• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 2,195 Views, 42 Comments

Wings - Ancient

A guy far from home, a bitchy griffon, and a whole lot of things that want them both dead

  • ...

Chapter 9

So you're telling me that the only way across that canyon was across that bridge?" I asked now satisfied I was fully clothed again even if my hoodie and shirt had a big hole in the front and were almost shredded.
"It’s the only way I know of. If Gilda made it to the other side and was unable to fly back I'd guess her only option would be to continue straight to Ponyville." Fluttershy stated finally making regular eye contact.
"Can you point me in the direction of this Ponyville?" I asked peeling a small scab off my arm which was now riddled with small bite marks consistent with sixty percent of my body.
"Oh yes!" Fluttershy replied with a smile, "I was planning on going there myself for some bird seed today. You could accompany me if you'd like."
I thought about it.
'What’s the worst that could happen?' the moment that thought crossed my mind I remembered everything I've been through since I've been in this hellhole.
"It's more than likely going to either kill me or break a few bones but what the hell?" I said figuring if I died then there'd be no more weird shit that could happen... or cause me more physical injury.
"Oh I'm sure you'll be fine. Ponyville is a safe place I assure you. Angel will you be alright watching the house while I'm gone?" Fluttershy asked the rabbit. Angel nodded and crossed its paws.
"Well I’m ready when you are." Fluttershy told me. I stretched a little, "What are we waiting for?" I asked, "Let’s go."
"Alright." Fluttershy walked to the door and opened it. I followed her through and closed the door behind me. I caught a glimpse of Angel staring at me with discontent before the door clicked shut.
"So how long is the trip?" I asked spinning around to see Fluttershy already making her way down a little dirt path. I quickly caught up looking at her for and answer.
"It’s only a ten minute walk." She replied.
"We've been that close all along?!" I asked not knowing whether to be happy or angry. Before she answered I turned around to get my first look at her home. My eyes almost exploded.
"You live in a tree?!" I exclaimed throwing my arms in the air.
"Well yes. I-"
"You're a pony that-... You know what? I give up." I put my hands down and sighed, "You win universe. You've officially confused me to my limits." I looked at the house and noticed the thing was riddled with birdhouses of different sizes, shapes and colors. There had to be more than a couple dozen in the tree house.
“Who are you talking to?” Fluttershy asked with that unusual timidness soaking the air around her.
“No one.” I replied softly.
'She may be mentally unstable or this may be normal here.' I thought. We crossed a small arched bridge over a creek in front of the house and passed critters that seemed to exist every five feet from one another. From bunnies to squirrels to chipmunks it looked like a zoo filled with average everyday animals. I noticed I was no longer in the forest instead trees were more sparse and thin. It was strangely pleasant. For the first time since I’ve arrived in this strange word I didn’t feel the need to listen to my surroundings or prepare for an attack. It wasn't a long walk at all. I was so distracted by my surrounding I had forgotten to look up and forward for a good two minutes. When I shifted my gaze back in front of me I saw the peak of a windmill spinning in the distance.
"Well I'm not hungry anymore and I don't think I need a bath after falling into that river soooo now I’m wondering if there is a place that I could possibly get my clothes patched up or if I could get new ones. You know any place that could do the trick?" I asked wondering what my next priority after that would be. My mind went to Gilda and I instantly rearranged my mental task list so finding her was at the top.
"I have a friend who's really good with clothes and I'm sure if you need her help she'll give it." Fluttershy replied. My mind switched back for a second back to that damn griffon.
"Oh really? Thanks but I just remembered Gilda. Should I ask around town if she's been spotted?"
I asked anxiously wondering if that crazy bird had made her way too this town and stayed here.
"Yes." Fluttershy said turning back with a smile, "That would be a wonderful idea."
We came to a 'T' in the road in which the path we were taking continued right along straight across from what seemed like a mile of the same terrain we were walking on. On the path that deviated I could see the complete town of what must had been Ponyville. Fluttershy turned down the road and kept walking. I noticed a light purple bridge that arched low over a small lake that sat just outside the town. Fluttershy almost seemed to skip as she started her strut across the bridge. I followed and hoped silently this town may provide a few answers I've been looking for. Not another word was spoken on our way across the bridge
We arrived at what was obviously the entrance to the town and all I could do was stand there in awe. It was a town full of ponies. They were just walking casually around on the streets like people would. Some of them were speaking with others. Some went in and out of buildings.
