• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 25,346 Views, 967 Comments

Becoming One With the Night - Spacecowboy

[NOW COMPLETE][Sequel Published] Twilight and Luna uncover some of Celestia's hidden secrets as they explore their budding relationship

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Chapter 16 - Looking to the Future (FIN)

"Mom. Let me get this straight. Twilight is, technically, adopted. On top of that, Princess Celestia, who essentially raised my wife, is her mother. Not only that, but currently, right now at this very moment, Princess Celestia is telling all of this to her, and presumably Luna as well, whom she is now dating... Did I miss anything?" Shining asked, pacing around in a circle in the library.

Velvet mutely nodded her head in reply, while Spike groaned and raised a clawed hand to his face. "Oh man, it's gonna be bad." He began to talk to himself, the attention of the ponies in the room split between Spike and Shining.

"Ah still can't believe it..." Applejack muttered, before turning her focus on to Velvet and Crescent. "Ya see, in the Apple family... we're raised to believe that family is everythin, and that you don't keep no secrets from each other either. Ah feel right bad for Twi, I truly do."

Spike lowered his hand, standing in the way of the pacing Shining to get his attention. "Yeah, I know." He said in reply to the stallion's concerned looks. "I thought when she was completely brushed off at your wedding was a bad time... That's probably going to have nothing on this, though."

Cadance noticed them talking quietly to each other and moved to get closer as everypony else quieted down and gave Spike and Shining their complete attention. I feel somewhat bad to be so happy, knowing that I'll never lose her like I will Shiny, but still... to find out in such a manner. I cannot believe any of them! Plus, poor Twi is going to lose it, I just know it...

"Do you have something in mind, Spike? I have a sinking feeling that Twily is going to completely and utterly lose it, and it's probably going to take everything we have to pull her through this. Not quite the worst case scenario, but this is pretty bad." Shining asked, speaking louder as he noticed the focus of the room had shifted to them.

"This is something a party can't fix, isn't it?" Pinkie asked sadly, her normally poofy mane straightened slightly, a slightly dejected look on her face.

"Darling, I do believe that this is indeed something a party will not be able to help with." Rarity said, shuddering slightly at the next thoughts she voiced. "I dread to imagine what sort of issues this is going to cause her... You have a plan though, Spike?"

"Yeah, I do. Everypony should go home, go somewhere else. Anywhere but here, really." He raised a hand as five mares began to speak up. "I know, you five girls are her best friends, and she's never going to forget that, but–"

A thunderous crack resonated throughout the library, shaking the very foundation of the large tree. Downstairs, books could be heard clattering to the ground in droves, and everypony and a dragon found themselves knocked to the ground as an intense wave of pressure rushed through the room. Of more concern, however, was the immediate wailing that sounded from above. Starting out at a low pitch, it quickly climbed octaves and distantly sounded like a mare in distress.

"Everypony out, now!" Spike yelled, moving to intercept Twilight's parents. "No, you two are part of the problem; this is something only I can take care of. I'm not sure if she's more my mom or a sister to me, or how she sees me, but right now she does not need to see you two!" He berated them, disappointment and sadness crossing their faces as Shining and Cadance grabbed ahold of them and began to lead them away.

"Good luck, Spike." Shining said to Spike's back, the dragon already racing for the stairs.

Spike took the stairs two and three at a time, quickly finding himself just outside the room where the distressful wails originated from. The door stood blown open, half of its hinges destroyed. Quickly walking inside, Spike took stock of the room, noticing how everything had been thrown to the walls. He found Twilight on her bed a complete mess, and quickly hopped up to hug her.

Twilight felt a warmth encompass her from nowhere as she continued crying her eyes out. Her whole world upended, she had no idea what else to do. "L-Luna?" She muttered, her cries momentarily silenced as her eyes remained closed.

"No, Twilight. It's me, Spike." He quietly replied, speaking into her ear. Oh buddy, this is awkward... C'mon, Spike, you can do it! "No matter who you are, you're still Twilight to me. Sometimes my mom, sometimes my sister... and always a bibliophile," at this he earned a choked chuckle from Twilight, "and no matter what, I'm here for you, Twi."

The only answer Spike received was more of the distressing wails coming from Twilight as he continued his awkward hug. "We were all told by your parents about Celestia and you, Twi. It doesn't change a single thing, you hear me? The girls and me all were on your side, you know? It was terrible that such a secret was hidden from you." He ran his claws through Twilight's mane, a motion that he recalled as being comforting to her.

The sobs finally came down from being a keening wail to more of a broken sound, both the volume and intensity decreasing. Two hooves wrapped around Spike, silently returning the embrace. "I'll always be here for you... sister."


Luna recovered from the shockwave of Twilight's uncontrolled teleportation first, shaking her head as her hearing returned to her. "Ye gods, may I never piss her off..." Luna muttered to herself, quickly taking stock as Celestia approached her.

"Celestia." The curt address stopped her in her tracks, causing her to look at Luna in apprehension.

"What is it, Luna?" Celestia cautiously asked Luna, caught off guard by how she was addressed.

