• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 25,346 Views, 967 Comments

Becoming One With the Night - Spacecowboy

[NOW COMPLETE][Sequel Published] Twilight and Luna uncover some of Celestia's hidden secrets as they explore their budding relationship

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Chapter 4 - Dream On

Dearest Twilight,

I have talked with sister about when I could possibly borrow you during your visit, and I shall see you at eight thirty, Saturday evening, at my tower. I promise to briefly discuss more on what being my student shall entail, and afterwards we may spend the night doing whatever you wish. Please bring your star charts with you, I am most interested in getting copies of them while you are here.

P.S. You may tell Rarity that I would also love a dress made by her for the Gala, especially if it means getting Tia off my back!


Twilight took another look at the letter before setting it in at the top of her second pack that would be accompanying her during her trip to Canterlot. She was due to meet up with Rarity at the boutique soon, then they would both head off to the train station.

“Spike!” Twilight called out, and the head of a dragon made itself known in the doorway shortly.

“Twi, what’s up? About to leave for your trip?” Spike asked, having paused whatever task he was in the middle of to answer her call.

“Yeah, I’ve got everything packed and ready to go. I’m going to head over to Rarity’s a bit early. Sweetie should be coming by soon to help out with the library’s duties while I’m gone." Twilight mentioned as she plucked her bags from the hardwood floor and levitated one on either side of her.

The warming midday summer rays of the sun beamed down upon her form as Twilight left the confines of the library and began her walk to the Carousel Boutique. Although she was running a bit early, she had a feeling that Rarity would be more than ready to go. The last few days she’s talked my ear off about how this was going to “make her career shine” and how this was “her life’s dream”. She felt happy for her, but it did get a little annoying, hearing it every few minutes.

"Twilight!" A voice called from above, as a burst of cyan soon filled the majority of her vision. "You headed off to Canterlot already?" Rainbow inquired of her friend, hovering just above the ground to her left side.

"Yes Dash, I'm heading over to Rarity's first, then we're going to the station. What's up?" She glanced at the prismatic pegasus and inwardly groaned. She must want something...

"Well, I was wondering, if you had the time, there is going to be a Daring Do signing at the bookstore on Main Street Sunday morning. If you could somehow spare the time and get me a signed edition of the newest novel, I'd so owe you!" She mixed her request with a sheepish grin as she brought a lone hoof up to scratch at her mane.

"I'd say you still owe me for all those times that you've flown through my windows, Dash. However..." She purposefully let the pause linger in the air unresolved. "I suppose if I manage to find myself in the area I could see about stopping by for you." The Carousel Boutique dominated her vision now as she shot one last look at the pegasus. "Well, I'll be back Monday, Dash. Try not to destroy the library while I'm gone, please?"

"Psh, you know me Twi! 'Sides, not like I have a reason to be crashing into it anymore, right? Take care in Canterlot, tell Luna I said hi." She shot off in a prismatic streak, leaving behind a gust of wind that nearly rocked the unicorn off her hooves. She straightened herself out with a quick thought and a flare of magic before walking up to the threshold of the Boutique. Raising a single forehoof she knocked loudly on the door.


The two unicorns walked up to the entrance of the Ponyville Train Station, where a four hour ride would take them into the heart of Canterlot. Walking up to the ticket counter, they were greeted by an elderly slate grey earth pony.

"Ah, hello Miss Sparkle, it’s nice to see you again. And you as well Miss Rarity. You've been set up with your usual cabin ladies, I hope you have a pleasant ride today." He cordially greeted them as he handed them each their ticket for the train ride.

"Thank you as always, I hope your wife is doing better." Twilight grasped the tickets with a flare from her horn and settled them within her saddlebags.

"She's feeling much better Miss Sparkle, this summer weather works wonders after a chilly winter for her health. You take care now!"

They two unicorns walked on and soon found themselves on the platform, the train already in position awaiting its occupants. Handing their tickets to an attendant, they moved inside. The car that had been allocated to them was permanently reserved for the Elements of Harmony, and Twilight quickly tucked away her luggage before dropping down into her bunk. Rarity, meanwhile, simply set her saddlebags down at a table and pulled out her book and some quills and began scribbling before the train even left the station.

Twilight took a furtive glance at the other occupant of the room. She's probably busy working on yet more designs for the Princesses. Best to let her be, for my ears’ sake. Letting out a yawn, the previous late night caught up with her now that she was lying down. Letting heavy eyelids close under their own weight, she let her thoughts drift to dreams.


