• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 2,195 Views, 42 Comments

Wings - Ancient

A guy far from home, a bitchy griffon, and a whole lot of things that want them both dead

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Chapter 8

Someone was poking my face with something dull. Unfortunately that was not the only thing I could feel. Slowly but surely I began to feel pain all over my body coming in waves and pulses. I struggled to crack open my eyes but I could only open one and barely. What I could see was blurry and not well focused. I let out a groan and tried to roll onto my side. I couldn't move as I was physically unable to.
"God Dammit." I moaned. It was reliving to know I could still talk and hear.
"Oh! You're awake." Came a gentle voice. "I was so worried you wouldn't make it. Oh you poor thing."
"What? Who are you?" I asked trying to force my eye open and lean up.
"No, no, no, no please don't try to get up. You are badly hurt." the voice asked softly.
"What? What happened? Where am I?" I asked adjusting my sight to the light. I was looking up at flowers, not real ones but ones painted into what had to have been a ceiling.
"You... Um... You're in my home and- no! Please stop!" the voice squealed as I tried to push myself up.
"Ahhhgg!" I yelled in agony as pain shot throughout my torso. Though the pain tore as my very soul it gave me what I needed to finally open my eye. I looked into the face of a yellow pony with a large pink mane.
'Why me?'
"W-What do you want?" I asked expecting the worse.
"Well... I-I want to help and..." her voice really quite but high pitched and she refused to make eye contact. I looked around for a second and noticed something strange. I lay upon a couch which I could feel the fabric of with all of my bare skin.
"Where are my clothes?!?" I demanded noticing the only thing that covered me was a blanket pulled up to my waist though underneath it I felt the lack of any pants, socks, shoes, and underwear.
"You were wet and badly hurt when I found you. I didn't know the extent of your injuries so I had to undress you. I’m sorry if I offended your privacy."
The yellow pony spoke barely loud enough to hear.
"You... Saved me?" I asked confused.
'What in the hell is going on?' that thought sprung another.
"Gilda!" I shouted surprising the pony and making it jump back a foot
"Where's Gilda?"
The pony looked confused, "Gilda? You don't mean Gilda the griffon do you? Did she do this to you?"
"What?" I asked surprised, "Yes. Wait. I mean no. Wait. You know Gilda?"
The pony looked at me for a split second then turned away. I caught a glimpse of a pair of wings folded up against its body.
"Um... Yes... She-"
"Do you know where she is?" I asked growing increasingly impatient. I found the strength to move my right arm. I reached for my face and felt around. There was something wrapped around my head. I noticed my arm was covered in bandages and assumed that’s what covered my head and possibly my other eye. I inhaled deeply and with a sudden surge of will I pushed myself to sit upright grunting away the pain.
"Please! Don't-"
"I'll be fine!" I snapped with a sense of anger. The pony seemed to cower and shrink back afraid. My stomach suddenly let out a long and loud gurgle. The ponies sprung back to its natural stance giving me a quick look.
"Oh! You must be hungry" she said nervously.
"I’m starving!" I exclaimed.
"Oh... A-alright... I made you something to eat w-when you woke up." and with that the pony turned around to pick up a plate off the table behind it. She turned once again to reveal a plate full of...
"Grass?" I looked at the dish in disbelief. I threw my palm in my face and looked at the pony. I began to laugh when the realization struck me.
"I get it!" I managed to say before going back to a hysterical chuckle "Because you’re a pony! Aw that’s priceless."
The pony looked at me confused.
"Oh... I-I’m sorry. Do you not eat grass?"
An idea hit me and I motioned for the pony to come closer. It stepped towards me.
"No." I said softly now that the pony was within arm’s reach. I curled my fingers like claws and raised my arms above my head.
"I EAT MEAT!" I shouted menacingly. The seemingly timid pony jumped and let out a sharp yelp before darting off into what looked like a kitchen faster than I've ever seen anything move before. I laughed fighting the pain that roared inside me. Tears came to my eyes which I couldn't hold back. My arms crossed my stomach which was in complete agony but still I could not retain my laughter. Suddenly I felt a small thump at the end of the couch. I looked over and saw a white rabbit sitting on the armrest looking at me. It almost looked angry.
"Aww," I said reaching out to the rabbit, "Aren't you just a cute little-AHHH!" the rabbit had lunged at my face and landed to begin to bite me repeatedly which I couldn't stop. I thrashed trying to get the damn pest off of me but it managed to hang onto me somehow. The rabbit started to bite me all over my body. I shot up from the couch and began running around the room still naked. The rabbit didn't let up and placed bite after stinging bite at seemingly random places over my body.
"Get off me you little bastard!" I yelled. The biting stopped and I stumbled over to a bookshelf trying to gain my balance. I grabbed a shelf and attempted to catch my breath. A sudden thumping sounded from the bookshelf. I turned to see the rabbit on a shelf at eye level. It held something about its size with both of its front paws.
"Is that a frying pan?"


