• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 1,585 Views, 144 Comments

Defender of Equestria - x-Kiryu-x

It all started with a little lost saiyan... Equestria has been in peace for thousands of years under Celestia's rule, but what happens when that peace is broken?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Green

"Grr, stupid dense jungle, why you so hot?!"

Kiryu gasped lightly as he walked trough a large set of leaves dangling by the side of a tree, beads of sweat going down the side of his head as well as his chin. Wiping his forehead with his wrist, the saiyan prince continued his walk trough the harsh jungle, his headphones no longer on his hears and placed around his neck, the music stopped.

Grunting, he looked up, lots of leaves covering the sky and blocking the sun from his body, he was kind of glad for that. "Geez mom, did you have to make it so hot today? I know it's summer, but sheesh..." He said out loud with a tired expression.

Shaking his head lightly, he continued to walk forward, occasionally having to climb over a steep rise of ground, the jungle dirt slightly sticking to his knees and elbows as he did so.

His tail wiggled around, trying to cool itself under all that fur.

Until he decided to take a break. the first one since he had left.

Sighing, he fell back and landed on his rump near a tree trunk, where he then proceeded to take off his backpack and place it in front of him and zip it open.

Digging inside, he smiled as he pulled out a bottle of water. Twisting the plastic cap off, he then raised it and placed the top on his lips before raising it up completely, the fresh water helping him cool off.

After a few seconds, he had downed the entire thing.

"Ahh! That hit the spot... better see how much I have left to go!" He exclaimed as he placed the empty water bottle back in his backpack an pulled out a rolled up map. Unrolling it, he searched it to see where he currently was.

With a small glowing white dot showing where he currently was, he noticed he was close!

Smiling, the saiyan rolled the map up and placed it back in his backpack. Digging around more, he found his phone.

Taking it out, he started looking trough it.

Nothing new on the news, weather was going to be sunny, "Yeah, thanks for the heads up." Thought Kiryu as he smiled and shook his head. Going back to his phone, he continued to look trough it.

Nothing new.


Blinking, he saw he had received a notification of something.

Opening it, he saw something new on the phone, reports of a few Timberwolves sightings around the center area of Equestria.

The saiyan blinked. "Odd, I thought they never came out of that Everfree place until that special season..." He said out loud. Continuing to read, his eyes went from right to left. "Reports say that they seemed to be larger then most records say, indicating large packs may be extremely dangerous if met... please exercise extreme caution near woodland areas..."

Kiryu 'Hmm'ed as he locked his phone and put it away. Until smiling and starting to place his backpack back on. "Welp, good thing I'm in a jungle... kind of lucky I went trough the rough jungle path then the straight clear path trough the woods!" He said out loud as he got up.

Patting his rump free of any dirt, Kiryu quickly went back at the path in front of him. "Alright, almost there!" He exclaimed as he lightly jogged down the dark brown dirt path. "Man, it may be stuffy, but it sure is pretty... Equestria is pretty in general." He commented on the scenery.

"H-How...? Frieza has been defeated... the Ginyu's as well... why are you..." The green skinned being could barely talk as he looked at the eyes of the saiyan before him.

Meanwhile, in the farthest reaches of space, another saiyan continued her journey.

Rin looked at him with cold unfeeling eyes, a few scrapes and bruises covering her body, her armor completely destroyed, leaving her in only in her black jumpsuit, boots and gloves.

"I wasn't there, I was sent on a mission to deliver a few packages." She said as she let go of what remained of the green alien's armor, letting him fall on the dark red dirt of the alien planet.

Crossing her arms, the full blooded saiyan looked down at the alien. "Now, get the word out, the Ginyu force is not dead, it's only down by a few members..." Rin blinked once, her eyes unemotional, yet, serious.

Turning around, she proceeded to walk towards the direction of the bar she had to walk out of, now that she had defeated the group causing a mess, fiddling with her damaged scouter, one of her opponents managed to land a hit on it, and now it was starting to make her ear feel uncomfortable.

The trembling alien watched with mouth agape as the saiyan before him walked away, anger rising up his body.

That girl, that little snot nosed girl just took out each and everyone of his crew!

'Curse you saiyans! Frieza should of eliminated all of you! I... I will finish the job!' In a rush of desperation and adrenaline, the alien quickly got up and mustered all the power he could into his left hand.

"Die saiyan scum!" He yelled out as he flinged his hand forward, a large white energy beam flying from it and flying directly towards Rin.

Who seemed to have been caught off guard as she was enveloped in the blast, her body suddenly covered by the followed large explosion of the energy wave clashing with her back. Shaking the ground slightly from all the energy inside it.

The alien smiled as he assumed he had caught her and killed the saiyan girl. "Serves you right monkey..." He said.

But as the smoke cleared, the alien went wide eyed, his irises shrinking in fear as he saw the figure of Rin emerging from the smoke, just standing there, her jumpsuit more shredded then before, from slightly below her shoulders and under her knees, her skin was exposed, making it look more like another certain Ginyu force member's jumpsuit.

Turning around, it showed Rin with the same emotionless look she had before, her damaged scouter beeping before falling apart.

Using her gloved wrist, she wiped away a small drop of blood going down the side of her mouth.

