• Published 4th Jan 2013
  • 1,303 Views, 28 Comments

Requiem for a Clone - FictionaryThought

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All in the Mind

“Are you an alien?”

The question put me off guard. She’d just gotten through chasing me halfway through town, risking some serious injuries from slipping on the ice all over the roads, beat me in a fist fight (or hoof fight I guess), and had to experience me going through her memories, making her live her fears, and nearly drove her to insanity.

All this, just to ask a stupid question?

“Well?” Lyra said. “I beat you in a fight, now answer me. Are you an alien?”

I couldn’t hear Zexion give me any advice, which only worried more considering what he made me do earlier. Still I knew I couldn’t answer truthfully. The World Order was in jeopardy, and lies were needed to keep it in tact. “No.” I answered.

Her ears lowered, and she frowned. “Darn it. And I really thought that was what happend to the last of you humans. Guess Bon Bon was right, no way a natural disaster huge enough to make you leave this planet would go un-noticed.” She raised her brow. “Then how are you here exactly? I knew humans existed, but to my knowledge, they went extinct years ago.”

Time to put my lying to the test. “Twilight discovered a DNA sample from a creature she didn’t recognize, and made me from it.” I tried to offer her a hand shake, only to find that she was still holding my arms down. “Um, if you would kindly get off of me, I’d gladly offer you a hand shake.”

“Oh.” She said, realizing she was still on top of me, and blushing. “Sorry.” She got off of me, and kindly returned my gesture. “So can you speak Japanese?”

“Hai, watashi wa nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekiru”

*Yes I can speak Japanese.*

She squealed in joy, understanding what I said to her completely.

“Kon'nichiwa! Watakushi wa Shimizu Chiharu desu.”

*Hello! My name is Lyra Heartstrings.*

She got closer to me.

“Kawaii desu ne?”

*It’s cute isn’t it?*

I got up and dusted off. “Yes very cute, now can we stop? It gives me a headache to put together Japanese sentences. The only reason I know it to begin with is because of genetic memory.”

That part was actually true. Everything I knew about speech, combat, and anything else, I got from Riku’s memory. After all, the memory and heart were tightly linked. Of course, now that his life was wiped from my memory, I have no idea why he knew the language.

She blushed a little. “Sorry, again.” She said, clearly embarrassed. “I’m just so excited to meet a human!” Her eyes were twinkling. “I’ve been putting a list of questions together since I was a filly!!” She said, now seeming very much more crazy than I’d assumed.

Not wanting a plethora of questions, I respond the only way I knew how.

I used the darkness to warp to Twilight’s Library right in front of Lyra.

She was left slack jawed as she went over what just happend. She knew that this human knew illusion magic, but teleportation? That was much more impressive. She smiled even more. “That was awesome!” She exclaimed, only wanting to study her new human friend even more.

Back at the library, I was greeted by a scolding Twilight Sparkle. “Two questions. One, what the hey were you thinking using dark magic? Two, what took you so long to get here?”

“Nice to see you too.” I responded. “Anyway, to answer both your questions, I met a miss Lyra Heartstrings, who is completely obsessed with humans and wanted to interview me. I don’t enjoy interviews so I used the quickest escape method I knew, the Dark Corridor.” I put my hands behind my head to give me a lazy and care free appearance, like Sora. “Anything else?”

Sighing in obvious frustration, Twilight responded thusly. “You’re lucky I actually know Lyra, or I wouldn’t have believed you. But just to make sure you don’t use dark magic again, I’ll be happy to teach you a teleportation spell.” She sat down on her couch. “Anyhoof, I just had Pinkie Pie send all the other Elements of Harmony invites to the tree house. You can explain yourself fully to them. And leave no important detail unsaid.”

I grunted. “You know, I wouldn’t even be telling you or your friends if it weren’t for this stupid Helmets of Armory bull crap.”

She flared her nostrils. “Elements of Harmony. And at least I’m giving you a chance. If not for Zexion’s proposal, I would’ve just had Celestia banish you from Equestria because of your power over the darkness.”

“Everyone and everything has darkness Twilight.” I repented. “Without it we would be blinded by our radiance. Sometimes Light can be just as corrupt as Darkness.”

Wanting to end this conversation, I decided to bring up a much more important matter. “Speaking of Zexion, I think something happend to him.”

Twilight’s ears perked up a bit. “What do you mean?”

“ Earlier today, I think he took possession of my body. It was temporary, but I could tell that the movements I made weren’t my own. On top of that, I haven’t heard him say anything since I got control of my body back. Normally I can’t get him out of my train of thought, but now I can’t hear him at all.”

Twilight seemed even more confused. “A conscience trying to possess the mind of his maker? That seems a little far fetched.”

“Well, even if it wasn’t Zexion-” I pointed to my head. “that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t hear him.” I crossed my arms. “Do you have any spells that could let me see what’s happening?”

Twilight hummed to herself, rubbing her for-hoof on her chin in thought. “Well, there is that one mind reading spell I never got to use. It was designed for therapy to help a patient find the source of their worries. I’m not sure it will work though.”

“Anything’s better than nothing” I said.

“Well…” Twilight was a bit hesitant. Humans were a violent species, and looking into one’s mind didn’t seem like a good idea. Even so, Repliku didn’t have his conscience, and that had a lot of potential for future problems. After weighing things out in her mind, Twilight made her decision. “Fine.” She got off of the couch. “Lie down on here.”

I did as I was told. It brought back some stupid memories you know, being told to lie down that is. The major difference was that this was a mad scientist pony, rather that Vexen. And anyone, or anypony in this case, was better than Vexen.

“Now-” Twilight began. “Focus. I want you to imagine Zexion in a room. We will both be entering the confines of your mind, so making him apear in the first place we get to would make this much easier.”

“Ok.” I said. Focusing on Zexion was easy. I could never ignore him after all. Being without his voice, it almost made me feel lonely.

Twilight’s horn steadily lit up, as she readied herself for what was about to come. “I hope this works.”

Author's Note:

Had my wisdom teeth removed today, and I'm putting off studying for this, so please excuse me for the cliff hanger.