• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 1,585 Views, 144 Comments

Defender of Equestria - x-Kiryu-x

It all started with a little lost saiyan... Equestria has been in peace for thousands of years under Celestia's rule, but what happens when that peace is broken?

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Chapter 2: As bright as the full moon

Celestia smiled as she walked down the streets of Canterlot, enjoying all of it, from the beautifully decorated buildings to the natural decorations of trees and sky.

The nice view of the mountains and the rest of Equestria also helped.

Slowly walking down a small stone path she looked around with a mellow look as she tried to find what she was looking for.


Turning around, her smile widened as she extended her wings outwards to better receive the embrace of the child running towards her, ready to attack with a vicious attack of hugs.

"Mommy, mommy, today was so fun! I saw this awesome little bug by a tree in the park and I watched it turn into another bug right before my eyes! It was so cool!"

Meet Kiryu Solaris, currently eight years old, his birthday near by a few months, talking to his mother about the day he had.

Kiryu's introduction to the citizens of Canterlot was that of mixed results, many of the citizens finding this strange never before seen species weird, strange, especially for their princess to suddenly adopt it and name it her son.

Making it a prince really didn't help ease the nerves of many of the ponies.

But, that slowly started to change as they saw him grow from a small unknown being, into a carefree joy filled little bundle of fun.

Despite revealing most of his bizarre traits like his tastes in food, appetite and surprisingly high strength, they were quickly pushed aside as he revealed his better traits.

From his natural need to help those he sees in need of assistance all the way to his oddly high charisma, many labeling him as a 'handsome little guy' despite his protest against those words along with the blush of embarrassments.

Long story short, Kiryu made a real impact on Canterlot and it's citizens, as well as the other places he's gone with his mother, letting know many from Equestria of their newest prince.

Celestia giggled as she raised the small boy in her wing into her back. "Is that so? I guess it must of turned into something really amazing to catch your eye." She said as she began walking back the path she came from.

Kiryu, wearing a white tucked in shirt with a pair of blue jean overalls and red sneakers on his feet, nodded with closed eyes, his tail wiggling behind him trough the hole made in the back.

"Yeah, it was cool! It like, transformed! I want to transform into things too!" He said as he leaned forward, next to the alicorn's head.

Celestia smiled as she looked at her son. "Well, who knows, maybe you can transform." She said before giggling.

The small saiyan's eyes sparkled at his mother's words. "Wow, really?! Maybe I can, but I just don't know how to yet!" He exclaimed in excitement, his tail wiggling even more then before.

As Kiryu continued fantasizing, Celestia listened on to her son, smiling, enjoying their time together. 'Hehe... my little Kiryu...' She thought as she continued walking.

Now back in the palace, more specifically, in Kiryu's room, in his bathroom, the saiyan looked at himself in the mirror as he finished brushing his teeth.

Spitting into the sink and placing his orange toothbrush into the cup next to the faucet, he jumped off of the small stool he used to get a better look at himself in the mirror.

Marching into his room, he stopped once he reached his room, stopping in front of a full length mirror and looked at himself.

"Hmm... I hope I don't stay short forever, I hope I transform into something cool!" Kiryu began smiling as he placed his closed fists by his waist, his tail slowly raising upwards and downwards slowly.

Yawning, he stretched, raising his arms upwards, his light blue shirt was lifted, revealing his small belly.

Blinking, he patted said belly. He wasn't chubby, but he wasn't skinny either. "I hope this doesn't stay either, or, at least not get bigger, hehe." He chuckled as he turned around and began walking out of his room, his dinosaur slippers making small almost unheard squeaks with each step as he walked towards his destination.

Once reaching said destination, he peaked his head by the side of the door in front of him.

Looking inside, he found his mother looking at the night sky from the balcony in her room.

Smiling, he started walking towards her.

With her ears twitching, Celstia turned around before smiling as she looked at who it was.

"Kiryu, there you are, have you come to see me raise the moon?" She asked, to which she received a nod from the little saiyan.

