• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 2,856 Views, 117 Comments

Unforgiven Memories - Hidden Brony

Streak attempts to deal with betrayal, distrust, and love in an attempt to get revenge on the one who betrayed him a thousand years ago. But will he become the monster he seeks to stop? Only time will tell.

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1.2 Unexpected Guest (Revised)

Disclaimer: I do not own Hasbro, My Little Pony or any characters, places, or events in the extended cannon, although it would be awesome if I did.

Memories of a Lost Time Chapter Two:
Unexpected Guest

Streak was panicking.

The forest around him was dark, the dense canopy casting shadows so thick it was almost pitch black. It was far too similar to the ordeal he had gone through scarcely a week ago with the Void. His fear shamed him; he'd been trained to fight worse than this! Hell, he’d gone through worse than the Everfree could ever throw at him! Still, the darkness seemed to follow him, waiting for its chance to devour his essence. Streak shivered at the thought before turning his attention back to his path. Traveling in the Everfree was dangerous during the day, sure, but he could handle himself. He was still wary. After all he didn't want to get into any fights he didn't have to, especially if the locals might be nearby. Any attention was bad attention at this point.

In his attempt to be stealthy, Streak cringed at every leaf he crunched, and every twig that snapped made him jump and whirl to look at what was all too often nothing. He was going to be fine. He'd traveled through the Everfree before, and the worst he saw was a timberwolf. There was no soul ravaging horror hiding just out of his vision, waiting for him to see safety before pouncing. With that thought, he checked again for anything of interest. A clearing, an exit, hell, he’d go for a cave at this point, anything to break the monotony of this unusually long trip. He knew about how long it took to cross the Everfree. It took a half hour less time than he was in the forest, though, and it would help if he knew where the trail was. That was always good.

The foliage in the Everfree was dense enough it made it so dark he could hardly see his trembling hoof in front of his face. While trying to calm his shaking, Streak chuckled at the fact that this was the first time in his life that he was actually glad for his coloring. His grey coat helped him blend in better with his unfortunately dark surroundings, and his black mane would have helped if not for the rainbow streak down the center that was his namesake. Even with mud infused in his coat and mane, you could still easily point out the streak in his mane. He made sure to smear a bunch of mud onto his cutie mark to hide it from sight. It was imperfect, you could still see the shield and stars if you looked hard enough, but it would have to do.

A distant howl reminded him to keep his eyes on the 'trail.' Timberwolves, poison joke, and apparently manticores stalked the woods here. Streak scooted around a patch of unassuming blue flowers that served as a hazard to any trailblazer. Poison joke always seemed to have an ironic or amusing symptom. Such as turning a pegasus's wings backwards. Best to keep your distance. A lot of it.

Suddenly he heard something moving behind him. He froze, listening for any clues as to what kind of soul sucking monstrosity was stalking him.


Books and Branches, the local library in Ponyville, was in complete disarray at the moment. Books were piled up, forming a maze across the floor with wooden floors and literary walls. Novels glowing purple flew through the air, organizing and reorganizing themselves, all the while a baby purple dragon ran as fast as his stubby little legs could take him to put them in their places before his companion, a rather pretty lavender unicorn mare, could magic them away into the next organizational method.

“SPIKE!” the lavender unicorn yelled, her voice echoing around the library she was in. “Where's the 'Foal's Guide to Plot Lines' by Helping Hoof supposed to go?”

It seemed that she decided to actually put something away this time. Her baby dragon assistant, Spike, sighed, “Third shelf from the right, fourth row, third book—” he paused to sprint and grab a book before it was picked back up, “—the same place it was when you asked last time, Twilight.”

“Hehe... thanks Spike,” Twilight sheepishly replied. “Where would I be without you?”

“Doing your own work and remembering things?” Spike grumbled.

“What was that?” Twilight snapped.

“NOTHING!” Spike hastily answered.

The library the two were in was not that large for a library. It had only one floor, if you discounted the second floor due to its nature as the sleeping quarters of the duo, but that one floor was filled with books. Literally, at this moment, since it was Tuesday. Tuesday was re-shelving day, the day that fixed all the errors caused by ponies putting books in the wrong place. They had spent all day pulling books off the shelves and putting them back, usually into the same spot they came out of, sometimes twice. Twilight, of course, spent her time organizing and reorganizing everything. The books are alphabetical by title. Oh, wait, now by author. Oh, wait, now they’re organized by genre. And now they’re in the Dewhoof Decimal System.