'What in the hell is going on?' I thought. I half expected the town to have other ponies in it but not to be so... organized. Fluttershy stepped past the front entrance and into the town. I followed and immediately found myself being gazed upon from every possible direction. Conversations stopped when we passed the ponies that were enjoying them. I had never felt more awkward in my entire life. As we passed a normal looking brown pony walking down the street I looked over and asked, "Hey have you seen a gryphon around here anywhere?"
The pony just stopped and stared at me.
"Um... H-hello. No... N-no I haven't." was its reply. It looked more surprised than frightened which assured me that I wasn't all that scary looking to them.
"Well say if I were to be looking for a gryphon in Ponyville what would be a good place to start?" I asked crossing my arms.
"I can’t honestly sat friend" the pony said more calmly now, "What are you by the way?" it asked leaning closer inspecting me.
"I’m a human and my name is Derek." I held out a hand which the pony happily shook.
"Well it’s nice to meet yo-"
"Honey!" another pony called from behind. A green pony that was smaller than the one I had been speaking to came up and nudged the brown one with her muzzle before turning to look at me.
"What in the world...." her mouth just stayed open in awe.
"Why hello there." I said with a smile.
"Hi." was all she said.
"Have you seen a gryphon by any chance?"
"Um... No."
I turned back to look at Fluttershy who was no longer by my side... or anywhere in sight for that matter.
"Fluttershy?" I asked turning around looking and becoming increasingly worried.
"I’m sorry but I must take my leave.” I said to the couple of ponies I was just speaking to. Can either of you point me in the direction of-"
"Heads up!" A voice rang out.
Something collided with the back of my head and bounced off. Felt like a soccer ball.
"Ow! What the hel-" I turned to see a small orangish pony with a purplish mane running towards me. Like Fluttershy this pony also had wings. I looked down and saw a ball on the ground rolling away from me.
"Oh we're really sorry mist-" she looked at me and I realized I would be here all day explaining what I was to everyone here. Judging from its size it had to have been a child or whatever a young pony was called. Before she asked me what I was I shot off my question first.
"I'm looking for a gryphon, bout this high, purple round her eyes, really bi-... mean. Have you seen her?" the smallish pony cocked her head to the side and showed an expression of thinking. I looked back and saw the two ponies I had spoken with earlier turn to continue their business.
"Nope." She said after giving the subject enough thought, "What are you by the way?"
I put both my hands up to my face to drag them down in despair.
"I'll never find that stupid bird at this rate." I said to myself.
"Hey mister?" The orange pony spoke with a look of concern.
"What Is it kid?" I asked a little frustrated.
"If it means anything my friend Apple Bloom said something about seeing a gryphon earlier today on her farm."
The words were slow to process but hope finally dripped back into my mind.
"What farm? Where?" I asked anxiously.
"Um, Sweet Apple Acres. But seriously what are y-"
"Human!" I exclaimed involuntarily, "Now where's this farm?"
"It’s on the other side of town. You really can't miss it." She said with a smile.
"Can you show me?" I asked finding that it wasn't all that hard for my impatience to spark. The pony looked over her shoulder then back at me.
"I'd really like to mister but I'm on my way to hang with the coolest pony ever."
"Good for you." I said not caring in the slightest, "Just point me in the right direction."
The little pony pointed her hoof down a street and I began to walk in that direction without hesitation.
'She's probably gone' I thought quickening my pace. The orange pony said something but unfortunately for her I wasn't paying her any attention. The stares now came at me by the dozens as I made my way down the street but I figured no one was going to stop me until...
"Stop!" I heard a voice shout. I kept walking trying to distance myself from whoever was speaking to me.
"I said stop!" the voice shouted louder.
'God dammit!' I thought as I turned to face the source of the annoyance. Another pony was approaching me faster than I was walking. It wore a blue strangely shaped hat and had an emblem of some kind on its chest. A baton hung from a belt it wore around its waist.
"What do you want?" I spat not in the mood to deal with this.
"To know what you are creature." The pony demanded.
"And who's asking?" I shot back.
"Officer Petals."
I couldn't help but to smirk at the name.
"Really?" I said without thinking, "I mean... Uh... I’m really busy at the moment. Can this wait Mr. Petals?"
"Officer Petals and no. I asked a question and now it’s your job to answer."
Ever since I was 4 I’ve had authority issues…
"But what are you going to do about that fire over there?" I asked pointing innocently over the pony's shoulder. The pony turned to look where I was pointing. It scanned the area looking around for any signs of a fire but it saw none. By then I was long gone happening to bolt the instant the officers head turned. I dashed around a corner and then another letting me continue along my path to my destination going parallel to the street I was on. I was still running which drew not only curious looks but worried ones too.
