• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 2,855 Views, 117 Comments

Unforgiven Memories - Hidden Brony

Streak attempts to deal with betrayal, distrust, and love in an attempt to get revenge on the one who betrayed him a thousand years ago. But will he become the monster he seeks to stop? Only time will tell.

  • ...

1.3 Personal Problem

Disclaimer: I do not own Hasbro, My Little Pony or any characters, places, or events in the extended cannon, although it would be awesome if I did.

Memories of a Lost Time Chapter Three:
Personal Problem

"My champion, you can do so much more than you ever thought possible. You can do more than I thought possible."

It had taken a few minutes, but Streak and Twilight had finally gotten to just chatting rather than sitting around awkwardly. Streak listened intently as Twilight recalled the adventures she had with her friends over the past two or so years since she met them. He could tell she enjoyed her time with them by the twinkle in her eye she got as she recalled one event or another. He reacted to all the right parts; laughing at Pinkie’s antics, gasping when the smoke over Ponyville was revealed to be a dragon, he even included a ‘really man?’ look when she was notified of her brother’s wedding by mail. Eventually, she began to wind down. At the end of her last story, she asked the question Streak was dreading.

“So Streak, what are your friends like? You seem like the kind of guy that has lots of adventures, if the manticore was any indication,” she teased.

Streak debated telling her the truth. He could see it now: Well, let’s see. Brick is dead, Ironhoof is dead too, Wonderbolt had Faust-knows-what happen to him, Sombra went batshit insane and took over an empire in a military coup, Then there's— NO! He was not going to think about her!

Twilight took his brooding silence as a bad omen and opened her mouth to apologize for asking when Streak spoke up.

“My whole life I never had a lot of friends. When I was growing up, the rainbow streak in my hair had other foals branding me as a freak. When I wasn’t getting beaten up to ‘remove the demon,’ I was getting put down by ponies that thought they were better than me. When I finally made it out of my own personal Tartarus, I found that the working world was no good either. Ponies were still treating me like I was inferior just because I looked different. I ended up joining the Guard since I had nowhere else to go. I made some friends in basic that lasted for a long time,” Twilight drank every word Streak said like it was fine wine. “Brick and Ironhoof were both earth ponies and two of the most loyal stallions I have ever met.

“There were six of us, total. Two earth ponies, two pegasi, and two unicorns. We made a good team. The earth ponies were strong, tough, and durable. They started and didn’t stop until they dropped or got dropped, and they didn’t get dropped often. The pegasi were swift and agile. Even when constrained to the ground they could dodge anything thrown at them, both figuratively and literally. The unicorns, however, were the most dangerous part of the group. With the earth ponies stopping enemies on the move, and the pegasi guarding the air, the unicorns were safe to cast the big spells. I personally watched the more powerful of the two rip the scales off of a dragon and impale it with them,” Twilight shuddered at the mental image that gave her. “Yeah, I had that reaction too, I still have nightmares. He wasn’t the most stable of ponies. The other unicorn focused on messing with minds. He learned how to bend them to his will, how to fight them, how to trick them. The two were unstoppable, but as I said, only because they were safe with us around. When they had to focus on keeping things off of them, they were next to worthless to the overall battle.”

“You keep talking in past-tense,” Twilight mentioned. “Why is that?”

“Look around the room and tell me what you see.”

Twilight swept her head back and forth, examining the hospital room for anything out of the ordinary that Streak could be pointing out to her. “I see a stereotypical hospital room, what about it?” Twilight said, confused.

“I see a pony in the hospital, alone save for somepony who he just met earlier that day,” Streak said somberly.

Twilight’s eyes widened as she caught the implications of what he just said. She was about to say something when a knocking sound was heard from the door.

“My faithful student, are you in here?” a motherly voice asked.


* * *

Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT!

Streak had never run as fast as he was running now. He’d run for his life on multiple occasions and for multiple reasons, but never before had he had to run from four pissed off mares.