Semi jogging, Kiryu reached the balcony in which his mother was and stood next to her. "Yeah, I always like when you raise the moon and stars!" He exclaimed, his tail wiggling behind him in excitement.

Celestia giggled before turning back to the night sky. "Yes, and today will be extra special, I know how you always find it annoying that you fall asleep or forget about this specific moon position that you never see..."

The saiyan's eyes sparkled as they grew, almost all of the whit gone from them as he gasped. "You mean...!?" He began saying.

"Yes, the full moon!" Said Celestia as her horn glowed in a golden yellow color, and soon enough, the large white and slightly blue tinted celestial object appeared in the night sky.

The alicorn's horn ceased it's glowing as she finished her work. "Ah, and it's so beautiful this night..." Said Celestia, before giving off a small sigh.

Kiryu watched in amazement the large orb in the sky. "Wow, and it's so big! I can't believe I've never seen it before!" He said out loud, laughing as his tail never ceased it's wiggling.

Until he started feeling something.

Something in his chest.

Quickly, his laughing ceased and his smile began disappearing, his tail fell limp to the floor just as his arms fell to his sides.

Celestia was too lost in fond memories of her past to notice his son's eyes start turning red as he shivered and stared at the moon.

At first, nothing happened, but that quickly changed as he heard his own heartbeat in his head.


He felt his chest heave with that heartbeat, feeling a slight hint of pain, but he couldn't say anything, all he could do was stand still and stare at the moon in the night sky.


That one hurt more.


That one hurt more then the last.


And that's when it started.

Kiryu clenched his eyes for a second as his muscles began getting stiff.

Groaning, he could feel his canines begin to grow and sharpen, opening his red eyes, he gasped as he watched them grow longer, sharper, and even black.

He tried to say something, anything to his mother.



But all that came out was a scream as his muscles began to bulge.

Quickly turning around, Celestia gasped as she saw the state of her son.

"Kiryu! What's wrong!" She yelled, trying to get close to him.

But was surprisingly pushed back by the saiyan, his strength slightly greater then before.

"Hah... hah... AGHH!" Kiryu could not say a word as he felt his insides, bones, everything inside him start growing.


And with that last heartbeat, Kiryu raised his head, his now completely blood red eyes glowing as he screamed.

His body began growing in size, his hair began turning brown as well as beginning to grow on the sides of his face, his mouth painfully growing outwards, turning into some sort of snout.

Celestia could only watch in fear as she saw her son, the same son she had raised since she found him as a baby begin to outgrow her room.

Unintentionally, she teleported out of the room and outside the palace, in the gardens where she could see her balcony. There, she saw Kiryu smashing the roof, but now, he was even more different, now he looked more like some sort of, giant ape that continued on growing.

And it didn't stop, not yet.

He grew and grew, pushing aside any part of the palace surrounding him ,until his weight could no longer be held, making the floor beneath him to crumble and make way, making the still growing Kiryu to fall until landing in the grass below, a large cloud of debris, dust and dirt covered the area where he landed.

Celestia slowly walked forward, hoping that he had stopped growing.

Until, suddenly, Kiryu raised from the cloud, clearly larger then before, raising his large hands into the air, and roaring.

The alicorn had to shut her eyes just from the sheer sound wave Kiryu's roar gave off.

Once she regained her focus, she opened her eyes, to look at the giant ape.

Only to go wide eyed and gasp.

Kiryu had quickly grown again, easily reaching around sixty feet!

Growling, the large great ape saiyan looked down, long time suppressed saiyan instincts kicking in as he felt the need to destroy everything in his path.

Roaring once more, he pumped his fists into his chest before raising them and opening his large mouth, revealing his sharp rows of teeth.

Walking forward, he began taking large loud steps onto the city before him.

Many of the citizens began walking out of their houses to see what was all the commotion, only to see a large, angry looking ape making it's way towards them.

Many began to scream and run, or just run, away from the large ape.

Roaring, Kiryu watched the small creatures running from him, it made him angry, and he wanted to destroy them!

