• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 2,855 Views, 117 Comments

Unforgiven Memories - Hidden Brony

Streak attempts to deal with betrayal, distrust, and love in an attempt to get revenge on the one who betrayed him a thousand years ago. But will he become the monster he seeks to stop? Only time will tell.

  • ...

1.7 Over the Rainbow

Disclaimer: I do not own Hasbro, My Little Pony or any characters, places, or events in the extended cannon, although it would be awesome if I did.

Memories of a Lost Time Chapter Seven:
Over the Rainbow

This is an interesting development. Let’s see where this leads us. Are you still going to go down the path you have set yourself on, or will one of the two mares pull you back from the abyss before you’ve gone too far?

Rarity couldn’t believe her eyes. Rainbow Dash was flying at a leisurely pace. Rainbow Dash, who seemed to detest doing anything but her fastest in the air. Flying next to her was a content looking Cloud Chaser. Rarity just had to know what was going on!

“Rainbow Dash?” she called up. “Is something wrong?”

Cloud Chaser answered for Rainbow, “Nah, just the opposite! She’s got herself a crush!”

Rainbow Dash blushed furiously and shoved Chaser, who caught herself after a few feet, laughing at Rainbow’s distress.

“Oh, really?” Rarity arched an eyebrow. “How is this the source of such embarrassment?”

Cloud Chaser giggled, “You kidding me? Dashie’s never—” Rainbow shoved her again, causing a new bout of laughter.

Rarity, however was not to be dissuaded, “Never, what?”

Chaser landed next to Rarity and stage whispered, “She’s never had a coltfriend.”

Rarity’s expression turned mischievous, while Rainbow’s blush magnified. “Oh reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaly now? I’m so glad you brag about how many coltfriends you’ve had, Rainbow Dash.”

Chaser burst out laughing, “She–Ohmygosh, she actually–That is hilarious!”

Rainbow wanted to crawl into a hole and die for the second time that day. She squeaked, “Could we not talk about this in the middle of the street?”

“Oh, by all means, Rainbow Dash. Let us step into my boutique and have a nice conversation about your love life,” Rarity’s impish grin said everything.

Rainbow groaned, it was not her day today.

* * *

Cadance had a look of horror on her face. The same look that had been plastered on her face since the story went to Equus. Twilight and Shining Armor were just finishing up telling her about Celestia’s ‘punishments’ when Fluttershy led a still shocked Streak inside. Nopony said anything as the duo walked upstairs.

Cadance looked at the stairs, “That poor stallion. To think he had to go through that, and to think that auntie—” a sob cut off her words. Within an instant, Shining Armor was there comforting his wife. She buried her head into his shoulder, “Oh, auntie. Why?”

Twilight knew that nothing she could do would matter at the moment, so she quietly removed herself and went upstairs. She caught the last part of Streak and Fluttershy’s conversation. “Really, Fluttershy, I’m okay!”

“If you’re sure,” Fluttershy hesitantly stated.

Twilight walked into the room, “What happened?”

Streak shuffled around uncomfortably, and Fluttershy sighed, “Well, Streak and Rainbow were training like usual, when Streak caught her off guard and tapped her nose. He took advantage of the surprise to just... topple Rainbow.”

Twilight winced, “That couldn’t have been good for her pride.”

Streak took over. “It wasn’t. She immediately called a rematch. She looked like she was getting ready for a charge, but then,” he trailed off, suddenly unsure of himself.

After a moment, Fluttershy finished for him, “She kissed him.”

Twilight blinked, “Did I just hear you right? Rainbow Dash kissed him?”

Fluttershy nodded. Twilight planted her hoof into her face, and moaned, “Rainbow.” She straightened, “Alright, knowing her, she’s freaking out right now. We need to find her and talk to her before she makes a big deal about this.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, “Rainbow freaking out over this? She was bragging just three weeks ago about her extensive, uhm, experience?”

Twilight flushed red, “Beside the point.”

Streak looked at Twilight, “She acted like a foal getting caught with her hoof in the cookie jar, almost like she was guilty. Why would that be?”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to reply when Twillight cut her off quickly, “No reason.”

Streak looked at her sideways, but said nothing as they left to find Rainbow Dash.

