time to look for him. He'll come back like he usually does, but right now we need to get to the square. The celebration is about to start. I'll meet you guys there." With that, Rowan evaporated into a cloud of smoke and took to the sky, on his way to the square.


The leader of the changelings was fuming with rage. He couldn't believe that one of his own underlings would give private information to a traitor. It he hadn't been bound to a tree, he would have ripped out the male changeling's throat.

The leader glared at the male, "You no-account, idiotic imbecile! I swear, once I get out of here, I'll rip your throat out! Why would you give away our leader's plan to a traitor like that!? Answer me!"

The male didn't even glance at the leader, "Shut up. I don't take orders from you."

The female was also in rage, "Then that makes you a traitor. Once we get back to the hive, you'll be at the mercy of the queen."

The male narrowed his eyes at the female, replying with every ounce of seriousness he could muster, "I don't care, because I'm leaving the hive."

Both the leader and the female gasped in shock. The female quickly composed herself, "You can't just leave the hive! You're-"

"-Still a changeling." The male finished, "Yes, I heard you when you told that to Naractia. But still, she left, even if she was banished in the process. Who says I can't do the same?"

The leader growled at the male, "Why you incompetent weakling. Don't you see? Our leader is on his way right now with the rest of his swarm, and when they arrive, they'll release us and then kill you. The only way to survive is under the rule of the queen and our leader."

The male glared at the leader, "SHUT UP! Is that all you ever think? Loyalty to the queen will help you survive? Well, you're wrong. Naractia herself has gone against the queen this entire time and yet, she has survived. Even when she put herself in danger by coming back and rebuilding the hive, she survived. If it's survival that you want, it won't be from loyalty to Chrysalis or *your* leader." With that, the male slumped back against his tree.

The leader was stubborn to listen, "The power of the hive is absolute! Equestria will fall under our power, along with the traitors of the hive."

The male groaned in frustration, "You only believe that because that's what you've been taught to think." He turned to stare at the leader in the face, "Don't you see? Everything you know about the hive is a lie! For our whole lives, Chrysalis has lied to us. She has said that we need to take over Equestria for food, but she never said why hurting everypony in the process was necessary." He sighed, "I'm leaving the hive because I'm done with lies. For once, I want to live with the truth, no matter how horrible it is."

But, much to the male's surprise, neither the leader or the female responded. He glanced towards them to see them hanging their heads, like they were regretting something.

The leader sighed, "You... You're right. We have been lied to this entire time. But even when we were lied to, everything was simpler. But with this whole being able to think business, everything has just become confusing."

The female nodded, "Yes, and we've both just wanted things to be easier. We've only been doing what we're used to. But now," She sighed, "I'm not sure what to do."

The male thought back to before he decided to help Naractia. He remembered how he had been confused, but what Naractia had told him simply made things click. Suddenly, the male realized what had made everything so clear for him.

The male glanced back at the other two, "Do you know why Naractia came back, even after she was banished?" The two shook their heads, but the male continued, "She came back because she had love for her hive. Even after being cast out, she came back so the hive wouldn't fade. She did it to keep us from harming anypony in Equestria, but at the same time, she did it because she didn't want us to die."

The leader and the female looked at the male with confused expressions, "You mean, she cared for the hive?"

The male nodded, "This is what makes her different from the queen. Naractia doesn't want anyone to get hurt, both pony and changeling alike. But Chrysalis, the one who we've served for our whole lives, doesn't lift a wing when we kill each other over food. Tell me, who sounds like the better leader?"

The other two hesitated at first. But then the leader sighed in defeat, "Naractia."

The male smiled, "Yes, but she's the better leader because she loves. It's funny, but Naractia left the hive so she could experience love, but in truth, the only way to receive love is to give a little back. But Naractia has proved that even a changeling is capable of expressing love. She showed that to me, and in return, I follow her."

Suddenly, it was like a light had come on inside the leader and the female. Both of their faces were aglow as everything suddenly came clear to them.

The leader, possibly for the first time in his life, gave a sincere smile, "I... I believe you. We shouldn't follow our leader or Chrysalis. We need to help Naractia."

