• Published 10th Dec 2012
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Naractia's Nightmare-(Night) - Shadowflame

Princess Naractia, daughter of queen Chrysalis, is on the run from her own hive. The only one who can help her is a unicorn named Rowan. Book 2 of the Shadow Magic Series.

  • ...

At Zecora's

Zecora balanced herself atop her staff, lost deep within her nightly meditation. Quietly, she hummed an old tune from her native land. The forest around her hut was calm and peaceful, thanks to the enchantments that she'd placed in the area. The silence was necessary for the zebra to be able to stay balanced in her meditation.

Suddenly, a loud knocking came from the door of her hut. Zecora peered over at the door with one eye open, "Oh, I wonder who that could be, to come to my home so late and see me."

Pressing down on her staff with a single hoof, she leaped into the air. She landed softly in front of the door, despite the sound her hooves would have made against the wooden floor of the hut. Only several years of practice could allow her to do this.

Smiling softly, Zecora opened the door to her hut. She looked outside to see Rowan, Shade, and one other pony that she didn't recognize.

The zebra greeted them all, "A thousand greetings, Rowan and Shade. It appears that a new friend is what you have made. If I may not be too brash, but for your name may I ask?"

Rowan rolled his eyes, "You know, Zecora. You're cutting it close with those rhymes."

Zecora shrugged, "I'm indifferent to you, for that depends on your point of view. Now if I may ask again, what is the name of your friend?"

The mare with Rowan stepped forward, "My name is Naractia. Rowan told me that you could help me with a problem of mine."

The zebra raised an eyebrow, "And what problem would that be? I may be able to help, but the situation is what I must first see."

Rowan and Naractia walked into the hut, carrying three changeling drones between them. Zecora gasped, shocked by the sight. To her relief, the drones appeared to be unconscious.

"Why have you brought these drones, here into mine own abode?"

Rowan sighed, "Well, that's our problem. We need someone to keep watch over them. They can't be allowed to escape to their hive. I was hoping that you could help and keep them outside of town."

Zecora narrowed her eyes at the changelings, "I would not normally accept to something like this, but I will do this for a friend in a fix." Rowan and Naractia beamed at the zebra, but Zecora held a hoof up to keep them from speaking, "But my assistance, however, is conditional. For my help, you must tell me all."

And so, Rowan and Naractia sat down and explained to Zecora the situation. They told the zebra why it was vital to keep the drones away from everypony, and Naractia revealed herself to be the daughter of Chrysalis.

After they had finished their story, Zecora scratched her chin thoughtfully, "Hm, I see. You are in great need. I will hide the drones away in the deep wood, as well as provide shelter and food."

Naractia smiled at her as she sipped a concoction that Zecora had given her. Supposedly, it was supposed to help heal the strain that she'd put on herself over the last day.

"Thank you, Zecora. These changelings may have tried to kill me, but they still are part of my kind. I care for them somewhat. I'm different from my mother in that way."

Zecora nodded, "It is a pleasure, my young friend. You are loving and honest to the end." She turned her head towards Rowan, "However, I would think to advise, that seeking additional help would be wise. This situation is bigger than the three of us alone, for this matter exceeds those three drones."

Rowan frowned, "What do you mean?"

Zecora cleared her throat, "Chrysalis would have sent many servants after her daughter, resulting in a massive slaughter. Since there were only three, then I highly doubt they'd be from the queen. These drones cannot act on their own. They require guidance or else they only roam. The matter of these changelings is unsettling enough, but I suspect that there may be a true motive, hidden in the rough."

Rowan raised an eyebrow, "So, you don't think these drones were sent by Chrysalis, just because there's only three of them? No offense, Zecora, but that doesn't seem all too likely."

Naractia shook her head, "No, Rowan. I think Zecora might be right. I know my mother, and if there were any traitors that had escaped the hive, like me, she would have sent half of the swarm into Equestria, with orders to find and kill me. She would have known where I was going, and she would have sent at least twenty drones after me by now. There must be some other reason why only these three were sent after me."

Rowan sighed, "Yeah, I suppose you're right." He thought for a moment, "Okay, when I get back into town, I'll send Princess Luna a message, explaining what's going on here. With some luck, she might be able to tell us who sent these guys and what they plan to do next. Although, she won't be able to come here from Canterlot without attracting some bit of attention this way. It's not everyday that royalty comes into town unannounced, and the last thing we need are curious ponies following Luna here."

Zecora smiled, "But alas, there may be a way. Though it be not as easy as I say. The Nightmare Night celebration is coming soon. Instead of Princess Luna, seek help from Nightmare Moon."

Rowan's eyes widened as he thought about the zebra's words. He beamed widely at Zecora, "That's it! Zecora, you're a genius!"