A faint roaring sound drifted into the library from an open window. Spike momentarily stopped his frantic sprinting around and looked at the window.

His pause was long enough for Twilight to finish her reorganization. She realized that none of the books had been put away for about ten seconds so she decided to bring Spike’s attention back to the matter at hoof. “Spike! We need to have this done by sundown or you'll miss your bedtime!” Twilight scolded, obviously oblivious to her ‘help’ being detrimental to the speed of his work.

“Erm... Twilight?” Spike began carefully. “That was a manticore.”

“Your point?” she asked. “It's nothing to worry about, it's inside the Everfree.”

“That's why I'm worrying. That roar sounded like pain,” Spike said, visibly shaken. “And we heard it from easily a mile away.”

Twilight's eyes widened, what happened to that manticore to make it roar so loud?


Streak ducked around a tree, causing the creature following him to ram through it. The splinters dug into its flesh, causing it to roar again. Streak desperately wanted to get away from this monstrosity. This was the third tree the monster had rammed through in a row and it kept roaring louder each time.

The beast was hot on his heels, though. Terrifyingly, even with smashing through trees, it had managed to keep up with him fairly easily. He refused to speed up faster than he was moving now, though, because he would not be able to keep up that speed for nearly as long. When he got tired, the thing would actually end up catching him faster, ironically.

“Faust, I know I have never been really devout, but if you can hear me, I need help,” Streak called out. “Send some kind of sign.”

Like magic he heard a rushing, crashing sound from all around him. That was the sound of a waterfall. Water! There was water nearby! That was. . . absolutely useless to him right now. He sighed, he was royally screwed. He turned to run away from where he thought he heard the waterfall; it would prove to be an impassable wall.

He was proved right mere seconds later when he realized he had turned the wrong way. He had misjudged the direction the sound came from, putting him at the top of a waterfall. Perfect, that was exactly what he needed; a fast flowing river and a waterfall blocking his way.

The monster came tearing through the foliage Streak had just dodged through seconds ago, splintering the trunk of another tree. Blood flowed down its face freely from hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny cuts and punctures all over its face. There was nowhere for him to go but down.

He got a good look at the monster that had been chasing him. It was massive, with the top of his head barely making it to the creature’s shoulder. It was hard to make out in the shadows, but it was obviously darkly colored. It seemed to have darkness radiating from its face, which seemed to consist of two hungry, red eyes and a mouth full of fangs the size of unicorn horns. Leathery dragonesque wings were attached to its back.

The beast seemed to sense both his fear and what he was about to do, because it roared and charged, raising a paw the size of a full grown stallion to annihilate Streak, claws extended. He grinned like a madman as a mask over his terror and jumped backwards.


The scene by town hall was interesting to say the least. Twilight Sparkle was attempting to explain her plan to a bored looking pegasus, who looked like she just wanted to curl up and go to sleep. The pegasus she was talking to was easy to spot in a crowd with her sky blue coat and a mane encompassing the full spectrum of a rainbow. Even her cutie mark was colorful, being a tri-colored lightning bolt coming out of a pure white cloud.

“Why are you worrying, Twilight?” the prismatic pegasus pried her panicked pal. “It’s in the Everfree, and we’re not! No problem.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said again slower so Rainbow might get it this time. “We don’t usually hear manticores from all the way in the Everfree. We never hear manticores from all the way in the Everfree roaring in pain. Something is wrong, very wrong.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, “Fine, I’ll bring AJ to town hall so we can go hunt whatever could kick the flank of a manticore. That sounds like a great idea.” With that last statement, Rainbow Dash unfurled her wings and sprung into the air, speeding off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

“When she puts it that way...” Twilight mused.

A few minutes later Rainbow Dash returned with a very peeved looking orange mare following behind her.

“What’s this ah hear about goin’ into tha Everfree?” Applejack inquired of her lavender companion, arching an eyebrow.

“Something’s wrong,” Twilight began. “I heard a manticore cry out in pain all the way from my library.”

“Now wait just one apple pickin’ minute. If this thing is hurtin’ manticores, why are we runnin’ toward ‘stead of away from it?” Applejack demanded.

“That’s what I was asking!” Rainbow butted in.

“We’re stopping at Fluttershy’s place first,” Twilight said, choosing to ignore her loud companion. “She has experience with woodland creatures—”

“She’s literally afraid of her own shadow,” Rainbow deadpanned.

