• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 21,660 Views, 1,186 Comments

Eyes On You - UnlicensedBrony

When Twilight takes in the wounded Trixie to nurse her back to health, she sets the showmare on the difficult path of learning to trust. 'Twixie' romance/adventure story, set a few weeks after the events of 'Boast Busters'.

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22 - Eyes On You (Twixie)

“Eyes On You”

Chapter twenty-two: Eyes On You

“Are you ready?” came Twilight's voice, muffled by the washroom door that led off from their bedroom.

“Not yet,” said Trixie, who was still fiddling with her magic to get her mane to lay just so. “Two more minutes.”

“Okay, don't rush,” Twilight chirped.

“I'm not rushing,” Trixie grunted. She turned to steal another look at the full-body mirror she'd procured from downstairs.

The azure-coated unicorn looking back at her was as gorgeous as usual, if not more so – what, with the brilliant, white dress fastened around her neck. The clasp was a moon symbol, cut from some manner of blue gem, which led up into a slight collar – not unlike that which adorned her cape. A sleek saddle rested on her back, and from it flowed a shortish, frilled skirt whose hem just about reached the end of her tail.

Much of her front – including her chest and legs – was left exposed, showing off her soft, azure coat. And on her hooves, she wore elegant dance shoes that had a very crystalline look and feel about them.

The only issue with the picture of perfection before her was the mane. She'd decided to exaggerate the dolphin part at its end, but...

“Why won't you lay right?” she hissed, poking at the offending mane with magic again.

“Pardon?” came Twilight's voice.

“Nothing!” said Trixie. “I'm almost done!”

After a moment more fiddling, she finally got it just where she wanted and, quickly as she dared, she fastened it in place with the butterfly hairpin that came with her dress. 'Finally...'

Trixie turned to face the door to the washroom. She had to fight back the primal urge to flick back her mane, instead settling for clearing her throat as she prepared herself.

“Alright. I'm ready,” she declared.

“You are?” said Twilight. “O-okay. I'm coming out.”

The door clicked and began to inch open.

Trixie's breath caught in her throat as her partner stepped out into the bedroom, and her jaw inched open of its own accord as she beheld the dressed-up Twilight Sparkle...

She wore a soft, pink ensemble that literally glistened in the lamp light of the room. Twilight's dress covered most of her body – having a chestpiece that led into her plush saddle and beneath the lengthy skirt that draped down to cover her flank and tail, whilst its hem trailed behind her on the carpet.

The sleeves that would cover her legs were rolled up to the shoulders, and on each hoof she wore a golden slipper that looked a darn sight more comfortable that Trixie's own shoes.

To top it all off, her hair was tied back in an oriental bun – past the blue feather still tucked behind her ear – and held in place by a decorative stick. And on her face she wore a tiny, gentle smile that timidly sought approval.

Trixie could scarcely believe her eyes as she beheld the angel before her.

“You look very beautiful, Twilight Sparkle,” she hummed, finding herself smiling an uncontrollable, though gentle, smile. And never in her life thus far could she remember making a statement more honest or heartfelt.

Twilight's own smile widened sheepishly, and she glanced downwards whilst poking at the carpet with a hoof. “...So do you, Trixie,” she said.

Trixie felt a flash of pride at that, cracking a smirk and flicking back her mane – which mercifully fell back into place afterwards. A moment later though, she went back to staring at Twilight. The lavender mare had always been pretty, and admittedly rather adorable at times, but this was something else entirely... Trixie wanted to savour the moment.

And a very long moment it was, during which the two stood there, staring and smiling at one another in peace and mutual silence. Inevitably though, the moment passed – when Trixie remembered that they had somewhere they needed to be.

“Well, i-it's nearly time,” she managed. “Let's not keep everypony waiting.”

Twilight seemed to blink off a daze of her own, and gave a firm nod. “Mhm.”