Naractia on the other hoof, was puzzled by Zecora's comment, "What do you mean? What's this Nightmare Night, and who's Nightmare Moon?"

Rowan grinned at the confused changeling, "Oh, yeah. I'm assuming the changelings don't have any holidays." He chuckled a bit, "Nightmare Night is a celebration that we're having in town soon. Every year, Princess Luna comes to town, scaring everypony as the mare of darkness; Nightmare Moon. If we can talk to Princess Luna when she's here for the celebration, then we won't draw any unwanted attention to ourselves."

Naractia smiled as she began to understand the logic behind this plan, "That sounds good. How long until Nightmare Night is here?"

"Um... It should be in about three days." Suddenly, a thought occurred to Rowan, "Oh, that reminds me. I still need to make preparations for Nightmare Night." He glanced warily at Naractia, "Um, I think that you should stay here and help Zecora with the drones. Some ponies might think it'd be strange if some new mare shows up in town with me."

Naractia let out a large yawn, "That's fine. I'm too exhausted. I don't think that I could make it into town without collapsing a few times. The flight from the hive to here is more strenuous than you'd think."

Rowan stood up and started for the door, "All right. I'll try to be back tomorrow afternoon to see how you're doing. Come on, Shade." Shade quickly let out a yip and followed after Rowan.

But then, Zecora held out a hoof to the unicorn, "Rowan, I think it would be wise as well, this story to Twilight that you would tell. I would be careful to whom you speak about this. The more ponies that know, the more we are at risk."

Rowan sighed as he opened the door for him and Shade, "Zecora, you really are cutting it close with those rhymes." Zecora rolled her eyes at him. The unicorn chuckled, "All right, I'll tell Twilight tonight. I'll see you both tomorrow." With that, Rowan and Shade walked out of Zecora's hut, shutting the door behind them.


Chrysalis looked down at the strange changeling spy that stood before her. He was bowed down before her, showing his devotion to her rule with his posture, showing no fear whatsoever. Both were things that pleased the queen, but it was the information that he'd provided that she enjoyed the most.

The queen grinned wickedly at the changeling before her, "So, you had predicted Naractia's treachery and during the chaos of her escape, you sent three drones after her?"

The changeling spy nodded, "Yes, your highness. She is not aware of the drones that I've sent, and by now, they will have captured her."

Chrysalis chuckled, "I am impressed, for none of my subjects have showed this amount of cunning and wit for the past few hundred years."

The spy's grin grew wider, "Even more than your treacherous daughter Naractia?"

Chrysalis waved a hoof away, "Bah, she is no longer my daughter. I will not be affiliated with that weakling any more." But then she glanced down at the changeling, "Hm, I believe that I have seen you before. You in particular, my subject."

The spy cleared his throat, "Yes, your highness. I was the spy stationed in Ponyville when I brought you word of the Liber Tenebrarum. And I also was the one to retrieve the book for you, my queen."

Chrysalis smiled, "Yes, I see. You have done quite a number of deeds that have gone unaccounted for long enough. I believe that now is the time you receive the reward that you deserve."

The spy beamed as he kept his eyes down in his bow, "And what would that be, my queen?"

"Since Naractia has abandoned the hive, I am in need of an heir. You have shown more cunning than any of my subjects, and I am proclaiming you as my heir."

The spy inhaled sharply, This... This is more than I'd expected to receive. I thought that the queen would have made me a general over a portion of the swarm, but to become her heir? He grinned evilly to himself, How could I possibly refuse? He turned his eyes towards the queen, "Thank you, your majesty."

Chrysalis thought to herself, "As my heir, you will need a name of royalty." She glanced down at the changeling before her, "From now on, you will be known as Vironect."

Vironect smiled at the sound of his new name. It sounded fierce and dark, which suited him well. He bowed his head again, "Yes, my queen. I shall not disappoint you."

Chrysalis nodded, "Yes, I'm sure that you won't, but I will warn you. If you fail me like Naractia has, then I *will* end your life." She waved him away, "You may go."

Vironect bowed his head once more, then stood up and walked out of the chamber. Physically, he showed no emotion as he exited the queen's chamber, but on the inside, he was smiling with glee. As soon as his drones brought back Naractia, she was in for a very nasty surprise.


Naractia, still in her unicorn form, followed after Zecora as the zebra led her through the dark forest. On her back, Zecora carried one of the unconscious drones, while Naractia carried the other two, one with magic, and the other on her back as well.

A few minutes after Rowan had left the hut, Zecora had instructed Naractia to carry the drones outside. There, the zebra had led them through the dark night, without even a torch for light.

Naractia looked forward towards Zecora, "Hey, Zecora? Where are we going?"