* * *

“No, Rarity.” Rainbow reiterated for the eighth time.

“But Raaaaiiiiiiiinbooooooow!” Rarity whined, “Why not?”

“Don’t feel bad, she won’t even tell me,” Chaser muttered.

“You never asked,” Rainbow pointed out.

“Alright, I’m asking. Who is this stallion?” Chaser asked.

“Uh-uh,” Rainbow grinned, “Too late!”

Chaser groaned and planted her hoof in her face, “At least tell me what led up to you kissing him!”

Rarity’s eyes got really wide and her pupils dilated. Rainbow shifted nervously, afraid of what was going to happen next. All of the sudden, Rarity let out the most high pitched noise ever, “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Rainbow and Chaser dropped to the ground, covering their ears.

“Rarity!” Chaser groaned. “I need to be able to hear!”

“Oh now you must tell me! You must! I cannot not know now!” Rarity was a bundle of energy, dancing on her hooves in excitement.

Rainbow’s face fell. “Alright,” she groaned, resigned to her fate, “Well we were practicing like normal and—”

“RAINBOW!” Rarity exclaimed loudly, causing Chaser to drop and cover again. “You know how hard we worked to set him up with Twilight!”

Chaser moaned from the ground, “And you also know pretty much how hard I had to work to get her to try.”

“Cloud Chaser,” Rarity chided. “You should be ashamed of yourself, setting poor Rainbow up to steal Twilight’s colt!”

Cloud Chaser glared at Rarity, now angry, “No, you should be ashamed of yourself. Stop and think for a second! You’re asking Rainbow to sacrifice her own chance at happiness just so that Twilight can have hers. The same Twilight who, mind you, has likely had quite a while to talk to this mystery colt if she really wanted him.”

Rarity shot back, “So you’re asking Rainbow to betray her friend?”

“I’m asking Rainbow to be selfish for once in her life!” Chaser shouted. “She deserves some bit of selfishness, doesn’t she? She was always the one to play wingmare to me, always the one to soften up the mares and stallions that my sister was always chasing for one night stands. Rainbow Dash has almost always put herself second behind her friends and I’m getting sick of it!”

“Rainbow is one of the biggest braggarts in town!” Rarity shouted. “She’s always talking about how awesome she is, and how much better she is than anypony else! She lords every possible thing she can over every single pony she knows and does anything to attract attention! How is that not being selfish? She isn’t willing to share her spotlight!”

Chaser was silent for a moment, “If you honestly can’t see her past that, then you’re not as good of a friend to her as I thought you were. You’re not worth my time arguing with. When you’ve finally got your head out of your ass and can see Rainbow Dash for who she actually is, you know where to find me.”

She turned to Rainbow, “I’m leaving, and you’re welcome to join me.” Rainbow nodded and the two left a gaping fashionista to think about what was just said.

Neither looked back.

* * *

“Yeah, I saw her. She was with Rarity and Cloud Chaser,” Berry Punch was saying. “They said something about going to Rarity’s boutique.”

Twilight smiled, “Thanks, Berry.”

Berry Punch smiled back, “No problem, Twilight. Tell Rainbow I said hi when you see her, would you?”

After their goodbyes, Twilight and Fluttershy made their way to the boutique. Streak had wisely decided to stay behind, considering his face was posted every other street corner by this point. They arrived to see the door open. Twilight looked worriedly at Fluttershy, who returned the look.

Slowly Twilight walked into the boutique to see a flabbergasted Rarity staring at the door. She walked up slowly, seeing no reaction from Rarity. Twilight poked her in the shoulder, finally getting a reaction.

“Twilight, am I a bad friend?” Rarity’s voice sounded almost broken.

Twilight gasped, “Of course not! Why would you think you are?”

“Cloud Chaser accused me of not being a good friend, and said that when I’ve finally got my head out of my ass and can see Rainbow Dash for who she actually is, I’ll know where to find her.”

Fluttershy let out a soft gasp, “Oh, Rarity. You’re not a bad friend!”

“Oh but I am! I accused Rainbow Dash of being a selfish, stuck up, attention hog!” Rarity bawled.

Twilight thought about what she knew of the brash pegasus, and that description seemed to fit her fairly well on her bad days. “But what did Chaser mean about seeing ‘Rainbow Dash for who she actually is’?”

