• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 717 Views, 8 Comments

Professor Crash Test: Inventor Extraordinaire! - Fr3shPrince

Meet Professor Crash Test! an earth pony with a knack for invention!

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Project number 56: Jet pack

Project number 56: Jet pack

It was another perfect sunny day in Ponyville, and everypony was out enjoying the lovely summer weather, and Crash was no exception. He was brainstorming idea's whilst he was walking, it was a thing he done often in fact, being an inventor he was never short of idea's......well most of the time.

Crash couldn't help but smile, warm weather always made him feel better, even in the most darkest of time's, crash then started thinking.

Come on Crash think! you always have an idea for an invention, but why not now! whilst thinking he didn't notice a stray storm cloud slowly floating over him and when he did, it was far too late.

"AAAAARRRRGGGHHH" Crash screamed when the cloud struck him while a lethal bolt of lighting, causing him to fall flat on his back in pain.

"Oops, sorry about that friend" Crash shifted his eyes to the sky as he saw a grey Pegasus with an apologetic look in his eyes and a sheepish grin, and then the Pegasus quickly bolted away with the stray cloud.

Crash shifted up into a sitting position but kept his eyes on the sky, he always felt somewhat inferior to pegasi and unicorn's, what with one having the ability to fly and the other with magic capability's. While it was true earth pony's are more in tune with the earth Crash never found that useful.

Oh how I envy them.... being able to soar in the sky not a care in the world, to feel the wind on your face! and what rush of adrenaline they must get, if only I could get the same feeling..... Crash's eyes shot open, he just got yet another brilliant idea.

"Of course! that's it! why didn't I think of this before? if I can't fly by biological means, I'll simply invent something that will make it possible! I must go home and start this immediately!"

With a spring in his step Crash quickly ran home to start his project.

Back at home Crash was nose deep in his project drawing out blueprint's and sketches of his invention. He had butterflies and was giddy with anticipation, this invention could change the world (he hoped).

Crash was quietly talking to himself whilst working, "hmm, material's should be a strong metal, rocket engines should have great thrust but not too much torque.........what about fuel? yes! that should work! easy to obtain and environmentally friendly!" he then trotted over to his computer to give his invention a safety analysis, "yes! components in correct area's, safety straps secure and well fitted and reliable, yep! everything checks out!" he then strapped his invention on his back and secured it tight, it was a perfect fit, not too tight and was snug around his body, "now all I need is fuel... and I know just the pony to ask!" Crash then left his home, unaware that his computer was showing a warning message: WARNING, RIGHT THRUSTER NOT SECURELY FITTED, PLEASE AMEND

Crash stopped outside a cloud house floating close to the surface.

"Rainbow Dash! I require your assistance!" Crash yelled up to the house, the door opened and a familiar rainbow maned pegasus came out.

"Hey Crash! what's up? and ugh....what's that thing on your back?" Rainbow was eyeing Crash's invention.

Happy with her interest, Crash replied "This, my dear, is my latest invention, I call it the Jet Pack! amazing yes?"

Rainbow just looked confused if anything else "wow cool! er...... what does it do?" she questioned. Crash smiled smugly, he loved it when he got to explain his invention's to people, it made him feel important.

"Ahem, this invention, Rainbow, is designed to make flight possible for earth ponies, and unicorns alike! I got the idea when I longed to feel the rush of flying, because.... well I am rather embarrassed to admit but iv'e always been rather envious of you, being able to fly without a care in the world, being able to feel the wind as you reach fantastic speed's!" he had a huge grin on his face while he said this, but then he stopped when he felt awkward because he got to excited.

Rainbow still eyeing the jet pack curiously then spoke "well, what does this have to do with me?" Crash just smiled. "well, you see my invention need's fuel to function, and the only person I know to have such fuel is well......you" Crash stared at the floor after that, after all it would be quite strange to hear somebody say that, Rainbow's expression said it all.

"What type of fuel could I have to give you?" she asked, Crash looked back up and answered "well that fuel would be..... coolness!" Rainbow was shocked, coolness could be used as a fuel? it all sounded pretty far fetched to her, how does someone use coolness for fuel?

"Your face say's it all" Crash continued "allow me to explain, coolness is in your DNA, your blood! all I need is a sample and I will be at full power!" Rainbow suddenly felt nervous as she thought crash intended to take her blood, from the way he explained it.

She backed off "No way! I'm not giving you my blood! stay back!" she shouted, Crash was surprised by her outburst but he then chuckled "no you misunderstand! DNA is not just in your blood! in other thing's, like an eyelash or a piece of hair" Rainbow calmed down but was still a bit wary of this "well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to give you a piece of my hair...." Rainbow then proceeded to pull a piece of her hair out and gave it to crash.

"wonderful! now I'll just put this in in the device and......there!" after Crash placed the hair into the jet pack the fuel gauge shot up straight to full on the dial, Crash was surprised to say the least "wow your DNA is stronger than I thought!" he said in amazement.