Tartarus hath no fury like a mare.

Not the time, weird inner voice thing! Streak berated, Time to be running!

Streak dodged around ponies walking outside, going about their daily lives. He spun around a blue unicorn with a mane and tail split between darker blue and a pale blue. Running around the corner, he jumped over an inebriated looking berry-red pony laying on the ground.

Looking back, Streak saw that the orange mare was still chasing him.

How did this all go to hell so fast?

Where to begin?

* * *

“My faithful student, are you in here?” a motherly voice asked.

Streak's eyes jumped so wide Twilight was worried they would fall out of his head. He involuntarily let out a sentence, “Shit.”

I never said it was an eloquent sentence.

Twilight looked at him quizzically, before turning to the door and calling out, “Yes, Princess. I’ve been keeping Streak company while he recovers.”

The doorknob was enveloped by a yellow glow, turning agonizingly slowly. Streak jumped up toward a window that was left open in his room.

Convenient, he thought.

The door opened, revealing not only Celestia, but all of Twilight’s other friends, as well. They had different expressions on their faces. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both had looks of annoyance on their faces, Rarity and Fluttershy looked like they had seen a ghost, and Pinkie was... Well this is Pinkie, she was wearing a party hat. She’s unquantifiable.

Celestia stepped into the room, before seeing Streak. The motherly smile that she was never seen without instantly fell off her face as she turned to face him.

“Streak,” she said in a strangely casual tone of voice, not fitting the severe expression on her face.

“Celestia,” Streak replied, emotion likewise hidden behind a mask of faux familiarity.

“You know him, Princess?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Yes, Twilight I do. Streak,” Celestia said, still staring at the stallion in question. "You are under arrest.”

* * *

That works as a beginning, wouldn’t you say?

Streak sprinted away from Applejack, but she was gaining on him. Looking away from the orange farm pony, he looked up to see Rainbow Dash flying overhead, waiting for the perfect opportunity to take him out.

He dove into a nearby alleyway, barely missing a yellow earth pony mare with an orange mane. Rainbow Dash was forced to fly close to the ground to avoid losing Streak in the narrow confines of the alley.

Speeding down the alley as she was, Rainbow missed when Streak dove to the side.

This next part is interesting.

* * *

“Yes, Twilight I do. Streak,” Celestia said, still staring at the stallion in question. "You are under arrest.”

Twilight gasped, “What for?”

“Last time you tried this you went with treason, attempted murder, inciting rebellion, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, arson, and attempted murder of the Crown,” Streak listed off. "Did I miss anything?”

Twilight felt faint, “What? Streak, what are you talking about?”

“You missed resisting arrest, escaping from prison, I need to ask how you did that, by the way, vandalism, and disturbing the peace,” Celestia

“Ah how could I forget those, they are so major in the grand scheme of things,” Streak snarked. "and I think I’ll keep my escape route to myself, thank you very much.”

“Are you going to come quietly?” Celestia asked.

“Nah, I’m good. I like being free,” Streak replied, tensing up his legs. "Sorry to cut our conversation short, Twilight, but an old friend has started causing problems, and I must take my leave.” He saluted and dove out the window.

“Bring that traitor to me, dead or alive!” Celestia yelled. "He needs to face justice!”

A tiny voice answered through the window. "Oh, is that what you call it?”

* * *

“She’s waking up!” Rainbow heard a voice call out.

I knew I nap a lot but—Rainbow began thinking, before the chase rushed back to her, she looked around at her friends. She didn’t know what happened. One second she was chasing the stallion her Princess had called a traitor, the next she was laid out on a bed, her friends crowded around her with worried looks on their faces.

“Uh... what did I miss?” she asked, embarrassed.

“You don’t remember?” Twilight asked, worriedly.

“Nope,” Rainbow said, nonchalantly. She noticed where she was. The blue walls. The purple sheets. The lamp on the side table. The disgusting pile of monochrome slush they call food. Yep, she knew exactly where she was. "Somepony want to tell me why I’m back in the hospital?”

