• Published 10th Dec 2012
  • 2,183 Views, 98 Comments

Naractia's Nightmare-(Night) - Shadowflame

Princess Naractia, daughter of queen Chrysalis, is on the run from her own hive. The only one who can help her is a unicorn named Rowan. Book 2 of the Shadow Magic Series.

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That's all that Rowan could see. Not Ponyville or anybody else. He couldn't even see himself. The feeling was strange, but Rowan felt as if he were drifting through the endless darkness before him.

It was like he was dreaming, but instead of sleeping, he knew that he was dead. He couldn't control where he went, for there was no place to go.

Rowan sighed as he looked through the darkness, I wish... I wish I could have seen my home again... I wish I could have seen it one last time.

Still, a sense of prolonging clouded his mind, It's over. I just hope everypony else is fine back in Ponyville. I helped where I could and I never left my friends when they were in trouble... His mind drifted back to his fight with Vironect, But, what if Vironect has already destroyed Ponyville? What if he's already killed Naractia?

Again, he sighed, But what could I do? I'm already dead. I don't have another chance.

In lonely silence, Rowan drifted through the darkness of the abyss. Doubt was filling his mind, making him feel far from home... But then again, he'd always been away from home, hadn't he?

But then, something appeared in the middle of his vision. Rowan gasped as he suddenly saw a single light, like a star, shine just in front of him.

What... What's that? Rowan thought. He began to reach out for it, but then the thought "Don't go towards the light" came to mind.

Rowan shrugged it off, I'm already dead, aren't I? What else do I have to fear? Cautiously, he reached his mind out towards the light, seeing as he no longer had a physical body reach out with.

Lightly brushing his mind against it, Rowan found his vision suddenly fill with light and colors. Everything rushed past him in a dazzling blur. But soon, the colors began to slow down and Rowan could make out a few blurry shapes. But then, several other sensations began to come to him.

There were sounds... some sounds Rowan could make out as screams of terror, while others were cheers from a huge crowd. There were some voices, both loving and comforting, while others were full of hate and scorn.

Suddenly, all at once, the sights and sounds stopped in front of Rowan, bringing everything into focus. Rowan gasped as he saw the sight in front of him.

He was in Canterlot, but something was different. He stood in one of the streets near the castle, but it was night and the street was deserted. Off in the distance, he heard massive cheers roar from a crowd. Rowan looked to see a huge coliseum in the distance, just outside of the city walls.

Rowan wondered aloud, "What the heck?"

But then, he noticed a flash of light come from the sky above. Quickly, he looked up to see a massive comet in the sky. It was blue in color, passing slowly across the sky.

Before Rowan could say anything else, the scene suddenly shifted and Rowan found him inside a building, looking out at a full scale window.

Outside the window, Rowan saw the same comet and the coliseum, brilliantly lighting the night with their lights. Rowan looked around at his surroundings. He recognized the building he was in as the Royal Canterlot Library, as he was surrounded by several tall bookshelves.

But then, a light illuminated one of the aisles of the library. Rowan spotted a shadow extending from the light source, and his eyes widened as he instantly recognized the shadow. It was the shadow of a changeling, and in its legs it held a single book.

But then, a voice came from the changeling, "Yes, I've found it. After all this time... it's finally mine!" Rowan gasped as he recognized the voice as Vironect's.

Before Rowan could react, the scene changed again. In an instant, Rowan found himself looking out from the east wall of Canterlot. The sky was the first thing he noticed, for it wasn't its usual color. Instead of it's pale blue color, the sky was a deep crimson, resembling blood.

Suddenly, thousands of changelings rose up into the sky, dotting the crimson air with a swarm of black. Rowan gasped as he saw all of them suddenly charge towards Canterlot.

Rowan quickly looked around for a way to escape the massive charge. But as he looked around, he suddenly spotted a figure lying on the ground, breathing heavily as a green liquid oozed out of its body. Rowan inspected the figure and was surprised to see that it was Chrysalis.

