• Published 4th Jan 2013
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Requiem for a Clone - FictionaryThought

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First Encounter

“So what you’re saying is, we’re in a world where equines are the dominant species?” Zexion asked.

Zexion was visible now, and we ‘as in me and Zecora’ were having tea in her hut. I briefly explained that I had brought about his end and, as punishment, now had him as my conscience. Zecora was accepting of this, not wanting too much detail on how I murdered a man trying to make myself different from Riku. Zecora was telling us about this world, and how she knew the world order. She, on her quest of self discovery, connected her heart to the heart of this world, and gained it’s secrets. Who knew a simple connection could lead to such a well informed creature? This world was called ‘Equis’ in reference to how the populous consisted mostly of equines. The most common equines were ‘ponies’ which took 3 forms; unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony. Zecora was not from this country, which was known as ‘Equestria’, but was in fact from a place known as Zebra Country. She left her people in the hopes of gaining knowledge, and now locks herself away in this place called ‘The Everfree Forest’, because she doesn’t feel like she belongs around normal folk, and likes to keep to herself. I’d write down her words exactly, but it was too much rhyming for me to keep up with, it’s only because of Zexion’s mind I was able to put that info together.

“That is indeed the way it is, in this world we call Equis.”

I sipped some more tea before speaking. “So, what happens now?” I asked.

Zecora set down her cup. “If you are to keep the world order going it’s way, I must advise that you do not stay. You won’t fit in as well as you think, for the human race has been extinct.”

Zexion spoke. “That’s not entirely a problem. Since Repliku has my abilities as a Nobody, he can simply shape shift into an equine form. All we must do is be stealthy and get a good look and one of this worlds ponies while making certain they don’t see us.”

I spoke. “And since I also have access to the dark corridors, I can just teleport away when I’m done.”

We heard a knock on the door.

“Damn it.” I quietly cursed. “Ok, I’ll use my dark corridor, you see what they want.” I surrounded myself with darkness, and vanished, now in the realm of darkness. I could still hear what was going on, given that I was just in another dimension. I heard the door open, and slowly backed away from where I was standing, until I knew I was far enough to be outside the hut, and got myself back in the realm of light. I was successfully outside of the hut.

Zexion was now invisible again, and spoke. “Now’s your chance. Look in the window and see what those ponies look like.”

No time like the present. I walk up to the hut, and get close.

“Hold on.” Zexion said. “Let me warn Zecora.” He cleared his throat, even if he didn’t have a throat. “Zecora! Keep those ponies away from the window!”

I heard her speak. “I see you’ve come to me this night, what brings you hear my friend Twilight.”

Twilight, I like that name. Reminds me of Twilight Town, where Namine chose to live. ‘Twilight’ spoke. “Well originally I was going to ask about what started that fire, but now I’m wondering what you’ve been up to. I just picked up dark magic.”

“Oh.” Zexion said. “Not good. Get a good look at her and run like hell.”

I look in the window barely, and see her. She looked much more feminine, than Zecora. Unlike Zecora, this pony had eye lashes, and a differently shaped muzzle. She was purple, had purple eyes, and a purple mane with a stripe of pink and a tail to match. They were all different shades of purple, but she was still completely purple. Her horn was considerably more dull than I’d expected a unicorn to have. Beside her was an orange earth pony with a blonde mane and tail, both put into a pony tail. I couldn’t help but find that funny. She also had white freckles and a stetson. Well, these ponies were definitely colorful.

“Very.” Zexion replied. “Hey Zecora! Is it safe to say it doesn’t matter what color we choose for the disguise!?”

“To your accusation I cannot say I ingest, but if you ask to come in, you know I’ll say yes.”

“That’s a yes. Now we just need a good look at a male pony and we’re good to go.”

“Hold on.” I say. “Let me get another look.” I look back into the window and step on a twig.

“What was that?” The orange one asked.

“Fuck.” I curse and get down.

“Zecora.” Twilight started. “You’re hiding somepony who’s using dark magic, who is it?”

“I am bound by laws to simply not say. I advise you two be on your way.”

“What laws?”

“To tell you how they work, I’d have to cross a forbidden border. I will simply say it is called the world order.”

“World order? Zecora this is the balance of light and darkness we’re talking about. If anything, finding out who’s shifting that balance is an obligation of mine to maintain ‘world order’.”

“Oh, now we’re the enemy.” Zexion stated. “You should run.”

“Where?” I whisper. “Zecora’s hut is the only safe place I can hide. I’ll just hide in the trees and wait for them to leave.”

And I do so, being as stealthy as possible but also causing some leaves to rustle.

“There it is again.” The orange one stated.

Twilight burst out of the door, looking for anything suspicious. I was out of sight, but that only served to make her more angry. She calmed down a bit and plastered an obviously fake smile on her face. “Look, I don’t really know if your any harm. If you just come out, I know I can trust you.”

“And strike three.” Zexion stated. “Now it’s either show your face or become the enemy for her to track down.”

No other options. “If I show myself, do you promise not to over react? You might be surprised by what you see.”

Twilight inspected the tree top she heard my voice come from. “Come down, and I promise I’ll maintain my composure.”

I really hoped she meant that. I take a deep breath, and jump down.