* * *

They didn't have to walk all the way to the ballroom – there was a carriage awaiting them outside their hotel. It carried them through the slowly darkening streets of Manehattan, and Twilight found herself shuffling her hooves anxiously during the wait. She went over the dance steps in her mind, as if revising for a test – though the prospect was really more exciting than it was daunting.

By the looks of Trixie, she was excited too, as she was practically leaning forwards to look out of the window. She obviously noticed Twilight looking, because she smiled proudly beside herself, though she didn't turn to look back. Twilight found the urge to roll her eyes strangely underwhelming that evening.

Before long, the carriage came to a steady stop, and one of their drivers hurried around to hold the door open and let them out. Twilight and Trixie exchanged a quick glance before rising together and hopping down onto the pavement.

They found themselves standing at the edge of a wide, stone plaza, protected from the rain by a great canopy overhead. Dozens of other carriages were dotted around the place, from which more and more couples were emerging – and all heading for the large, fancy-looking building up ahead.

“That's our ballroom, then,” said Twilight, smiling at her partner. “Should we go inside?”

“We could stay out here if you wanted,” said Trixie casually. “It might get a little cold later on though...”

Twilight gave a mock frown and playfully bumped into Trixie's side. “Don't make fun of me.”

Trixie let out a quiet chuckle and bumped her back before starting towards the Ballroom door. “I have to make fun of somepony,” she called back. “And you happen to be my favourite.”

“Oh, lucky me,” huffed Twilight, smiling beside herself as she caught up to her partner.

Together, they took the steps and drew up to the huge door, outside which a pair of smartly-dressed stallions bowed them inside.

The door opened into a grand, red-carpeted entrance hall, brightly lit by a fancy chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Gold and silver tapestries adorned the curved walls, meeting the carpets and standing out against the darker railings on the staircases which flanked the outer part of the room. The whole place practically shone...

Directly ahead of Twilight and Trixie was another door, which everypony else seemed to be heading towards. If the golden, engraved plaque above the door was any indication, it led into the main ballroom.

As they made towards it though, another smartly-dressed stallion approached from the side and bowed his head. “Pardon me,” he said. “Miss Twilight Sparkle and Miss Trixie, I presume?”

Twilight flashed him an uncertain smile. “Um, yes, that's us.”

The stallion lifted his head up and held his nose high. “Delighted that you could make it. Now, if you'll allow me, I shall escort you up to the VIP room.”

“...We're VIPs?” said Twilight dumbly.

“Of course we're VIPs,” said Trixie, holding her nose higher than the stallion's. “Yes, you may show us up if you wish.”

“As you say, m'lady,” said the stallion. He bowed once more before heading for the staircase and beginning the climb, with Twilight and Trixie lagging just a little behind.

Twilight found herself glancing around at the lobby's decorations as they climbed towards the second floor landing. It was actually kind of hard to keep herself busy, being as anxious as she was about the dance.

“It's exciting, isn't it?” she said to Trixie. “A ball... and as VIPs as well.”

Trixie raised a brow at her. “You say that as if you've never been to one before.”

“I haven't,” said Twilight. “This is actually my first.”

“Your first?” Trixie repeated, raising the other brow. “You were the Princess' student for how long? You must've been to all sorts of events like this.”

Twilight adopted a sheepish smile. “Well, she did invite me to things like this a number of times... but I was never really interested.”

“Let me guess – you went to the library instead?” said Trixie, deadpan.

“Well... yeah.”

Trixie let out a smiling huff. “At least you're consistent.”

“Hey!” hissed Twilight, bumping Trixie again. The showmare just giggled to herself.

“Here we are, m'ladies,” said their guide, coming to a stop outside the double door on the second floor landing. He bowed his head one last time, using his magic to hold the door open for them. “Please, enjoy your evening.”

“We will. Thank you,” said Twilight, in passing.

As she and Trixie stepped inside, they were met with a plethora of sights and sounds from all around them. The ballroom was thriving with well-dressed party goers, all chatting, laughing and drinking together to a gentle tune played by the four-pony band in the far corner.