Chrysalis, with her scar running down her face, was breathing heavily as she bled heavily. She opened her eyes and spotted Rowan. Without hesitating, she said in a ragged voice, "Naractia... Help me-"

Before she could finish, a blade suddenly stabbed into Chrysalis's throat, killing her instantly. Rowan looked up at the bearer of the blade and gasped as he saw Vironect grinning down at Chrysalis's dead body, gripping the sword with a leg. From what Rowan could tell, it seemed as if Vironect was completely oblivious to him. Vironect chuckled evilly as he looked down at Chrysalis, "The hive is mine."

And then, right at that moment, Canterlot exploded into thousands of pieces as the changelings crashed down on the city. And as everything was destroyed around Rowan, he found himself back where he bagan, looking at the single bit of light in the middle of an abyss of darkness.

Rowan was breathing hard as a thousand questions ran through his mind, What was that? What did I just see? Why...

Suddenly, another voice rang through Rowan's mind, "You cannot be deceased, yet. You were chosen to save this world, as such is your destiny. What you have seen is the purpose of coming to this world. You shall receive another chance, for it is crucial that you succeed if any life is to survive."

Rowan glanced around the darkness quickly, "What? Who's there?"

The voice spoke again, "Take what has been given to you just now, and use it to succeed. The evil will fall when the courageous stand together, in both love and harmony."

Suddenly, the one bit of light in Rowan's vision began to grow, consuming the darkness around Rowan's vision. The voice continued, "Now go. You're friends are calling."

In a flash, the light fully consumed Rowan, taking him out of the darkness.


"Rowan, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I didn't want anyone to die for me."

Rowan heard Naractia cry softly next to him, Wait,... Naractia? How..?

Around her voice, Rowan could here several voices of panicked ponies. Strangely, all of them were familiar to him. Rowan thought to himself, Wait... Am I in... Ponyville?

Slowly, Rowan opened his eyes. As he did, he began to see several familiar faces of his friends. From what Rowan could tell, he was on the stage in the Ponyville square, right where he'd fought Vironect before. Around him, he could see Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbowdash, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Thunderlane, Caramel, Sassaflash, and even more surprisingly, Princess Luna and her Lunar Guards. They were all weeping or comforting each other, making Rowan remember that he was just dead a moment ago.

Beside him, lying with her face buried into the floor of the stage, Narctia cried to Rowan, "I'm so sorry, Rowan. I never got to tell you how great of a friend that you've been to me. I never got to thank you for everything you've done for me."

Rowan let out a grin as he replied, "You should do that right now. At this rate, I probably won't live to see next week."

Naractia, along with everybody else, gasped as they all looked at Rowan in pure shock. Naractia, eyes streaked with tears, suddenly pulled Rowan into a tight hug, crying out of relief, "Thank Celestia you're okay."

Rowan smiled as he hugged her back, "It's okay. I'm back now."

Thunderlane grinned at Rowan, "Man, you gave us a good scare there, but I think that was a bit too much for Nightmare Night."

Rowan laughed and another voice interjected, "You can say that again."

Rowan looked to see who said that and his eyes widened as he saw the three changelings who used to be bound in the forest, standing on the stage as well. With a yelp, Rowan tried to jump to his hooves, but he was held down by Naractia and Twilight.

Twilight laughed as she calmed Rowan, "It's okay. They helped us fight Vironect. They came just after you passed out."

The male changeling nodded, "That's right. We've left the hive to serve our princess, along with her friends, as well."

Rowan nodded with understanding, "Right, but what happened to Vironect?"

Applejack answered, "Why, after ya blacked out here on the stage, we all came to the fight."

Rainbowdash continued, "But when we were fighting the changelings, Naractia showed herself to everyone to stop us from fighting."

Caramel nodded, "Yeah, she tried to give herself up to save everypony else. But then-"

He was cut off as Pinkie interjected, "But then that meanie Vironect double crossed her and tried to take her away."

