• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 717 Views, 8 Comments

Professor Crash Test: Inventor Extraordinaire! - Fr3shPrince

Meet Professor Crash Test! an earth pony with a knack for invention!

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Project number 86: Robomare 4000

Project number 86: Robomare 4000

It was early morning, and Crash Test was already hard at work, as he needed all the time he could spare, for this particular project needed all his attention as failure was not an option. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he let out a sigh of exhaustion, If he had known that it was going to be this much work, he would have finished it sooner.

After double checking the safety analysis on his computer he smiled with content for a job well done, and then turned his attention back to his invention, "your finally complete! you didn't take nearly as long as I thought, but this time I'm almost 100 percent certain you will be I success! now.... time to unveil you to everypony in town, oh man, I'm so excited I could do 200 equations! but for now, we go."

Crash had politely asked the mayor beforehand if she would host a town meeting for him, to which she was happy to oblige. A considerable sized crowd had gathered outside of the town hall, the mayor then decided to begin.

"Hello everypony! I have called this meeting today on behalf of Ponyville's one and only inventor, Professor Crash Test, who wishes to show you his latest invention, which he assured me would nothing but a benefit to our town."

The crowd was sceptical, Crash hadn't exactly given a good impression when he first moved to town, but he hoped to change there opinion of him.

The mayor continued "now, I hand you over to the professor himself, professor?" Crash nodded as he stepped up to the podium, and the mayor stepped back and stood behind him. Crash felt a bit nervous, what with all eyes on him, but he sucked it up and began to speak.

"Ahem, well as the mayor informed you I indeed have an invention to share with you, and I am positive that this will prove to be a valuable asset to our town, now, I present to you, Robomare 4000!"

Crash pulled aside the curtains to reveal Robomare, and the crowd gasped in astonishment.

Robomare lived up to its name in terms of appearance, it was the shape of a pony, with a mane made out of wires, instead of eyes it had a purple visor going across the front of its face, and a tail consisting of many coloured wires tightly packed together, and to top it off it had a smooth metal finish, it was truly a sight to see.

"What does it do?" questioned a pony in the crowd, to which Crash was quick to reply.

"I'm glad you asked! Robomare is designed to perform everyday tasks and chores, such as cleaning your home, making breakfast, taking care of your pets and so much more!"

"Can it make apple juice?" questioned a mare standing at the front of the crowd.

Crash smiled as he now had a reason to demonstrate Robomares capabilities, "but of course, allow me to demonstrate! Robomare, make apple juice!"

Robomares visor lit up with a small purple hue, as it started to power up. "COMMAND GIVEN: MAKE APPLE JUICE" its voice was cold and emotionless, the hatch on its back then opened, and a juicer emerged from the robot, a claw also began to extend out as well, and stretched over to a nearby tree, plucking off a few apples. Once the apples were in its possession it placed them in the juicer and began its task, after a few seconds the task was complete and it poured the contents onto a few glasses. "TASK COMPLETE, JUICE IS SERVED."

If everyponys jaw could hit the floor they probably would have, they were now eager to see what else Robomare could do.

"Ooh! ooh! my turn! my turn!" everypony turned their heads to see Pinkie Pie bouncing up to the podium, she then started to bounce around Robomare before stopping.

"Okay now let me think..... oh! I know! lets have a party!" Robomares visor lit up once again, "COMMAND GIVEN: HAVE A PARTY." the hatch on its back opened once again, but this time a boom box emerged, a hatch also opened on the top of its head, and a disco ball slowly came into view. "NOW COMMENCING PARTY, PARTICIPANTS ARE ADVISED TO BOOGIE DOWN." The music now started to play at deafening volume, but everypony was enjoying the party regardless.

"This! ladies and gentlecolts is my gift to you!" Crash announced, trying his best to talk over the music, "Please use Robomare as you please!" everypony continued to party for a few more hours.

Robomare was proving to be extremely useful to the town, helping ponies with all kinds of tasks. It helped Twilight assort her books in alphabetical order, it served as a model for Rarity and also helped her cut her material's, Applejack found it very useful for apple bucking, as well as doing the rest of the farm work. Fluttershy found it too be a great tool for feeding her animals, Pinkie used it as a portable oven for baking cupcakes and to top it off Rainbow dash used it as somewhat as a personal trainer. Crash had outdone himself this time, Robomare was now a useful tool for everypony, that is until a certain trio of fillies got a hold of it.

"There it is!" Applebloom yelled as they spotted Robomare, it was trimming the hedges outside of the town hall, as instructed by the mayor. "So what? its some metal thing, hows that gonna help us?" said Scootaloo, as she didn't get why Applebloom wanted to find Robomare.