On one side of the room was an open bar, at which a coif-maned stallion was serving drinks to a row of thirsty patrons. On the opposite side, dozens of small, round tables were arranged for ponies to chat and relax around. And at the very back of the room – before the band's raised platform – was a wide dance floor which, for the moment, was all but empty.

“I guess we're not that important after all,” Trixie grunted, surveying the scene as the door closed behind them. “There must be a hundred ponies in here.”

Twilight took a few steps forward and smiled beside herself as she took in the relaxed atmosphere. Having been to so many of Pinkie Pie's rather more 'energetic' parties over the last few months, it was a refreshing change.

“I like it,” she observed. “So... what do we do? There aren't many ponies dancing yet...”

“They won't be, until later on,” said Trixie, as she came up alongside. “Everypony will be mingling with the other guests while they wait for the rest to arrive.”

“Oh, okay,” said Twilight. She looked over at the tables, and at the throngs of posh-looking ponies surrounding them, many of whom seemed to be holding a competition to see who could hold their nose the highest for the longest time...

She caught an expectant look from Trixie. “Well?” said the showmare.

Twilight curled her lip and glanced towards the bar. “I... think I'd better get a drink first, if that's alright.”

Trixie smirked.

* * *

Mingling with the other party guests was not nearly as enjoyable as Trixie had expected. Almost everypony she and Twilight engaged in conversation were quick to offer congratulations – or at least acknowledgement – for their efforts in the Display, but beyond that, they were really very boring, snobbish ponies...

“And what, if I may be so bold as to ask, was your inspiration for that splendid fire spell yesterday?” droned a middle-aged mare wearing dreary, half-moon spectacles.

“Oh, that amazing feat of magic?” said Trixie humbly, closing her eyes and waving a hoof. “It was really very easy for somepony of Trixie's calibre. Trixie simply drew inspiration from her partner, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight offered a sheepish smile as Trixie gestured towards her.

“Indeed,” said the snobby mare's date – a tall stallion whose eyes seemed to be almost glued shut. “And was it real fire that you used for that torrent?”

“Oh, no, of course not,” said Twilight helpfully. “If we used real fire, we would've been burnt to a crisp!”

“I see...” said the stallion, stealing a glance at his partner.

“Well, we wish you good luck for tomorrow,” said the dreary mare. “Come along, darling – I believe I saw cousin Posh Penny over by that table.”


Snouts high, the posh pair broke off and disappeared, intermingling with the other nearby guests.

Trixie let out a heavy sigh and leant back against the wall, levitating her drink to her lips. “Trixie has never met anyone as wholly boring as these ponies in her life,” she groaned. “What time is it? Trixie wants to go to bed.”

“It's only eight-thirty,” said Twilight, sipping at her own drink. “And you can turn off Trixie-lock now – it's just the two of us.”

“I don't know what you're talking about,” said Trixie.

Twilight managed a smile, but not quite a giggle, as she looked out over the dance floor. Judging by her lack of humour and the pensive look in her eyes, she was obviously feeling just as dull and bored as Trixie was.

Trixie followed her gaze to the dance floor, where many more ponies were dancing now, as they had been for the past half hour or so. Among them, she spotted some of their fellow competitors – Earth Twister danced with a younger mare, whilst his brother, Sandstorm, was prancing around with Cherry Blossom. Her partner, Bay Dasher, seemed to be following Twilight and Trixie's example in leaning against the wall with his drink, and watching idly.

Naturally, one pair of dancers in particular stood out amongst the rest... Flaire and Rose were performing an encore of their performance from the Display – less the magic, of course – to the amazement of their onlookers. He wore naught but a bow tie – obviously keen to show off his coat – whilst she wore yet another glistening one-piece – red this time – of which she probably had dozens in her supermodel wardrobe.

'I'm not jealous,' Trixie reminded herself. 'I gave him up years ago. He's not my problem anymore.'

Catching a worried look from Twilight, Trixie was quick to clear her mind and 'change the subject'.