“You really don’t remember,” Twilight said, more a statement than a question.

“No,” Rainbow said, getting irritated. "I don’t. Wanna fill me in?”

“Well, Streak was hidin’ in wait for ya when ya came barrelin’ down the alley full tilt,” Applejack said, causing Rainbow to blush. "He jumped out at you and ah’m assuming hit a pressure point on yer wing, because it locked straight up and ya smashed head first into a wall. He got away while ah was makin’ sure you were okay.”

Both Rainbow and Fluttershy looked decidedly uncomfortable. Twilight arched a brow at the pair. “I take it you know what happened?”

“Ye–Yeah,” Rainbow stuttered awkwardly.

A few moments passed before Twilight tried again, “Care to elaborate?”

“N–No. Not really.”

It was Twilight’s turn to be irritated, “And why is that?”

“It’s, erm, well...” Rainbow began, still fumbling uncharacteristically with her words.

An interjection came from the most unlikely source possible, “Oh, just tell her,” Fluttershy half-mumbled.

Rainbow took a deep breath, “There’s an... intimate spot on every pegasus’s wing which causes a wing priapism when hit.” Seeing that Twilight, bless her brain, was still not getting what she was trying to say, even with the fancy words, she snapped in irritation, “He hit my fun button and I popped a wingie, okay?!”

“Oh,” Twilight said, sitting her rump on the ground.

“Yeah, it’s the most intimate spot on a pegasus’s body,” Fluttershy explained. Seeing Twilight’s look she elaborated, “Yes Twilight, even more than there. Pegasi live in the clouds and it can make a wing non-functional for hours if you know what you’re doing. Not–not that I’d know,” She added quickly.

“I’m going to knock his head in when I see him next!” Rainbow fumed, anger washing away any and all embarrassment she felt earlier. "How’d he even know about it? It’s not the kind of topic that pops up in casual conversation!”

“Maybe he dated a pegasus?” Twilight suggested.

“Maybe if that pegasus was a complete whore,” Rainbow scoffed. "I’ve had plenty of coltfriends and have made damn sure they knew that if they got near my wings it was over faster than my leg in between theirs. You only tell that to a non-pegasus if you’re going to stay with them for the rest of your life”

“Oh! Our Dashie with a coltfriend? Do tell me more! The passion, the romance, the—”

“Sex,” Rainbow interrupted with a smirk. “Don’t forget the sex, I know I haven’t.”

Rainbow’s friends all reacted differently to her statement. Rarity gasped dramatically, Fluttershy gave an ‘eep’ and froze, Applejack looked at Rainbow with a raised eyebrow, Twilight went from purple to bright red, and Pinkie... How did she get a cake with “Congrats on the sex” written on it so fast?

Twilight reacted the fastest, “Thenursewantedtoknowwhenyouwokeupandyou’reawake- nowsoI’mgoingtotellherthatyou’reawakebye!” A flash of light signaled the exit of the flustered unicorn.

Twilight reappeared right outside of the door. She fought her blush away as best as she could, managing to return to just maroon rather than crimson. When that was complete, she trotted down the hallway to the nurse’s station. When the nurse saw her she nearly had a seizure.

“Oh, Celestia, you need to keep to your room, you look like you’re in absolutely no condition to be walking around!” She fussed.

“Actually—” Twilight began.

“Oh, this simply won’t do!” The nurse interrupted again. "You must get to your room! Let me walk you back. What room are you in deary?”

“Actually you wanted me to tell you when Rainbow Dash was awake,” Twilight said.

The nurse, who Twilight remembered was named Redheart, was still for a second, “I didn’t realize that brain damage could be contagious, so I guess you didn’t catch something off her.”

“Erm, no. Just an awkward conversation,” Twilight offered sheepishly.

“Can’t be worse than the one you were having with that one handsome stallion. What was his name, again?”

Twilight’s ears drooped, “Streak.”