“—and I think with us around she’ll be willing to go into the Everfree to find out what’s wrong,” Twilight continued, ignoring Rainbow again.

“Twi, sugar cube, this is Shy we’re talkin’ about. Are ya sure she’s gonna be the best pony to bring along into tha Everfree?” Applejack asked.

“She stared down a dragon,” it was Twilight’s turn to deadpan this time.

Applejack sat there for a few seconds before replying, “Oh, yea. Well, if yer dead set on goin’ into tha Everfree, ah ain’t stoppin’ ya. Best if we try and bring ‘Shy along as well, you were right when ya said that she’d be a good choice if ya can get her past her fear.”


Streak barely felt the air being driven out of his lungs as he hit the water at the bottom of the waterfall. Pain shot through his head and his vision blurred momentarily as a rock scored a glancing blow on his head, before he compartmentalized the pain and felt it fade slightly.

At least there are no sharp rocks at the bottom, he thought to himself, regular rocks hurt enough. Looking down at his body he sighed. At least the rocks left him conscious and all his legs intact.

After a few seconds of drifting, err... bouncing himself off of rocks, in the rapids at the bottom of the waterfall, things seemed to be getting quieter. Streak looked up at the top of the waterfall, wanting to see the creature one last time before he escaped. He was confused when he didn’t see it up there. He felt disappointed. Surely it didn’t leave already?

His question was answered, albeit in a roundabout fashion, by a splashing sound to the rear of him. Spinning swiftly, Streak fought off a round of dizziness. Through his blurry vision, he saw what could only be that fanged horror from above floating along behind him. The monstrosity roared in his face, splashing him with blood from its injuries.

“Faust damn it, nothing is ever easy is it?” Streak asked rhetorically. The monster responded with another roar. “Nope. Damn it.”

Streak was silent for a moment, before asking, “How the hell did you even get down here without hurting yourself?”

The monster, showing a moment of intelligence unseen to this point, cocked its head and flapped its wings, grinning with those massive teeth of its.

Streak smacked himself in the face with his hoof, making the world spin again. Should have remembered that.


Twilight sat in front of a cottage that looked to be built around a tree. She was in front of a closed and locked door with her hoof firmly planted on her face. The sound of at least five locks clicking closed and a bar being laid over the door were heard from the inside.

“Told ya,” Rainbow giggled.

“Fluttershy, this is important,” Twilight tried to reason with her timid friend.

There was a flash of pink and yellow in one of the windows. “No,” Fluttershy replied through that window before boarding it up with a hammer. Rainbow burst out laughing.

“Ya have no problem goin’ in there for yer little critters.” Applejack tried this time. “Why not go in now?”

“No,” Fluttershy replied again, through a different window this time. Twilight heard the sounds of power tools being used to block entry through this window. At this point Rainbow was rolling on the ground, because she was laughing too hard to remain on her hooves.

“Why not?” Twilight asked.

“Because only two things can hurt manticores: ursas and—” Fluttershy paused to shudder, “—dragons.”

“Fluttershy,” Twilight sighed, “If there’s trouble, we can handle it.”

“And if we can’t?” Fluttershy asked from inside her house, the sound of a welder on full blast floated from inside the now fortress-like cottage.

“You can fly, can’t you?” Applejack asked.

“So can dragons,” She replied, accompanied by the sound of tape being ripped for use.

Twilight realized that Rainbow was braced to launch at any moment, no longer laughing.

“What, Rainbow, are we not entertaining anymore?” Twilight asked sarcastically.

“No, you still are, don’t worry,” Rainbow replied. “But the manticore chasing a pony down the stream to Fluttershy’s house is MUCH more interesting.”


The monster bellowed as it chased after Streak. He had to admit, the tenacity of the creature was to be admired, even if it would potentially mean his death. He was sprinting as fast as he could from the eldritch abomination. He had thought of fighting it, but now with a concussion, he wasn’t going to be able to hold his own against even a foal. He stumbled down what was left of the distributary he had diverted down, little more than a stream at this point.

Had he been able to see straight, he would have realized that he was running toward a very attractive lavender unicorn with a look of horror on her face, but that was not to be, Streak was lucky to see a blur as the world moved around him, acting purely on instinct. He relegated every brain process needed to keep away from the hungry jaws of the manticore to instinct, choosing instead to focus all of his conscious brain power into keeping himself awake and on his hooves. Granted, the latter activities kind of fell into the former category, but you understand.