“That was my idea, you know,” she said, with a nod towards Flaire and Rose. “The... 'magic dance', I mean. I came up with it back when we were little.”

“O-oh, is that so?” said Twilight, amiably perking up an ear.

Trixie nodded and paused to sip her drink, whilst Flaire performed an eye-catching flourish in the middle of the dance floor. It drew an excited murmur from his little audience, and left a sour taste in Trixie's mouth.

“We never got around to actually using it,” she continued. “Neither of us could dance back then, and it was really just a silly idea to begin with.”

“Um... right,” said Twilight carefully.

“...I still can't believe he stole it though,” Trixie growled, with a faint glare. “Just goes to show how much of a jerk he is, I guess.”

The two of them watched in silence as Flaire and Rose continued their routine and the music score began to draw to an end. Steps and slides, twists and spins, before finally finishing with an exaggerated twirl – landing in a bow to one another, just as the music ceased.

Flaire's small audience gave him a round of applause, drawing more eyes from across the room in his direction. The very moment he and his partner stepped off of the dance floor, they were swamped by a throng of interested party goers – including, Trixie noticed, those two dreary ponies that had been talking to her just moments ago.

Trixie scoffed. “He always did that, too.”

“Did what?” Twilight asked around her glass.

That,” said Trixie, nodding towards the crowd around Flaire. “His 'audience'. Seriously, whenever he was around, everypony was so busy soaking him up that they wouldn't so much as bat an eyelash at me... not unless he reminded them to...”

She trailed off and her gaze softened a little as she watched the grin on his face.

“I guess he did though, sometimes,” she continued, in a mutter. “He'd remind ponies to cheer for me as well – since he 'wouldn't have been able to do it without me'... Maybe he did think of me as more than an assistant--”

Flaire laughed at somepony's joke, and Trixie immediately shook her head to refocus herself. “Or maybe it's a mixture of the wine and your positive attitude rubbing off on me. I'd say that's more likely.”

Neither her smirk nor her self-preying joke drew so much as a smile from Twilight. Instead, the lavender mare just stared at her with a thoughtful frown.

“Trixie...” she breathed. “That's why you don't like him?”

Feeling a little uncomfortable under that look, Trixie turned her eyes to her glass and shrugged 'casually'. “Besides him being a jerk in general, yes,” she said, sipping from her drink.

Twilight's frown deepened. “I-I didn't... I never meant to make you feel that way, Trixie. When I was talking to him, I was never ignoring you--”

“I know, Twilight. I do,” said Trixie reassuringly. “You don't have to worry about that, especially after... you know...”

She trailed off, not quite sure how to refer to the 'event' two days past – when Twilight had given her the mirror. 'Confession' was such an... implicating word.

In any case, Twilight obviously understood what she was talking about, because she suddenly seemed too embarrassed to hold Trixie's gaze. For her part, Trixie suddenly became aware of what she'd just brought into the conversation. And also, conveniently, that her glass was empty...

“I'm going to get another drink,” she announced, again feigning at 'casual'. “Shall I get you one as well?”

Twilight glanced up at Trixie, then down at her own glass – which was almost empty – before finally meeting the showmare's eyes. “Oh, um, yes please,” she said, summoning up a smile that said she was just as glad to be shot of the topic as Trixie was.

So, feeling slightly relieved – and somewhat anxious – Trixie turned and started towards the bar...

* * *

Twilight smiled thoughtfully at the tail of her partner's dress as Trixie slinked away across the room. She couldn't help thinking to herself that Trixie and Flaire were still very much of an enigma...

He tried to one-up her when they performed, but he didn't mean anything by it. She was jealous of the attention he got, though he tried to share it with her. She hated him, and yet there was still part of her that saw him as her big brother... her old partner.

“Siblings are complicated,” Twilight sighed, sipping at her drink and idly wondering what would happen between them after the Display. Only time would tell, she supposed.

“You're looking particularly dazzling tonight.”