The female nodded, a small grin growing on her face, "I agree. Naractia was right. The hive doesn't have to harm Equestria, and neither should we. But what are we going to do? We can't get out of these ropes and the swarm will be here any minute."

The male paused, "I don't kno-"

Suddenly, the air came alive with the buzzing of a several wings, promptly cutting the male off. All three of the changelings looked up just in time to see about twenty changelings fly over the grove.

The male's eyes widened, Oh, no. The swarm is already here. He glanced at the other two to see them with similar reactions. Luckily, the trees they were bound to gave them sufficient cover from the sight of the over passing drones, and the swarm continued on past, towards Ponyville.

Once the swarm was out of earshot, the leader turned to his comrades, "We need to get out of these ropes, now. Any ideas?"

The female shook her head, "I've looked these ropes over and I've found that they were weaved with some magical enchantments. They can't be cut or burned through. I've already tried numerous times."

The male glanced down at the ropes with a frown, "It can't be cut, broken, or burned, which leaves the only way to get free is undoing the knot behind each tree. But none of us can reach it." He sighed to himself, "There has to be some way to-"

He was cut off as, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something emerge from the between the trees of the forest. The male turned to see a large wolf, black as the night, looking at the changelings as it stood just outside of the grove. The male's eyes widened at the sight of the large beast.

Quickly, he caught the attention of his comrades and nodded over to the wolf, "Doesn't that animal look familiar?" He asked them as they looked at the beast.

The female gasped, "Isn't that Rowan's wolf?"

The leader nodded, "I believe his name is Shade."

The male glanced back at the wolf, "But what's he doing here? Surely he knows that a whole swarm of changelings just passed overhead."

But then, Shade loped up to the bound changelings. As the wolf observed the captives, his features didn't show any signs of hostility, but the male changeling did detect a hint of cautiousness. Soon, Shade stood just in front of the male changeling. Suddenly, the wolf placed his snout just in front of the male's face and began to sniff him vigorously.

All of the bound changelings were immensely confused by Shade's actions. The leader exchanged a curious look with the male, "What is he doing." But with Shade so close to him, the male was afraid to reply for fear of startling the wolf into attacking him.

Soon, Shade was finished sniffing the male and moved onto the leader and likewise began to sniff him. From a distance, it seemed to the male that Shade was looking for something. But what could the wolf be searching for among them?

After sniffing the leader for a good deal, Shade moved onto the final changeling, the female. The female reared her head back as far as her bindings would allow her to, just to keep herself away from Shade. But after a short moment, Shade took a step back and let out a satisfied bark. Suddenly, Shade loped along until he stood just behind the male's tree, out of his sight.

But then, the male felt a small tugging coming from the ropes that bound him to the tree. He quickly craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the wolf behind him, "Hey! What's he doing?" He glanced at the leader to see him staring at the wolf with wide eyes. The male gave him a confused look, "What's going on?"

The leader stammered, "Shade, he's... He's untying your ropes."

The male was stunned by his answer, "Wait, what?"

The female also interjected, "It's true, Shade's using his fangs and claws to loosen your knots."

The male was seriously confused. Why would a wolf untie him, considering it was the wolf of Rowan, who still counted him as an enemy. The male began to question the others, "But why..."

Suddenly, the ropes around him fell to the ground in a heap. Now free, the male stood up and stretched his wings out. It felt good to finally be free. But then a small bark sounded from behind him. The male turned around to see Shade sitting on his haunches, but then the wolf nodded its head towards the other bound changelings.

The male nodded as he understood, "Right. Thanks Shade. Let's untie them. We have a fight to go to." And so, Shade and the male changeling began to untie his comrades.


Rowan flew in his cloud form, just over the town square. Right now, he was running Princess Luna's introduction through his head, preparing to start at any moment.

The plan for the introduction was simple. First, Mayor Mare would begin the celebration and then Rowan would appear on the stage in the town square and make Princess Luna's introduction. Rainbowdash and Thunderlane would be up in the sky providing some special effects to make Luna's intro even more frightening. And then, after Rowan had finished making the intro, he'd end by sending a flare up into the sky in a horrific ending.

