• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 717 Views, 8 Comments

Professor Crash Test: Inventor Extraordinaire! - Fr3shPrince

Meet Professor Crash Test! an earth pony with a knack for invention!

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Meet Crash Test, a normal earth pony with a difference! He is an accomplished inventor and somewhat of a scientist whose goal in life is to invent thing's that will make every pony's life easier. He has a khaki green coat with an azure blue mane and tail with silver stripes going through both of them. His trademark accessory is his pair of safety goggles that he always had resting above his eyes, his cutie mark is a high voltage safety triangle symbol.

But all description's aside, this is the story of how Crash Test moved to Ponyville and made some great friend's on the way, along with causing unintentional havoc with his wacky inventions.

It was a beautiful sunny day when Crash first came into town, he smiled as he felt the warm breeze on his face and was eager to settle in and get to inventing. He had purchased a warehouse as his home, while most would consider this odd it was actually perfect for him as it would provide plenty of space for him to carry out his work.

He thought he would have a look a look around town to get a feel for how thing's worked around here, he then began to think about how he could benefit this town when all of a sudden his thoughts were interrupted by a carriage bumping him slightly.

“Well gosh ah sure am sorry bout that sir” turning round to find the source of the voice he was met with an orange mare with a cowboy hat and blonde hair. “Oh... don't worry about it I'm fine” he reassured her and she replied with a slight smile. “say ah never seen y'all around town before, you new or something?” Crash mentally punished himself for not introducing himself, “Ah Yes! I am Crash Test, Professor Crash Test, inventor extraordinaire!” he said this while striking a pose with him standing on his hind legs and his front hooves up in the air, this made the mare giggle.

“Well professor, mah name's Applejack and ah work at Sweet Apple Acres, you wont find better apples in all of Equestria!” Crash test found this mare most intriguing, she was clearly a hard worker and charmingly rustig, “well ah would love to stay and chat Crash but ah gotta deliver these apples, I'll see you round” and with that she turned and began to walk away.

“Well that was marvellous! My first conversation in a new town, this is a moment I must document at some point” he then walked on merrily through town. Crash was fascinated by this town, all the bright colour's on the building's and the variety of coloured pony's around him surely was a sight to see. He then noticed something in the corner of his eye, it was a light blue unicorn sitting on a bench in a most unusual fashion. He bolted over to her and started examining her, much to her surprise. “Uh... can I help you?” she asked in a confused tone, Crash ignored her however: “Yes yes fascinating..... the way you sit is very similar to a creature I came across in my studies, I forget the name however.....” The unicorn that Crash would later find out that her name was Lyra was rather uncomfortable with this stallion and the way he was looking at her, “ um if you don't mind can you please go your kinda freaking me out” she went to reach for her drink with her hoof but ended up spilling it, to which she groaned in annoyance. Crash saw this and stared wide eyed as he just got a brilliant idea from that display “My that is Brilliant! I must go and make this at once! Think of the money and the fame I will get from this! I must go!” and he then sped off at an atonishing speed.

Crash ran to his new home, thankfully the mover's had already furnished his home and put everything in place, so he was straight into working on his invention and after only a few hour's he was finished and he then proceeded to go to the centre of town to unveil his device.

After quite a crowd had gathered around him he then started his presentation: “Ladies and gentlcolts, before I start I would like to formally introduce myself, I am Professor Crash Test and I moved here today and I have but one dream, and that dream is to create wonderful inventions for all you ponies to improve your lives, now without further ado I present to you my latest invention.....” with that Crash pulled the cloth of the table he was met by a large gasp from the crowd and their whispers of curiosity.
“what are those things?” “they look like spider's” “what are they for?” these were the question's Crash could hear from the crowd and he was pleased with there interest. His invention appeared to be a pair of metal gloves, but with strange, long appendages on the end's. “ These, ladies and gentlecolt's are designed to make tasks far easier, task's such has having a drink” Crash then proceeded to pick up a drink and take a sip, earning a “whoa!” from the crowd, Crash continued “perhaps if you like to read books, these can turn pages with ease, or if you would like to cuddle a pet, they can hold them for you! and even Dare I say? Play an outrageous guitar solo!? And Crash proceeded to pick up an electric guitar and play a fantastic guitar solo, by this time the crowd had gone wild by cheering. “Yes everypony, I call this wonderful invention Hands! And a pair can be yours for only 100 bits!” “ILL TAKE TWELVE” shouted Lyra from the back.

Crash was basking in the glory of his success he didn't even notice the hand's starting to spark and malfunction. “Yes thank you, thank you your too kind really........ wait what's this? The gloves then started emitting smoke and then all of a sudden they started making Crash flail his arm's wildly. “Oh dear! Oh dear! This is bad! This is very bad!” Crash was still flailing his arm's wildly and the crowd was confused beyond belief. Thing's went from bad to worse as the hand's started to punch Crash in the face “OW! This isn't what OOF! I had ACK! In mind! Crash managed to pull the glove's off and stamped on them until they were nothing but a pile of scrap metal.

Crash collapsed on the floor from the ordeal, while an angry crowd walked away from having their time wasted except for certain party of six mare's. “um... for what's it's worth I think your invention was really good” Crash looked up to see a purple unicorn looking down at him, he just sighed “your too kind madam, but I think I am just a failure, maybe I just wasn't meant to be an inventor” he then went to walk away but was stopped by a cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane, “Now what kind of talk is that huh!? You can't give up just like that! That's Stupid!” her tone was firm but true. “yeah you should keep going, I mean....if...you..don't..mind” Crash turned his attention to the shy looking pony who just said that who was now hiding behind her mane.

“See? You are an inventor so please don't give up, now I think we should introduce ourselves, I'm Twilight Sparkle these are my friend's” She turned to look at them.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Rainbow Dash the most fastest, coolest pony in ponyville!” said Rainbow dash sounding pretty sure of herself. “Hello there darling my name is Rarity” said the posh fancy looking unicorn next, at first Crash was taken back at first by how glamorous she looked but quickly shook it off, But not soon enough as a pink pony suddenly as if out of nowhere appeared in front of him. “Oh my gosh my names Pinkie Pie and I love to party! I love candy and cupcakes and have a lot fun and I know that you will “Okay Pinkie that's enough.. heh” interrupted Twilight stopping Pinkie from freaking him out too much.
The shy pony was up next, “um...my name's......Fluttershy” she said this so quietly it was barely audible, Crash just looked confused “her name's Fluttershy, and as you've probably guessed she's shy” Rainbow said filling in for Fluttershy. “Aint no need for introductions as ah believe we've already met, good to see y'all again Crash” Applejack walked over and gave him a friendly smile, Crash was actually kind of glad to see a familiar face and he was actually feeling a lot better now, the fact that these pony's didn't know him at all but still gave him word's of encouragement, he knew now that he couldn't give up.

“You know what? Your all right! I can't just give up after one failure, I have to keep trying to become the best inventor ever! I must thank you all for your kind word's” the mane six just smiled at him “sure thing! What are friends for!” Twilight added. Crash was shocked at this, they considered him a friend? Any joy he was feeling was now doubled, as a colt he didn't have any friend's so he was delighted at the prospect.

“Y-yes! Friend's! Now if you will excuse me, I have some inventing to do!” He then started to run home feeling more proud of himself than he ever has in his life. “Oh my, do you think he will be okay?” questioned Rarity, “yeah, I think he'll be just fine” Twilight answered, and they just watched as they saw Crash running in the distance, unaware that this was only the beginning.