Twilight jumped as she turned to the source of the voice – a certain, green-coated stallion standing right beside her.

“Oh, Flaire! You startled me,” she said, breathing an embarrassed sigh of relief. Registering the compliment, she brushed an impulsive hoof past her fringe. “Um, thank you. A-and that's a very, um... dapper bow-tie you're wearing...”

Flaire laughed quietly. “Thank you. I couldn't find anything else to wear on such short notice. I'm sure I've been the target of a few unsavoury comments tonight,” he added in a joking undertone.

Twilight allowed him a smile, though her gaze instinctively darted across the room towards Trixie. The showmare was still standing in the long line at the bar, tapping her hoof and fiddling with her neck clasp.

“U-um, where's your partner?” said Twilight, turning to face Flaire again.

“Oh, she's over on the dance floor somewhere,” he said, looking over towards it as he spoke. “We met a gentlecolt who asked her for a dance. Fancy Pants, he said his name was. Lovely chap.”

“Oh, I see...”

“And Trixie?” said Flaire.

“Just over there, getting us some drinks,” Twilight indicated.

Flaire stared over at Trixie for a long moment, with a thoughtful look on his face. “I see,” he muttered. “Well then, I suppose we'll just have to keep each other company for a while.”

Twilight adopted a nervous sort of smile and pretended interest in her wine glass. “Um, sure...”

“I'm really not that bad, you know,” he said, in a light-hearted tone. “Although I do believe I owe you something of an apology – for what happened after the second event.”

“Mm?” Twilight grunted, looking up at him questioningly. “What do you mean?”

“It looked as though I got you into a spot of trouble with Trixie,” he went on. “When I asked you to help me regain her trust. If I'd known she would yell at you--”

Twilight shook her head, understanding. “Oh, no, don't worry about that. Once I explained what I was trying to do, she understood. Although she was a bit grumpy the next day.”

“Really?” said Flaire, raising his eyebrows. “She just... forgave you. Just like that?”

“Really,” Twilight confirmed with a smile and a nod. A glance over at Trixie later, she found a funny thought crossing her mind. “You know, rather than you apologising, I think I should be thanking you. There was something I should've said to her a long time ago, and if she hadn't been in such a bad mood that day, I might never have done it...”

“Is that right?” said Flaire, angling his head towards Trixie for a moment, before resuming his smile at Twilight. “You two certainly have an interesting relationship. But then, I suppose all relationships are interesting in their own way, aren't they?”

Twilight let out a slight grunt and smiled at her glass again. “I... wouldn't really know,” she mumbled.

Her ears caught wind of a new score starting up from the band – this one heavy on the violin, and starting at a reasonable pace, rather than being particularly slow or upbeat.

“And, on that note...” muttered Flaire.

Twilight turned to him with an expectant look, to find him smiling that particular, charming smile at her. He extended a hoof towards her...

“Twilight Sparkle, would you honour me with a dance?” he said smoothly.

Her mouth fell open a little.

'He's asking me to dance?' she mused in disbelief. 'But... nopony's ever asked me to dance before...'

As well as having never been to an official ball before – as she'd told Trixie earlier – Twilight had never actually had a formal dance with anypony. Tonight was going to be her first.

She stared at the proffered hoof, biting her lip uncertainly as the music picked up volume, and more and more couples began making their way onto the dance floor. Flaire was still smiling patiently, not making a move either way. It was down to her.

She glanced sideways at Trixie. The showmare was still three or four places from the front of the line now... there'd be plenty of time for a quick dance before she was served.

But that thought was quick to make its way to the back of her mind as she stared at her bored partner in the line. Trixie had given up on fiddling with her clasp, and was now simply tapping her forehoof impatiently against the carpeted floor. Moments passed, before she rolled her head backwards with her eyes closed. She let out a huff, which – although Twilight couldn't actually hear it – seemed to carry across the entire room.

Half-smiling to herself, Twilight made her decision.