“Left you high and dry, hmm? Stallions, I swear,” Nurse Redheart mumbled.

“Er, no. Celestia showed up,” Twilight tried to explain.

“Went straight for the Princess, did he? Don’t tell her I said so, but his loss. Besides,” Redheart added with a conspiratorial whisper. "I hear the Princess has been around the block so many times she has mapped most of Canterlot, If you catch my meaning.”

“N–No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. Did not want to hear that! He was a traitor and a murderer. Celestia personally ordered him to be brought to her. He’s the first bounty in Equestria to read ‘Wanted Dead or Alive.’ Always the nice ones,” Twilight said, muttering the last sentence under her breath.

Redheart was quiet for a moment, “Did she say what he did besides treason? Any specifics?”

“No, and she avoided specifics when I asked her about them,” Twilight answered morosely.

“Then don’t believe it,” Redheart said simply.

Twilight’s brain broke and she stood in the hallway, trying as hard as she could to process what was just said.

The best she got was: “What?”

Redheart looked her in the eyes, “What does your brain say?”

“He’s a traitor and a scoundrel,” Twilight answered slowly.

“What does your heart say?” Redheart asked simply.

“I... I don’t know,” Twilight admitted. "Part of me wants to just believe Celestia, but part of me says that I need to understand more about what happened. I know I should just go with what Celestia says—”

“No,” Redheart interrupted, “You shouldn’t. That’s the problem with Equestria, everypony lets the Princesses do the thinking for them. Think for yourself, learn what this Streak did that was so bad that he had the ‘Dead or’ tacked on to his 'Alive.' There’s a reason she’s not telling you what he did. Maybe he’s actually not what she says he is and is an escaped sex slave looking for a new mistress,” she added with a wink.

“I didn’t realize that hooves could blush,” Redheart commented with amusement.

* * *

Twilight sat in the corner. She just couldn’t win. No matter who she talked to they always managed to tease her about her redness. Even Fluttershy suggested sunblock.

"But honestly dear," Rarity was saying. "what even caused this new bust of embarrassment? Did you see a cute stallion on the walk over?"

"Rarity!" Twilight exclaimed, exasperated,

"What? Rainbow can't seriously be the only one of us to actually have some fun!" Rarity pouted. "That's not any fun. So Twilight, any stallions in your life?"

"Not anymore," Twilight grumbled to herself.

Rarity heard, much to Twilight's chagrin, "and where is this mystery stallion that was in your life and why have I not met him?"

"He's on the run for treason and murder," Twilight mumbled.

Rarity was shocked, "The stallion that tried to kill one of the Princesses?"

"I didn't exactly know that at the time!" Twilight snapped. "He seemed like a decent guy up until the whole Celestia incident," she sighed. "And I'm confused as to why Celestia won't even tell me what he did besides evasions and excuses! It's frustrating."

"Attempted murder of the crown not enough for you, Twi?" Rainbow asked.

"If that was all he did she should have no problem telling me because I knew already instead of giving me this 'state secret, stop asking' thing she's been doing."

"We could always ask him," Pinkie interjected.

"Where would we find him? He seems smart enough to not hide out in an obvious spot like the alley we lost him in," Rainbow mentioned.

* * *

Streak scratched his head, maybe hiding in the alley they had seen him in last was not a good idea. He stood up and slunk back along his earlier escape route, going the opposite direction when he hit the inebriated mare still laying on the ground. He looked around for a place to hide for the night, before something caught his eye.

The Everfree would work swimmingly.

* * *

"There is no ‘we’, Rainbow Dash. You're staying in the hospital overnight," Nurse Redheart interjected with a tone eliciting no argument.

Obviously that didn't stop the prismatic mare, "Yeah, no. If my friends are going after a murderer, I'm not letting them go without me."

"And would getting your friends in trouble for pursuing state secrets after being ordered to let them drop help them at all?" Redheart asked.

Rainbow froze, "You wouldn't."