Luna walked down a corridor alongside her sister, have adjourned court early today in preparation for Twilight's arrival later in the evening. Luna sighed, letting the stress sweat out of her as she vented to Celestia.

"Can you believe that one noble Tia? Having the gall to ask you for bits so that he could fund the construction of an invitation only strip club? Even though I've been back for some time, I still cannot believe what some of these fools ask of you!"

Celestia heartily laughed, reveling in the time she managed to spend with just Luna. Her sister had been in such a jovial mood that it was bleeding over. "Oh, while being out there, it wasn't the worst. I think the one that takes the cake during your absence was about three hundred years ago or so. A stallion came to court and requested that I fulfill his life's wish. After much inquiry, I finally got exactly what it was out of him..."

Luna awaited her sister's continuation as they made their entrance into the dining hall. "Sister, pray tell, what did this stallion want of your time?"

"He requested to worship my..." She trailed off once more, a blush becoming evident on her cheeks. "Thunderous Thighs. As he so 'delicately' put it. I hadn't used the Royal Canterlot Voice in around two hundred years, but I used it then. Blasted the poor stallion back near fifty feet, it didn't harm him, at least. However, that was the last time I ever saw him come by Court!" She snorted hard, taking her seat at the table. "That was the last time anyone really made mention of my love for sweets though, at least during that generation."

Luna joined her sister in laughter as they piled food onto plates with their magic. Relative silence descended over the table as they were occupied with their meal. As Luna finished eating, she felt a sensation in the back of her mind, a silent alarm that she had set being tripped.

"Sister, I must take my leave for now." Luna began as she climbed to her hooves. "I must meet our friend in her dreams and let her know exactly what my offer entails, better to get the first bit out of the way." She quickly hugged Celestia, who returned the gesture in kind.

"Very well, I will see you when we receive her and Rarity. 'Till then, Luna, take care." Celestia strode out of the hall to take care of her own plans.

Luna soon found herself within her room, heavy curtains drawn across the balcony to block out all incoming sunlight as she closed the doors and instructed the guards not to interrupt her. Closing her eyes, she reached out with both mind and magic, seeking out along the rail lines for one mind in particular that was dreaming at this exact moment.

Luna hummed gleefully to herself as she found her target and extended her magic to encompass the slumbering unicorn as the railcar she rested in sped towards Canterlot. She felt a slight pressure as she pushed her way into the dream.

She found herself in an open field, flowers abloom swaying in a warm midday summer breeze. Twilight was nestled underneath an old oak tree, a spread cloth underneath her. Sitting next to her was an image of herself, and surrounding them were numerous foods and dishes spread out in the style of a picnic.

"I do hope that I am not interrupting anything, dear Twilight." Luna said warmly, as the unicorn was pulling back from a kiss with her image, which began to fade as the lunar mare began to intrude upon her dream. "It would seem that even in dreams, I need not worry about any other mare stealing your affection besides me." She giggled lightly at her own joke, looking at Twilight's stunned look.

The unicorn soon recovered from her daze however, and stood up, the landscape slightly altering as the tree faded away, leaving them standing upon a hilltop together. "Luna? What are you doing here? I'd read that you could influence dreams at one point, but to actually enter them?" The unicorn sounded confused yet full of admiration at the same time as she gazed upon her with those soulful purple eyes.

She looks so cute when she gets confused... "Yes Twilight, I am in your dream right now, it would be best to address something now, while we have the time so it does not intrude upon our date tomorrow evening. How have you been?" She willed herself to be in front of her love as she spoke, and punctuated the end of her question with a chaste kiss upon the mare's cheek.

"I have been well, really just looking forward to this weekend. It has seemed like such a long time, even though I spent most of it occupied with my various experiments. That or listening to Rarity go on about finally making dresses for royalty. She keeps thinking that she'll wake up and it will just all be a dream." Twilight rolled her eyes at this last part, and leaned up to briefly return a kiss to her love’s cheek in turn.

"That is most good to hear, I too have been waiting for this weekend. Letters can only do so much, and sadly I cannot be entering dreams at any time just because I want to, otherwise I would've spent more time in your head." She giggled again, a large grin finding its way to her face. "So, even though we find ourselves together, I would still like to extend my invitation to teach you now that you are no longer Tia's student."

"Twilight. Have you read about Dream Magic?" Luna asked with a serious tone, trying to find her long lost 'teacher mode'.