“...No, thank you, Flaire,” she said, smiling wider as the words left her mouth. “There's only one pony I want to dance with tonight.”

Her response was met with silence, but she hardly noticed, and didn't much care – as she was still staring at Trixie. Her perfectly brushed mane, her immodest but lovely dress, her typically impatient demeanour...

“In fact,” said Twilight, coming to an even more excited decision. “Would you hold this for me?” She turned to Flaire and magically proffered her glass to him.

Flaire, for once, seemed to have lost a little of his cool demeanour – he blinked and mouthed for a moment at the glass. “Er... yes, of course,” he said, taking it from her.

With a beaming smile and not a single look back, Twilight swept away from him and strode determinedly across the room, towards the line at the bar.

“Trixie!” she called out as she drew near.

The showmare turned at her name, looking surprised when she saw Twilight right behind her. “Yes?”

Without so much as a moment's hesitation, Twilight smiled with confidence and extended a hoof towards her partner...

“Will you dance with me?” she asked.

Trixie's eyes widened, and her mouth fell open a smidge – the spitting image of Twilight a moment ago. She stared down at Twilight's hoof, then back at her eyes and the welcoming expression on her face.

Twilight tilted her head cutely.

A smile tugged at Trixie's lips.

To Twilight's delight, Trixie reached out and took the hoof, bringing a beaming grin to the bookish mare's face.

* * *

The next thing she knew, Trixie found herself following an excited Twilight onto the dance floor, squeezing between the dozens of other pairs and trying to find an empty spot. She was still reeling a little from the surprise proposition... admittedly, she wasn't quite sure why she'd accepted, given her past experiences with trying to dance.

Even so, as she trailed the hem of her partner's dress through the crowd, she couldn't deny the quiet sense of excitement in the back of her mind.

Finally, they came to an emptyish space between several other pairs, at which point Twilight stopped, and turned to face Trixie with an expectant smile. On some kind of weird impulse, Trixie lifted her previously injured hoof and drew back a little – half-wanting to mouth a protest to leading, but finding herself unable to do so.

Twilight, though, picked up on it one way or the other. By way of taking the lead, she placed a prepared hoof down on the ground before Trixie, just as the musical score began to move into its second verse.

Trixie hesitated for a moment more, before steadily lowering her own hoof and placing it across from her partner's. She looked up at Twilight in question, and received a smile in response.

Together, they dragged their hooves diagonally back to themselves, then alternated to the other forehooves and repeated the motion in time with the music. Gradually at first, they began to pick up the pace, and Trixie found herself nodding slightly to help her keep pace with the tune.

As the music crescendoed, Twilight angled towards her, then took a step forwards and to the side. Trixie mimicked her, stepping clockwise and taking care not to stand on Twilight's dress. Twilight took another step. So did Trixie. After two more, they managed to find time with each other, and began circling steadily. It was reassuring to see that Twilight, at least, seemed to know what she was doing.

When the tune switched up an octave, everypony around them switched directions. So, naturally, Trixie made to do the same – though she was a little late...

She bumped her head against Twilight's, and they both let out a surprised grunt as they stumbled backwards. Blinking the dizzy haze from her eyes, Trixie caught Twilight rubbing her forehead.

An embarrassed and angry sort of heat welled up in her chest, but vanished just as quickly as Twilight cracked a timid smile. She proffered her hoof again.

Shaking it off, Trixie cleared her throat, stepped forwards and took the hoof, beginning to sidestep around Twilight and keeping their gazes locked this time. She started picking up signals from Twilight's eyes and lips – telling her when and where to move...

Step. Step. Step. Switch hooves...

Twilight moved a little too quickly and stumbled, as did Trixie in turn. They collided with another pair, disrupting their dance...

“Oh my, I'm terribly sorry,” said the blue-haired stallion Trixie had staggered into. Beside him, none other than Flaire's partner, Desert Rose, was regaining her balance as well.

Fighting back her embarrassment, Trixie glared at the stallion. “B-be more careful!” she growled.