"I take the safety of my patients very seriously, Rainbow Dash. I would.”

Rainbow sighed, “I guess you guys are going on without me,” she grumbled. “not that I like it. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll be afraid of the dark or something.”

“Rainbow Dash! The stallion who attempted to kill one of the Princesses will not be afraid of the dark! That is absolutely ridiculous!” Rarity chastised.

* * *

Streak trembled in a clearing, covering his head with his hooves. Stupid, stupid, STUPID! He had forgotten how the dark had affected him, embarrassingly enough.

Heh, Streak thought. Wonder what Twilight would think of me if she could see me now?

Suddenly he heard talking.

She wouldn’t be laughing at you, the voice said. She’d understand.

Streak froze. That was not his usual inner voice talking. This voice was not masculine and sexy, it was genderless and sorta creepy. Who was this?

Call me the Librarian, the voice responded. And don’t worry, I’m here to help you.

Help me do what? Streak asked.

You’ll be told in due time, the Librarian replied. For now, make sure to tell Twilight.

Streak waited for the end of the sentence, but it never came. Tell her what? he prompted.


* * *

Check the forest that accepts no chains, you will find him there.

That was it. No preamble, no staying after to chat. While by the edge of town, Twilight felt a foreign presence invade her mind, causing her to have a minor heart attack. It said one sentence, then it left.

“Twilight, dear?” Rarity’s voice broke through her thoughts. “He’s not in Ponyville, or if he is, he’s well hidden.”

“The forest that accepts no chains,” Twilight murmured, “If you’re chained you’re not free. If you have no chains you’re always free. Always free. Always... Forever! The forest that is forever free! The Everfree Forest!” Twilight whirled around to look at Rarity, “He’s in the Everfree Forest!”

“Twilight, what are you talking about?” Rarity asked, confused.

“No time!” Twilight started running for the forest, “Grab the girls and find me!”

“Twilight! Stop and think!” Rarity tried in vain to stop her friend, but she was already gone into the dark of the Everfree forest.

* * *

Streak calmed himself enough to look around at his clearing. The foreboding trees were encircling a picturesque meadow. The meadow itself surrounded a strange rock. It was taller than Celestia at the tip of her horn and coated in intricate engravings.

As he walked closer to the strange rock, he noticed that the engravings were of a unicorn. This unicorn was depicted vanquishing armies of monsters single handedly while a small army of non-unicorns cowered behind him. It showed him banishing a strange being that looked like someone sewed together many different animals. In another part, this unicorn was pictured sealing away a shadowy unicorn that had other ponies in chains.

Every subsequent picture was like following a history. It ended with this unicorn opening a glowing hole in the fabric of the universe, and disappearing.

Streak glared at the rock, knowing full well who was depicted. He also knew that this rat bastard deserved nothing of what he got.

Cease your reminiscing, she approaches, the Librarian scolded. Although she is not alone.

The Librarian’s words were accompanied by the sound of panicked panting and crashing. Streak turned to face the cacophony to see Twilight’s clearly panicked flight from a timberwolf.

Five minutes, Streak thought. Just five minutes without something happening.

* * *


That one word dominated Twilight’s mind. There was no ‘fight or’, there was just flight. Her hooves carried her as fast as she could go, but she knew that she would tire soon. Why didn’t she wait for her friends? All of the sudden she felt a presence muscle its way through the wards around her mind again.

Worry not, Mare of Magic, you are useful to me yet.

And with that, the voice left again.

“What... is the point... of having wards... around... your brain... if somepony can just... waltz in like it’s... nothing?” Twilight panted rhetorically. A snapping sound from behind reminded her that there was a tangible threat behind her trying to catch hold of her and eat her. With a terrified ‘eep!’ she redoubled her escape efforts.

Unfortunately, she missed the roots on the ground, causing her to stumble. In that instant she knew she was dead. There was no way she could get out of this. She felt something slam into her side, heard the tearing of flesh as she flew through the air. She landed not five feet from where she was last standing, and was surprised to feel the pain ebb away into nothing quickly.