Now with all that in mind, imagine the panic Streak felt when his hooves didn’t hit the ground when they were supposed to. Also imagine how he felt when he started moving upwards without having wings or flapping them. His mind instantly went into overdrive, taking in as much information as he could to figure out exactly what was happening to him.

The first thing he realized is that he was surrounded by a very pretty shade of purple. Everything else just kind of didn’t matter anymore as he just stared at the purple aura pulling him upwards and onwards.


Twilight easily could have just grabbed the strange stallion and yanked him out of the reach of the manticore, but he was obviously hurt, most likely a concussion from the stumbling and lump on his head, and she didn’t want to make it worse. Granted, the manticore was now more intent on catching its prey than before, spreading its wings to take off after its now airborne meal.

It never got the chance to get off the ground. Rainbow smashed into the hunting cat’s back, driving it into the ground. Twilight pulled the stallion to herself as fast as she dared. The manticore jumped back up and lunged at Rainbow, just to be bucked in the side by the orange farm-mare that it hadn’t noticed until just then, knocking it off balance. It launched itself at Applejack, only to be hit by the prismatic pegasus, driving it to the ground again. The manticore bellowed as it spun for Rainbow, spraying blood on both the mares it was fighting.

“That had better be yours!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, disgusted.

“How dare you?” a timid voice near whispered, somehow with enough force to carry to the melee occurring just outside of her home. “How dare you?”

Fluttershy flew up next to the manticore—somehow getting through her dragon-proofed house—and started telling it off, ”Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully. You may have huge teeth, and sharp claws, and you may be hungry. But you do not—I repeat—you do not! Hurt! My! Friends!” The manticore shied back from fury incarnate. “You got that?” she asked, getting right in its face. The formerly terrifying manticore couldn’t move from fear.

“Well?” she asked.

The manticore growled, “Grr grah rahgrah rrr grr grah.”

Fluttershy continued as if nothing was amiss, “And I am very sorry about that. But you're bigger than she is, and you should know better. You should also know better than to try and eat ponies. That’s not nice.”

“Grr gra—” The manticore tried to explain.

“Don't you 'but I' me, mister,” Fluttershy interrupted, “Now what do you have to say for yourself?” The manticore didn’t respond at first, so she repeated, “I said, what do you have to say for yourself?”

The manticore shied back for a second before bursting out crying

“There, there. No need to cry. You're not a bad manticore, you just made a bad decision. Now go back into the Everfree and think over what you have done,” Fluttershy consoled in a motherly tone.

Everypony was completely silent as the manticore walked back to the Everfree forest, head hung low. Eventually the silence was broken as Streak, who was feeling more than a little loopy at the moment, interjected with, “Look!”

The mares all turned to look at him, to find him flailing around one of his forelegs.

“When I move my leg, the glowy follows it!” he exclaimed with obvious glee.

“Uh, Twilight?” Rainbow said, voicing everypony’s thoughts. “Maybe we should get him to the hospital.”


Princess Celestia sat on her throne, plotting world domination.

Not really being terribly serious about it, mind you. She had enough on her plate with just Equestria, she would never find any time for herself if she took over more territory than she had, not to mention the millions of griffons declaring blood feud on her for breaking the treaty that had been set up a thousand years ago. No, she was plotting world domination because she was bored as hell and had nothing better to do.

At least until now. A scroll materialized in front of her. Ah, another letter from Twilight. Celestia smiled. These were always the highlight of her day. She unrolled the letter and began to read.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Twilight’s at it again. Something is causing issues with a local manticore in the Everfree Forest and she went to fix it. She wouldn’t listen when I told her to just drop it. Could you please get down here to talk her out of it before she gets into trouble she doesn’t know how to get out of?

Your Faithful Student’s Number One Assistant,

Celestia slapped a hoof to her face. Damn it. At least her day was about to get more interesting.

“Bright Aegis!” She called out. “Cancel my appointments for an undetermined amount of time; I need to fix something Twilight’s done. Again.”


Streak noticed a few things. He had a massive headache, which he had to admit was fairly standard for near-fatal levels of rock to the head. Adding to that standard ‘day after’ list was his sudden and violent need to beat the hell out of anything that supplied light or sound around him, trouble thinking straight, blurred vision, and memory issues. Everything was pretty standard. What wasn’t standard brain bludgeon aftereffect was that constant beeping noise that was driving him insane.