I woke up lying on the same couch as before. A headache that should have been lethal buzzed in my skull.
"Oh for crying out loud! Can I not be knocked unconscious for five fucking minutes!?" I yelled putting a hand over my head. I felt something cold on my forehead. I pulled it away from my face to see that it was an icepack.
"Um..." I heard a familiar voice say, "Are you alright?"
I turned to face the yellow winged pony.
"Do I look alright to you?" I snapped. The pony backed up and I remembered the prank I pulled earlier.
"Ugh! I’m sorry alright." I said in a much calmer tone, "I didn't mean what I said earlier. It was a joke." I felt my stomach running on empty again.
"Please tell me you have something edible."
'I'd kill to eat that little fuzz ball from hell.' I thought.
"Well you said you eat meat and sometimes I take care of animals that are predators so I keep a supply of fish for those who need It." the yellow pony said looking down sweeping a hoof back and forth. With that she pushed a plate towards me on the table in front of the couch. On it laid a fresh salmon with the head cut off and the bones and insides removed. I was never a fan of sushi but at this point I would have eaten a bag of shit without a complaint. I grabbed the salmon, ripped a chunk off and ate it quickly. The rest of the salmon disappeared within a minute. I leaned back and looked down and saw I was once again covered in the same blanket as before from the waist down as well as what must have been about a dozen small bandages. I clenched my fists thinking about that damn rabbit and what I'd do to it when I got my hands on it. The pony must have seen me notice the bandages.
"I'm really sorry about Angel. He's a bit overprotective." it said. I blinked in astonishment.
"Angel? You mean the rabbit? What the hell? Is it some kind of pet? It tried to kill me with a frying pan!" I shouted. I looked past the pony to see the rabbit perched upon a little model house with stairs wrapped around it in the corner of the room. "I'm certain he is sorry for the way he acted." The pony looked back at the rabbit, "Aren't you Angel?" the rabbit responded by nodding its head. I raised an arm and gave the bunny the finger while the pony's head was turned and quickly pulled it back before the pony turned back. The rabbit then took the opportunity to point a paw at its eyes then at me.
I gave a fake grin and through closed teeth spoke, " Forgive and forget."
'I will end you even if I have to tear the earth to pieces to do it.' I thought with my eyes focused on the rabbit.
"Well..." the pony continued, "I don't believe I've introduced myself. My name is Fluttershy."
"Derek." I raised a hand to shake before realizing Fluttershy didn't have hands. She quickly raised a hoof showing she was familiar with the gesture. We shook hand and hoof.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you," my smile turned legitimate, "and I'm really grateful you saved my life. May I ask how you did so?"
"Certainly." Fluttershy replied seemingly excited, "I was helping teaching a few baby ducks how to swim in the canyon river and Angel spotted you laying on the shore behind some bushes unconscious. If it wasn't for him I don't believe we would have rescued you."
'Great now I owe my life to that evil little cretin.' I let out a depressed sigh.
"So Derek..." Fluttershy said still avoiding my gaze.
"Would you mind if I asked- I mean if it’s alright with you and I was just curious because I've never really seen-"
"I'm a human." I answered knowing where her question was going, "And since you're asking too I believe I can safely assume you don't see many of us walking around."
"Well... Not really." She said softly, "Where are you from?" she asked looking at me but still avoiding eye contact.
"Well I'm assuming I'm from a different dimension." I said with a cough which tossed up a bit of pain in my chest, "...and this theory is supported by several points such as the familiarity of the land and the language used by its inhabitants as well as its inhabitants themselves."
"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked looking me in the eyes for a split second before looking back at the ground.
"Eh... It’s really complicated." it was the only answer I could give.
"Listen you said you knew a gryphon named Gilda. You know her?" I asked.
"Um... Yes! I remember. She wasn't really nice the last time I saw her." Fluttershy replied with her voice getting noticeably quieter.
"Yeah she's a real bitch." I said with a smile, "But like you I owe her my life and she most likely believes that I'm dead. I'm not going to let her hang with that."
Fluttershy finally managed to look me in the eye.
"She saved you?" she asked with a tone of amazement.
"Where did you last see her?"
"Well we were ambushed by a few crooks while on our way to a place called Ponyville. We crossed a rotten bridge trying to escape. Gilda made it to the other side... I didn't." another depressed sigh caused Fluttershy to move and sit on the couch next to me.
"Oh my." she said, "What happened?"
The bastards chasing us cut the ropes on the bridge. I fell. The last thing I saw was Gilda. She looked..." The memory of her reaching over the edge screaming my name disturbed me enough to make me shudder a little.
"Well anyway I guess I must have fallen into the river and somehow lived to be rescued by a talking pony with extensive medical capabilities." I thought about what I had just said and pictured myself in an insane asylum back in the world I used to know dreaming about all this.
"Wow... Gilda." I looked at Fluttershy after she spoke those words with a stare of disbelief.
"Really?!" I asked a little disappointed, "That whole story and your interested in the temperamental bird?"
Fluttershy snapped out of what looked like a light daze before talking.
"The rest of the story is very nice too."
"The rest of the story is about how I almost died! That’s anything BUT nice!" I shot back.
"Oh I'm sorry."
I thrust a palm into my face before trying to stand up. I felt a soft breeze flow past the part of me the blanket used to cover me before falling to the ground. My hands darted to cover myself.
"Can I get my clothes back?"


Somewhere far south...

In the deepest regions of a massive cave in the world’s biggest mountain...

Sat a tripod about the ground...

Upon this tripod sat a silver disk...

Upon the disk sat a cushion...

And upon the cushion sat a crystal...

The crystal was in the shape of a burning flame and it held within it a red glow that grew brighter as if to the beating of a heart. The light was bright enough to illuminate a good portion of the cavern but something in particular shined in the darkness.

Scales... Massive crimson scales...

What the scales belonged to was massive itself standing at a height greater than the tallest of trees. Its leathery wings tucked in to is sides equaled the creature in size. Its tail draped long over the stone ground wrapping itself into a coil around the crystal on the pedestal. Its eyes with its pupils in slants stared intently on the crystal. The cave was all but silent had it not been for the deep breaths of the creature. It squinted its eyes. A forked tongue shot out of its mouth only to retract a split second later.
"You know what to do." the creature spoke deeply and calmly shaking the very walls of the mountain cave. Two sets of black wings extended behind the massive creature and from them two large scaled figures launched themselves into the air and flew though the cave before exiting through the mouth to disappear over the mountains towards the sun.