Shock doesn’t mess around, does it? she asked herself.

Look again, Mare of Magic.

Again the presence left as fast as it came, leaving her confused. Deciding to follow instructions, she looked back at the timberwolf. Shock did not describe her emotions strongly enough when she processed what she saw.

Streak, blood running down his side, stood between her and the timberwolf.

* * *

What the hell are you doing? Streak’s mind screamed at him, She’s the student of Celestia herself! She’ll turn us in in a heartbeat!

So be it, he calmly told himself. I’ll not have more innocent blood on my hooves.

Have it your way, his mind sneered. I’m not going to assist this time. You’re on your own.

With those ominous words, the voice spoke no more.

Streak turned his attention back to the timberwolf and locked eyes with the beast. They both stood there for what felt like minutes, but could have only been seconds, before the wooden monstrosity charged. Streak quickly twisted his body, barely evading a massive bite meant to snap him in half like a twig. Continuing his spin, Streak brought his forehoof up into the timberwolf’s head, using its own momentum to knock it up and to the side. Before it could regain its balance, Streak jumped on its back. It shook like a wet mutt, trying to dislodge him, but he held tight, grinning like a madstallion. Ah, he’d missed this!

Twilight sat to the side, terrified. This stallion, she could believe tried to kill the Princess. The large grin on his face was out of place for the violence he was committing. No matter how hard she tried, she could not avert her eyes.

Streak waited for the timberwolf to stop shaking, then he slammed his hoof into the back of its neck as hard as he could. The timberwolf let out a whimper of pain to go with the resounding crack heard throughout the immediate area. Streak’s grin only widened as he brought his hoof down on the weakened spot on the timberwolf’s neck again and again, only stopping when a thud announced the separation of the monster’s head from its body. Jumping off the toppling body, streak called out, laughing, “Timber!” As the body that was formerly a timberwolf hit the ground near the head both the head and the corpse started twitching.

“No you don’t!” Streak cackled, punting the head into the surrounding forest. The twitching didn’t stop. He turned to see how Twilight was, and his smile fell at the look of horror on her face.

“Twilight—” he was interrupted with a slap to the face. “I guess I deserved that.”

“What was that?!” Twilight screamed at him. “Did you honestly enjoy killing that timberwolf?!”

Streak was still rubbing his face, “It’s not dead, just disabled. Knock off the head, and it will have to—” This time he was punched full on in the face.

“You talk about it so casually! What is wrong with you?” Twilight screamed in his face. “That was a living being! I heard the pain you caused it! How sadistic do you have to be to enjoy dealing that much pain to any creature?”

“Well—” Another slap. Streak was getting tired of these.

“That was rhetorical, and I’m not done yet!” Twilight interrupted.

“I am,” Streak said. This time, when Twilight swung at him, he dodged and caught it. Twilight’s eyes widened. She didn’t even get close. He was letting her hit him.

Almost makes you wonder if he’s more of a sadist or a masochist.

“Twilight, we can talk about this later, but for now? Get in the clearing.”

Twilight was stunned by this sudden show of assertiveness. Every conversation they’d had before, he let her take the lead. Now suddenly he was both deadly serious and in control. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.

* * *

“She what?” Applejack yelled. “And ya didn’t stop ‘er?”

“I tried! We have to hurry! That forest is absolutely dreadful, not to mention that Streak fellow,” Rarity moaned, dancing on her hooves in impatience.

Pinkie Pie was uncharacteristically quiet, she just sat there as if listening to something. Suddenly she got a huge grin. “Come on, girls! She’s safe, and I know how to find her.

* * *

In a meadow in the forest, sits a monument to one undeserving. In this clearing sits the Mare of Magic and her guardian. Travel swiftly, Mare of Laughter, for there are terrible dangers that masquerade as friendly faces. I have tuned your foresight to allow you to get your group there in one piece. I can offer no more assistance. The rest it up to you.