Raising his arms, he was about to lunge at them, before something began knocking him back, he felt many small points around him pushing back.

Looking down, he spotted a large group of pegasi clad in armor pushing him back with all their strength.

Snarling, he lowered his arms and grabbed as many of them as he could, once he had enough of them, he threw them into a nearby building, many crashing trough the windows or getting knocked into the walls before falling to the ground.

Snarling, Kiryu began feeling something in his back, turning around, he saw unicorns firing magic at him.

Annoying him to no end, the large ape raised his foot and attempted to crush them with it.

Luckily they all manged to avoid getting crushed by the large foot of the ape by rolling out of the way or by simply running to the side.

Angry he didn't get any of them, Kiryu was about to start raising his foot again before his eyes widened.

feeling something in his chest again, he growled as he placed two shaking hands over it.

Many guards surrounding him, were trying to see if they injured the large creature, only to get pushed back as it suddenly roared to the sky.

Those that were strong enough to not get pushed back, saw the large ape start growing bigger, and bigger, before reaching around ninety feet!

Many of the ponies grew nervous before receiving orders to continue fighting by their captains. Ignoring their sudden nervousness, they charged forward, taking full notice of the large ape before them.

Many not noticing the moon in the night sky seemingly glow brighter then before.

And in the garden of Canterlot, was Celestia, unable to move her body and simply watch her son fight the many soldiers of Canterlot.

Until one of the soldiers rushed towards her.

"Princess, Princess, our magic is useless against the beast, we have no choice but to use our enhanced weaponry, we have reached Las Pegasus base and are ready to launch F/A eighteen's and AH sixty four's at your command!"

Celestia was immediately shaken out out her shocked state and turned around to the soldier. "No, call it off!" She exclaimed, catching the soldier off guard.

"But Princess, that beast is more then our current soldiers can handle, he's proven stronger then our strongest fighters available in the vicinity and our current weapons armory has been moved to receive recent-"

The soldier was cut off as Celestia spoke up the next set of information.

"That's no beast, that's my son!" She yelled before raising her wings and with a strong jump, began flying towards the rampaging Kiryu.

The soldier simply stood in his spot for a few seconds before shaking his head and reaching into his side, pulling out a a device. "To all soldiers combating, stand own, I repeat, stand down!" He yelled.

"We're not fighting some dumb mindless creature, that's Prince Kiryu!" He added once more.

Lowering the device, the soldier gulped as he began taking off his helmet. Revealing his messy blue hair. "How did our prince turn into that...?" He asked to himself.

But quickly shook his head before placing his helmet back on. 'I better check if everyone left the house, Celestia, please let my little sister be okay!' He thought as he ran towards the many houses in Canterlot.

Celestia watched as the soldier surrounding Kiryu backed up after receiving the information.

Mentally sighing, she was glad Captain Armor quickly spread the information.

Once reaching her son, she floated in place before him.

Kiryu growled before looking down at Celestia with his glowing blood red eyes as he stepped forward, each step shaking the ground.

Seeing that the alicorn before him did not fear him, he roared into the sky as he began pumping his fists into his chest, many of the guards around covered their ears from the loud sound.

Ceasing his roaring, Kiryu lowered his large arms and lowered his back slightly, ready to attack.

Celestia simply watched, tears going down the side of her face. "This can't really be you... Kiryu... you are... not this..." Was all she said.

The large ape payed no attention as he began to actually grow tired of nothing happening, snarling, he turned around and looked down at at a couple of buildings before him, roaring, he raised his foot and stomped on them.

Looking forward, he spotted more buildings, and to his left, more. With loud grunts, the large ape was about to begin to wreck the city, but only being able to smash a bit of it, he was suddenly stopped from smacking away a rather large building as he felt something grab his wrist.

Looking at it, he noticed a golden magical auara had surrounded it, snarling, he looked back, Celestia was still floating there, her horn now glowing.

"Kiryu... please... don't..." She said, heartbreak clearly heard in her voice.