But then, Princess Luna cleared her throat as she stepped forward, "Okay, I'll handle the explanation from here. Rowan doesn't need everyone to be speaking at once." She looked at Rowan, "When Vironect's changelings tried to carry away Naractia, I came just in time to save her. I threatened Vironect and warned him that he would feel my full wrath if he ever came back to Equestria. Seeing that he was outmatched, Vironect took his forces and left Ponyville immediately."

Luna sighed, "But by then, we all thought that you had perished. Although, it never came to mind that you were simply unconscious."

Rowan shook his head, "But that's the thing, I wasn't unconscious. I was dead."

Naractia gasped, "But how did you know?"

Rowan sighed and began to explain everything that he had seen. Everything from the darkness and the little speck of light, and then everything that he'd seen about Canterlot and the changelings. And then, he finally ended with the voice that told him that he couldn't die yet, and that he had a purpose to fulfil.

After Rowan finished telling his story, everyone stood in silence, completely confused by what Rowan had told them.

Princess Luna was the first to speak, "Are you sure that's all you saw, Rowan?"

Rowan nodded, "Yes, Princess. But what does all of that mean? I'm the one who saw it, yet I can't make any sense out of it."

Luna thought to herself for a moment, "I am not sure about what you saw means, but I do know this. We will see Vironect sometime in the future, and he will be stronger than before."

A cold silence passed through everyone, making the night more frigid than before.

But then, Pinkie Pie broke the silence, "Wait! We never started the Nightmare Night party! We've wasted enough time with Vironect and the other changelings! We need to party!"

Princess Luna laughed softly, "Yes, I believe that Pinkie is right. We mustn't dwell on these past events for the rest of the night." She suddenly took to the sky, flanked by her lunar guards. In the air, she faced the crowd of ponies below, "Let the Nightmare Night celebration begin!"

Everypony let out a cheer and they all dispersed as the party continued just as it had been planned.


"Fire!" The male changeling called out to the leader. With the order, the leader released the pumpkin catapult. Instantly, the pumpkin in the launcher flew into the air. Everypony watched as it arched through the air with perfect precision, heading directly for the target several feet away. The pumpkin splatted against the target in a gooey mess, and everypony gave out a cheer and stomped their hooves in congratulations.

The male and leader changelings grinned at their success as they hoof bumped each other, "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"

Rowan, Naractia, and the female changeling stood to the side of the pumpkin launch, grinning as everypony enjoyed themselves. Rowan looked to Naractia and the female, "Man, they've gotten good at that, haven't they?"

The female smirked, "Sure, it only took them about twenty tries to even hit the target."

"And how are all of you enjoying yourselves?" A voice said from behind. Rowan, Naractia, and the female turned to see Princess Luna standing behind them.

Rowan grinned, "Princess Luna, we're having a great time." Just then, the male and leader ran up to join them.

Naractia nodded, "It's been amazing. I mean, everypony here accepts us for ourselves as changelings."

The male chimed in, "Not to mention all of the treats and games. I've never had this much fun in my life."

The leader rolled his eyes, "That's because you've never had fun before."

Princess Luna laughed softly, "I'm glad to here it. But I have some news to bring you."

Luna cleared her throat, "Since it was I who protected you here, you are all now under my protection. This means that if you are in danger in any way, you are my priority. But it also means that if you step out of line, then I will be responsible for your actions."

Luna smiled warmly at the group before her, "But I trust that you can behave while you stay here in Equestria."

Naractia nodded, "Yes, Princess. We'll keep to our word and abide by your laws."

Luna nodded, "Very well. But I also have a proposition for all of you." She looked at all of the changelings, "Since you have my trust, I believe that you should be taught the ways of Shadow Magic as well. After all, it is your native magic."

The male gasped sharply, "Wait, what? You really want us to learn Shadow magic?"

Luna nodded, "Yes, that is correct. You will learn from the knowledge that I can offer, but Rowan will also contribute to your learning by allowing you all access to the spells from the Liber Tenebrarum. What do you say?"

Naractia looked to her friends, who reassured her with their nods. Satisfied with her answer, Naractia looked to Luna, "Yes, we accept."