"If I had the time, I would tear stripes from your hide for this day. However, you are still my sister, and out of respect for Twilight I will do nothing today." Celestia relaxed slightly, her shoulders slumping. "But, do not think this is the end of this matter. I do not know how long I will have words for you about this, but I imagine at least a few years. I would love to begin now, but Twilight needs me. Goodbye, sister. You should attend to business in Canterlot."

Without another word, Luna teleported away, not even waiting for a reply from Celestia. She finally let her nerves get to her as she collapsed to the floor, shaking her head from side to side.

"One day, I may hope for their forgiveness. Until then, measures need to be taken to see to her happiness. It's the least I can do."


Luna appeared in the library's bottom floor, cringing at the sight of the books thrown about the floor. She carefully listened, and after a few seconds only a small sob reached her ears, accompanied with a voice she knew well. Thank you, Spike. Luna carefully made her way through the piles of books, climbing the stairs and bringing herself to Twilight's room.

Her target was on the bed in a heap of hooves and fur, with Spike standing guard over her, hugging her tightly and speaking softly into her ears as Twilight began to drift off. "Spike." Luna spoke softly, not wanting to startle Twilight.

He looked up and gave a smile filled with relief at seeing Luna standing in the wrecked doorframe. "Come on in, Luna. She's mostly cried herself to sleep now; I did all that I could."

Luna quietly walked across the room, nodding her head at Spike. "I see, thank you very much for that, Spike. You mean the world to her, I am glad that she has found some peace in your presence. I fear that there will be many more days like this ahead of her, I have a small idea of just how hard her world has been shaken." Luna leaned down and kissed Twilight on the forehead, then pulled back and charged a spell as she brought her horn to Twilight's. "Sleep well, My Star..."

Luna got in the bed, bringing herself alongside Twilight. "Spike, I have aided her sleep. She should have a nice, dreamless few hours ahead of her now. I will stay and look over her, as much as I am loathe to ask it, her arrival seems to have utterly destroyed any semblance of organization downstairs. Plus, we could use someone downstairs to ensure Twilight isn't disrupted. She needs this sleep."

Spike longingly looked at Twilight, a serene smile now across her muzzle, her breaths deeps and long. "You know, Luna. You're not half bad. I'm glad she has you there too, you know?" He deftly leaped down from the bed, and then turned to look at Luna. "I'd want to stick around, but when she wakes up you'll probably get all mushy and whatnot, so I'll leave Twi to you. Take care of my sis, would you?"

Luna widely smiled. "I shall, Spike. Does that make you my future brother-in-law, then? I've always wanted a dragon in the family."

All that could be heard from Luna as she laid her head down and draped a wing across Twilight's back was a single word. "Mares..."


Twilight once more found herself within the comforting grasp of unconsciousness, sleep bringing her back to the limitless confines of space. Unlike prior dreams, though, this one was bright and radiant. Stars filled the canvas of the sky, each with its own unique luminosity and size. They bathed her in a light that she felt, a lingering warmth washing over her coat.

"Twilight." A distinctly feminine voice rang out, crystal clear to her ears. "It is good to be able to talk with you at last. Your bond seems to finally be complete."

Twilight's ears swiveled around in an attempt to locate the position of the speaker. Her voice seemed to come from everywhere at once, much like her prior dreams. A tittering laugh reached her ears as she vainly attempted to find the speaker.

"I'm over here, little one. Look towards the moon." Twilight turned her attention towards the moon, the blue of her own star just barely peeking over the edge of it. The mare that entered her sights scared Twilight at first glance.

Her coat was as dark as the night's void itself, with pupils that were teal in color. A lighter splotch of black dotted her flank, centered on a cutie mark comprising countless stars. This last observation calmed Twilight down slightly, but she was on edge. "Who are you? You look very similar to Nightmare Moon, but you can't be her."

The mare in question looked over herself quickly, and then turned to look back towards Twilight. "Yes, I suppose the resemblance is uncanny. She did rip her power straight from me essentially." She warmly smiled at Twilight, bright white teeth sharply contrasting against her coat. "It truly is nice to meet you at last, little one. We have much to discuss."

Although seemingly floating in space, Twilight managed to sit down, her mind quickly at work. "Rip her power from you?" Twilight spoke to herself, puzzle pieces slowly falling into place. "Are you... Luna and Celestia's mom?"

A gentle nod of confirmation came from the mare in question. "Indeed, you may call me Astralia, young Twilight Sparkle. I had hoped to one day meet those who would capture the hearts of my daughters, but not in this fashion I fear." A sad smile graced Astralia's face as she looked at Twilight with love. "Our time will most likely be short, so I shall get to the point. You, Twilight Sparkle, are the new Alicorn of the Stars. Little Luna has been guiding them from afar, but it was never her duty to truly interact with them to the degree you'll be able to."

Twilight was flabbergasted, words failing her. "I, you, stars, what?!" She stammered out, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"Indeed, the very stars themselves. Much as I was their steward before you, it's now up to you to bring life back to the stars. There is so much you will be able to do, given time. I have tried quite a few times to talk to you before, but your connection was muted, barely there. If not for your growing proximity to Luna, I'm uncertain if I would've even been able to enter your dreams." Astralia giggled, a mischievous look crossing her face. "It was quite humorous to see that you thought I was Luna, I'm most gladdened that you are there to warm her heart."