Rarity sobbed, “I don’t know! I don’t even have a clue! I’m so pathetic!”

Twilight smiled, “It’s okay, Rarity. We’ll figure this out together.”

* * *

The next day Twilight was woken up by a knock on her door. She mumbled into her pillow for Spike to get the door. Spike, grumbling got out of his basket. He opened the door to see Fluttershy. “Muh, yeah?”

“Um, I need Twilight for a second,” Fluttershy was barely audible. “I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

“Just a sec’,” Spike mumbled, staggering back upstairs. “Twi, Shy.” And he collapsed back into his bed.

Twilight lifted her head and moaned, “It’s too early for a visit.” Looking at the clock she saw that it was nearly one o’clock. Her eyes widened and she bolted downstairs, suddenly wide awake. “Sorry, Shy! I totally slept in today!”

Fluttershy smiled demurely, “Oh, it’s no problem at all, he just needs you for a few minutes.”

Twilight knew immediately who ‘he’ was. She nodded and followed the pegasus back to her cottage. Streak was waiting just outside, and gave his usual small smile. “I need to ask a favor.”

“What kind of favor?” Twilight asked.

“I need you to change what I look like. To whom doesn’t matter, as long as they aren’t a Ponyville resident or regular.”

“Whatever could you need that for?” Twilight asked, confused.

Streak smirked, “I have a reason to go into town, and I don’t want to bring the guard down on our heads.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes at him for a second before slowly nodding. Her horn glowed and there was a flash of purple.

* * *

“RAINBOW DASH!” the entirety of Ponyville was staring at this strange pony they had never seen before. His coat was cyan, and he had a white mane. His cutie mark was a horseshoe, which was ironic because he seemed to have no luck finding the mare in question. Again, the strange stallion shouted, “RAINBOW DASH!”

This time, however he got a reply, “WHAT?” Rainbow Dash stuck her head down and out the bottom of the cloud she was resting on.

He shouted back up, “RAINBOW DASH GET YOUR LAZY ASS DOWN FROM THERE!” The assembled Ponyvillians gasped at his language and attitude.

Rainbow growled and launched herself to stand by the strange stallion. “I’m down,” she said dangerously. “Now what do you want?”

“Again I find the need to remind you; ‘no matter the circumstances.’ “ He gestured around himself and town square. “I said I’d even walk into the center of town yelling your name if it took it, and looks like it did.”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped. She had thought he sounded familiar. She squealed in mostly contained glee and gave him a tackle-hug. The now-revealed, at least to her, Streak grunted as his back hit the ground. He chuckled and whispered into her ear, “Be careful, Rainbow Dash. Rumors spread like wildfire in small towns.” Taking advantage of his position, he quickly nipped her ear.

Rainbow jumped back from Streak’s prone form, fighting to keep her wings down and a blush off of her cheeks. He had to push down a laugh at her reaction, she was cute when she was flustered.

“Come on,” Streak chuckled. “We have the whole day ahead of us.”

* * *

Rainbow was panting with exhaustion. How does he keep going?

The stallion in question was dodging every single one of her attacks with what seemed like ease, and probably was.

“Try varying your attacks more, Rainbow Dash. If you always use sweeping charges, it makes you easy to predict,” Streak lectured.

After a few more minutes of training, Streak shook his head, “This isn’t working. Let’s try something different. How would you fight with a broken wing, Rainbow Dash? Or even—” he gestured to his sides, “—no wings at all?”

Rainbow panted, “Well, I wouldn’t do good.”

“Well. You wouldn’t do well,” Streak corrected, “but as I was saying, you need to learn how to fight without wings as well or even better than with.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, “I’m sorry for messing up in grammar class, Cheerilee.”

Streak looked at her with confused eyes, “What does my demeanor have anything to do with this conversation?”

Rainbow giggled, “Cheerilee is the local schoolteacher.”

“That makes much more sense, but back to what I was saying, Rainbow Dash. You—” Streak was interrupted.

“Why do you use my full name all the time? I don’t hear any ‘Rainbow’s or ‘Dash’s when you’re talking to me. Not even a ‘Dashie’ here and there,” that last part was added almost as a whisper.