Acting on the previously mentioned violent need to beat the hell out of anything that made noise, he immediately swung his hoof at the source of the noise, hearing a satisfying crack and then. . . nothing. Everything was quiet.

For a grand total of three seconds. He heard a door slam open nearby, stabbing pain into his head with the efficiency of a railroad spike and leading his pain flooded mind to deduce that the door to his room was opened, and quite violently.

“What is wrong with your. . . You broke it,” he heard a concerned voice speak up before ending in a deadpan.

“It made noise,” Streak gritted his teeth. “I have a headache.”

“You broke your heart monitor because it made noise?” the voice deadpanned again.

“Yes, now let me sleep, my head hurts,” Streak said rolling over.


Nurse Redheart walked out of the strange stallion’s room shaking her head and muttering something about “Stallions and breaking things just because they’re inconvenient.”

Twilight stood up when the nurse walked out. “Is he alright?”

“Fine,” Redheart replied. “His head trauma gave him a headache, so he broke his heart monitor. I’m getting some restraints to keep him from breaking the next one we bring in.”

Twilight watched the nurse walk away with questions about stallions and things being broken filling her mind. She filed them into a folder labeled “ask later” and walked into the stallion’s room.

“Hey,” she asked softly, so not to aggravate his headache. “How are you feeling?”

“Hrrrmph,” he said into a pillow.

“Good to hear that,” Twilight said just as quietly as before. “What’s your name?”

“Why do you want to—” Streak snapped, spinning around to look at his converser. Upon seeing who he was talking to, he fell silent.

Twilight was more confused as to why he stopped mid-sentence than insulted that he had snapped at her, “Why do I want to what?” she asked, encouraging him to continue.

Streak, for his part, was speechless. Here, standing in front of him, was the most gorgeous mare he had ever laid his eyes on. Not only that, but she was worried about him. AND he had snapped at her. His mind reeled as he tried to figure out exactly how he was going to get himself out of this situation.

Twilight sat with an awkward smile on her face as she waited for the stallion to continue with what he was saying. Behind that smile, though, was a swirling maelstrom of thoughts. Some were thoughts better left to Rarity, some were ones she thought belonged to Rainbow Dash, and a few she thought could only belong to Pinkie. Is there something on my face? Rarity. Am I just too much for him? Rainbow Dash. Did I forget to do my hair this morning? Rarity again. Does he like muffins? Pinkie. The last thought through her head before she shut them out was undoubtedly her own; Oh, sweet Celestia, I didn’t realize he was this CUTE before.

Streak was still puzzling on how to salvage any possible first impression from this encounter when he noticed the blush on the mare’s face. Now Streak was not a simple stallion. He graduated top of his class in Canterlot High. Actually, therein lies the problem. Streak was always slaving away at something, so much that he never had too much time for mares. He only had one relationship in his life, and he preferred not to talk about it. All things said and done, Streak had about as much experience with relationships as Spike. Hence, awkwardness.

“Erm. . .” Our protagonist everypony! “My name’s Streak. What’s yours?”

And you managed not to make yourself out to be a total creep, he thought, proud of himself.

“Uhm...” Twilight mumbled, all previous confidence stolen by that one errant thought, “I’m Twilight. Twilight Sparkle.”

“Alright Miss Sparkle, or is it Mrs?” Streak asked. Smooth Casanova, couldn’t be more subtle?

“You don’t have to use formalities with me, Streak. Just call me Twilight,” she said with a giggle.

Alright, Twilight, you have got this! This was chapter one in Helping Hoof’s book, Stallions: The Guide. How to get them, how to keep them, and how they think, Now that I think about it, it didn’t go past that whole keep them part.

Oh FAUST that giggle! Is she trying to kill me? Streak thought. Out loud he said, “Alright Twilight. What brings you to my fine abode today?”

Twilight giggled at his foreleg flourish with the last sentence, “Well I kind of saved you from the manticore that was chasing you, so I had to make sure you were okay.”

“Oh,” Streak said, dropping his hoof and rubbing the back of his neck. That’s what that was. Faust damn it! I’m so stupid. He continued, “You were there for that, huh?”

“You don’t remember?” Twilight asked.