Zecora didn't look back, "I see why you ask where you are led. There is a grove in the forest ahead. We will leave the drones there, for my hut does not have room to spare."

Naractia nodded, "Okay, I guess that makes sense."

The two walked in silence, only their hooves making sound as they walked through the forest. Naractia observed her guide through the woods, taking into account how the zebra always glanced into the trees, searching for any signs of danger. The forest made Naractia uneasy, and the silence from Zecora wasn't helping at all.

"Hey, Zecora?" Naractia asked in an effort to break the silence, "Back at the hut, how did you know that much about my mother and the drones? It's true that the drones share a subconscious link with the queen, but I didn't think anypony knew that the drones were... well, drones."

Zecora smiled as she glanced back at the changeling princess, "Your curiosity truly wants pure facts. Anyone can learn about a race by observing their acts. The past assaults from your hive were a perfect moment, for me to observe and mark your potent. I studied their actions, making notes of their behavior, but the information I gathered was nothing to savor. I only learned the basics to your culture, though they be crude. But I believe my words are beginning to sound rude."

Naractia shook her head, "No, that's fine. I really think that anypony's life-style is better than a changelings."

"Oh, and what would make you say so? Please answer truthfully, for I wish to know."

The changeling princess dug at the ground as she walked, looking down at the tracks that she left behind, "Well, it's really just..." She searched her mind for a way to sum it up.

But then she sighed, "We changelings feed off of the love of our victims, and I have done this for my whole life without truly thinking about it. But, during my time in Canterlot, just before the invasion, I watched as Shining Armor gave something to Princess Cadence. It was something that I had never seen before: True, pure love, willingly given from on being to another."

"After that, I started to wonder what it would feel like to have love given to me, rather than stealing it like a parasite. I began to envy that love, but then I came to realize why the hive at failed to invade Canterlot. Everypony shared some love with each other. Whether it be between lovers, family, or friends, it was still more powerful than our force."

Naractia sighed, "But even so, lots of ponies were still getting hurt and their homes were being destroyed. So I resolved to do everything in my power to drive the hive away from Equestria. But now my mother has banished me from the hive, along with sending these drones after me. I guess I can't help in the way that I did before."

Zecora smiled softly to Naractia, "You may have helped us while among your hive, but there is a way to help Equestria to survive. You must stay close to your friends and allies, for with them you shall reach the skies. And Rowan is one who will share a similar fate as you, for your destinies are more intertwined than you knew."

Naractia was caught off guard by Zecora's statement. She looked at the zebra with a questioning glance, "What do you mean? How can you be sure of that?"

Zecora looked forwards again, "Ah, but our conversation grows short, for we are here. It will be safe, but I advise that you stay near."

Naractia nodded, leaving their conversation behind. She knew full well that anything could lie inside the forest, and she wouldn't want to run into something dangerous. The two walked out from between the dense trees of the forest with the drones in tow, and stepped out into a large grove.

The floor of the grove was covered in nice, smooth grass, very unlike the vegetation of the rest of the forest. The entire grove was empty, save for three small trees. The trees were small compared to the massive ones of the forest, but still stood taller than four ponies who were stacked on top of each other.

Zecora walked up to the nearest tree and carefully laid the drone she carried against its trunk. She turned to Naractia, "Place those drones by the other trunks, if you please. I will get rope and we will bind them to each of the trees."

Naractia did as instructed and placed the changelings she carried by the other trees. Once she laid the last drone against the trunk of the last tree, Naractia looked back at Zecora to see the zebra finish tying a rope around the first changeling, fastening it to the tree it was under.

Naractia glanced warily at the bound drone, "Um, Zecora? What if they manage to slip free or cut open those ropes?"

Zecora smiled softly as she moved to bind the other drones, "These ropes were tightly hoof-woven from my home. They will not break and allow these changelings to roam. Many enchantments these binds do possess, which makes them fairly stronger than the rest."

Naractia, however, didn't find herself convinced by the zebra's reply, "Um, but say that they could break free of those ropes? If they got away, they'd be long gone by the time we noticed. Maybe we should keep watching them, just to make sure. Better safe than sorry, right?"

Zecora tied together the last knot of the drone she was binding, and was now moving on to the last drone, "Ah, do not worry, my young friend. If it would make you feel any better, I will watch them until the night is at end."

Naractia still wasn't sure about the idea, "All by yourself? I mean, do you think you'll be all right? I could stay here and help. I know more about the drones than you do, so I would know how to handle them."

Zecora smiled as she quickly tied the last changeling drone to the final tree, "It is quite all right, Naractia my darling. I have meditated through the whole of the morning. Go back to my hut and sleep in my bed. Your journey was tiring and you must rest your head."