The flare would also be a signal to Princess Luna, who would be waiting in the sky near Canterlot. Once she saw the flare, then she would come and really kick off Nightmare Night.

The plan was simple, and Rowan had reviewed it several times. But now, he found that it was almost time to begin, because now everypony was gathering around the stage below him. He glanced around along the outside of the town square to see Rainbowdash and Thunderlane bringing in the last of the darkened clouds for the intro. And with all of the new shadow magic tricks that he'd been working on, Rowan was sure to make this the best Nightmare Night ever. Everything was set, and now Nightmare Night would really begin.


Twilight and Naractia soon reached the town square and joined the group ponies as they gathered around the stage. Just as they arrived, Mayor Mare stepped up to the podium on the stage.

Twilight nudged Naractia, "Hey, looks like we're just in time. It's about to begin."

Everypony hushed as the Mayor began to speak, "Welcome, everypony, to our Nightmare Night festival!"

The crowd cheered and stomped their hooves in excitement, but they quickly quieted as the Mayor continued, "Now, as you know, for every year in the past, we've done the same thing for Nightmare Night. But this year, we will be doing things a little bit different." Without saying anything else, the Mayor stepped off of the stage. Everypony in the crowd was slightly confused.

Suddenly, a huge column of black smoke slammed down onto the stage, whirling in a dark cyclone of shadows. Everypony gasped in terror at the sight. But then, as the cyclone spun, the shadows began to shrink and converge into one solid mass. Out of the mass, a hooded pony stepped forward onto the stage, face unseen under his hood, and eyes glowing bright red to create an an-earthly presence around him. Although he was mysterious to Everypony else, Twilight and Naractia knew that this hooded figure was Rowan.

Without speaking a single word, Rowan swept his eyes across the crowd. An eerie silence passed between him and the crowd. But then, Rowan spoke. But instead of his normal voice, he spoke with a deep, evil way that Twilight couldn't have recognized it was him.

Rowan gave a deep chuckle, sounding terrifyingly evil,

"My, isn't this a sight.
To see so many ponies here tonight.
I am the servant to the one who casts out light,
A mare of darkness, a princess of the night.

An eerie wind began to blow through the crowd, making everyone shiver under it. Up above, Twilight noticed that several clouds began to cover the sky above the square, blocking out the light of the moon. Under the darkness, even Naractia and Twilight began to feel scared.

She has escaped her prison in the moon,
And now, she is coming here soon.
However, her highness has one particular goal:
To come for all of you and eat your souls!

Rowan let out a sinister laugh. Then suddenly, lightning struck from the clouds above, filling the air with lights and thunder, along with Rowan's deep laughter. Everypony in the audience began to scream in fear as they clutched each other, shaking.

Rowan let out a chuckle,

Now, now, there's no need to scream,
At this nightmare out of a dream.
But alas, you've come prepared
With your costumes, you shall be spared.

For if my mistress sees no ponies near,
Then Ponyville has nothing to fear.
She shall pass by if all is clear,
Then Equestria will be safe another year.

Rowan laughed evilly, sending another chilling wind through the crowd, a sinister grin crept to his face.

To heed my warnings, that is up to you.
But you shall be in peril, no matter what you do.
For soon to arrive is Nightmare Moon.
She is coming and will seal your doom!

Lightning struck and everypony screamed in pure horror. Rowan let out a maniacal laugh as he thought to himself, Now it's time to go out with a bang. He raised his horn to the sky, ready to send the flare to end the intro.

But then, something caught his eye just above the roof tops of town. He looked down to see Sassaflash flying as fast as she could towards the town square. Rowan raised an eyebrow, knowing something was up, Why would she be here? She's supposed to stay out by the forest to watch for... Rowan's eyes widened in realization, Oh, no. That means...

Rowan glanced behind Sassaflash to see a swarm of twenty or more changelings under the pale moonlight, flying right for the town square. Rowan's eyes widened, They're already here. The changelings have come.

Author's Note:

Oh my gosh! We're almost done with this story! Only one more chapter to go!

Tell me what you guys think so far.