Luna smiled, "Excellent. During the time of your learning, I would like for you all to remain here in Ponyville. Everypony here seems to have accepted you, so I believe that it would be wise that you stay here where it is safe."

But then, Luna paused, "Although, I have spoken to the Mayor, but I'm afraid there isn't any homes here that you could call your own in town. But I have spoken with Zecora, and she has agreed to help construct a home for you in the forest. I assume that it will be one that is similar to her own."

The changeling leader beamed, "Wow, a home of our own. Almost seems too good to be true."

Luna smiled, "Yes, it does, doesn't it?" She cleared her throat, "But I beg your pardon, Naractia. I know your name, but I never received the names of your friends."

The female interjected, "Well, actually. In the changeling hive, only royalty are given names, which is why Naractia has hers. But we aren't of royal blood, so we've never had names."

Luna paused, "Oh, I see..." She began to trail off in thought.

But then the male chimed in, "But that doesn't mean we can't have names now. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to choose my own name."

Naractia glanced at the male, "Wait, so you figured out a name?"

The male nodded, "Yeah, I've been thinking about it ever since our conversation back in the grove." He looked to everyone else, "From now on, I'll be going by Quicksilver."

The leader raised an eyebrow, "Quicksilver, huh?"

Quicksilver nodded, "Yeah, I figured since I like flying so much, then I should have a name that goes along with it."

The leader nodded, "Right, well in that case, my name will be..." He paused for a moment, "Duke. My name will be Duke."

The female chimed in, "I know what I want to be called. I'll go by Violet."

Luna smiled, "Very well. It's nice to meet you, Quicksilver, Duke, and Violet."

But then, Naractia chimed in, "Oh, but I think I should change my name."

Rowan cocked an eyebrow, "Wait, why?"

Naractia sighed, "Well, Chrysalis disowned me from her family. If I'm no longer part of her family, then I'm not really Naractia, the daughter of Chrysalis. Therefore, I think it'd be fitting that I have a different name."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Oh, and what would you liked to be called?"

Naractia smiled, "Call me Rosa."

Realization instantly clicked in Rowan's mind, "Oh, so that's why you called yourself Rosa when you came running into town."

Rosa nodded, "That's right. It was because just a day ago that I was talking with Quicksilver. But then we got on the topic of names and 'Rosa' appealed to me the most."

Rowan smiled, "It does suit you."

Luna nodded, "Yes, well with everything settled, I must return to the townsfolk for the festivities. They are all waiting for Nightmare Moon." With that, Luna took flight and flew off to the other side of the town square."

But then, a voice called out, "Hey, Rowan!"

Rowan looked to see Twilight galloping towards him. Rowan smiled, "Hey, Twilight. What's up?"

Twilight smirked at Rowan, "You challenged me to a game of spider toss, remember? Don't think that I didn't forget."

Rowan's eyes widened as he remembered, but then his expression changed to a challenging grin, "Oh, yeah. I did, didn't I? You ready to lose?"

Twilight grinned, "Then let's go. I get first shot." With that, she took off in the direction of the spider toss game.

Rowan turned to his changeling friends, "Hey, I'll see you guys later." They waved goodbye and Rowan galloped after Twilight. He definitely wasn't going to lose to a game of spider toss.

Author's Note:

All right! Finished with Book Two! That took me forever, though.

Hey, a word of advice for any of you writers out there: If you want one of your stories to be finished quickly, don't start two other stories in the middle of the one you are currently working on.

Speaking of which, right now I'm working on another story for those of you who don't know. It's called Brony Game Online, and it's a spin off of the Japanese anime, Sword Art Online. If you need anything to read, then you should check it out, since I'll be working on that for a while before I publish Book Three of this series. So, if you want to read it just click the link here: Brony Game Online

Also, speaking of which, Book Three of this series will be called "Of Changelings and Comets". I won't be publishing it for a while, but when I do, I'll send out a blog post for it. So, if you want to know what happens next, just watch for it... or better yet, start watching me. :D

If not, at least give this story a thumbs up if you liked it.

Anyways, that's all for this story. Thanks for reading.