Naractia let out an involuntary yawn, "*Ah*... Yeah, I guess you're right." The changeling turned around to head back to the hut, "Okay, Zecora. I'll be back here as soon as I wake up. Is there anything you want from the hut that I could bring when I come back?"

Zecora paused for a moment, scratching a hoof to her chin. But then the zebra replied, "Yes, there is something that I will need when these drones awake. I will require the saddle-bag with my herbal ingredients, for their sake. And it would please me if you brought a meal for me. I will be famished when the morning breaks free."

Naractia nodded, "Okay, your saddle-bag with herbal ingredients, along with breakfast. Got it. See you tomorrow, Zecora." With that, Naractia waved goodbye and walked into the forest, retracing her path back to Zecora's hut.


Rowan and Shade came out of the forest and into the dark streets of Ponyville. Everypony was asleep, which meant that nobody would see Rowan visit Twilight's library in the dead of night. Although, Rowan hoped that Twilight hadn't gone to bed as well. He'd rather not have to wake her up in the middle of the night.

With the silence of a shadow, Rowan and Shade made their way through Ponyville towards the library. They turned the corner of a street to see the library, light still visible through its windows.

Rowan sighed with relief, "Good, Twilight must still be awake. That'll make things a bit easier." He looked down at Shade, standing by his side, "Come on, Shade. Let's go."

The wolf let out a quiet yip and they both walked up to the front door. Careful to not be too loud, Rowan knocked a hoof on the wooden door.

After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal Twilight. She looked tired, seeing as there were dark rings under her eyes and her mane was sticking out from its usual place in several areas. But this was understandable to Rowan, seeing as Twilight had been up for at least 24 hours by now, no doubt doing a researching spree for Princess Celestia.

The purple unicorn held a surprised look on her face, "Oh, hi Rowan, Shade. What are you doing here?" She looked past them to see outside, "It's the middle of the night. *Yawn*, I really should be getting to bed."

Rowan smiled, "Well, there's something that I need to tell you. Can we come in?"

"Sure. Come in." Twilight stepped back out of the doorway to let Rowan and Shade in.

Rowan and Shade walked into the library, closing the door softly behind them, "Thanks."

Rowan looked around at the inside of the library. Instead of being clean and organized, like it had been earlier that morning, the library was strewn with books of all sizes. The only clear space in the library was a couch and a chair in the opposite corner.

Twilight smiled sheepishly, "Sorry about the mess. I had a little study night, but I didn't mean to go this late into the night."

"Naw, it's all right." Rowan gave her a reassuring smile, but then he remembered something, "Oh, hey. Where's Spike?"

"He's upstairs, asleep. You know he needs to go to bed earlier than everypony else. He is a baby dragon, after all."

Rowan sighed, I guess I'll have him send the letter to Princess Luna tomorrow, along with my daily report. Oh well, first I need to tell Twilight what happened.

Twilight walked to the far corner of the library and sat herself down on the couch, "So Rowan, did you get the Nightmare Night celebration planned out with the mayor?"

Rowan walked up to her and sat himself in a different chair, "Um, yeah, I did. But-"

Twilight cut him off, "So do will you need help tomorrow? You know, with making sure all of the preparations are made?"

Rowan rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'll need help with that, but-"

Once again, the purple unicorn cut him off, "This Nightmare Night is going to be great, isn't it? I can't wait to see what things we'll be doing different than last year's celebration. I'm sure you'll have some amazing things planned out-"

"Twilight!" Rowan stopped her sharply, "I'm not here to talk about Nightmare Night. There's something that happened out in the forest, and it's kind of important that you know about it."

Twilight let out a startled gasp, "Oh, sorry. What is it? What happened?"

Rowan scratched the back of his head, "Well, do you remember when I said that someone gave me the last page of the Liber Tenebrarum? You know, right after the changeling incident?"

Twilight nodded, "Yes, I remember. Now that I think about, you never did tell us who you got it from."

Rowan grimaced, "Well... I saw her again tonight, and she needs help."

Another gasp, "Who is it? Where is she?"

Rowan's mouth pulled back into a grimace, "Her name is Princess Naractia. She's the daughter of Queen Chrysalis. She's on the run from the changelings, and right now, she's with Zecora in the forest."

Twilight's eyes widened as her mind instantly became filled with questions, "What?... But.... But, why would she have given you the page? Why did she come here for help?"

Rowan smiled a bit at Twilight's surprised expression, "Well, I'm going to have to do a bit of explaining. In fact, it might take most of the night, so you might as well get comfortable." With that, Rowan began to tell his tale, starting back to his first encounter with Naractia, when she gave him the page of the Liber Tenebrarum.