• Published 4th Jan 2013
  • 1,303 Views, 28 Comments

Requiem for a Clone - FictionaryThought

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Just when I thought things couldn’t get any more complicated, a Miss Twilight Sparkle planned my day tomorrow to be the most difficult one in my whole life. How is it that a clone of a warrior, who was created for the soul purpose of killing his real counterpart, could possibly have a day more difficult than any of the one’s that were experienced at Castle Oblivion?
Two words. No, Illusions.

Apparently Twilight not only had no trust for me, but she also wouldn’t allow me to live life in Equestria based off a lie. Translation, I couldn’t disguise myself as a pony. Mind you, trying to pull off being a completely different species would be complicated, but Twilight’s idea seemed much worse.

“Today, I’m going to talk to the Mayor of Ponyville, and inform her that an unusual resident will be staying. Zecora will help me explain, while maintaining the world order. You’ll most likely end up in several interviews, and Princess Celestia will want to speak with you as soon as she hears about it, but consider that punishment for using dark magic.”

Dark magic she calls it. It’s more than just a form of magic, it’s a universal force. You’d think a world filled with magic, meant a world filled with magic experts. But no. I not only had to deal with a pony who makes bad ideas, but a pony who didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Could be worse?” Zexion asked.

Let’s see. I’m staying at a hut in a forest filled with darkness, I’m about to be introduced to a civilization that hasn’t seen humans in a millennia, and to top it all off, Namine has probably left Twilight Town by now, and even if she was still there, I don’t know how to get there from this world. My only experience with the corridors of darkness was short distance travel, never world to world. How in Equestria could things get any worse?

“You could be dead.” Zexion said.

If I were dead, I wouldn’t have to be dealing with any of this.

“Don’t start acting suicidal.”

You are such a useless conscience. I already said death doesn’t frighten me, so what point is there in telling me otherwise?

“Just think for a moment. Why are you here?”

I died, and somehow pieced myself together, the end.

“I mean why are you still here?”

Because searching for Namine would be like finding a needle in a hay stack by now.

“Really now?” Zexion asked in an intrigued manner. “How interesting.”

And this is proof I will never understand Zexion, even if he is my conscience. He’s part of my brain, yet I don’t know what he’s thinking.

“That’s for the best, for the time being. Here’s another reason. Riku has never been to this world. That means, you have the opportunity for a new experience that Riku’s never had.”

Oh great, another reason to pretend I’m real. Zexion, you’re not helping.

I visualized him shrugging in my mind. “You need someone to talk to.”

I sighed, and let my eyes open to get another look at the roof of Zecora’s hut. I was lying in her bed, while she was outside, sleeping in a hammock. She said she had some sort of meditation technique that allowed her to adjust her body heat during the Winter. Whatever, I thought. I just wanted to sleep.

Zecora could tell I wasn’t going to sleep so easily before I was even in bed, and left me an herbal drink at my bedside. She said it was fast acting, so I should only take it when I’m ready. "No time like the present." I say to myself, and gulp the drink down. I’d tasted worse when Vexen tested drugs on me at least.

Much like Repliku, Applejack was having trouble sleeping as well. Now not only was she having problems with her life, but soon, everypony would be talking about the new human in town, and none of them will want to spend the day with her. So much for Twilight’s plan. Thinking about it, this idea of Twilight’s meant that Applejack had only two people in mind that she could spend tomorrow with to take her mind off of things. First, there was Twilight. She’d already been introduced to the human in question, and had shown how much she hated him. Spending a day with her PFF would be much less irritating than spending time with Repliku, Applejack mused. And then there was Repliku. Applejack doubted she would get much time with him, since everypony would be wanting an interview with the so called last human in Equestria. Still though, Repliku would rather spend a day with one pony than the whole town. Twilight said it herself. “Look, clearly things have been going the same way for too long. If your given enough time, you can get enough money saved, but you need something to distract you in the meantime. We need something new, unexpected, exciting.”

Nothing could be more unexpected than this.

Darkness, and laughter. Guess I could put together my own dreams.

I was running from a voice that was all too familiar to me. It was the laugh of my creator, Vexen. “Come out, come out, my little puppet.”

I had no idea what he wanted, I didn’t care. I was running for my life, not wanting to be part of another experiment.

I ran up to the gates of the abandoned mansion in Twilight Town. “Namine!” I cry out, getting no response from the old manner. I look back, but don’t see Vexen. Instead, I see Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

“What’s wrong?” Goofy asks.

“Something, feels really strange.” Sora responds. “I’m sure I don’t know this place, but it’s starting to feel like, it’s familiar to me.”

“You must’ve come here some time before.” Donald said.