“Professionalism is needed to maintain a teaching atmosphere,” Streak started, “If I were to use familiar language it could compromise the whole experience, leading to less learning and enjoyment to all involved. Equestrian Army Drillmaster basics.”

Rainbow butted in, “Yesterday wasn’t very professional, but I know I sure as hell enjoyed it.”

She had a little giggle as she saw his brain stop working for a second at her words. He was eventually able to steer their conversation back to training, much to Rainbow’s disappointment.

“Now you need to learn to be as quick on your hooves as you are on wing,” Streak grinned as he walked over to the edge of the glade. “Now I know how hard it is for pegasi to not use their wings instinctually, especially one so naturally talented, so I brought something to help speed along the process.”

Rainbow looked over to where he was and saw a bundle of rope. “Oh, no. No, you don’t,” She said backing up and flaring her wings. “There is no way you’ll ever get me bound like that!”

Barely two minutes later, Streak sat on top of a very embarrassed and very bound pegasus. Streak had ropes around her barrel holding down her wings, but he also had more than that. He had ropes binding all four of her legs, he even managed to get a close facsimile of a bridle using a knot to form a gag in the ‘bit’.

“Are you ready to begin, or are you going to keep resisting?” Streak asked.

“Oh, my,” a quiet voice spoke up from the trail, “You work, uhm, fast. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Uh, I’ll just, go.”

Streak turned to see Fluttershy with a blush on her face that was quickly copied onto Rainbow’s. Streak looked from the bound mare to Fluttershy, who seemed to be having trouble leaving like she said she was going to. “Well, I agree that this looks pretty suggestive.”

After a short explanation of what had happened, and untying Rainbow’s legs, of course, Fluttershy was much less flustered. Rainbow, however, was unamused at Streak’s insistence that the gag be left in.

“Um, maybe you should take off the bridle. If that’s, you know, okay with you,” Fluttershy mentioned.

“I should,” Streak grinned, “and this is going to get me more trouble than it’s worth, but I think I’ll leave it in.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened and she shook her head swiftly, clearly indicating displeasure with the current line of thought.

“Why?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, for a few reasons. First, that thing was a bitch to get in there, and I want it to get some mileage before removing it. Second, look at her!” Streak squished her cheeks together, “She is adorable when flustered!” Rainbow batted the unusually playful Streak’s hooves away, blushing furiously. “Third, I think that she enjoys it.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened again as her blush deepened. Her head shook more vigorously this time, and she took a step back.

“Streak,” Fluttershy put on her ‘motherly voice’.

He sighed, “Fine. But the wings stay bound until I say they can come off, even if that isn’t until we’re done training. Completely.” Rainbow Dash glared daggers at him, and he smirked, “Or you could leave the bridle in today and get the bind taken off when we’re not practicing.”

Fluttershy looked at him in shock, “How could you even suggest such a thing! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

Rainbow, however, was mulling over her options silently as Fluttershy berated Streak for what he did. Eventually she blushed the deepest crimson she ever had and nodded.

Streak grinned and took off the bridle. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he saw a trace of disappointment in her eyes for a second. “I was just teasing you, Rainbow Dash. I’d never do something like that to you.”

Fluttershy stared at him in shock, “Why go through all that effort for nothing, then?”

Streak smirked at her as Rainbow replied for him, “He didn’t get nothing. Why do you think me and Pinkie do so much pranking if it gives us nothing?”

Fluttershy deflated a little, her anger abated for then, “Oh.”

Streak looked Rainbow up and down. She wasn’t sure if she was uncomfortable with his circling as he seemed to take in every single strand of fur on her body. Eventually he seemed satisfied, nodding, “You’ll do.”

“Wha—” Rainbow quickly had to dodge a jab from the stallion. “Streak what are y—” she was interrupted by another jab. “Streak!” she whined.

“Defend yourself, Rainbow Dash!” the pegasus named barely managed to dodge another attack. “Every hit I land on you is an hour more you have to wear the bind!”

“Streak!” Fluttershy admonished.

Rainbow grinned, launching her own barrage, “Then every hit I land on you gets me one less hour wearing it!”