* * *

“Whatever do you mean darling?” Rarity seemed stumped. This was not normal odd for Pinkie.

“Yeah, how d’ya know?” Applejack inquired.

“Pinkie sense!” Pinkie giggled. “Let’s go!” With that Pinkie bounced off in the direction of the Everfree.

Applejack and Rarity shared a look before shrugging. Might as well. It was, after, all better than nothing.

Fluttershy sat in the road, forgotten as usual, “Uhm, girls?” She tried to get their attention. Realizing that they didn’t hear her, Fluttershy whimpered and followed closely behind her friends.

* * *

Twilight gasped when she realized where they were. This was the long lost burial place of Starswirl the Bearded! Well, sort of a burial site, as there was no body recovered. She bounced like an excited filly, turning to face Streak. “Do you know where we are?” She bounced around. “This is the Starswirl Memorial! Nopony’s seen it in one hundred years!”

Streak looked at her bouncing around and snorted. He turned to the memorial and spat. “I’d have preferred if it was lost for another century.”

Twilight stopped her bouncing, looking at Streak in horror. “What?” she half whispered. “Starswirl the Bearded was the greatest unicorn to ever live!” Her volume raised as she continued. “He came up with hundreds of spells by himself, not to mention his work with dimensional theory alone shaped the way entire we use magic!”

“Starswirl was a sadistic bastard who was very good at acting,” Streak looked her in the eye. “He enjoyed causing pain more than anyone I have ever met.”

“You talk as if you knew him!” Twilight accused. “Starswirl the Bearded died nearly a thousand years ago trying to traverse dimensions!”

“I spent a thousand Faust damn years in one of those alternate dimensions because of that rat bastard!” Streak snapped. “Do you know how it feels to have your very soul get torn to shreds over a thousand years? Do you want to know what it feels like beg for death or insanity every damn second of every damn day? Do you want to know what this supposedly great unicorn did to me? To all of us? Brick and Ironhoof?”

Twilight looked at him in horror again. “I don’t believe you!” she exclaimed. “That’s impossible!”

Streak tapped his head, “Want to get a good look into my head, Twilight? Want to see that I’m telling the truth? Go ahead.”

Twilight froze. Invading the mind of another pony was the most illegal thing that a unicorn could do. If done without permission, the unicorn loses their magic and is exiled from Equestria. “Do you understand what you’re offering?”

“I Streak of Canterlot, unrepentant rebel, hereby give permission for Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and personal protege of Princess Celestia, Guardian of the Sun, to read my damn mind already.”

* * *

Walking up to the clearing at that exact moment were three mares. Rarity froze at that statement, “Girls, we need to hurry.”

“What, tha whole mind fiddlin’ thing? Twi won’t need our help,” Applejack said confidently, trusting the ability of her unicorn companion.

“Rarity, it’s only illegal if he’s not willing,” Fluttershy muttered.

Pinkie remained silent.

“That’s not what I’m worried about,” Rarity fretted. “She feels what he felt, sees what he sees. For all intents and purposes, she is living his memories.”

Applejack’s eyes shot open. Fluttershy let out a characteristic ‘eep!’. Pinkie, however, didn’t react.

“Pinkie darling, are you there?” Rarity asked, worried.

“Three,” was all she said in reply.

“Three?” Fluttershy asked, confused.


“Wait just a minute, what are you counting down for?”


“Pinkie—” Rarity began.

“Now,” Pinkie’s voice preceded Twilight’s scream of terror, pain, and betrayal by fractions of a second.

“Damn it, Twilight! I told you not to look at those!”

Twilight looked up at Streak through tear filled eyes. She uttered one word, “Celestia?”

Streak merely nodded.

Twilight shakily stood. She looked Streak in the eye, “You used to be a pegasus.”

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger! Muahahaha!

But no, seriously, it took me long enough. Six months to write a chapter. I'm pitiful. Hope this chapter at least pretends to show six months of work.