“Yes, of course, please forgive me,” he said, bowing his head.

Desert Rose herself seemed to have no comment. In fact, the moment she'd recovered, she just flashed them both a smile and grabbed her partner by the fetlock, pulling him away to continue their dance.

Trixie took a breath and turned to face Twilight again. She was still smiling. They gave it another shot...

Sidestep. Sidestep. Backstep. Forestep. Break apart...

They did, without error.

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Switch direction...

Trixie missed the signal and stepped again whilst Twilight changed direction, throwing them off tune. She tried to correct. Twilight did the same. They scrambled with each other for a moment, before finally bumping heads again, tripping over one another's dresses and collapsing spectacularly onto the wooden floor.

The flushed heat returned to Trixie's chest, and her face, all too quickly, and the dams broke a moment later. She viciously pushed herself to her hooves and shook her head, scowling to hide her embarrassment as she turned away. “I'm done,” she hissed, starting to stomp away amidst the amused glances of the other dancers.

She left Twilight on the floor behind her, but she'd gone little more than two steps before stopping as she caught Flaire's eyes across the room. He was standing by the wall, holding a wine glass and watching her with a mocking smirk of his own. He raised his glass to her...

She could only mouth at him – finding herself genuinely taken aback and too ashamed of herself to even summon up the customary glare she held reserved for him. She thought back to his flawless dance with Rose. She became doubly aware of those not dancing who were chuckling or pointing at her. She remembered the lavender mare on the floor behind her...

Closing her eyes, Trixie took a steadying breath. When she opened them again, she fixed Flaire with a solid look, before starting back towards Twilight – who still looked thoroughly dazed.

Trixie stared down at her for a long moment. Then, slowly, she reached out to help her up.

Twilight blinked rapidly and glanced at Trixie's hoof, then at her eyes, with her mouth part open.

It was Trixie's turn to offer a warm smile.

And Twilight's to accept the hoof.

* * *

An hour later, the dance floor was still, as the band began their slow introduction to the next score. In the very centre of the floor stood two unicorn mares, smiling with confidence as they stared into one another's eyes.

The loud, upbeat tune started.

The two mares crossed their hooves on the ground, pulled them back and crossed the others. Again, and again, then they stepped to opposite sides and started to circle at quarter angles.

Step. Step. Switch direction. Step. Step. Step. Switch...

They twirled in perfect unison, whipping each others' manes back with the wind as they brushed past one another.

A few more circling steps, then they turned to face each other properly.

Twilight stepped forwards, Trixie stepped back.

Trixie stepped forwards, Twilight stepped back.

Trixie, Twilight. Twilight, Trixie...

They twirled around in countered directions, flourishing perfectly and landing facing each other. Other dancers were deliberately moving back to give them more room...

Eyes locked and still smiling, they stepped inwards again, until their snouts touched. They turned, keeping their noses together, circling around one way, then the other.

They came to a stop. Trixie flourished again with the music's next crescendo – whirling masterfully and whipping the hem of her dress past her partner's ears. When she landed, Twilight mimicked her, sending a sparkling pink past her eyes.

She landed. They drew themselves up onto their hindlegs, touching hooves as well as snouts now. And, as the music reached its climaxing note, Twilight and Trixie softly pushed one another apart, until they were stood – perfectly balanced – at arms' length.

The seconds' long silence that followed was nothing short of serene, until a gentle wave of approving claps came from nearby.

Turning their heads together, Twilight and Trixie beheld a group of onlookers, muttering, smiling and clapping in their direction. A few of the other dancers actually joined in the little applause.

The two mares met one another's eyes again, with wide, prideful smiles on their faces.

* * *

It was late. The night had long since begun to wind down, and the band was playing a very soft, relaxed tune. Not many ponies were still dancing now, but that was of little notice to the two mares waltzing steadily on their hindlegs, each hopelessly lost in the other's eyes.