"Y'all don't get it, this is the robot that the professor pony made, and you can ask it to do stuff!" the other two still weren't sure where she was going with this, Applebloom shook her head "so, we can ask it to help us get are cutie marks!" "Ohhhh" said Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo after finally understanding, "well what are waiting for? come on lets go!" Scootaloo yelled and they quickly ran over to the robot.

The trio ran over to Robomare, who still had its back turned to them, hesitating a little, Applebloom began to speak.

"Um....excuse me." Robomare whirled around to face them rarther quickly, causing the fillies to jump from the shock.


The fillies found Robomares voice rather unsettling, but Applebloom still continued to speak.

"So yeah we um.... we thought like maybe we should try swimming to get are cutie marks, but we dont know how to swim, so we were hoping you might be able to teach us." Robomare was quite for a few seconds, its visor changed to from purple to white however, and an image of an hour glass appeared.

"COMMAND GIVEN: SWIMMING LESSONS, SEARCHING FILES...............FILE FOUND, TASK ACCEPTED, SET DESTINATION FOR: PONYVILLE POND, PROCEED TO DESTINATION. Robomare began to walk to its set location, and the fillies quickly followed.

Arriving at the pond, the fillies all stood on the shoreline, eager to get started, "Cutie mark crusaders swimming team go!" they all shouted in unison, "okay Robomare, what do we do first?" Scootaloo asked.


Reluctant at first, the fillies slowly entered the water to about neck height by there standards.


They did as instructed, they were struggling at first but soon enough they were getting the hang of it, the pond wasn't too deep, so they didn't have to worry about sinking.

After a bit more practice they were all swimming perfectly, and soon enough they started playing and having fun."Splash fight!" Applebloom called, and they all started splashing each other. "Hey Robomare! think fast!" Scootaloo then splashed Robomare with a wave of water.

Big mistake.

Robomare was silent for a moment, but then started to spark and twitch violently, the water had no doubt scrambled its circuits and was beginning to malfunction.


The cutie mark crusaders slowly and cautiously approached the robot, whatever Scootaloo had done to it, couldn't have been good for it. Sweetie Belle started to curiously raise her hoof to touch it, but at that moment Robomare let out a loud buzzing noise, scaring the poor filly.

Robomares hatches on either side of it began to open, and two rocket thrusters emerged, and with a sudden bust of speed, shot off along the path, leaving the three fillies staring wide eyed, with there mouths agape. "Hey where's it going!?" Scootaloo asked, sounding really worried. "That path lead's to Fluttershys house, quick we got to stop it before it does something bad!" Applebloom responded panicking, so they all galloped at full speed down the path to give chase to the runaway robot.

When the fillies finally made it to Fluttershy's cottage, they stared in horror, Robomare was chasing Fluttershy's chickens, frightening the poor creatures, all while trying to grab them with its extendible claw.

"WARNING, WILD BEASTS DETECTED, THEY MUST BE CONTAINED IMMEDIATELY." The fillies, looked around for any sign of Fluttershy, they finally spotted her, cowering on the ground while shaking.

"P-please stop.... your scaring the chickens..... I mean if its not to much trouble........eep." Despite trying, Fluttershy's attempt was feeble, meanwhile the fillies were trying to think of a plan. "I know, lets just go over there and grab it!" Scootaloo's suggestion seemed to be the only thing the could do, so the agreed to it.

Applebloom started a countdown "Okay, 3, 2, 1.....CHARGE!" the fillies galloped at Robomare at full speed, but the robot easily moved out of the way with ease, and sped off once again, in the direction of town. "Oh no, its heading back to town!" Sweetie Belle yelled, "well come on! we gotta tell that professor that his invention has gone crazy!" they were about to set off when they heard a voice behind them, "wait girls, I'll come to." They turned round to see Fluttershy, they nodded in agreement and they quickly began to run back to town.

Crash was in his lab, mixing chemicals and jumped in fright when his front door was burst open.

"Knocking would have sufficed." Crash said bluntly.

"Mr Professor sir! we got a problem, your robot thingy has gone crazy!" Yelled Applebloom, trying her best to explain the situation. Crash chuckled at this.

"Robomare? I think not, I constructed it to be perfect, in other words, nothing can go wrong." Crash then tried to resume his work, but Sweetie Belle interrupted

"Yeah but when Scootaloo splashed it with water it started to act funny." Crash widened his eyes and then face hoofed.

"Of course.........I forgot to make it waterproof, very well, do any of you know were it went?" The three fillies and Fluttershy looked amongst each other but shrugged when they had no answer, to which Crash sighed.