'I can't believe he fell for that.' I thought chuckling. I was planning to keep on the move before Petals caught on and caught up. From what I've seen these ponies were a bit soft in the head which worked out great for me. As I passed building after colorful building I noticed how they all appeared old timey which was by no means a bad thing. Personally I preferred this village's appearance to the modern one that I was so used to back in my world. It had a calming touch to it which would have been more appreciated had nothing been trying to kill me or get in my way. The run slowed to a jog. I figured I was a pretty safe at the moment so I took the time to look around. Strangely enough it seems as though all of the ponies had just vanished. I caught a quick glimpse of a pony running to a house, opening the front door, and shutting it after disappearing inside.
'Please tell me this has nothing to do with me.' I pleaded silently. Right then a drop of water fell on my forehead. I wiped it off and looked up. The sky thirty seconds ago was clear as crystal but now the whole thing was grey with clouds.
Suddenly rain began gradually pour harder and harder. I began to run looking for cover. The closest thing I could find was a massively wide tree down the street so I quickly made my way over to and under it. The tree provided great cover but the wind that accompanied it was rather annoying and cold. Another look around revealed a door right beside me strangely embedded in the side of the tree. To my other side I saw a wooden sign with a picture of an opened book on it. I knocked on the door and waited a minute. No one answered so I reached for the door handle and pushed it open poking my head in for a quick peek inside. The look on my face must have been priceless because I was frozen in awe of what I saw. The entire tree which looked healthy and lush on the outside was completely hollowed out on the inside. It reminded me of Fluttershy's house but much larger. Shelves were carved out of the walls which housed what must have been hundred if not thousands of books. I took a step inside slowly shutting the door behind me.
"Hello?" I yelled. I heard nothing but the wind outside, "Is anyone here?"
The sound of something shuffling was followed by quick footsteps. The sound drew my attention over to a flight of stairs that descended alongside the wall. What popped into view halfway down the stairs was what looked like a knee high purple lizard that walked upright. The thing had green spikes running from the largest at the top of its head down to the smallest at the tip of its tail which ended like the head of an arrow. It stopped on the stairs once it caught a look at me.
"Uh...Hi..." it spoke with a childish voice.
"Hey there." I replied casually. I was finding myself less and less surprised by what creatures had the ability to talk. The two of us stood where we were in silence just looking at each other in wonder of what the other was for a few seconds.
"Sooo," I started trying to crack the silence, "I was on my way to a farm called Sweet Apple Acres looking for a gryphon and this crazy weather just came out of nowhere like that." I said with a snap of my fingers.
"Didn't you know we had rain scheduled today?" the purple lizard asked.
"What do you mean 'scheduled'?" I asked in return.
"What? You know about the weather forecast right? The pegasi scheduled rainfall this afternoon."
It took me a second to process what the little guy was talking about.
"Wait? You mean the winged ponies? They made the storm?" I questioned pointing to the window.
"Yeah. You're not from around here are you?" it asked continuing to walk down the stairs.
"You have no idea." was all I could think to say cracking a smile, "Names Derek by the way."
"Spike." the lizard thing said.
"Alright nice to meet you Spike and before you ask, I'm a human."
"Ohhh cool. You walk just like I do." Spike stated randomly.
"Yeah I'm guessing not many things do that here do they?"
"Nah but you'll get used to it I'm sure."
I took another look at my surroundings and gave an impressed whistle.
"So Spike..." I started trying to change the subject, "I'm in a bit of a situation and I could use any help I can get."
"Sure, what’s up?" he asked with a nod of his head.
"Well for starters I'm looking for a gryphon that may have been seen on a farm called Sweet Apple Acres. This storm however is being more than a pain to get through. Do you know of anywhere close I can find a place to crash." my sentence ended with a bright flash of light that illuminated the whole room through the windows closely followed by the loud crack of lightning. I turned to look out the windows to see the sky was unbelievably dark.
'It was just sunny fifteen minutes ago!' my mind raced with theories on how this was even possible. The inside of the tree itself glowed by candlelight.
"Well I suppose you could crash here for a little seeing as to how bad the storm is."
I was almost stunned by the offer. I have to admit it was about damn time someone cut me a break.
"You really mean that little dude?" I asked in disbelief.
"I'm not gonna throw you back into the storm." Spike replied giving a shrug, "I’m sure it'll be over soon and you'll be able to find your gryphon in no time."
"Wow, that's awfully kind of you man." I looked at the oversized lizard and thought up a question.
"What exactly are you by the way if you don't mind me asking?"
"I’m a dragon."
I paused a second in shock and stared at him,