Twilight Sparkle found herself in the most wonderful of steads – her entire world was standing right in front of her, reflected in Trixie's glimmering, violet eyes. Every now and then, they would take a step, as one, but beyond that, there was simply nothing else. Twilight couldn't remember a time when she'd felt more at peace.

'How long have we been dancing like this?' she idly wondered. 'Minutes? Hours? I guess it doesn't really matter. If this was forever, I don't think I'd mind...'

It was a nice notion, but ridiculously romantic, and she couldn't stop her mind from adding a 'but...' to the end of that thought.

“We're coming to the end, aren't we?” she asked, at more or less a whisper. Her voice sounded a little hoarse, from not speaking in so long, but it was barely noticeable...

“Yes, we are,” Trixie muttered back.

“...I'm not sure I want it to end,” Twilight confessed. “Not this night. Not the Display--”

'Not us,' her mind filled in.

Trixie gave a tiny smirk as they swayed to one side. “You're not sure?”

Twilight blinked and smiled faintly at her partner's soft tone. “Okay, I am sure,” she whispered. “I don't want it to end.”

“Everything has to end sometime, Twilight,” said Trixie gently. “If I could magically make it last longer, I would... but it's out of my hooves.”

Twilight angled her head and smiled warmly. “I know you would...” She paused and focused on those eyes for a moment, before speaking up again. “Then let's enjoy tonight while we can. Everything else can wait until tomorrow, right?”

Trixie smiled too, but her gaze fell regretfully to Twilight's chest. “Not everything,” she said.

“Hmm?” grunted Twilight, tilting her head a little. “What do you mean?”

“...I have a confession to make,” said Trixie, keeping her slightly ashamed eyes locked on Twilight's chest now.

Twilight's mouth inched open, but she didn't flush this time. As they were now, she felt so intimately close to Trixie that no words could possibly embarrass her. The disturbing thought was that they might well affect her in other ways...

“You don't have to say anything,” Twilight told her, amidst a strange sense of déjà vu.

Trixie shook her head softly. “I promised that I would.”

“But it can wait,” said Twilight. Even though her voice was quiet, it came with a hint of desperation. “Please... just, let's have tonight. It can wait until tomorrow.”

“...I'm sorry, but it can't,” Trixie muttered.

Twilight felt a worried frown coming to her face as Trixie looked up and met her eyes. There was something ominous about the unsmiling expression on the showmare's face.

“I have nothing to say, Twilight,” breathed Trixie, solemn-faced. “I thought about it, but there's absolutely nothing I can say after everything you showed me that day. I... I'm sorry...”

They were still waltzing, ever so slowly, to the gentle music, but Twilight couldn't help but feel as if there was some tiny void opening up between them. Had she been wrong? Was this not what she thought it was?

“Trixie, I...” She trailed off. She had absolutely no idea of what to say, if she was even supposed to say anything at all. “So... what happens now?” she asked croakily, fearing the answer as much as anticipating it.

Trixie gulped visibly. “Now...” she began, staring long into Twilight's eyes. “...I'm going to kiss you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight let out a quiet breath as she felt the words tighten in her chest. She became aware of her own heartbeat, of her steady breathing and the silence of her surroundings. Trixie's face hovered a head tilt away as she waited, and her glistening eyes sought a response...

“...Okay,” said Twilight.

All at once as the life-changing word left her mouth, her heart slowed, her breathing stopped, and the world around her faded away. Trixie's face drew closer. Her lips parted. Her eyes began to droop. Twilight let her own eyes fall shut as Trixie's warm presence overcame her.

And then their lips met.

The feeling was like no other. Relief, elation, pride, joy... all at once and yet nothing at all. It was perfect harmony – like all the magic and wonder in the world was poured into a single, everlasting moment between the two of them.

With time standing still and no world to pull them back, the two mares shared their embrace for a near-forever. Maybe it would end. Maybe it wouldn't. Twilight Sparkle didn't care. She and Trixie were sharing the most amazing kind of magic she'd ever felt, and nothing in the universe mattered more to her.

* * *