“No.” Sora replies. “And that’s what’s strange.” He walked up closer to the gates, not even noticing I was there watching.

“It could be like with Namine.” Goofy says. “You forgot lots of other stuff, and that’s why you remember this place now.”

“No, it’s different.” Sora says. “With Namine, my memories, sorta came drifting back to me. A little piece at a time. But not now. It’s not memories, just this idea that I must’ve been here before.”

“So, feeling nostalgic?”

I recognized that voice, and it was right behind me. I turn around, and see Vexen appear from the darkness. Although, he seems to not see me either. This had to be another memory.

“Sora. A question then for you. Your memories of Namine, or your feelings here. Which of the two of these is more real, I wonder?

“Namine of course!” Sora claimed. “Whatever it is that I’m feeling, I bet it’s just another one of your mean little tricks!”

Vexen laughed. “The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts.”

“Cut the riddles!” Sora said firmly.

“I told you. This place was created solely from another side of your memory. It is on the other side of your heart that
the memory of this place exists. It is your heart that remembers.”

“You’re wrong!” Sora yelled. “I don’t know this place!"

Vexen wasn’t listening. “If you remain bound by the chain of memories, and refuse to believe what is truly inside your heart, then throw it away. You are not a keyblade master. Just a slave to twisted memories. Yes, exactly like my Riku.” He pulled out his shield. “Your existence is worth nothing!”

I really hate Vexen. But what could I say? He was right. My existence was worthless. Is worthless. Will always be worthless.

“Like your Riku? Worth nothing?” Sora was getting angry. “That’s enough! You’re the one who changed Riku! Every word you’ve said is a lie! I’d never throw away my heart!” Sora pulled out his keyblade. “I’m gonna take you down, and save Riku and Namine! That’s, what’s in my heart!”

The memory faded. I was in a dark space, with nothing but my own thoughts to accompany me. “Sora. He cared about me. He even let me protect Namine.” I lowered my head in shame. “Why didn’t I just accept that, instead of ending up like this?”

“Like what?”

That caught me by surprise. Mainly because it wasn’t a voice I recognized. My memory was…somewhat perfect, and I knew I didn’t recognize that voice.

“Are you going to answer my question?”

Not reading my mind? “Who are you?”

A light began to shine far above me, and with it came the lights of millions of stars. The first light grew, and took shape of the moon, illuminating the grassy field I was standing on. A figure came down from the moon. She was another pony, but definitely a breed I hadn’t been introduced to. She had wings, and a horn. Not a pegasus, yet, not a unicorn. I’d seen statues of these in the Twilight Town mansion. What were they called?

“It’s an alicorn.” Zexion replied.

The ‘alicorn’ was caught off guard, and looked around to see who she just heard. “Who was that?”

“That was Zexion.” I said. “He’s my conscience.”

She looked at me, confused. “But I can’t read minds when I enter dreams. How can I hear your conscience?”

“Because I’m more than just a part of Repliku’s mind.” Zexion pointed out. “I am the spirit of a life he took during his days at Castle Oblivion.”

I chose to speak. “In other words, I killed him, and now I’m punished by having him tell me what to do.”

“Now is this how you should treat your dearest friend?” Zexion joked.

“Don’t know, don’t care.” I deadpanned.

She looked to me. “You’re so strange.” She said. “I could spend all your time asking questions, but I suppose just one will do. Would you like to see me every night?”

That caught me off guard. “What?”

“Let me explain. My name is Princess Luna. I am the goddess of the moon, night, and realm of dreams. In this world, all dreams are connected, like a web that spreads all across Equestria. This allows me to visit my subjects in their dreams, which is a necessity for me. But your dreams, are like a loose strand, floating outside of that web. I could connect your dreams to the web, but I need your permission first.”

No idea what to do. Zexion, advice?

“I’m not sure which you should choose. Your own privacy is an important thing, so maybe you should refuse. If it’s important that you do get connected though, you should consider."

Luna laughed. “If you do not wish to be connected, I understand. I am simply curious about you.”

I grunted. “Yes, well I’ll be getting enough interviews tomorrow, so please don’t.”

“Very well.” She said. “But if you ever need me-“ She set down a necklace with a crescent moon on it. “Just call to me while wearing this.”

She vanished, but her voice remained. “I’ll leave you with a pleasant dream.”

The scenery changed. I was on Destiny Islands, and it was sunrise. The necklace was still in front of me, so I picked it up. It looked nice. I put it around my neck, and looked around. This was the Island me and…the island Riku and Sora played on. Well, at least I had something to do.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the filler. I honestly don't think I did very well on this chapter. Opinions please. Also, the necklace will be incorporated later in the story, so this chapter wasn't completely pointless.