Streak roared with laughter, “That’s the spirit, Rainbow Dash! I’ll make a proper soldier out of you yet!”

“Only if you have any bones left in your body when I’m done with you!”

The duo exchanged blows and playful insults and banter for the next few hours while Fluttershy sat on the sidelines reminding them to be careful and scolding them for a particularly cruel barb. Eventually, Fluttershy called a stop to the fighting. The two combatants laughed together while they walked back towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

Streak chuckled, groaning a bit from a nice hit Rainbow got in on his side, “At the rate you’re progressing, you’ll be able to fill the captain of the guard station if you wanted to!”

Rainbow giggled, also grunting a little more than a bit from more than one nice hit Streak had pumped into her side, “Nah, I’m not looking to be in the guard, anyway.”

Fluttershy butted in, “Where do you two think you’re going?”

Rainbow looked at her with a blank expression, “Uh, to the cottage? To food?”

“Fighting works up quite the appetite, especially when it’s like that one,” Streak added.

“Without washing up?” Fluttershy reminded.

Rainbow blushed as Streak sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, “Uh, no?”

“I thought not,” Fluttershy said with a smile as she walked toward the stream.

Rainbow turned to Streak and grinned, “I guess this means you have to untie me now, knot boy.”

“Knot boy?” Streak asked.

“Hey, it’s the best nickname I have for you right now, and I’m gonna use it, damnit.”

Streak shook his head, moving to untie Rainbow’s wings when he paused, an idea flashing through his head. I’m going to get into so much trouble if this doesn’t work in the right way, he thought.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash,” he said, “before I untie you—”

“Do. Not. Bring. Up. The. Bridle.” Rainbow growled, reminding him swiftly that the hit on his side was received shortly after cracking a joke about said bridle.

“Nothing of the sort, I just don’t want you flying off immediately like usual,” Streak said, holding his hooves up in mock surrender.

Rainbow nodded and, true to her word, did little more than stretch her cramped wings. She looked at Streak with curiosity in her eyes. “Any specific reason you want me to stay around, or is it just because I’m awesome?”

“When was the last time you truly cleaned yourself?” Streak asked bluntly.

Rainbow flinched as if struck, “Streak, I clean every day, you know this!”

“I know you fly through a few clouds and let the moisture clean you off. When was the last time you actually sat in water and scrubbed yourself clean?”

“Uh—” Rainbow tried to respond.

“And further, when was the last time you preened?” Rainbow blushed furiously at the personal nature of that question. “Yes, I know it is improper to ask that question, but look at your wings!” His hoof hovered over multiple spots in quick succession, “Loose feather, broken shaft, old feather, another loose feather, a third one here. That was all with a cursory glance! There is no way you could have wings in this condition if you preened regularly.”

Rainbow stuttered for a second before responding quietly, “Uh, well, I never really, uhm, have that much time to preen. Weather duty and all.”

“I’ve seen you do your weather work. The only way you would have no time to preen properly is if you had to do weather for half of Equestria! It’s almost as if you didn’t learn to preen!” At Rainbow’s flinch, Streak looked at her sideways, “Didn’t learn to preen? Rainbow Dash, you do know how to preen, don’t you?”

“Of course!” she answered too quickly. At Streak’s disbelieving glance, she bristled. “What does it matter to you?”

“Rainbow Dash,” Streak started, “preening is–You know what? I’m going to drop this topic.” Rainbow sighed in relief before stiffening at his next words, “On one condition.”

“I swear, Streak, if you even mention the bridle, I will castrate you,” her threat was spoken with so much venom that Streak had to resist the urge to cover and protect himself in case she followed through.

“Nothing of the sort. My condition is simple. Come to the stream with Fluttershy and me after we spar and to preen at least once a week.” When Rainbow’s glare didn’t lessen he continued, “I’m not asking you to preen yourself in front of me, Rainbow Dash. That would be improper. I’m also not asking you to let Fluttershy or me do it for you. I’m asking you to make sure it is done. If you truly don’t know, ask a close friend to teach you.”

“Like you?” Rainbow said with only a hint of venom. That hint was enough of a warning for Streak even though he was planning on replying the way he did anyway.