"You're serious? You grew to be over 20 stories and went on a rampage motivated by greed?" I asked before continuing to eat from a bowl of popcorn Spike had made earlier.
"Yeah that’s pretty much it. I’m still kinda in trouble for it.” He replied with his voice seeming to dim near the end. I looked at him for a second.
“Pfft! I guarantee you that had I been in that situation I probably would had of gotten in more trouble than that.” I said wearing the grin that curled across my lips.
Spike gave me a quizzical gaze and opened his mouth to speak.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” he asked.
“Because I would have bragged about it afterwards!” I said letting out a laugh which Spike had done a second later.
“Alright so what’s with this place? Like is it a library thing or what?” I said once I settled back down.
“Yeah. Pretty boring if you ask me.” Spike replied.
“Well this might actually have its uses. Let's see... Could I get a basic rundown of this planets history or as much of it as you know?" I asked. Spike stared at me blankly for a second before turning and pulling a ladder under a row of books on a heightened shelf. He reached for and grabbed a white book to his left then slid back down the ladder. he handed me the book and handed me the book that read "The Summarizations of Equestria and the Beyond".
I flipped to the first page skipping the several indexes and read....

"Equestria is a land with rich beauty and wonderful civilizations and multitudes of individual kingdoms, villages, cities, and towns. History on the founding of Equestria seems to go back millions of years but most evidence of any historical events dating back past The Rule of Discord was ultimately destroyed by said Rule of Discord. The Princesses seeming to make it through the act of defeating Discord have deemed any history beyond that point completely unnecessary to reestablish and thus after the rule of Discord, Equestria was once a smaller nation..."
I gave a small cough, "Yeah, I'm bored." I muttered. Then something occurred to me and my head shot up as I stared at the dragon with a smile.
He tried to speak, "What are you-"
"Where are your books on magic?"
The dragon smiled, "You obviously haven’t met Twilight." he said with a halfcocked grin.


In the Grand Mountains past the farthest north Equestrian maps have depicted a structure embedded within an enormous amount of stone that was abnormally large with the peak of it jutting over the clouds themselves. Built of stone warped by magic a massive fortressed kingdom lay silent in stone. Though it had strange features that made it stand out from the other kingdoms that scattered the lands of Equestria and those in the Beyond. Ladders were more commonplace, doors were taller, and strange figures scattered the city standing, sitting, and laying still and silent. It looked as if these creatures were going about their lives casually although they were frozen where they were. Their smooth greyed features revealed that these creature to be encased in stone. Their odd figure shown they had two legs which they stood upright on with arms that hung down to its side. These furless, featherless, and slightly haired being held items and objects with hands, that bore opposable thumbs, at the ends of the arms. The faces were flatter than most every other race in the lands with a small protruding nose in the center of the face. Clothes waved in an eternal state of frozen movement not fluttering in the wind but rather directing it as most stone would. In the castle that peaked the mountain a large statue of one of these creatures sat on a throne.

Then suddenly on the stone upon this creature's chest... a small fissure appeared.


Okay, yeah I haven’t posted in a while…
That’s my bad and I apologize
But that’s only because I had hit a massive writer’s block at a bad time. The scale of what I’m undertaking is a little intimidating because now I have a billion Ideas’ and now I have to arrange them. I’m fairly certain it’s a project that’s sharing time with my other stories I’m developing with one of them being a five man writer team which only I’m contributing anything too. But after getting so many recent requests to continue I gave in and sat down so I could give you guys some more wings. please feel free to leave a comment or send a message to tell me what you think.
I hope you enjoyed

Comments ( 12 )


Dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn..... And the plot thickens to the point of oatmeal....:moustache:

One typo.."If it means anything my friend Sweetie Belle said something about seeing a gryphon earlier today on her farm."
You meant Apple Bloom, I'm sure.

Also bad pun time.... Red Bull gives you Wings!


You mean the one at the beginning?

Finally the wait is over!

nice chapter btw

> when are you gonna add njavascript:void(0);ext one?
Add a whatnow?

Can't honestly say
More videogames
And freerunning
I have very little time for the story at the current moment but I'll try to keep my blog updated.
But rest assured I have one hell of a plot that may or may not span into multiple stories and projects.

cant wait for the next chapter

Sir' im a friend of ponyninja (Killerninja). i was there when you sent the message. i say you should continue this story, its really interesting. You really should continue this.

I doubt that there will be any new chapters to this story... Still favorited, hoping for a miracle.

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