"Impressive, that was around eight thousand..." She said as she lowered her hand.

And for the first time since she started fighting, after one of the aliens currently knocked out in the distance called the Ginyu's 'good for nothing dead chumps', the saiyan showed one emotion.


Clenching her teeth, Rin slightly snarled, revealing her sharp canines as her blue aura flared to life around her.

"But, unfortunately for you... my power level is nineteen thousand..." She said as she raised her hands slightly to the side, clenching the air as she concentrated her inner power into an offensive technique.

The alien panicked and suddenly got up from his knelt position, turning around and beginning to run, trying to helplessly get as far away from the powering up saiyan.

"Eraser..." Rin said quietly, the ground beneath her shaking lightly as her power increased, built up and ready to be released.

The alien kept running, panting as he gasped for air, his body going into full throttle to run away.

But it was too late.

"Gun!" The full blooded saiyan yelled as she closed her open palms and clenched them into fists, raising her head back and with a strong thrust, opening her mouth as she pushed her body weight forward. A large blue energy wave suddenly emerging and flying at break neck speed from her mouth, heading directly into the running alien.

"No, no, no, NOOOOO!" He yelled as he turned his head to see the wave of energy soon engulf him and quickly blast him into oblivion.

Closing her mouth, Rin sighed as she eased her body and stood back up, her fuzzy tail swinging around gently behind her before wrapping itself around her waist.

With a few pieces of her torn jumpsuit moving around in the wind, the saiyan turned around to head back to the bar before another figure poked her head out of a rock. It's greenish yellow wild hair and a bit of its eyes were the only thing seen.

"Y-You saiyans are monsters!" It yelled out, revealing itself entirely, with light green skin and a dark green bodysuit decorated slightly with yellow diamond shapes covered her upper body and her arms covered in dark green and metalic robotic armor covered in scratches and dents while her legs were covered in what looked like a dirty mechanic's outfit with stains included tied around her waist to prevent it from falling.

She gulped before adjusting her visor. "Now I see why homeworld liked partnering with the saiyans..." She said to the saiyan girl.

Rin blinked before reaching the green being. "So, guess you're not a fighter gem." She said.

The being before her, a gem, stood up completely. "No, I am a peridot, we are mostly engineers and technicians, not brutes..." She responded.

The saiyan arised an eyebrow. "So that's why they said you could fix my ship."

The peridot standing before her crossed her arms and closed her eyes. "Well, of course, you own a pod right? Easy, I've fixed plenty before with nothing but spare parts, I'll gladly fix it for you for free, those bunch of brutes could of cracked me if it weren't for you."

With an almost invisible smile, Rin nodded. "Thanks, I'd rather much ask a gem for help then anyone else in that bar..."

The two then started walking together.

Until the peridot began speaking. "So, Ginyu Force huh? You must be Rin... you know, I thought you died with the others... I'm sorry for your loss..."

The saiyan shook her head slightly. "It's okay, we were never one's to ignore lord Frieza, it was just unfortunate..."

Lowering her head slightly, the gem looked down.

Rin blinked before speaking again. "So what's your name...?" She asked.

The gem looked back up slightly caught off guard. "Oh... well... my name is Peridot... but... you can call me Terry, that's what everyone calls me."

"How come?" Asked Rin.

Terry smiled before answering. "Oh, it's because certain number's in my serial number sound like Terry... so, in case any other peridot shows up, there won't be any confusion among my associates."

The female saiyan looked forward. "Oh, serial number huh? Well, guess it does make sense, you gems sometimes do look very similar..."

"That's only because of the great gem war, many gems had to be produced artificially, hence why an increase number of look alike gems appeared... I was born after the war ended, was actually one of the last peridot's that were already in their final stages of development." She answered.

Rin blinked. "So you don't reproduce?" She asked.

Terry went wide eyed. "W-What kind of question is that!? Of course we do! It's just...!" The gem's face grew hot as a light green blush formed under her eyes. "Well... the natural ways of producing gems takes a long time and isn't very predictable..."

"Oh, for a second there I thought you didn't mate." Added Rin.

The peridot once again went wide eyed, her green blush growing. "What is with you and that?!" She asked outloud.

Rin kept walking before Terry hopped into the air, the sound of thrusters activating as very small flames started coming out of her feet.

Flying to catch up with Rin quickly, the gem landed softly on the ground, walking slightly faster then the saiyan. "Ugh... forget it, let's just head for your ship..."

The female saiyan blinked. "Okay..."

The two continued their walk, until Terry began to talk again. "Lucky that they told you about me huh? Or else you might of been pointed towards that dumb Irken from across the street... I mean, seriosuly? An Irken? Hahahaha, don't make me laugh!" She said, placing a hand on her stomach.

"I still find it hard to believe they tried to take over the universe." Added Rin.

Comments ( 4 )

Presenting the newest multicrossover!

Dragon Ball Z x MLP x Steven Universe x Invader Zim!

Just kidding. :derpytongue2:

Haha, man, honestly didn't even want to publish this, but, well, needed something to put up

This is good story so far! Keep it up!

This is good, shame that you canceled it.
The pacing was good, the characters were good, and the details were good.
Was a nice read anyway.

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