"I don't think I can do this, though. Just yesterday, the biggest concern I had was how everypony was going to take me dating Luna, and now this? I can't control the stars, there's just no way. I'd be terrible at it!" Twilight stammered, backpedaling in the empty space.

"Don't worry, dear. I know you'll do just fine. You just need some time and practice. Now, our time is nearly ended for now, and it will be a bit longer before I have the magic to reach out to you again. Please, I know it will go against everything your mind is telling you right now, but you need to forgive your mother, even if her actions were completely misguided, never forgot that she is family. And family is the most important thing in life.

"Never forget that fact..."

Twilight awoke to a warmth at her side as she lay within her bed, a dark blue wing draped over her in place of a blanket. "You're finally awake, My Star. How are you doing?" Luna quietly asked, tenderly nuzzling Twilight's cheek and kissing her on her forehead.

Twilight couldn't help it; she began to laugh out loud, causing Luna to look at her in concern. She continued her laughter until tears ran from her eyes, her hooves wrapping around Luna. "Your nickname! Didn't even know it at the time, but oh, Luna, it's apparently perfect! Hah!" Her laughter continued, and Luna did the only thing she could think of, sinking into Twilight's embrace and returning it in kind.

The laughter finally came to a halting stop as sobs intermingled with her voice. "Luna, I'm... not so hot, I think. Oh, I'm also 'Alicorn of the Stars,' at least according to somepony claiming to be your mother."

Luna's eyes widened as she began wiping away the tear trails left behind on Twilight's face. "Alicorn of the Stars you say? What did she call herself?" Luna hesitantly asked, disbelief etched across her face.

"Astralia. That's what she said her name was. She didn't say too much, although she did mention how happy she was to know that you had someone, Luna. She also..." Twilight trailed off, her internal thoughts waging a war within her mind. "She told me to forgive Celestia, but... how can I when she kept something like that from me. My whole life, it's–" Her thoughts were derailed when Luna encased her in a bone crushing hug.

"That truly was my mother, Twilight. I am so glad you got to meet her, even if it is just what's left of her among her– no, your stars now." Luna brought her mouth to Twilight's lips, her tongue seeking entrance as the two came together in a quick but passionate kiss. "What else did she say?" Luna breathlessly asked, excited.

"She said never to forget that family is everything, and that I should forgive Celestia... I just don't know if I can so easily get over that everything I've known has been a lie, Luna. I just don't know where to go from here." Twilight's voice was soft at first, then frantically grew in volume as her fears and frustration reared its ugly head.

"Shh, Twilight. Do not worry about that for now, please. Simply enjoy the here and now with me, just the two of us. And I suppose Spike as well, but he left shortly before you woke up, muttering about how it would most likely be too sappy for his liking."

Twilight laughed again, the sound music to Luna's ears. "He would say something like that, wouldn't he. I'm very lucky to have someone like Spike, no matter what I know I can always depend on him. And you too." She paused, horror coming over her face. "Oh, no! What will the girls think?"

Luna cut her off before Twilight could bring her thoughts down that path. "They're still your friends, Twilight. You all came together facing me down when I was Nightmare Moon. You all overcame Discord, Chrysalis and Sombra. Do not think so lightly of your close friends, you should know that they will not simply abandon you. Some things may change, but do not forget. They are still themselves, and you are still you." Luna spoke with some force, attempting to keep Twilight from spiraling downwards.

"I'm still scared though... I'm just Twilight, nopony else." Focusing her magic, she levitated the medallion from the floor and brought it up to rest right in front of her, the warmth of the magic flowing into her intensifying to a point that she believed she could reach out with a hoof and touch it. "This, though. It will change how everypony sees me, and I don't want that. Not at all." Twilight sunk into Luna, seeking comfort in her warmth.

Luna sighed, the melancholy outlook of Twilight momentarily affecting her. "Don't forget though, I'll be there to help you through whatever difficulties lay ahead of us. I have a saying that I think fits this situation perfectly." Luna paused, giving Twilight time to lift her head, locking eyes with each other. She smiled wide, stars dancing in their vision.

"So long as the moon and stars are together, they can handle anything.”


Author's Note:

And here we have it folks. The end. I had always planned to end shortly after the revelation of Celestia being Twilight's mother. It was actually the plot point I started with when this story was just an idea back in December. I know that there is open conflict, and it is left as such so that I can address it in the sequel. I promise to get that out at some point. In the meantime, I'll be doing small bonus snippets here and there to sort of help bridge the two. Just little things that will help keep the story fresh in my mind.

It's been one hell of a fun ride with my first story. I love you guys. Thanks for all of the support to my first love child here on FIMFiction, and my first full length story. See next paragraph for my next major project, which is out now!

Shameless self promotion! New TwiLuna story out by yours truly! Fallen from the Light - A Dark, Adventure centric vampire story, in which Twilight is the protagonist. And oh, did I mention TwiLuna? Cause, it's there too.