Twilight thought for a moment, bringing one hoof up to rest underneath her chin. "Not much I'm afraid; I don't really recall ever reading anything on the subject." She paused, still in recollection. "Wait... Is that what you are doing right now? Dream Magic? I thought that it was something unique to you specifically! The implications alone..." Twilight started going on a tangent, but Luna broke her from it.

"Yes, indeed love, it is not unique to me. However, it is mostly a lost art, as the last pony that I know of who studied it was a stallion by the name of Summer Breeze, some one hundred and twelve years after my banishment. The last texts containing the specifics of the magic were lost in a fire, and Tia never took the time to learn it." Luna remorsefully lowered her head and pain was etched in her features, but she quickly smiled again as she refocused upon Twilight.

"However, and Celestia agrees with me, it is time that another should come to learn it. It was most obvious as to the who, it is simply a matter of if you accept or not. I must warn you though, it does rely on sources beyond just your internal magic. Additionally, the onus is carries is not to be taken lightly, as it is a most powerful realm of magic.

Luna stood up to her full height, and took a step back, putting some space between herself and Twilight as the dream environment shifted. They now stood in an exact replica of the throne room. Luna started speaking in a formal tone, all hint of emotions removed from her voice.

"With all that said, I, Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night Sky, hereby extend the offer to formally take you, Lady Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, under my hoof and wing as an apprentice of Dream Magic. Do you choose to accept this offer?"

Twilight hadn't felt so small in such a long time as she stood there face to face with Luna, no, Princess Luna, as the offer was put forth before her. Although somewhat intimidated, she could never let a chance at learning something new pass her by. Taking a moment to collect her nerves, she gave the alicorn her reply.

"I, Twilight Sparkle, Wielder of the Element of Magic, hereby accept your offer to train under you in the study of Dream Magic, Princess Luna." Twilight held her breath as the last words echoed in the dreamscape. Luna broke out into a large grin as she rushed forward and embraced the smaller mare within her forehooves in a gut crushing hug.

"I am most happy that you chose to learn this, love. There really was no other when it came to considering potential pupils. And I do apologize for the formality, I should've warned you in advance. I might need to make some changes to that in the future..." Luna rambled on, still holding the hug that Twilight had long since reciprocated.

Luna broke from her hug and glanced away at something unknown. "Well, you should be arriving in Canterlot any minute now Twilight. I shall see you soon!" She kissed the unicorn once more before fading out of the dream.


Twilight awoke from her reverie, the phantom feeling of Luna's kiss lingering upon her cheek as she giggled to herself. Rarity took notice of her new-found consciousness, and set down her implements. "Perfect timing, Twilight! We should be in the station in about ten minutes. I was just finishing up this design, then was going to wake you, but..."

Twilight removed herself from the confines of her bunk and walked over to the table. "Thanks Rarity, it’s the thought that counts. Were you drawing designs the whole ride?" She took a seat next to the fashionista and looked at her work.

"Well, of course! It is most important that I have something ready to go; this will make my career! I'll have the chance to truly influence the fashion world and leave my hoofmark behind!"

The two friends spent the remainder of the ride discussing the designs that had been drawn up. Before long, the vibrations of breaks being engaged were felt through the seats they were on, signaling their trip coming to an end. As the train came to rest in the station, Rarity double checked to ensure she had not left so much as a quill behind as they departed for the castle.


Author's Note:

Author's Note: Next chapter begins the weekend visit with Celestia for Twilight, as well as a date with Luna, oh my! I had originally planned on dropping the whole 'Dream Magic' concept later on, but it seemed better to not interrupt their night with an info dump. Hopefully this doesn't feel too much like filler or info dumping, I swear your dose of TwiLuna is coming up soon. And oh, maybe some more poking at Celestia, because it is fun to do.

P.S. - I was most lucky to encounter q97randomguy while in the middle of a chatroom session with Cvbrony one night. For the past week now he has helped edit this story as well as the clop scene, and there will probably be cleaner versions of the older chapters uploaded soon thanks to his and other's help. Also, have some shameless plugging of his story, Paradise Sundered, in which he spins a tale or two to make canon fit better. He is a very meticulous writer, and I enjoyed reading it.

Editor's Notes: Choo! Choo! The train is a pain, and that is the truth. So, we have some buildup of the story. Yay for dream magic!
Will Rarity’s designs be good enough for royalty? Will Twilight and Luna have a late night “study session”? Will I stop asking questions that only Spacecowboy can answer? (Yes.) Find out next time on “Becoming One With The Night”!