“Like Fluttershy, or even Twilight. You know she has read up on the subject at least once,” he replied. “Do not ask me, I won’t do it.” Rainbow couldn’t tell if she was supposed to be relieved or disappointed at the news.

Streak continued, sticking out a hoof, “Do you accept my terms, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow stared at the offered hoof for a few seconds before shaking his hoof. Streak smiled and reminded her, “Remember, Rainbow Dash, I can tell if you have been preening. Don’t think you can slip past me.” He got real close to her face, causing her to flush. “Also,” he trailed off as Rainbow’s heartbeat sped up exponentially. She started leaning toward his face, closing her eyes, only to yelp and jump back as he blew in her ear. “Remember to get behind your ears!” she heard the suddenly playful again stallion chuckle as he ran for the stream like his life depended on it.

The way Rainbow was feeling right now? It did.

Unfortunately for Streak, Rainbow was fast in the air. She slammed into him, tumbling down a hill as a mass of limbs, eventually coming to a stop by the shore of the stream. Streak ended up on top, so he smiled, digging his hooves into Rainbow’s belly. She squealed and thrashed, trying to get away from her relentless tickler, but to no avail. Her giggles and thrashing left her tired and out of breath, and therefore in no condition to throw Streak off from his position straddling her midsection.

Eventually she was able to call out through the laughter, “Alright! I give! I give! Uncle!” Streak redoubled his efforts, causing Rainbow to howl with laughter. “STREAK!” she whined. Eventually he stopped but retained his place on top of her. When she caught her breath, she gave him a playful glare, “That wasn’t very nice, mister! How would you like it if I did that to yOU!” The end of her sentence ended unusually high due to Streak tickling her one last time before dismounting.

“Sorry, I just couldn’t resist!” Streak chuckled.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Rainbow pouted.

“You never told me to stop, so it couldn’t have bothered you that much, Rainbow Dash,” Streak smirked.

Rainbow deadpanned at him before letting out a little giggle, “Nothing I ever say or do is going to make you not use my full name, will it?”

Streak gave her the widest grin she had seen on him yet, “Nope!”

Rainbow sighed and looked at her coat, now with twigs and leaves stuck in it. “This is going to take forever,” she moaned.

Streak grinned, “Trust me, it will be faster than you think. Step one, get in the water.”

Rainbow was about to start walking to the stream when Streak, utilizing a trick he learned from Applejack, ducked under Rainbow’s barrel and threw her on his back. “Hey!” she yelled indignantly.

“You’re going to let me do this my way the first time,” Streak commented.

“Aw, come on!” Rainbow pouted at him again.

“Warning, it’s cold,” Streak smirked.

“Wha—” Rainbow was cut off by being bodily chucked into the stream. She surfaced quickly, quite rightly upset with the stallion. “Streak!”

The stallion in question chuckled as he walked into the stream himself. He dove under and Rainbow lost sight of him. She twisted back and forth, waiting to see where he’d resurface. She yelped in surprise as the stallion started picking out debris from the part of her coat that was submerged and her tail. After nearly two minutes, the stallion resurfaced for a breath.

“What are you doing?” Rainbow yelled at him.

He smirked, “Cleaning you, Rainbow Dash, what does it look like?” Before she could reply he was back under.

“Streak,” she pouted, knowing that he had no way of hearing or seeing her.

“He’s unusually playful,” a quiet voice spoke up from the bank. “I think he likes you.”

Rainbow ceased to be a cyan pegasus, and instead turned into a bright red earth pony with stiff, fake wings strapped to her back. Fluttershy had her usual demure smile on her face as Rainbow tried unsuccessfully to ignore the stallion that was combing through her tail at the moment.

When Streak resurfaced a second time, he saw how red Rainbow had become. He immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion, “Oh, no. I was being careful and everything. I am so sorry! I thought I was being good!”

Rainbow looked at him in confusion before realizing what he was implying. She turned even redder and squeaked before pointing at Fluttershy. Streak looked at where she was pointing and let out a relieved sigh, “Not adding ‘sexual assault’ to my long list of offences. That is good.”

“Just, finish up already,” Rainbow muttered

Streak grinned mischievously before teasing, “Why, Rainbow Dash, one could think that you’re enjoying this!”

“Streak,” Fluttershy scolded.

