• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 25,346 Views, 967 Comments

Becoming One With the Night - Spacecowboy

[NOW COMPLETE][Sequel Published] Twilight and Luna uncover some of Celestia's hidden secrets as they explore their budding relationship

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Intermission 1 - Rarity's Big Break

Twilight had just taken her leave from Carousel Boutique, and Rarity had oh-so-many ideas running through her mind. She had just a handful of days to come up with concepts for Princess Celestia of all ponies! Pulling out a binder with a sun and moon adjoined side by side from a seemingly random location, she began to flip through the pages.

Images years old first greeted her eyes, the beginning ones crudely sketched with an unsteady quill. As the pages progressed however the concepts became more refined, some color added, the lines drawn with confidence. Each concept was marked with either an L or C as well as the date of the drawing. They all represented her one goal that she had decided upon when first entering the fashion world, and now it was all finally coming to be.

"Tsk, none of these shall do! This one is already outdated, that was seen at last year's Gala. Hmmm... Let's see here... Oh, IDEA!" Rarity was flipping through the most recent pages, unhappy with what she saw before her eyes. Settling on a blank page about the time she was struck with inspiration, she picked up a quill and began going at the empty space furiously. Thin quill strokes in bold fashion slowly began to form the basic outline of an alicorn.

She went after the drawing in a mad manner, multiple inkwells of varying colors creating a parade about her as she pulled a drop from here and a drop from there. In time, an image that was once an idea in thought only began to translate itself onto the page. She failed to notice the knock at the door, as well as when the country earth pony made herself known by sticking her head around the corner of the door and peering in upon her working.

Applejack looked on in amazement at Rarity's display of magic. Although she typically didn't care too much for the stuff, as her philosophy was a pure 'hooves on' approach, she had to admit that when the unicorn got into her work, it was a sight to behold. She quietly watched her marefriend furiously scribble in a book of some kind as the multitude of objects in the air began to slowly dwindle in numbers. The last object to leave was a single quill, which with a flourish added something to the page before making itself scarce.

"Voila! It is done, and oh my!" Rarity exclaimed, punctuating her statement with an over the top bow to no one in particular. She was broken from the moment as laughter punctuated by clapping resounded throughout the room. Looking up, the startled unicorn saw Applejack standing in the doorway.

"Oh, darling, you scared me! How long have you been standing there?" Rarity inquired as she fixed her gaze upon the earth pony, curiosity and a hint of embarrassment making itself known in her cheeks.

"Long enough I suppose. You were goin' at it like a mad mare Rare. Must've been somethin' special you were makin’." Applejack answered without a hint of shame, relishing in the unicorn's blush.

"Well, it truly is the most wondrous thing darling! Twilight stopped by earlier, and brought a letter with her, from Princess Celestia of all ponies!"

"Oh, really now? Well, spill the beans girl, don't make me try 'n guess!"

"I'll be leaving for Canterlot Friday and accompanying Twilight to the city, where I'll be staying in the palace! I'm to make our princess a dress, and maybe even Princess Luna one as well! And it is for the Gala no less!" Rarity was as close to bouncing as the prissy mare would ever come, joy running rampant in her tone.

Levitating the book towards the country mare, Rarity pointed out her completed design. "Can you imagine it? Princess Celestia wearing my work of art, and every eye at the Gala pausing to fix their gaze upon my creation. Everypony is going to want the same!"

"Uh, Rare, you know I don't have the first clue 'bout your fashion stuff. But, I'm sure whatever you come up with she'll like. I doubt she'd of asked you otherwise." As the words left her mouth she began to haltingly step backwards as the unicorn fixed her with the most leveled gaze imaginable. There was not a single hint of emotion to be found within the irises of her aquamarine eyes as she set them upon Applejack..

"Darling! You are indeed correct, however, one must make as many preparations for such an event as possible! I would hate to embarrass myself in front of our esteemed princess by not having my top quality concepts ready for her!" She surprised the earth pony by embracing her in a hug with both of her front hooves and planting a small kiss on Applejack's cheek.

"Although I am most curious as to what it would take to get you to learn about fashion dear. You would look absolutely ravishing were you to dedicate just one day to learning about my world. I dare say you could give Fluttershy a run for her bits were you to let down your hair and allow yourself some proper pampering for once." Rarity took the smallest step back as she appraisingly looked over Applejack as she circled her love. "No doubt about it at all."

"Now Rare, we've had this talk before you stubborn mare! I'll give you one of my days when you come and give me one of yours at the farm first! Then, and only then, will I let you 'pamper me up'." Applejack chuckled in preparation for the standard response that followed her request, only to pause as she didn't hear any words coming from the unicorn.

"Hmmm... You know dear, the more you bring that up, the more I think it might be worth just one day of soiling my hooves at your farm. It would be most dreadful and I would require such a long shower after, yet I think it might just be worth it." 'I'd do almost anything at this point to get her under my hooves for a whole day' Rarity thought to herself, deeply contemplating what sacrifices she would make to her dignity to capture her love in her own game.

"I know you don't wan— Wait, what?" Applejack began, having expected the stereotypical reaction from the fashionista, yet stopped mid sentence as her brain processed exactly what had been said. A look of utter shock came over her face as she was left momentarily speechless before she found her words again, amazement plastered over her face as she continued. "You would do that, for me Rare? I'm speechless, love."

"Ya know..." She started back up after gathering her thoughts. "I'm done at the farm for today, got the rest of the evening free. What say we... Celebrate some? We can figure out the details of your day at the farm later sugar, right now I just want to give you my congratulations..." She trailed off seductively, blocking the doorway back into the main foyer of the boutique, leaving the bedroom door as the only possible avenue of 'escape' as she eyed Rarity up and down.

"Darling! That actually sounds to be a to be a most... Wonderful plan. Give me a moment to— eep!" The fashionista replied, interrupted mid thought as the stronger mare pushed against her, forcing her backwards into the bedroom ever so slowly. Lust began to ever so slowly cloud both the mares eyes, as, with a single kick, Applejack shut the bedroom door, the sound echoing throughout the building.


Author's Note:

        Author's Note : And then they fucked!  The first of a few intermissions I now have planned to help give some more insight into the other characters.  They will appear from time in events that line up with the story, as it should be somewhat obvious this follows immediately after the events of the previous chapter.  The next full chapter is in the works, I hope that this tides y'all over till then.

        P.S. - For those who have not yet noticed, I have removed the 'Sex' tag from the story.  When I feel comfortable in trying out sex scenes, I shall be releasing them in another story to accompany BOWTN.  When is the key word for those of you who were/are looking forward to such things.

Editor’s Note : Short chapters are easier to edit, yay! That is all.