• Member Since 1st Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen May 28th

Silver Scrolls


Twilight Sparkle has grown old, she’s done so much in her life and influenced so many ponies. Surrounded by the graves from her friends and the memories of her life. But from all these memories, she has only one who still lives, one who still breathes, and one who she wants to see, just once more, before her time ends.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Very touching. I enjoyed it. A lovely concept too. :twilightsmile:


Although I generally like more positively orientated TwiLuna Stories this one was very well done many tears were shed.


aside from the fact that Twilight seemed to die from one second to the next, literally, I really enjoyed this little fic^^ nice work^^

One thing confuses me though. Was celestia up there with Luna after Twilight died or not because in one scene she seems to be next to Luna, comforting her, yet the end said that Luna was alone on the hill. :derpyderp1:

good story but i loathe the idea of being able to give up immortality once immortality has been achieved with a vengeance

Not nitpicking, but I'd prefer that the curse of immortality would come with perfect recall. I feel this way because even immortals make mistakes.

5946860 that would make it a true curse though becuase could you imagine the amount of wives/husbands luna and celestia have had, if they remembered them dieing perfectly they would never get out of mourning...


Frankly, it is a curse. In this case though, it's one that I feel should be there.

At the same time though, I can see why it is not.

8062071 i know it is a curse however the part that wouldmake it even worse would be if they were truly immortal not just ageless, then suicude wouldn't work


The question of whether they have perfect recall, I suppose, depends very strongly on what kind of immortality alicorns have: whether they're simply "effectively immortal", "functionally immortal" or perhaps "trully immortal".

If they're "effectively immortal" - ie. they just don't age, but don't have other 'special effects' beyond that and can be killed - then they'd eventually get taken over by senility, lose their memories, and possibly die of their brain's old age (brain cells, for the most part, aren't replaced like much of the rest of the body, so the 'aging' mechanism is different for them). This option is on the table if and only if the alicorn race is made of "sterner stuff" than the average pony, capable of being alive for millenia naturally. Also, this is the only option of the three that allows an alicorn to actually die of old age - albeit far into the future.

NOTES: As I understand, this is hinted at in the show itself: I believe it was said that Twilight Sparkle, despite "ascending", will still live out a normal lifespan and eventually die of old age, indicating that she's not a "true alicorn" but merely an "upgrade".

If they're "functionally immortal" - they don't age and can be killed, but come back from death through some means - then it's really up in the air. I mean, do the brain cells that die eventually restore themselves? If an alicorn like that is killed, do they come back with a 'fresh set' of these? I mean, this option requires some sort of an "external force" that would not only hold an up-to-date imprint of the alicorn, somehow, but would also act to reconstruct it and re-spark its life.

NOTES: Sounds complex and rather designed, doesn't it? Also, this explanation demands an answer to a very peculiar question: would they need to die every few hundred years? I mean, to "freshen up", in a way... Does Celestia go on a 'sabbatical' of sorts, some 'vacation' which leaves her 'well-rested' for the next few hundred years? I mean, if her brain cells still age and die normally (in a manner that's normal for an alicorn, anyway), this might simply be part of life for her and her kin... I think there's a story in here, somewhere... :D I mean, think about it... what if Celestia overstayed, and started making really bad mistakes due to her brain's functional senility...? Who should go and 'do the deed'? How do you even explain that to somepony? ;D Is there a special regiment on "death duty"...? Some secret order or organisation...?

If they're "truly immortal" - meaning they can't be killed by any means - then, and only then, would I propose they should have something akin to eidetic memory, because their brain cells would simply never age or die.

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