But the saiyan payed no attention to it, instead, he roared as he used his strength to break out of the magical grip and turn around. Snarling, he jumped high into the sky and raised his hand, planning on smacking the alicorn into the ground.

But once his open palm made contact, it did not budge, not even an inch.

With wide eyes, the great ape groaned as he tried to keep pushing down, even a few beads of sweat going down the side of his face.

Suddenly, he felt something tugging his arm, and before he knew it, he was being raised, growling in surprise, he was the thrown into one of the mountains, crashing into it an making a large crater in which he was stuck.

Growling in anger, he shook himself out only for him to suddenly feel something make contact with his chin, sending him flying and into the large plains high in the mountains behind Canterlot.

Falling onto the ground with a large thud, Kiryu groaned as he began getting up.

Shaking his head, he looked up, looking at what had sent him flying.

Celestia gently floated into his sight in the distance before landing on the ground.

Looking up at the large ape before her, Celestia blinked a few tears away before getting serious, she had to stop Kiryu and figure out what is wrong with him, his power wasn't much for her, but it still seemed very strange, even by just growing tall, he shouldn't of have gotten this much power.

Now completely up, Kiryu raised his head upwards as he began roaring once more, his chest in pain once more before he began growing once again.

This time, he reached around one hundred feet!

Clenching her teeth, Celestia needed to know what was giving him power!

And that's when she saw it.

The full moon as it shined behind Kiryu, she hadn't noticed it, but it had gotten bigger, more then the way she had placed it in the night sky.

With a small drop of sweat going down her forehead, Celestia clenched her teeth harder. "It can't be, why would she, how could she...?!" She asked out loud to no one in particular.

But suddenly, she saw a large shadow form around her, with a quick gasp she looked up and dashed to the side, avoiding the large foot of the giant ape.

Coming to a halt as she pressed her hooves onto the grass beneath her, crushing a few flowers and kicking up the grass revealing the dirt underneath.

"Well, now that I know what's causing this, I know how to stop it!" She said as she readied her horn to try and move the moon.

But suddenly saw Kiryu trying to grab her!

Flying upwards she groaned. "I need to concentrate, I can't move it with him distracting me!" She exclaimed as she tried to move the moon once more.

But once again had to cut her magic and concentration to dodge Kiryu.

Landing on the ground with a thud, she sighed. "You leave me no choice... I'm sorry Kiryu..."

Celestia raised her wings before flapping them down with a strong amount of force, enough to send her flying forward towards Kiryu.

The great ape saiyan roared, ready to engage with the troublesome alicorn before him, but was suddenly cut off mid roar as he felt a strong force hit him in his stomach, easily knocking the wind out of him.

Slowly, step by step, Kiryu started walking back, one of his hands holding his stomach area before making one last growling sound as he fell back and landed with a loud thud on the ground, the nigh sky and the shining stars being the last thing he saw before losing consciousness.

Celestia watched as Kiryu laid on the ground before sighing sadly and using her magic to switch the moon into another position, making it take the form of a crescent moon instead of a full one, knowing that she had cut off the way for any sort of power coming from it to to be cut off..

Landing on the ground next to he large unconscious ape, Celestia sadly inspected it. "Kiryu... please... this can't be-"

She was then suddenly cut off as she saw Kiryu start shrinking, and shrinking, the hair surrounding his body dissapearing, his nails growing short and returning to their natural color, the snout on his face reverting back to his normal mouth and his muscles slowly un-bulging until he had completely reverted back to his normal, naked self.

The alicorn watched in amazement before gasping with joy.

Rushing to her son, she carried him with her hooves, hugging him, happy to see him be the sweet child he riased once more.

Hearing him groan, Celestia looked down at him as he slowly opened his eyes. "Mo... mom...?" He weakly said, his eyes barely able to open.

The alicorn smiled sadly, tears going down her cheeks.

Kiryu slowly blinked as a small frown formed into his lips. "Why... why you crying mommy...?" He asked before his eyes closed once more, exhaustion leaving him with no energy left to stay awake.