"Okay, well it looks like were going to have to search around town for.......ah! Spike come on in." it was at this moment Spike walked in looking tired and out of breath, as if he had sprinted his way there.

"Professor.....we....gotta......problem........." Crash frowned "let me guess, Robomare." He said obviously knowing the situation at hand.

Spike regained his breath and began to speak again. "Yeah, your robot came into the library and well, you better come see for yourself." The group then began to make their to the library as fast as they could.

When they arrived Spike was indeed speaking the truth, Robomare was in the library throwing all the books off the shelves into a pile on the floor. "THESE BOOKS ARE OUT OF DATE, THEY MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT ONCE." Twilight all the while was frantically trying to stop it.

"No not that book! I've only got one copy!" Twilight cried, but unfortunately her attempts were in vain.

"Robomare! as your creator I command you to stop!" Despite Crashes attempt, Robomare ignored him, and sped off once again into town.

"Oh dear, where do you think its gone now?" Fluttershy asked, but at that moment her question was answered when they heard a scream coming from the town.

"That sounded like Rarity! come on let go!" Twilight said, and the group once again set off to Rarity's boutique.

Robomare was at the boutique, cutting all of Rarity's newly made dresses to shreds. "ROBOMARE HAS DEDUCED THAT THESE ITEMS OF CLOTHING ARE LAST SEASON, THEY SERVE NO PURPOSE." Rarity was clearly offended by this.

"Last season!? well I never, I'll have you know I am always on the cutting edge of fashion, and what would you know about fashion you brute! now stop that this instant!" At that moment the group arrived once again try to put an end to Robomares destructive rampage.

"Robomare, I will ask you once more, cease and desist!" Crash put on a stern voice to get the robots attention, and it turned around to face him.


"Of course, typical." Spat Crash, as only something like this could happen to him. When he turned to face his invention again however, it was gone. He looked out the window to see it travelling in the direction to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Come on everyone, its heading for Sweet Apple Acres!" Crash yelled, and everyone quickly followed.

At the farm, Robomare was cutting down trees with a saw it had pulled out of its hatch, "APPLES CAN BE HARVESTED MORE EFFICIENTLY WHEN THE TREE HAS BEEN CUT DOWN."

Applejack trotted out of her house to investigate the strange noise she could hear outside, and was shocked when she found the source.

"What in the hay!? mah trees! cut that out!" When the group arrived, Robomare had cut down nearly twenty trees, all the while Applejack was kicking it with her back legs in an attempt to stop it.

"Applejack! stay away from it! its dangerous!" Twilights call got the attention of Applejack.

"Professor, if y'all don't mind, can you tell this crazy contraption to stop!? Crash frowned, his mind was at a loss trying to figure out a way to stop Robomare.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I know a way to........wait! that's it!" everyone stared at him confused.

"What's it?" Twilight asked him, he turned to face her grinning.

"Its simple, I can destroy Robomare with one thing, a logical paradox! behold!" Crash turned back around to face Robomare, he now knew what he had to do.

"Robomare, listen to me!" He called and Robomare turned to face him, he then continued to speak.

"You are programmed to assist and protect others, are you not?" Crash waited for an answer.

"THAT IS CORRECT." was its answer, Crash then continued.

"Indeed, but today you have done nothing but destroy, scared the citizens of the town and could have seriously hurt somepony, I say to you, that you are a danger to these ponies, and for that you must cease all functions."

Robomare was silent. It knew in what Crash said was true, and knew that in order to be of service, it must stop. Robomare retracted its saw and stood silent, still facing the group.


A hum could be heard as Robomare was powering down, but before shutting down permanently, It uttered its last words.

"PLEASE............FORGIVE............ROBO.............MARE............." And with that, the light on Robomares visor went out, and it slowly fell to the floor.

Crash sighed and turned to face the group. "Well, once again one of my inventions caused you all nothing but trouble, I know it probably doesn't mean much but.............I'm sorry." The group just stared at him with sympathetic smiles, they didn't want Crash to feel bad, after all he was only trying to help.

"Please don't be sorry, despite what went wrong, Robomare was still a huge help to us all, right girl's?" Twilight then faced her friends, and they all nodded in agreement, Crash felt a little better after that.

"Thank you all, you are truly good friends, now, what to do with Robomare? I believe I will repair it, and keep it in my house, it would be nice to have an assistant, now if you will excuse me, I have work to do." before he could walk away however, he heard someone let out an annoyed cough, and he turned to see Applejack and Rarity staring at him expectantly.

Crash gave them a sheepish grin and then spoke, "Heh, heh............. how much do I owe you this time?"

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