• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 2,194 Views, 42 Comments

Wings - Ancient

A guy far from home, a bitchy griffon, and a whole lot of things that want them both dead

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Ten bits says he passes out before he dies" the voice spoke deep and full of satisfaction.
"Quite the risk my friend." another voice replied quickly, “He’s endured quite a bit already. I wouldn't put it past him to spit in your other eye before you finish him."
"Than it’s a bet. Let’s test how tough these humans really are."
Sharp talons gripping a glowing red blade thrust into my chest.
I screamed.


My 20th birthday was not one that passed by quietly. Usually flashing lights and loudness accompany a well hosted party. If the lights were not just red and blue and the siren was a tad bit louder I wouldn't have had a complaint in the world. A flashlight gently tapped my window before shining into my eyes. I rolled it down.
"Good evening officer." my voice cracked which sounded nervous even to me. The woman I spoke to looked young. I guessed she couldn't have been more than five years older than me.
"Evening." she sounded leaning down to look into my car.
"License and regi-"
I had already pulled out the necessary papers and had handed them to the officer which I had immediately regretted
'Wonderful' I thought 'Now she knows I'm familiar with this process.'
She looked at my license then looked back up at me with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" I asked trying not to sound rude. Something I've never had luck with. I then remembered my license. It was renewed a little less than a year ago. Since then I’ve taken an interest in getting a short mohawk. I thought I’d try it for a few months then ease the transition back into the long hair that used to end right below my eyes. It wasn't that I was a fan of the look at the time, it was more of a way to sleep at work without anyone noticing, and it worked well. I knew that was the reason for her disapproving glance. The stare that followed was seemingly punishment for my apparently disrespectful question.
"Oh!" I said pointing to my head, "Midlife crisis." I said jokingly. The officer smiled.
'I can still salvage a warning from this!' I thought returning her smile 'Maybe even her number. '
She took the papers and told me to wait there. As she turned and walked back to her cruiser I looked in my rearview mirror. The first thing I looked at was her rear end getting further and further.
'Not ba-' my mind immediately shifted perspective, 'Why the hell am I trying to hit on a cop?' another shift, 'Because I can.'
I then gazed up at the car flashing red and blue. The cruiser was of a newer Mustang model capable of keeping up with the ballsiest of drivers. The bucket I drove barley hit 100 whenever I took the opportunity to test its limits. I was extremely grateful it wasn't mine for the fact that when I finally earned enough cash it would go towards a car that when put side by side with the thing I drove would make it look like an actual bucket with glass and rubber glued to it. I noticed the officer’s cruiser was empty, for some reason I had expected two officers. The passenger seat of the cruiser was filled with stacked cardboard boxes.
Suddenly I felt an intense pressure in my head. My ears popped and I became immediately blinded by a great flash of light. I had covered my eyes and smelled smoke. I couldn't see but the speed at which I was able to unbuckle my seatbelt and open then dive out the car door amazed even myself.
"What the fuck?!" I yelled in agony barely able to open my eyes and unable to hear my own voice. I saw a bright light and before I could comprehend what was happening I noticed that the officer was standing over me. I couldn't hear a damn thing but I could tell she was saying something. I tried to respond but all I could do was let out an agonizing moan. My body felt like I had tried to chew on a taser. It was hard to tell what was going on so I tried to relax as much as my body fought against the act. A ringing sound began to fade into my ears as well as that of a voice.
"Hey! HEY! Are you alright?" spoke the officer.
"Fuuuuuck!" was all I could let out.
"What’s wrong? Can you stand?" she asked.
I grunted and rolled over onto my stomach and began to push myself up. The officer grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. She was a head shorter than me but I could tell she was strong.
"What happened?" I asked still considerably dazed.
I saw her open her mouth to speak but the world went silent once again
"Once more! Concentrate! We almost have it!" a strange girlish voice spoke.
"Huh?" was all I could say before I was being pushed onto the hood of my car. I didn't have the mental capability to process what was happening. I tried to pull my hands up to my head but for some reason I couldn't move my hands or arms.
"Sir, you are under arrest for driving a stolen vehicle. I’ve called an ambulance for whatever it is that’s affecting you. You have the right to-"
"Now!" that voice again. It felt as if I was just imagining it loudly within my own head.
My vision blurred as everything had become increasingly bright.
"Hey? Hey! Are you al-"
Sound continually faded in and out in a seemingly rhythmic fashion.
"What’s going on?" I asked aimlessly. The feeling of being pulled backwards came over me.
I could barely see but I heard a sharp cry. It sounded like the officer.
"Try harder!"
Dammit who was that?
Then nothing.