"So.....what now?" Rainbow asked, to which Crash answered "now.... we test it, and what better way to test it than oh shall we say.....a race?" Rainbow didn't need an explanation for that "your on!" she answered, and they both got in position.

Both getting into position, Crash then ask Rainbow the rules, to which she answered: "first one to the everfree forest and back!" Crash nodded in agreement. Crash volunteered to start the countdown "three,two, HANG ON!" he shouted, startling Rainbow, he then pushed down his safety goggles "Safety first!" he said with a grin, Rainbow just face hoofed and shook her head.

Crash restarted the countdown "three, two, one..... "GO" Rainbow interrupted and shot off in to the sky with incredible speed, Crash still on the ground, press the power button on his pack, hearing the engines powering up, he then took a deep breath and said:"lift off!"

Crash shot off the ground with unthinkable speed as the thruster's left a twin trail of rainbow coloured cloud's. Rainbow was quite a considerable distance ahead now and she was feeling pretty confident that she would win this "Ha! even his fancy invention's cant keep up with....wait what's that?" she looked behind her to see something catching up to her with considerable speed and she instantly knew who it was.

"No way! she said in disbelief as Crash passed her like she was nothing, all she could see now were the rainbow coloured clouds now in front her.

"HA! HA! SUCCESS! WHO'S LAUGHING NOW PEGASI! MOVE OVER CELESTIA! EQUESTRIA HAS A NEW GOD!" Crash had never felt so alive in his life, the speed, the adrenaline, it was like a dream, a dream he wished would never end. "Yes! I'm nearly to the end! I'm........." BOOM! was all Crash heard, and he knew that sound more than anyone, that was the sound usually associated with something going terribly wrong.

Looking back he looked in terror as the right thruster had given out, and he then started spiralling out of control, straight into the everfree forest, Rainbow could see him falling in the distance "oh no! Crash!" she then started flying faster in the hope of catching him.

So this was it, Crash was falling, with nopony around to catch him, to him this was the end. He could see the ground just below him now, so he squeezed his eye's shut and started to scream, bracing for the impact........but it never came.

Still with his eye's closed, he felt as if he was floating, is this what death feels like? well, not nearly as painful as I thought it was going to be...... Crash thought to himself, he then opened his eye's to see he was being held by a magical force just above the ground, and with two familiar faces in front of him.

"Crash? what's going on? why were you falling out the sky?" Twilight asked him, obviously confused. Crash breathed a sigh of relief, he was so grateful twilight was there to catch him, "Twilight!, thank Celestia you caught me! I was testing me new invention and well, as you can see it didn't turn out well" Twilight was still confused "why don't you start from the beginning Crash? then I will have a better understanding"

Crash explained to Twilight and Fluttershy who was also present, all about his latest invention and it's purpose, and also explained the race he was having with Rainbow before he ended up in the current situation.

"Wow! well that sound's like quite the invention! I'm sorry it didn't turn out how you wanted" Twilight said with sympathy in her voice, "it's okay, It was wrong of me to try use my invention for racing so early, I should have tested it more" Crash replied feeling foolish. It at that moment they heard a familiar voice shouting in the sky.

"CRASH? CRASH! Where are you!" they looked up to see Rainbow frantically searching for him, "Rainbow! down here!" Rainbow then looked down and seen him and the other's, she flew down and quickly grabbed Crash causing him to yelp in fear, "What were you thinking!? you could have killed yourself! why didn't you test that thing properly!?" Crash just looked to the ground feeling guilty for making her worry "I'm sorry, It was wrong of me to use my invention without more test's, I didn't mean to make you worry, please forgive my foolishness...."

Rainbow's angry expression had gone, and was replaced with a slight smile, "don't worry about it, just promise us you'll be more careful next time okay?" she then let go of him, he was happy to see that they had forgiven him, so he put his hoof to his head to salute "you have my word" he answered, to which they giggled at him.

Crash then turned his head to Twilight he asked her "what are doing out here anyway?" Twilight then turned to Fluttershy "well Fluttershy asked me if I wouldn't mind going with her while she took the bunnies out for a walk, so since I had no work to be done I thought why not!?" Fluttershy then added "yes, the bunnies can be quite a handful on your own, so I knew I would need help with them, but as we were walking the bunnies got scared, and they could see something falling from the sky and well........ it turns out it was you Crash"

Crash was kind of shocked, if the bunnies hadn't have seen him falling, Twilight might not have seem him. "well, please thank the bunnies for me when you see them, and of course thank you Twilight for catching me!" "happy to help" Twilight answered with pride in her voice. "Well, I don't about the rest of you put I think we should be going home now" Crash said, everyone nodded in agreement and they began to walked back to town.

Back at home Crash was fine tuning his jet pack. "Yes of course there's the problem! the right thruster wasn't fitted properly, and the engine overheated....hmm, I should in invent a cooling agent to put in the engine, I think I shall call it........ twenty percent coolant! ha! ha! I am a genius!" Crash continued to to laugh at his brilliant name (some may beg to differ) he switched the light's off in his work shop and went to bed to get some much needed rest from a truly exhausting day.