Streak sighed, “Fine, fine. Ruin my fun, why don’t you?” With that he was back under, combing through Rainbow’s tail again, this time undoing as many knots as he could. He was finished before he surfaced for another breath. His next words chilled Rainbow’s blood, “Time to clean your mane. Dunk under, and don’t be afraid to surface for breath whenever you feel the need.”

She swallowed before taking a huge breath and dunking her head under the water. She opened her eyes to be staring right into Streak’s. She had never really taken the time to look at his eyes. They were a rather dull brown, of all colors. It seemed to Rainbow that nature had taken all of his vibrancy and thrown it all into the one strip of color in his mane.

Streak’s face slowly contorted into a smile as he pecked her on the nose before moving to a position that he could pull the detritus that their earlier tumble and tickle fight, however one sided, had thrown into her own mane. She would never, ever admit it, but she had not really brushed out her mane or tail in years, instead preferring the messy, windswept look she had naturally. It was easy, and frankly she thought it looked about as good as she got. However, the look on Streak’s face when she came up for breath led her to believe that she was mistaken.

Streak was dumbfounded. He had said when he first arrived that Twilight was the most beautiful mare he had ever seen, but when Rainbow put any kind of effort into her appearance, she outshone Twilight easily. With her hair no longer knotted and tangled, it was longer than it looked previously and hung straighter. She have him a shy smile more at place on Fluttershy’s face than hers before looking up at her bangs, “It’s not that much of a difference, is it?”

(Ignore the socks. For the love of everything holy, ignore the socks.)

“Ah, uh. Uhm,” that was all Streak could get out at the moment. Rainbow blushed at his reaction before quickly inhaling and diving back under. This snapped Streak out of his stupor and he joined her back underneath to finish cleaning her mane with her.

Fluttershy sat on the shore with a broad smile on her face, for once glad to be forgotten.

* * *

Streak had called a meeting of the Elements of Harmony, and they all knew what that meant. Time for things to get serious. The six mares were inside Fluttershy’s cottage awaiting Streak’s arrival. Inside the cottage with them was Shining Armor, and Cadance, the two having stayed at Twilight’s library for the last day and refused to not be a part of what’s happening.

Finally, Streak walked in. “We have a lot of planning to do, a lot of unknown variables, and a lot that can and will go wrong.”

Twilight nodded, “I think that our first course of action would be to use the Elements on Celestia.”

Streak scoffed, “I won’t go after her with a gentle hand. If I have her at my mercy, she will be dead.”

“Everypony deserves a second chance, Streak,” Twilight sighed. “Would you not like to have your Celestia back?”

Streak growled at her, and Rainbow Dash scolded her, “Low blow, Twi, low blow.”

“It is, however, a valid point,” Shining Armor pointed out. “What if she was affected with some kind of curse or malady, or even some kind of magical monstrosity like Nightmare Moon was believed to be? Would you kill her knowing that there was some kind of way to have your Celestia back?”

“Shining Armor,” Streak continued as if they hadn’t spoken, “You need to remove the guards before I get into the throne room. Spread those memories around to as many guards as you can get your hooves on. The more people know, the harder it is to remove the knowledge.”

Shining Armor nodded. Streak turned to the Elements, “You girls, if you really think the Elements will work, will need to get to the throne room with them before Celestia is dead if you want them used.”

Twilight and Rainbow nodded, while the other four just looked horrified.

Streak looked out the window at the summer forest with a grim look on his face. “It’s time.”

Author's Note:

Wet mane Rainbow Dash. For, ahem, refrence.

Note to self, turn on safe search before typing in something as suggestive as 'wet Rainbow Dash'. Nothing against cloppers and not trying to hat, mind you, it's just not my cup of tea.

Also, shoutout to Black Sun Eclipse. This dude rhymes like it's nothing. Knighty, make a Zecora emote, just for this guy.

A guardian turned
and everyone burned
forever with hate
that only her death would sate
And now I want more
with the next chapter, you'll soar
for now I must wait
for more of Streak the Great:twilightsmile:

Also, I can't resist. Look out for another chapter up within the next day or two. I'm currently working on book two, and just don't have the willpower to resist posting chapters like crazy. You're welcome.