“Err... I remember running from the manticore, jumping off of a waterfall to avoid said manticore.” He saw the look Twilight was giving him. That one woman look, you know the one. “I never said I was smart, did I? Anyway, I remember hitting my head at the bottom of the waterfall. Rocks hurt, by the way. I wouldn’t recommend it. The last thing I remember is after diving down a distributary of the river, I saw this really... pretty purple. I can’t recall anything else, sorry.”

Suddenly Streak realized what he just said. Oh, damn it, he thought, There goes my “not creep” status.

Twilight’s face flushed bright red, “Yeah, that’s about what you said.”

“Hmm?” Streak asked, wanting further clarification, but at the same time not.

“You were pretty out of it, and while we were walking over here you said I was ‘Really pretty, like a princess but better.’ ”

Streak buried his face in his hooves, “Please tell me you’re joking.”

“Nope, why?” Twilight asked with a sudden mischievous smile. “You want to take that back?”

“No, but—” Streak blurted out before realizing what he just said. DAMN IT! “Er... I mean. Uh. Er.”

Again, our protagonist, everypony.

Twilight’s face was more red than purple at this point, “Er...” Not sure what I intended with that...


Spike was finishing up reshelving his second shelf since he had sent that letter to Celestia when he heard a knock at the door. Spike waddled his way over, giving the door a nice tug open. He couldn’t decide if what he saw surprised him or not. Standing just outside the door to the library was a pony of white and gold. She could have been a statue, if not for the ethereal, billowing, tri-colored mane and tail attached to her. The Princess herself had arrived.

“Hello Spike,” Celestia said with a motherly smile. “You said Twilight was headed to the Everfree?”

“Uh, yeah,” Spike said, rubbing the back of his head. “Though she hasn’t gotten back yet.”

“Do you know where she entered?” she asked.

Spike answered without hesitation. Not only was the mare in front of him the Princess—a Princess, Spike reminded himself, Luna was back now—but she was like a surrogate grandmother. Even if that wasn’t enough, she seemed to emanate trust. “She was headed in the general direction of Fluttershy’s place, if I remember correctly,” he supplied.

“Thank you, Spike,” she said. “That will be all. I’ll stop by when I have Twilight and we’ll try some of your cooking that she raves about,” and with a wink, Celestia had left.


Nurse Redheart loved her job, honestly. She loved taking care of hurt ponies. If you’ll pardon the pun, nursing them back to health was her favorite part of the day. There were days when she got cards from foals, thanking her. There were days she got a hug from a particularly emotional stallion or mare.

Then there were days like today.

Nurse Redheart walked into room 343 only to leave two blushing and fidgeting ponies not even thirty seconds later. Not a filly and colt, mind you, but full grown mare and stallion. She walked into the room with a bundle of rope on her back, fully intent on tying down the errant stallion, only for him to quip, “Shouldn’t you at least let me buy you dinner first?” This made the mare blush more than she already was, if that was possible. As if realizing what he just said and who he said it in front of, the stallion froze up with a face red as the cross on Redheart’s flank.

Today was going to be a long day, she could tell.


A soft knocking sound interrupted Fluttershy’s thoughts.

“Sorry Twilight,” she ‘yelled,’ which for Fluttershy was a moderate talking volume, “Like I told Angel Bunny, orders are nobody can see me! Not nobody, not nohow!”

“Not even me, my little pony?” a calm voice asked from the other side of the door.

“Oh, Celestia!,” Fluttershy exclaimed, “Let me get the door!”

“Oh, that’s fine, Fluttershy,” Celestia said, stopping Fluttershy on the third lock. “Did you happen to see Twilight recently? Spike said she was on her way over here.”

“Oh, yes. She was on her way to the hospital with a strange stallion that we saved from a manticore.”

“A manticore?” Celestia asked. “Wow, she really has grown. Is the poor dear okay?”

“Yes, I sent it back into the Everfree with a light scolding,” Fluttershy remarked, not understanding.

“As much as I’d love to stay and chat, your door is only a little bit locked,” Celestia teased “I should also make sure Twilight’s okay, both physically and mentally.”

Celestia started walking away before she paused, “Fluttershy?”


“What did this stallion look like?” Celestia asked.

Author's Note:

Note 1 - A distributary is the opposite of a tributary, it's a river or stream branching out of a larger river. Look it up if you don't believe me, I even included the link.

Chapter 1.2 v1.3
—Better grammar!
—Upgraded word choice!
—More content!*
—Removed Herobrine!
—Fixed bugs!
—Kicked ass!


* By about ninety-five words. Every little bit counts, damn it!